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Gentiles in Peril


Diamond Member
Jul 12, 2012
Pope Benedict made an URGENT CALL today for
inexplicably he skipped over the hundreds of millions
of Israeli threatened gentiles and skipped ---explicably
over to ISA - RESPECTING Syria and Nigeria
i am shock'ed
the holy father is ignoring
the danger from the
evil christ rejecters
Pope Benedict made an URGENT CALL today for
inexplicably he skipped over the hundreds of millions
of Israeli threatened gentiles and skipped ---explicably
over to ISA - RESPECTING Syria and Nigeria
i am shock'ed
the holy father is ignoring
the danger from the
evil christ rejecters

Let's see, the Muslims accept Jesus a prophet, the Jews trough the Talmud says Jesus lives in human excrement...

What is your point?
Pope Benedict made an URGENT CALL today for
inexplicably he skipped over the hundreds of millions
of Israeli threatened gentiles and skipped ---explicably
over to ISA - RESPECTING Syria and Nigeria
i am shock'ed
the holy father is ignoring
the danger from the
evil christ rejecters

Let's see, the Muslims accept Jesus a prophet, the Jews trough the Talmud says Jesus lives in human excrement...

What is your point?
I hate to say it, Phillip, but you are really becoming such a Dhimmi for Islam. How can you close your eyes to what the Muslims have done and are still doing to Christians in the Middle East and Southeast Asia? By the way, do you have anything to say about the Muslims believing that when Jesus returns he is going to break all the crosses and preach Islam? Don't you think this is a slap in the face to practicing devout Christians? It's a shame that Phillip doesn't keep up to date with all the incidents of Christian persecution by Muslims that Raymond Ibrahim (a Christian Arab) reports on each month. And, Phillip, thank you for showing us that you are another one who reads the hate sites and all their lies about the Talmud. No doubt when Jesus was studying the Talmud, he never saw anything like that.

Islam's Tradition of Breaking the Cross :: Gatestone Institute
Pope Benedict made an URGENT CALL today for
inexplicably he skipped over the hundreds of millions
of Israeli threatened gentiles and skipped ---explicably
over to ISA - RESPECTING Syria and Nigeria
i am shock'ed
the holy father is ignoring
the danger from the
evil christ rejecters

Let's see, the Muslims accept Jesus a prophet, the Jews trough the Talmud says Jesus lives in human excrement...

What is your point?
I hate to say it, Phillip, but you are really becoming such a Dhimmi for Islam. How can you close your eyes to what the Muslims have done and are still doing to Christians in the Middle East and Southeast Asia? By the way, do you have anything to say about the Muslims believing that when Jesus returns he is going to break all the crosses and preach Islam? Don't you think this is a slap in the face to practicing devout Christians? It's a shame that Phillip doesn't keep up to date with all the incidents of Christian persecution by Muslims that Raymond Ibrahim (a Christian Arab) reports on each month. And, Phillip, thank you for showing us that you are another one who reads the hate sites and all their lies about the Talmud. No doubt when Jesus was studying the Talmud, he never saw anything like that.

Islam's Tradition of Breaking the Cross :: Gatestone Institute

I tell you Goober, when and if Jesus comes back and breaks all the crosses not only will I convert, but every Jew on earth will be pushing to get ahead of me!
Pope Benedict made an URGENT CALL today for
inexplicably he skipped over the hundreds of millions
of Israeli threatened gentiles and skipped ---explicably
over to ISA - RESPECTING Syria and Nigeria
i am shock'ed
the holy father is ignoring
the danger from the
evil christ rejecters

Let's see, the Muslims accept Jesus a prophet, the Jews trough the Talmud says Jesus lives in human excrement...

What is your point?

If the Muslims accept Jesus as a prophet why are they persecuting him? Why are the Muslims murdering, raping, starving to death, terrorizing, hacking his breasts off, hacking limbs off his babies, torturing, crucifying to a tree Jesus today? Why are the Muslims persecuting Jesus Christ the Son of God if they believe He is who their prophet says He is? Could you please explain that? I am waiting. Thank you. - Jeremiah
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Pope Benedict made an URGENT CALL today for
inexplicably he skipped over the hundreds of millions
of Israeli threatened gentiles and skipped ---explicably
over to ISA - RESPECTING Syria and Nigeria
i am shock'ed
the holy father is ignoring
the danger from the
evil christ rejecters

Let's see, the Muslims accept Jesus a prophet, the Jews trough the Talmud says Jesus lives in human excrement...

What is your point?

If the Muslims accept Jesus as a prophet why are they persecuting him? Why are the Muslims murdering, raping, starving to death, terrorizing, hacking his breasts off, hacking limbs off his babies, torturing, crucifying to a tree Jesus today? Why are the Muslims persecuting Jesus Christ the Son of God if they believe He is who their prophet says He is? Could you please explain that? I am waiting. Thank you. - Jeremiah

Can you substatiate any of the bullshit you post with an acceptable link?
Let's see, the Muslims accept Jesus a prophet, the Jews trough the Talmud says Jesus lives in human excrement...

What is your point?

If the Muslims accept Jesus as a prophet why are they persecuting him? Why are the Muslims murdering, raping, starving to death, terrorizing, hacking his breasts off, hacking limbs off his babies, torturing, crucifying to a tree Jesus today? Why are the Muslims persecuting Jesus Christ the Son of God if they believe He is who their prophet says He is? Could you please explain that? I am waiting. Thank you. - Jeremiah

Can you substatiate any of the bullshit you post with an acceptable link?

Can you ???

It's rare that I come across a post of yours that isn't idiotic and pointless and filled with lies.
Let's see, the Muslims accept Jesus a prophet, the Jews trough the Talmud says Jesus lives in human excrement...

What is your point?
I hate to say it, Phillip, but you are really becoming such a Dhimmi for Islam. How can you close your eyes to what the Muslims have done and are still doing to Christians in the Middle East and Southeast Asia? By the way, do you have anything to say about the Muslims believing that when Jesus returns he is going to break all the crosses and preach Islam? Don't you think this is a slap in the face to practicing devout Christians? It's a shame that Phillip doesn't keep up to date with all the incidents of Christian persecution by Muslims that Raymond Ibrahim (a Christian Arab) reports on each month. And, Phillip, thank you for showing us that you are another one who reads the hate sites and all their lies about the Talmud. No doubt when Jesus was studying the Talmud, he never saw anything like that.

Islam's Tradition of Breaking the Cross :: Gatestone Institute

I tell you Goober, when and if Jesus comes back and breaks all the crosses not only will I convert, but every Jew on earth will be pushing to get ahead of me!
Let me tell you, loco one, you are so ignorant about what is happening to Christians and those other non Muslims in the Muslim world that it truly is pathetic. Since you are so willing to believe the hate sites and what they say is in the Talmud about Jesus, I think perhaps a good Dhimwit like you should hurry down to your closest mosque and convert right now. The local Imam will probably throw in a prayer rug for you in addition to giving you a Koran.
By the way, I am sure the readers have noticed that Pbel had nothing to say about the Muslims believing Jesus will be preaching Islam. Maybe Phillip is a Unitarian now, but he must still have some Catholic relatives who would be appalled at this.
Let's see, the Muslims accept Jesus a prophet, the Jews trough the Talmud says Jesus lives in human excrement...

What is your point?

If the Muslims accept Jesus as a prophet why are they persecuting him? Why are the Muslims murdering, raping, starving to death, terrorizing, hacking his breasts off, hacking limbs off his babies, torturing, crucifying to a tree Jesus today? Why are the Muslims persecuting Jesus Christ the Son of God if they believe He is who their prophet says He is? Could you please explain that? I am waiting. Thank you. - Jeremiah

Can you substatiate any of the bullshit you post with an acceptable link?[/QUOTE


In fact, I shall give you two "links"... Open your bible and go to the book of Acts 9:1 Meanwhile, Saul was still breathing out murderous threats against the Lords disciples. He went to the high priest and asked him for letters to the synagogues in Damascus, so that if he found any there who belonged to the church, he might take them as prisoners to Jerusalem.

As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me? Who are you Lord, Saul asked. I am Jesus, "whom you are persecuting," he replied. " Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.

Let's stop there and take an account of what has just taken place. While traveling along Saul suddenly encounters Jesus Christ who asks him, Why are you persecuting me? Who is Saul persecuting? The church! That's who! And his name, Saul? Saul is the soon to become "Paul the Apostle" who wrote 3/4 of the New Testament. THAT is who Saul is.

This encounter was Saul's conversion to Jesus Christ and hopefully the conversion of some Muslims whose eyes are being opened to the truth that they too, are persecuting Jesus when they persecute his church. There are two choices. Repent and turn to Jesus Christ or refuse to repent and become an enemy of God who will sentence you to an eternity in Hell with the jinn. Your choice.

Oh! I told you I'd give you two links. Here is the second one. Go to the book of Matthew chapter 25 verse 31 and lets read this one together:

When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd seperates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.

Then the King will say to those on his right, "Come you who are blessed by my Father, take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. FOR I WAS HUNGRY AND YOU GAVE ME TO DRINK, I WAS A STRANGER AND YOU INVITED ME IN. I NEEDED CLOTHES AND YOU CLOTHED ME, I WAS SICK AND YOU LOOKED AFTER ME, I WAS IN PRISON AND YOU CAME TO VISIT ME.

Who did the righteous come feed, cloth, to visit in their sickness, in their time in prison? JESUS. That's who. Yes, Friend, Jesus said, When you did it unto the least of these you did it unto ME.

What shall the Father say when these Muslims stand before him and have to give an answer to what they have done to His Son, Jesus Christ? Have you not heard? Those who deny me before men, I shall deny before my Father. Yes, what your Muslim brethren have done unto the followers of Christ they have done unto Jesus Christ himself.

Repent. The hour is coming that you will no longer be able to call upon the name of the LORD and be saved. The time of the Gentiles is coming to a close. There are even those whose names are being "erased" out of the Lambs book of life right now because they denied Christ as their Lord and Savior by their very actions, words and deeds. They loved the world more than they loved the creator of the world. ( Romans 1 ) The choice is not between heaven and hell, friend. That is too easy. The choice is between heaven and this world. Make up your mind. Which shall it be?

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Pope Benedict made an URGENT CALL today for
inexplicably he skipped over the hundreds of millions
of Israeli threatened gentiles and skipped ---explicably
over to ISA - RESPECTING Syria and Nigeria
i am shock'ed
the holy father is ignoring
the danger from the
evil christ rejecters

Let's see, the Muslims accept Jesus a prophet, the Jews trough the Talmud says Jesus lives in human excrement...

What is your point?

Let's see, regardless of what the Muslims may accept they kill those who Convert to Christianity, enslave them, beat them, Murder their famalies... Just for Starters. Tell us again how they " respect Jesus?" lol Pro- Palestinian mindset and mentality :D
Is this man really african american? Does he realize that the arab - Muslim world considers black people to be slaves? That Mohammads fathers middle name was abd allah - defined slave of allah - that abd means slave and is also the word used for "black man?" I think this pbel writer needs to read up and find out just exactly what he is defending here. He is in for a rude awakening!

It has always been the most astonishing thing to me to see the looks on the faces of african american men when they learn for the first time about the some 300 million missing black people from the Sub Saharan region due to Muslim - Arab slavers who practiced castration on the black slaves so that they could not pro create with the women. Of course if I were them I'd be speechless upon learning such a thing myself. Especially if I had been deceived into believing this was "the faith of my fathers" in Africa as they have been deceived into believing! Yes, it is a sad truth.

That is why the skin color is so much lighter in that region. Over 600 years of castrating black men all done in the name of Islam and we have black people here in America who have not a clue about it. National Geographic had a documentary on this story that was pulled after the Saudis bought it out. Still, if you buy a copy of Don Richardson's book , "Secrets of the Koran" you can find out about these 300 million missing black people that should be here today but are not thanks to these Muslim slavers who used castration for over 600 years in that region against the black man. How any black man or woman could remain in Islam after learning that bit of history is beyond me. Do you realize how many 300 million missing people are? Take the population of the USA and make it disappear ( all of them ) and you've got 300 million missing people on your hands. The followers of Islam have so much blood on their hands they are literally swimming in it. - Jeremiah
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Jeremiah---I have known lots of black converts to islam-----thru work ---ie both as colleagues and clients and---just co workers. In fact I even had come idea how muslims from foreign countries----different sects VIEW ----them. Evangelism for muslims is not
the same as evangelism for christians-----muslims are ACTIVE missionizers---but the motive
seems more like TO GARNER POWER for "ISLAM" than a general "saving souls" approach. The campaign to convert blacks in america is not at all new---it goes way back---I think back somewhere in the 30s to 50s ----and IT IS A CONCERTED campaign in
which the disenfranchized are TARGETED. In order to target the black community---
HISTORY WAS REVISED In fact, it is not entirely different from in agenda from
the weird historical revision that created the "palestinians" The blacks I have
encountered share IMHO a commonality----ISLAM CONFERS UPON THEM
"POWER" that they did not have before. To understand that you have to
consider the islamic PROPHECY of an ISLAMIC WORLD ---in which muslims are
virtually 'masters of the universe'-----and the non muslims subjugated. We are not
talking "salvation" here----we are talking PRACTICAL DAILY LIFE. In an islamic
court-----muslims have far far far more rights than non muslims ----in ever sphere.
In society they are absolutely socially and economically ON TOP And that's what
you get (at least in shariah land and---in the future "MUSLIM WORLD") just
for agreeing to be a muslim and repeating a few lines to affirm that idea.
Jeremiah---I have known lots of black converts to islam-----thru work ---ie both as colleagues and clients and---just co workers. In fact I even had come idea how muslims from foreign countries----different sects VIEW ----them. Evangelism for muslims is not
the same as evangelism for christians-----muslims are ACTIVE missionizers---but the motive
seems more like TO GARNER POWER for "ISLAM" than a general "saving souls" approach. The campaign to convert blacks in america is not at all new---it goes way back---I think back somewhere in the 30s to 50s ----and IT IS A CONCERTED campaign in
which the disenfranchized are TARGETED. In order to target the black community---
HISTORY WAS REVISED In fact, it is not entirely different from in agenda from
the weird historical revision that created the "palestinians" The blacks I have
encountered share IMHO a commonality----ISLAM CONFERS UPON THEM
"POWER" that they did not have before. To understand that you have to
consider the islamic PROPHECY of an ISLAMIC WORLD ---in which muslims are
virtually 'masters of the universe'-----and the non muslims subjugated. We are not
talking "salvation" here----we are talking PRACTICAL DAILY LIFE. In an islamic
court-----muslims have far far far more rights than non muslims ----in ever sphere.
In society they are absolutely socially and economically ON TOP And that's what
you get (at least in shariah land and---in the future "MUSLIM WORLD") just
for agreeing to be a muslim and repeating a few lines to affirm that idea.

There is also a violence behind Islam that assures the convert they can rape, murder, loot, destroy so long as it is somehow promoting Islam. This is well documented, these acts of lawlessness in 3rd world countries. The atrocities commited by the janjaweed muslim militia was financed by the Sudanese government leaders ( who were also Muslim ) as they hacked off the breasts of women, raped, pillaged and burned down village after village driving these people into refugee camps and seizing their land. The motives behind these acts are not from the motivation of holiness. That is for certain. About these acts of terror or as they like to call it, "Jihad"...

Whereas the wars in the bible - Joshua were for a certain time and period of biblical history which have ceased, this is not the case with Islam. We are told that Jihad is only permissible as the response for Muslim "oppression" but who is to define what is oppressed?

A Muslim Community could decide a McDonalds on the corner is "oppressing" them, Hollywood could be claimed to be oppressing them, who is to say where that line is drawn?

Recently we heard of a case where a man was arrested for making a youtube video because they claimed it caused the riots in Benghazi ( which we later learned was not the truth but a false report ) and yet the man lives in America and has freedom of speech. There was no law on the books concerning youtube videos being restricted to certain subjects yet they still arrested this man. What was that all about? Why is America ignoring her own Constitution in order to placate people on the other side of the world? Does this make any sense to anyone?

In Europe there are no go zones where fire trucks, police cars, no such vehicles can enter these muslim communities. Very few people in Europe are speaking out about these changes yet no one is happy about them. Why is the West so afraid to use their freedom of speech and state what is on their minds? Would you prefer to lose your freedom of speech as the Canadians did and now Muslims have the upper hand of accusing citizens there of mentioning Islam and demanding a jail sentence for these ones? When exactly would people like to stand up for their rights? When it is too late?

These things are not spoken of on any news media outlet I am watching but where exactly do Americans think sharia law in the courtrooms will lead? Do Americans even know that sharia law IS in our courtrooms and that the individual states are having to file for hearings to the court to demand American Law for American Courtrooms? Yes! It is true. They are having to do it. State by State. It is called ALAC. Google it, anyone who doesn't believe it.

These are things that should be discussed, that must be discussed and furthermore, these are things that must be addressed. It is the will of the people that will carry the day. Your will must be strong to speak up, to stand your ground and to peacefully and lawfully proceed to keep that ground. That is my point of view on that matter.


In prisons across America there has been a mass effort to convert prisoners to Islam and that effort is growing stronger. The incentives are protection, money, gifts, favors, just as they have done on the outside in places such as Mexico where the Arab owned companies moving in have offered Muslim converts much higher pay than those workers who refuse to convert. It is not unusual to hear of someone being paid cash money to convert. I do not believe for one moment that the motive for the conversions to Islam is out of concern for the souls of mankind but rather for control, power and eventually to dominate the world. All of this and then to say it is done in the name of God? It is nothing short of blasphemy I tell you. God condemns the taking of innocent lives, God condemns rape, violence, harming any human being and doing this in his name. God condemns adultery and those who are married to more than one woman are violating the laws of God Almighty who said we are to have one wife / one husband. NOT FOUR. God condemns treating your wife like chattel, beating her, denying her the same rights as her husband or any other person would have. God condemns these things and not only does God condemn these things but He clearly states in the Bible ( Revelation Chapter 21 ) that those who do these things cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. If people are going to do such acts they have the right to know that the penalty is eternal seperation from God and the fires of hell with jinn as their companions. This is serious business and they need to get it straightened out now before they die. The problem for most of these people is that they fear what others will do to them if they leave Islam. To that I respond, Do not fear what man can do to you but rather what God who has the power to cast you into hell will do to you!
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Jeremiah----the extra special privileges conferred on muslims
by shariah law----are conferred by ALLAH too ----the convert
has them thru the "truth of his religion"---and they do include
the RIGHT to commit violence for all kinds of imaginary
reasons---"morally" when the convert is amongst the kaffirin.
IMHO ---that explains why it is a big draw in jails. An
interesting shariah law-----a muslim cannot be executed
for killing a non muslim. A non muslim can legally be
beaten to death for walking on the steps of a mosque in a
classical shariah shit hole----or even touching a koran----and
it is very easy to get them executed for "insulting muhummad".
Contrary to islamic claims----muslims do not get executed for
blasphemy for "insulting" other "divine religions"--- (christianity and Judaism) or trashing bibles-----NEVAH. It
is ---simply not a crime in islam-----some claim it is. NOPE.

---when you examine the BENEFITS of being a muslim ---
it is a wonder that any other communities HELD OUT
in islamic lands ----I am still amazed at hubby's family
legacy----it would have been so much easier for them to
just GIVE UP and convert to islam
Jeremiah---I have known lots of black converts to islam-----thru work ---ie both as colleagues and clients and---just co workers. In fact I even had come idea how muslims from foreign countries----different sects VIEW ----them. Evangelism for muslims is not
the same as evangelism for christians-----muslims are ACTIVE missionizers---but the motive
seems more like TO GARNER POWER for "ISLAM" than a general "saving souls" approach. The campaign to convert blacks in america is not at all new---it goes way back---I think back somewhere in the 30s to 50s ----and IT IS A CONCERTED campaign in
which the disenfranchized are TARGETED. In order to target the black community---
HISTORY WAS REVISED In fact, it is not entirely different from in agenda from
the weird historical revision that created the "palestinians" The blacks I have
encountered share IMHO a commonality----ISLAM CONFERS UPON THEM
"POWER" that they did not have before. To understand that you have to
consider the islamic PROPHECY of an ISLAMIC WORLD ---in which muslims are
virtually 'masters of the universe'-----and the non muslims subjugated. We are not
talking "salvation" here----we are talking PRACTICAL DAILY LIFE. In an islamic
court-----muslims have far far far more rights than non muslims ----in ever sphere.
In society they are absolutely socially and economically ON TOP And that's what
you get (at least in shariah land and---in the future "MUSLIM WORLD") just
for agreeing to be a muslim and repeating a few lines to affirm that idea.

Jesus said, What will it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul?

This is the question every Muslim on earth should be asking themselves every time they hear a sermon about how they are to be the Masters of the Universe. Imagine it. Jesus came to the earth to be a Servant. He said, the greatest among you will be your servant. Yet Islam teaches that others are to serve you! THE DEVIL IS A LIAR! I pray to God that Jesus Christ converts all 1.2 billion Muslims to Him and they are saved from this Doctrine of Devils!

Jeremiah----you really should---if you can---talk to some
muslims to get the idea ----you actually will get the
content of the friday sermons if you speak to slightly
naive type people----like the muslim cab driver----or the
grocery clerk. In my experience the Friday sermons LAUD
islam and muslims as being the top notch thing in
the universe----but ALSO insist that muslims are the
MOST TOLERANT people in the world. They actually
do not get into issues like I described ----like the fact
that islamic law gives PREFERENCE to muslim criminals
over their non muslim victims. In fact --most muslims
will deny that fact if you bring it up (in my experience--
such as it is) In order to know it you virtually have to
FIGURE IT OUT. People like sherri have --on this board--
called me a "liar" for stating absolutely correct facts
about islamic law ----she is not the first.

in mosque sermons----you get the very very white washed
version of islamic law and---lots of that imaginary history---
you have to interpret "between the lines" ----an example--
a whole sermon can be devoted to the notion that
CREED TO OUTLAW SLAVERY it certainly is not----
"we have a right to devalue non muslims in courts of

It is more like "our courts are the MOST JUST in
the universe" with some really imaginary
examples thrown in.

A biggie to prove that muslims love blacks is that
Muhummad had some black guy act as prayer
leader. Which may be presented in a mosque
as some kind of FIRST IN HISTORY in human

Muslims do have a mechanism for "FREEING SLAVES"--
especially if they convert to islam-----which is actually
true of virtually all societies which do have slavery----
but a whole sermon can be devoted to the lie that
muslims INVENTED the idea

when it comes to islamic law----it comes in a very white-
washed way. In islamic law---the minor non-muslim
orphan (that means dead father---mother does not count)
can be CLAIMED by any muslim. This is presented as
KINDNESS TO ORPHANS---because it is far better to
be the child (or slave--in fact) to a muslim then
grow up in a non-muslim home. Of course the system
KAFFIRIN ----not enslaving them and not confiscating
them from their mothers and forcing them into islam --
(which it is)
Jeremiah----you really should---if you can---talk to some
muslims to get the idea ----you actually will get the
content of the friday sermons if you speak to slightly
naive type people----like the muslim cab driver----or the
grocery clerk. In my experience the Friday sermons LAUD
islam and muslims as being the top notch thing in
the universe----but ALSO insist that muslims are the
MOST TOLERANT people in the world. They actually
do not get into issues like I described ----like the fact
that islamic law gives PREFERENCE to muslim criminals
over their non muslim victims. In fact --most muslims
will deny that fact if you bring it up (in my experience--
such as it is) In order to know it you virtually have to
FIGURE IT OUT. People like sherri have --on this board--
called me a "liar" for stating absolutely correct facts
about islamic law ----she is not the first.

in mosque sermons----you get the very very white washed
version of islamic law and---lots of that imaginary history---
you have to interpret "between the lines" ----an example--
a whole sermon can be devoted to the notion that
CREED TO OUTLAW SLAVERY it certainly is not----
"we have a right to devalue non muslims in courts of

It is more like "our courts are the MOST JUST in
the universe" with some really imaginary
examples thrown in.

A biggie to prove that muslims love blacks is that
Muhummad had some black guy act as prayer
leader. Which may be presented in a mosque
as some kind of FIRST IN HISTORY in human

Muslims do have a mechanism for "FREEING SLAVES"--
especially if they convert to islam-----which is actually
true of virtually all societies which do have slavery----
but a whole sermon can be devoted to the lie that
muslims INVENTED the idea

when it comes to islamic law----it comes in a very white-
washed way. In islamic law---the minor non-muslim
orphan (that means dead father---mother does not count)
can be CLAIMED by any muslim. This is presented as
KINDNESS TO ORPHANS---because it is far better to
be the child (or slave--in fact) to a muslim then
grow up in a non-muslim home. Of course the system
KAFFIRIN ----not enslaving them and not confiscating
them from their mothers and forcing them into islam --
(which it is)

I have never heard of that before, Rosie. That is a horrific thing to think about a child being torn from its mother because the father has died? To be made a slave? Lord have mercy, how barbaric is that? I cannot imagine it and I cannot imagine what women in that religion must suffer. It must be a very harsh life. I cannot imagine it. The absolute arrogance of such thinking ( they are better off because it is a muslim home ) is just incredible. There isn't anything holy, meek or lowly about that kind of attitude! It is the very antithesis of it. - Jeremiah
Jeremiah----you really should---if

I have never heard of that before, Rosie. That is a horrific thing to think about a child being torn from its mother because the father has died? To be made a slave? Lord have mercy, how barbaric is that? I cannot imagine it and I cannot imagine what women in that religion must suffer. It must be a very harsh life. I cannot imagine it. The absolute arrogance of such thinking ( they are better off because it is a muslim home ) is just incredible. There isn't anything holy, meek or lowly about that kind of attitude! It is the very antithesis of it. - Jeremiah

That law (dhimmi orphan law---you can google it) is the
reason my husband ended up in palestine in the early 40s.
His mother was RESCUED.. Her father died when she was 11.
THE JEWS PULLED A TRICK----she was quickly MARRIED----
to a 16 year old -----hubby's father ----and spirited away. ..
The married kids were shepherded away by the boy's father---
and in a journey that took something like 9 years---and the birth of two children---they finally escaped----The rescuer died before they got out.
So it was the young couple and two babies by
then -----Their escape was TECHNICALLY illegal Illegal
is overcome in islamic lands by "BAKSHEESH" which ---
properly translates as "BRIBERY" In classical shariah
shit holes ---non muslims PAY a lot more than just
the Jizya-----they are constantly paying just to function.
In this case a cousin had already made it to palestine
so there was outside funding. Somehow these
societies did manage to function ----weird but
true. My mother-in-law did get to see HER mother
again--in 1949.

The dhimmi orphan law----is the basis for the enslave-
ment of sudanese christian children----same law----kill
the father--get the kids. It is the kindness to orphans
principle of islamic law. Get it? the orphans created
by war------get "homes" and the war widows are
relieved of the "burden" Best of all----the poor
orphans get to live among muslims and BE muslim.

Watch this atrocity get into gear in Egypt---it
could happen---I believe---out in the more
remote parts Not Cairo
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I have never heard of that before, Rosie. That is a horrific thing to think about a child being torn from its mother because the father has died? To be made a slave? Lord have mercy, how barbaric is that? I cannot imagine it and I cannot imagine what women in that religion must suffer. It must be a very harsh life. I cannot imagine it. The absolute arrogance of such thinking ( they are better off because it is a muslim home ) is just incredible. There isn't anything holy, meek or lowly about that kind of attitude! It is the very antithesis of it. - Jeremiah

Women in most religions suffer as second class citizens. Catholicism, some forms of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism... all treat women very badly.
I have never heard of that before, Rosie. That is a horrific thing to think about a child being torn from its mother because the father has died? To be made a slave? Lord have mercy, how barbaric is that? I cannot imagine it and I cannot imagine what women in that religion must suffer. It must be a very harsh life. I cannot imagine it. The absolute arrogance of such thinking ( they are better off because it is a muslim home ) is just incredible. There isn't anything holy, meek or lowly about that kind of attitude! It is the very antithesis of it. - Jeremiah

Women in most religions suffer as second class citizens. Catholicism, some forms of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism... all treat women very badly.

Now I am going to pull a sherri----the DISCUSSION concerns the DHIMMI
ORPHAN LAW----which is a part of the SHARIAH CODE (islamic law) which
legalizes the CONFISCATION of NON - MUSLIM CHILDREN ----both
infected with the vile filth of shariah

so----as spokes woman in the absence of lawyer sherri---
I shall borrow her right to limit the discussion to the topic,
I, as MALIKA, have detetermined it to be.
Any questions?

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