Gentlemen - Have you ever asked a woman if it's OK to have sex with her?

Do you ask?

  • Every time

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • I've never asked

    Votes: 7 53.8%
  • I've sometimes asked

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • I only ask about the price.

    Votes: 1 7.7%

  • Total voters
So your idea of foreplay is the phrase "brace yourself"?

To SunniMouse, if she complies they "make love", if she does not comply they "have sex" anyway, and there is no "rape" because he considers "marriage" a sex contract...

He's a real gent, that one... :cuckoo:
If you were the woman in the relationship how would you feel about being compliant especially if you didn't feel well? I have been in this type of situation with my ex husband where it didn't matter what I felt I was to comply. And often during the times when I was weakest and in the most pain was I used. I have rheumatoid arthritis and there were times where I was so swollen and in such pain I could not move so I was moved anyway and it was as they say done unto me because by golly it was my role and if I protest I was told to shut up and stop being such a baby about it. Didn't matter how much pain I was in it was not my choice to refuse. If a woman is not allowed to refuse and trained not to she will do as she is told but it does not mean she does not resent that man for it and she secretly lives in strife and depression. When sex is not given freely it is a matter of control and compliance not a giving act of mutual feelings and if that's the way it works because the man has to essentially force it then it is not a partnership entered into mutually. If that is the way your spiritual belief system is then it is a sad thing for the female.
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If you were the woman in the relationship how would you feel about being compliant especially if you didn't feel well?
Of couse if the wife is sick then it's totally different and she shouldn't be bothered.

I was always referring to a healthy woman. :cool:
If you were the woman in the relationship how would you feel about being compliant especially if you didn't feel well?
Of couse if the wife is sick then it's totally different and she shouldn't be bothered.

I was always referring to a healthy woman. :cool:

If she doesn't have sex with you, you can threat with divorce. Not obligate her to sleep with you.

We are free human beings, and our body is our castle. You don't invade or violate it under any reason whatsoever.
If she doesn't have sex with you, you can threat with divorce. Not obligate her to sleep with you.

We are free human beings, and our body is our castle. You don't invade or violate it under any reason whatsoever.
Thanks for the info.

I will file it under "Zionist Crapola" :lol:
To a boy friend........correct.

But not to her husband. :cool:

Is she your wife, or your slave?

Since when is a woman allowed to even speak to a man not her relative to find a way to have sex with a man before marriage in this restricted culture?

I really don't want to get into this arguement, Sunni Man might blame it all on "Islamophobia".

But that thinking suits all Macho-ist cultures in very old dark periods of time, and I thought we have long abandoned that thinking.

Of course, when you take your vows to your husband, you should agree to sleep with him, and not having sex means something is not right there, but "her vegina is his property"? Sure, if we speak of a sex-doll! not an independent human being.

If my husband ever treats me that way, he might just one day wake up discovering he's FULLY circumcised.
If she doesn't have sex with you, you can threat with divorce. Not obligate her to sleep with you.

We are free human beings, and our body is our castle. You don't invade or violate it under any reason whatsoever.
Thanks for the info.

I will file it under "Zionist Crapola" :lol:

Are we talking about Ideology is women's rights?

It's so typical of you to try to twist this around. Stick to the subject, please.
No it fucking isn't. Rape occurs within a marriage, too. You know, I got no problems with Islam itself, but when people start saying its okay to have sex with your wife just because she's your 'property' then I will fucking stand up and object.
I don't understand all of this talk about rape.

A wife belongs to her husband.

So if he wants to make love; she is to comply without question. :cool:

Maybe that's how it works in your version of Islam - but the Muslimas I know do not see it that way.

Nor do Jewish wives: wives are the ones in Judaism to initiate sexual relations, and husbands are excused from having sex at least one night a week (depending on how physically strenuous their job is).
A woman has her "rights".

To head to the bedroom "right" when I tell her to go there. :cool:

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