George Carlin was on our side.

View attachment 34573 Well, the non-Jews owned more than 85% of the land before partition and now Jews almost all of it. If that isn't theft, I don't know what is.

Try telling that to the ICC and ICJ who will tell you that in 1948 all land title was automatically transferred to the Jews under the mandate for Palestine. Guess you don't like reading non Islamic sources for your evidence and prefer to be shown up as a cretin when you post your crap.

Read the preamble to table 2 yet Abdul. that shows the majority of land title was held by ottoman muslims, second by the Jews and lastly by the arab muslims. All to no avail when the Mandate ceased to exist and title was passed to the people declaring independence and free determination.

The preamble to table 2 says no such thing. Why do you continue to lie? It is amazing how hard you try to deny the truth. The others are the Christians and Christian Churches for the most part. In any case Jews owned under 7% of the land, the non-Jews more than 85%.

From page 563 of the Survey of Palestine:

"The estimates presented below must therefore be regarded only as
rough approximations. They are presented in the form of a series
of tables in which the main categories of capital are enumerated and
the shares of Jews, Arabs and Others are indicated. In many
cases it has been possible to distinguish the share of Jews only
while Arabs and all other classes of owners are lumped together.
In the main, owners who are neither Arab nor Jewish consist of
non-Arab Christians..."
I think this thread is hilarious. It shows us all once and for all the comedy that is montelatici.

It shows once and for all that every single thing that Monti posts is only for comedic relief.

Monti itself has debunked for itself every single thing he posts here in any thread that he participates in.


Because if you have to use a comedian to prove your point, well . . . . . . need I say more?
View attachment 34573 Well, the non-Jews owned more than 85% of the land before partition and now Jews almost all of it. If that isn't theft, I don't know what is.

Try telling that to the ICC and ICJ who will tell you that in 1948 all land title was automatically transferred to the Jews under the mandate for Palestine. Guess you don't like reading non Islamic sources for your evidence and prefer to be shown up as a cretin when you post your crap.

Read the preamble to table 2 yet Abdul. that shows the majority of land title was held by ottoman muslims, second by the Jews and lastly by the arab muslims. All to no avail when the Mandate ceased to exist and title was passed to the people declaring independence and free determination.

The preamble to table 2 says no such thing. Why do you continue to lie? It is amazing how hard you try to deny the truth. The others are the Christians and Christian Churches for the most part. In any case Jews owned under 7% of the land, the non-Jews more than 85%.

From page 563 of the Survey of Palestine:

"The estimates presented below must therefore be regarded only as
rough approximations. They are presented in the form of a series
of tables in which the main categories of capital are enumerated and
the shares of Jews, Arabs and Others are indicated. In many
cases it has been possible to distinguish the share of Jews only
while Arabs and all other classes of owners are lumped together.
In the main, owners who are neither Arab nor Jewish consist of
non-Arab Christians..."
Palistanian saudi sheikh drivel.
View attachment 34573 Well, the non-Jews owned more than 85% of the land before partition and now Jews almost all of it. If that isn't theft, I don't know what is.

Try telling that to the ICC and ICJ who will tell you that in 1948 all land title was automatically transferred to the Jews under the mandate for Palestine. Guess you don't like reading non Islamic sources for your evidence and prefer to be shown up as a cretin when you post your crap.

Read the preamble to table 2 yet Abdul. that shows the majority of land title was held by ottoman muslims, second by the Jews and lastly by the arab muslims. All to no avail when the Mandate ceased to exist and title was passed to the people declaring independence and free determination.

The preamble to table 2 says no such thing. Why do you continue to lie? It is amazing how hard you try to deny the truth. The others are the Christians and Christian Churches for the most part. In any case Jews owned under 7% of the land, the non-Jews more than 85%.

From page 563 of the Survey of Palestine:

"The estimates presented below must therefore be regarded only as
rough approximations. They are presented in the form of a series
of tables in which the main categories of capital are enumerated and
the shares of Jews, Arabs and Others are indicated. In many
cases it has been possible to distinguish the share of Jews only
while Arabs and all other classes of owners are lumped together.
In the main, owners who are neither Arab nor Jewish consist of
non-Arab Christians..."
Palistanian saudi sheikh drivel.

No Australians, Saudis or "shiekhs" were cited. Don't know what you are writing about.
God Bless Joan Rivers, always said it like it was.

A truthful discussion with a great woman who's not afraid to speak her mind.

If Hitler was alive he would say, "How zee fluck did Zionists hijack Nazism and what are these Zio-Nazis doing pretending to reside in Palestine when they are international?"

If Hitler was alive he'd be proud that the Pelestinians picked up where he left off, and brought IslamoNazism to the Muslim world.

Hitler s Mufti Catholic Answers
Politically correct language invented in order to dismantle leftish nose crooks, but he been on "their" side - the anti-war side where letting Arab terro- COMMANDOS behead innocent people is legitimate, such a legacy.

"Your" side'', steals the land of innocents who you then categorize as Arab terrorists as a hoodwinking means to camouflage your disgusting, vile, evil and immoral acts of thievery. ~ Susan

Still waiting for your evidence of this alleged land theft taking place, not seen any yet apart from wailing women holding uo rusty keys

I honestly have no recollection of you asking me the first time for evidence of Israel's land theft or, believe me, I would have provided it sooner. My link below will supply you with multiple maps of Israeli West Bank settlements, please select the one that best fulfills your viewing pleasure and perhaps even print it if you wish . . . to a reasonable person, it's all the proof that's required to support Israel's theft of Palestinian land. ~ Susan
Definition of an 'Israeli settler': a euphemism for the word 'thief'.
map of israeli settlements in west bank - Google Search

Now produce the evidence that these are on stolen land if you can, posting google images proves nothing but that you are blind to the truth. Start with the land registry that shows just what land Jews own in the west bank that was taken from them by force by the Palestinians in 1949/1949. Then look at the terms of the Oslo accords that detail what land Isreal can claim and have full control over. A legally binding treaty that the P.A. tried to use earlier this year against Israel, until they realised it would have given Israel full sovereign rights and the P.A. would be removed from the UN.

Jews owned less than 7% of the land in 1946 and the non Jews owned more than 85% of the land in 1946 as it clearly states in the UN's Survey of Palestine.

View attachment 34601

Yup, its the same stupid chart showing how Arabs invaded Israel. The one trick pony just keeps repeating the same Islamist crap over and over.
Politically correct language invented in order to dismantle leftish nose crooks, but he been on "their" side - the anti-war side where letting Arab terro- COMMANDOS behead innocent people is legitimate, such a legacy.

"Your" side'', steals the land of innocents who you then categorize as Arab terrorists as a hoodwinking means to camouflage your disgusting, vile, evil and immoral acts of thievery. ~ Susan

Still waiting for your evidence of this alleged land theft taking place, not seen any yet apart from wailing women holding uo rusty keys

I honestly have no recollection of you asking me the first time for evidence of Israel's land theft or, believe me, I would have provided it sooner. My link below will supply you with multiple maps of Israeli West Bank settlements, please select the one that best fulfills your viewing pleasure and perhaps even print it if you wish . . . to a reasonable person, it's all the proof that's required to support Israel's theft of Palestinian land. ~ Susan
Definition of an 'Israeli settler': a euphemism for the word 'thief'.
map of israeli settlements in west bank - Google Search

Now produce the evidence that these are on stolen land if you can, posting google images proves nothing but that you are blind to the truth. Start with the land registry that shows just what land Jews own in the west bank that was taken from them by force by the Palestinians in 1949/1949. Then look at the terms of the Oslo accords that detail what land Isreal can claim and have full control over. A legally binding treaty that the P.A. tried to use earlier this year against Israel, until they realised it would have given Israel full sovereign rights and the P.A. would be removed from the UN.

Jews owned less than 7% of the land in 1946 and the non Jews owned more than 85% of the land in 1946 as it clearly states in the UN's Survey of Palestine.

View attachment 34601

Caught in another LIE Abdul as this is nothing to do with the UN as the UN was not in existence when the survey was done. It is by the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, 1946 that concluded in January of that year.

from your link

Prepared in December 1945 and January 1946
for the information of the

Price: £P.2 per set (2 volumes).

This is like shooting fish in a barrel, just too easy.
If Hitler was alive he would say, "How zee fluck did Zionists hijack Nazism and what are these Zio-Nazis doing pretending to reside in Palestine when they are international?"

If Hitler was alive he'd be proud that the Pelestinians picked up where he left off, and brought IslamoNazism to the Muslim world.

Hitler s Mufti Catholic Answers

If the truth be told he stole the idea from the muslims, and modelled his third riech on the pact of Omar and the dhimmi laws
"Your" side'', steals the land of innocents who you then categorize as Arab terrorists as a hoodwinking means to camouflage your disgusting, vile, evil and immoral acts of thievery. ~ Susan

Still waiting for your evidence of this alleged land theft taking place, not seen any yet apart from wailing women holding uo rusty keys

I honestly have no recollection of you asking me the first time for evidence of Israel's land theft or, believe me, I would have provided it sooner. My link below will supply you with multiple maps of Israeli West Bank settlements, please select the one that best fulfills your viewing pleasure and perhaps even print it if you wish . . . to a reasonable person, it's all the proof that's required to support Israel's theft of Palestinian land. ~ Susan
Definition of an 'Israeli settler': a euphemism for the word 'thief'.
map of israeli settlements in west bank - Google Search

Now produce the evidence that these are on stolen land if you can, posting google images proves nothing but that you are blind to the truth. Start with the land registry that shows just what land Jews own in the west bank that was taken from them by force by the Palestinians in 1949/1949. Then look at the terms of the Oslo accords that detail what land Isreal can claim and have full control over. A legally binding treaty that the P.A. tried to use earlier this year against Israel, until they realised it would have given Israel full sovereign rights and the P.A. would be removed from the UN.

Jews owned less than 7% of the land in 1946 and the non Jews owned more than 85% of the land in 1946 as it clearly states in the UN's Survey of Palestine.

View attachment 34601

Caught in another LIE Abdul as this is nothing to do with the UN as the UN was not in existence when the survey was done. It is by the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, 1946 that concluded in January of that year.

from your link

Prepared in December 1945 and January 1946
for the information of the

Price: £P.2 per set (2 volumes).

This is like shooting fish in a barrel, just too easy.

You do insist on making a fool of yourself. It's just too hilarious. You constantly deny fact. LOL

"The United Nations officially came into existence on 24 October 1945"
History of the United Nations
OMG you guys are still arguing about land ownership ??

For as long as Menachem Phoney denies the facts.

What facts would they be then Abdul I have just destroyed your fact that it was a UN report.

I said it was commissioned by the UN.

"British Mandate: A Survey of Palestine, prepared by the British Mandate for UN prior to proposing the 1947 partition plan

"...which was prepared by the British Mandate for the United Nation Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) in 1946. ....."

AWOL - The Ancient World Online Online British Mandate A Survey of Palestine

And for the Coup de Grace:

"101/ From 1920 to 1946, apart from maintenance of the British armed forces in Palestine which is a charge on the United Kingdom Government, total Administration expenditure on the maintenance of law and order in Palestine was approximately 36 per cent of all Government expenditure (other than that resulting from Palestine's participation in the Second World War). : A Survey of Palestine, volume II, page 608.

A 364 of 3 September 1947
OMG you guys are still arguing about land ownership ??

For as long as Menachem Phoney denies the facts.

What facts would they be then Abdul I have just destroyed your fact that it was a UN report.

I said it was commissioned by the UN.

"British Mandate: A Survey of Palestine, prepared by the British Mandate for UN prior to proposing the 1947 partition plan

"...which was prepared by the British Mandate for the United Nation Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) in 1946. ....."

AWOL - The Ancient World Online Online British Mandate A Survey of Palestine

And for the Coup de Grace:

"101/ From 1920 to 1946, apart from maintenance of the British armed forces in Palestine which is a charge on the United Kingdom Government, total Administration expenditure on the maintenance of law and order in Palestine was approximately 36 per cent of all Government expenditure (other than that resulting from Palestine's participation in the Second World War). : A Survey of Palestine, volume II, page 608.A 364 of 3 September 1947
Yeah, right.

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