George Carlin was on our side.

Still waiting for your evidence of this alleged land theft taking place, not seen any yet apart from wailing women holding uo rusty keys

I honestly have no recollection of you asking me the first time for evidence of Israel's land theft or, believe me, I would have provided it sooner. My link below will supply you with multiple maps of Israeli West Bank settlements, please select the one that best fulfills your viewing pleasure and perhaps even print it if you wish . . . to a reasonable person, it's all the proof that's required to support Israel's theft of Palestinian land. ~ Susan
Definition of an 'Israeli settler': a euphemism for the word 'thief'.
map of israeli settlements in west bank - Google Search

Now produce the evidence that these are on stolen land if you can, posting google images proves nothing but that you are blind to the truth. Start with the land registry that shows just what land Jews own in the west bank that was taken from them by force by the Palestinians in 1949/1949. Then look at the terms of the Oslo accords that detail what land Isreal can claim and have full control over. A legally binding treaty that the P.A. tried to use earlier this year against Israel, until they realised it would have given Israel full sovereign rights and the P.A. would be removed from the UN.

Jews owned less than 7% of the land in 1946 and the non Jews owned more than 85% of the land in 1946 as it clearly states in the UN's Survey of Palestine.

View attachment 34601

Caught in another LIE Abdul as this is nothing to do with the UN as the UN was not in existence when the survey was done. It is by the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, 1946 that concluded in January of that year.

from your link

Prepared in December 1945 and January 1946
for the information of the

Price: £P.2 per set (2 volumes).

This is like shooting fish in a barrel, just too easy.

You do insist on making a fool of yourself. It's just too hilarious. You constantly deny fact. LOL

"The United Nations officially came into existence on 24 October 1945"
History of the United Nations

And where does it say on your source that it was for the UN
I honestly have no recollection of you asking me the first time for evidence of Israel's land theft or, believe me, I would have provided it sooner. My link below will supply you with multiple maps of Israeli West Bank settlements, please select the one that best fulfills your viewing pleasure and perhaps even print it if you wish . . . to a reasonable person, it's all the proof that's required to support Israel's theft of Palestinian land. ~ Susan
Definition of an 'Israeli settler': a euphemism for the word 'thief'.
map of israeli settlements in west bank - Google Search

Now produce the evidence that these are on stolen land if you can, posting google images proves nothing but that you are blind to the truth. Start with the land registry that shows just what land Jews own in the west bank that was taken from them by force by the Palestinians in 1949/1949. Then look at the terms of the Oslo accords that detail what land Isreal can claim and have full control over. A legally binding treaty that the P.A. tried to use earlier this year against Israel, until they realised it would have given Israel full sovereign rights and the P.A. would be removed from the UN.

Jews owned less than 7% of the land in 1946 and the non Jews owned more than 85% of the land in 1946 as it clearly states in the UN's Survey of Palestine.

View attachment 34601

Caught in another LIE Abdul as this is nothing to do with the UN as the UN was not in existence when the survey was done. It is by the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, 1946 that concluded in January of that year.

from your link

Prepared in December 1945 and January 1946
for the information of the

Price: £P.2 per set (2 volumes).

This is like shooting fish in a barrel, just too easy.

You do insist on making a fool of yourself. It's just too hilarious. You constantly deny fact. LOL

"The United Nations officially came into existence on 24 October 1945"
History of the United Nations

And where does it say on your source that it was for the UN

The source is the UN.
OMG you guys are still arguing about land ownership ??

For as long as Menachem Phoney denies the facts.

What facts would they be then Abdul I have just destroyed your fact that it was a UN report.

I said it was commissioned by the UN.

"British Mandate: A Survey of Palestine, prepared by the British Mandate for UN prior to proposing the 1947 partition plan

"...which was prepared by the British Mandate for the United Nation Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) in 1946. ....."

AWOL - The Ancient World Online Online British Mandate A Survey of Palestine

And for the Coup de Grace:

"101/ From 1920 to 1946, apart from maintenance of the British armed forces in Palestine which is a charge on the United Kingdom Government, total Administration expenditure on the maintenance of law and order in Palestine was approximately 36 per cent of all Government expenditure (other than that resulting from Palestine's participation in the Second World War). : A Survey of Palestine, volume II, page 608.

A 364 of 3 September 1947

Not from the link you gave that you use as your source for ownership of palestine
Now produce the evidence that these are on stolen land if you can, posting google images proves nothing but that you are blind to the truth. Start with the land registry that shows just what land Jews own in the west bank that was taken from them by force by the Palestinians in 1949/1949. Then look at the terms of the Oslo accords that detail what land Isreal can claim and have full control over. A legally binding treaty that the P.A. tried to use earlier this year against Israel, until they realised it would have given Israel full sovereign rights and the P.A. would be removed from the UN.

Jews owned less than 7% of the land in 1946 and the non Jews owned more than 85% of the land in 1946 as it clearly states in the UN's Survey of Palestine.

View attachment 34601

Caught in another LIE Abdul as this is nothing to do with the UN as the UN was not in existence when the survey was done. It is by the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, 1946 that concluded in January of that year.

from your link

Prepared in December 1945 and January 1946
for the information of the

Price: £P.2 per set (2 volumes).

This is like shooting fish in a barrel, just too easy.

You do insist on making a fool of yourself. It's just too hilarious. You constantly deny fact. LOL

"The United Nations officially came into existence on 24 October 1945"
History of the United Nations

And where does it say on your source that it was for the UN

The source is the UN.

No it isn't, look again
Still waiting for your evidence of this alleged land theft taking place, not seen any yet apart from wailing women holding uo rusty keys

I honestly have no recollection of you asking me the first time for evidence of Israel's land theft or, believe me, I would have provided it sooner. My link below will supply you with multiple maps of Israeli West Bank settlements, please select the one that best fulfills your viewing pleasure and perhaps even print it if you wish . . . to a reasonable person, it's all the proof that's required to support Israel's theft of Palestinian land. ~ Susan
Definition of an 'Israeli settler': a euphemism for the word 'thief'.
map of israeli settlements in west bank - Google Search

Now produce the evidence that these are on stolen land if you can, posting google images proves nothing but that you are blind to the truth. Start with the land registry that shows just what land Jews own in the west bank that was taken from them by force by the Palestinians in 1949/1949. Then look at the terms of the Oslo accords that detail what land Isreal can claim and have full control over. A legally binding treaty that the P.A. tried to use earlier this year against Israel, until they realised it would have given Israel full sovereign rights and the P.A. would be removed from the UN.

Jews owned less than 7% of the land in 1946 and the non Jews owned more than 85% of the land in 1946 as it clearly states in the UN's Survey of Palestine.

View attachment 34601

Caught in another LIE Abdul as this is nothing to do with the UN as the UN was not in existence when the survey was done. It is by the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, 1946 that concluded in January of that year.

from your link

Prepared in December 1945 and January 1946
for the information of the

Price: £P.2 per set (2 volumes).

This is like shooting fish in a barrel, just too easy.

You do insist on making a fool of yourself. It's just too hilarious. You constantly deny fact. LOL

"The United Nations officially came into existence on 24 October 1945"
History of the United Nations
But that's what you do Monti. You're being a massive hypocrite
OMG you guys are still arguing about land ownership ??

For as long as Menachem Phoney denies the facts.

What facts would they be then Abdul I have just destroyed your fact that it was a UN report.

I said it was commissioned by the UN.

"British Mandate: A Survey of Palestine, prepared by the British Mandate for UN prior to proposing the 1947 partition plan

"...which was prepared by the British Mandate for the United Nation Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) in 1946. ....."

AWOL - The Ancient World Online Online British Mandate A Survey of Palestine

And for the Coup de Grace:

"101/ From 1920 to 1946, apart from maintenance of the British armed forces in Palestine which is a charge on the United Kingdom Government, total Administration expenditure on the maintenance of law and order in Palestine was approximately 36 per cent of all Government expenditure (other than that resulting from Palestine's participation in the Second World War). : A Survey of Palestine, volume II, page 608.

A 364 of 3 September 1947

1947? That would be way after the Arab invasion.
If Hitler was alive he would say, "How zee fluck did Zionists hijack Nazism and what are these Zio-Nazis doing pretending to reside in Palestine when they are international?"

If Hitler was alive he'd be proud that the Pelestinians picked up where he left off, and brought IslamoNazism to the Muslim world.

Hitler s Mufti Catholic Answers

If the truth be told he stole the idea from the muslims, and modelled his third riech on the pact of Omar and the dhimmi laws

He for sure learned the yellow badge for Jews from Muslims, who practiced this apartheid and persecution of Jews hundreds of years before the Nazis. Perhaps the mufti gave Hitler some "pointers". Evil is always attracted to evil.
OMG you guys are still arguing about land ownership ??

For as long as Menachem Phoney denies the facts.

What facts would they be then Abdul I have just destroyed your fact that it was a UN report.

I said it was commissioned by the UN.

"British Mandate: A Survey of Palestine, prepared by the British Mandate for UN prior to proposing the 1947 partition plan

"...which was prepared by the British Mandate for the United Nation Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) in 1946. ....."

AWOL - The Ancient World Online Online British Mandate A Survey of Palestine

And for the Coup de Grace:

"101/ From 1920 to 1946, apart from maintenance of the British armed forces in Palestine which is a charge on the United Kingdom Government, total Administration expenditure on the maintenance of law and order in Palestine was approximately 36 per cent of all Government expenditure (other than that resulting from Palestine's participation in the Second World War). : A Survey of Palestine, volume II, page 608.

A 364 of 3 September 1947

Not from the link you gave that you use as your source for ownership of palestine

A 364 of 3 September 1947






Lake Success
New York

After decades of Arabs invading Israel and trying to commit genocide in the Jews.


Hitler s Mufti Catholic Answers

Recent work by historians and apologists has revealed that an influential, international religious leader was also an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler. His name was not Pope Pius XII but Hajj Amin al-Husseini. This Grand Mufti of Jerusalem recruited whole divisions of fanatics to fight and kill in the name of extremism.

Al-Husseini deepened his outreach to the Nazis in 1937 when he met with two Nazi SS officers, including Adolf Eichmann, one of the architects of the Holocaust in Damascus, Syria. The SS representatives had been sent at the express order of Reinhard Heydrich, the deputy head of the SS under Heinrich Himmler and chief of SS Intelligence and the Nazi security services, including the Gestapo. Heydrich recognized immediately that al-Husseini was a potentially valuable asset for Nazi interests in the Middle East and worked to cultivate him.

Four years later, al-Husseini threw his support to a pro-Nazi revolt in Iraq against the British-backed prime minister, Nuri Said Pasha. Going to Baghdad, al-Husseini issued a fatwa for a jihad against the British. Barely a month later, British troops ended the coup and occupied the country, whereupon al-Husseini fled to Iran. Although given sanctuary in the embassies of Japan and Italy, al-Husseini was again forced to be on the move when Iran was itself occupied by the British and Soviet armies. Al-Husseini made his way out of Iran with Italian diplomats who provided him with an Italian passport. He shaved his beard and dyed his hair to avoid being recognized by British agents and Iranian police.

The Mufti Meets the Führer

Over the next few days, al-Husseini drafted a proposed statement of an Arab-Axis cooperative effort by which the Axis powers would recognize the right of the Arabs to deal with Jewish elements in Palestine and in the other Arab countries according to their own interests. The declaration was approved by Mussolini and sent to the German embassy in Rome. Pleased with the declaration, al-Husseini was invited to Berlin as an honored and useful guest of the Nazi regime. He arrived in Berlin on November 6 and met with Ernst von Weizsäcker, German secretary of state under Nazi Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop. Two weeks later, he met with von Ribbentrop himself, a prelude to his triumphant reception on November 28, 1941, with Adolf Hitler.

At their meeting, al-Husseini requested German assistance with the Arab independence movement and Nazi support in the extermination of any Jewish homeland. For his part, Hitler promised to aid that liberation movement, but went still further, promising that the aim of Nazi Germany would be the elimination of all Jews living under British protection once such territories had been conquered. This was described by al-Husseini in his own memoirs:

Our fundamental condition for cooperating with Germany was a free hand to eradicate every last Jew from Palestine and the Arab world. I asked Hitler for an explicit undertaking to allow us to solve the Jewish people in a manner befitting our national and racial aspirations and according to the scientific methods innovated by Germany in the handling of its Jews. The answer I got was: "The Jews are yours." (Ami Isseroff and Peter FitzGerald-Morris, "The Iraq Coup Attempt of 1941, the Mufti, and the Farhud")



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