George Floyd and Officer Derek Chauvin Worked Security at the Same Minneapolis Club

Why do we continue to make the same mistakes?

Before we burn down our urban areas YET about we let the entire story come out? Don't label anyone...either the victim or the Police. Get to the truth of what took place and THEN assign blame!

They like free stuff.
Save everyone money and get the nonsense over with. Put the cops in the general population in a local jail for a month or two of prison rape and beatings and then burn them at the stake.
Is this how you would deal with all prisoners convicted of murder? Reinstate the death penalty, as well as
strike down laws against cruel and unusual punishment (like the Eighth Amendment)?

Or is this just how you virtue signal because they are cops, and not human beings?

Let's let the law take over and stop this French Revolution style reign of terror in public opinion by total
So he knew what a piece of shit Floyd was. He had a lengthy criminal record.
That shouldnt give the cop a tight or reason to murder this man.

After the last four years of dirty cops, and other authorities breaking the law-

Comey, Rosenstein, Strzok, Page, Brennan and the others - he probably just thought that there was blanket immunity for criminal acts now.
So he knew what a piece of shit Floyd was. He had a lengthy criminal record.

The libtards will always be against allowing our police officers to do what is necessary to fight crime. Sadly they will always cling to the flawed assumptions that criminals deserve the right to trials, and that our police officers shouldn't have the right to eradicate criminals in the most cost efficient way possible. They would rather have these low-lifes waste thousands of hours of time and hundreds of thousands of dollars arresting, jailing, and having a trial for these people. Sorry, but no. The American people are tired of our tax dollars being wasted on these people. Let's streamline the entire process and let our police do their job like they did in this situation.
If you have a business in a city run by liberals and a black/white crime takes place then you better have some REALLY good insurance because it's going to be open season on your store and the cops aren't going to do a damn thing!
So he knew what a piece of shit Floyd was. He had a lengthy criminal record.
That shouldnt give the cop a tight or reason to murder this man.
Correct, but this is looking more like a personal thing, not a random racist thing. But that wouldn’t go along with the narrative the media has been pushing.
I was unaware of Floyd's criminal history.

  • The 46-year-old had left behind his past in Houston after being released from prison stemming from a 2007 robbery
  • He plead guilty to entering a woman’s home, pointing a gun at her stomach and searching the home for drugs and money, according to court records
  • Floyd was sentenced to 10 months in jail for having less than one gram of cocaine in a December 2005 arrest
  • He had previously been sentenced to eight months for the same offense, stemming from an October 2002 arrest
  • Floyd was arrested in 2002 for criminal trespassing and served 30 days in jail
  • He had another stint for a theft in August 1998

Because it's completely irrelevant.
So he knew what a piece of shit Floyd was. He had a lengthy criminal record.
That shouldnt give the cop a tight or reason to murder this man.

So Floyd has a long criminal history? No wonder.

Again, no one anywhere, at least not that I can see, is saying they support the officer. Even the police chief himself, said that was crazy, and that officers are trained to put their need on the shoulder blades, not the neck, and never the neck.

You guys on the left-wing, seem to 'want' us to defend what we all agree is wrong. We don't. When an officer does badly, we don't support him. No supported that officer that planted the gun on the body of the guy he shot, and we're not supporting this knee on neck thing either.

That doesn't mean Floyd was an angel. Floyd shouldn't have been a long time criminal, and shouldn't have been passing fake bills, and none of this would have happened.

But.... no one is supporting the cop. I'm all for him going to trial, and he'll be convicted.
I have a cousin who lives in Minneapolis and this is his take. A similar incident to this happened almost exactly a year ago and the city and politicians said this would never happen again. The officer who killed Floyd has 13 citations for over use of force. He was apparently a bad apple which begs the question why did a black chief of police allow this guy to still be on the force. According to my cousin, all the political Leadership in Minneapolis is feckless and weekkneed. He said the reason the guard hadn’t showed up is that only 33 people were close enough to answer the call. I also asked if there was video documentation of outsiders coming in to stir up trouble and he said there was. The general sense is that the people of Minneapolis are fed up with the political leadership and are ready for action, but no city leaders are up for re-election this year.
Wonder what else is about to be revealed?
SHOCKING REVELATION: George Floyd and Officer Derek Chauvin Worked Security at the Same Minneapolis Club Up to End of Last Year

The death of Floyd isn't coincidence.
The death of Floyd isn't coincidence.

How do you know that Floyd didn't have underlying health conditions that caused him to die? It's possible he could have cancer or some other terminal disease that lead to his death. Blaming the police for this nothing more than the left lashing out against our police officers for doing their job. Have you seen Loyd's criminal record? That alone is enough for me to know this was 100% justified and a good kill.
They said that the officer that killed the man is in hiding. But they will not arrest him. Which it means that he's a very important person to the Deep State. And which I believe that they are going to fake his death by saying he committed suicide. And change his identity like they has done to Obama and others. And then have him to relocated somewhere in South America like Argentina.
They can't kill him, because it will scare the other members cf the Deep State. Thinking that they'll be next.

The death of Floyd isn't coincidence.

How do you know that Floyd didn't have underlying health conditions that caused him to die? It's possible he could have cancer or some other terminal disease that lead to his death. Blaming the police for this nothing more than the left lashing out against our police officers for doing their job. Have you seen Loyd's criminal record? That alone is enough for me to know this was 100% justified and a good kill.
Geeze man im as right as one can be . The cop kneeled on a mans neck while handcuffed and laying face down. And not resisting one bit . The cop should be handcuffed and thrown on the ground face down and have someone kneel on his neck to see how that feels . And every other cop there. Should be treated to the same. What that cop did was commit second degree murder. Period.
The death of Floyd isn't coincidence.

How do you know that Floyd didn't have underlying health conditions that caused him to die? It's possible he could have cancer or some other terminal disease that lead to his death. Blaming the police for this nothing more than the left lashing out against our police officers for doing their job. Have you seen Loyd's criminal record? That alone is enough for me to know this was 100% justified and a good kill.

If you attack a person with underlying conditions and cause their death from the underlying conditions, you're guilty of murder.

Felony murders happen when a person is killed while the killer is committing a serious crime. The felony murder statute only applies when the murder was not originally intended.

Felony murder also includes instances when a person dies without the direct action of the killer. Felony murders can be charged if the victim falls down a flight of stairs when attempting to stop a burglar, but can also be charged if a bank manager suffers a fatal heart attack while a bank vault is being robbed.

That doesn't mean Floyd was an angel. Floyd shouldn't have been a long time criminal, and shouldn't have been passing fake bills, and none of this would have happened.

Keep that in mind if you ever get a fake 20 in change at one store and then try to spend it at another. I hope you don't get the next Chauvin in your arrest - but if you do, I guess we'll all say it's your fault; you shouldn't have passed a fake bill.
Save everyone money and get the nonsense over with. Put the cops in the general population in a local jail for a month or two of prison rape and beatings and then burn them at the stake.
Then you support the killing of Floyd. You must. You think that government killing people it doesn't like without due process is OK.
So he knew what a piece of shit Floyd was. He had a lengthy criminal record.

The libtards will always be against allowing our police officers to do what is necessary to fight crime. Sadly they will always cling to the flawed assumptions that criminals deserve the right to trials, and that our police officers shouldn't have the right to eradicate criminals in the most cost efficient way possible. They would rather have these low-lifes waste thousands of hours of time and hundreds of thousands of dollars arresting, jailing, and having a trial for these people. Sorry, but no. The American people are tired of our tax dollars being wasted on these people. Let's streamline the entire process and let our police do their job like they did in this situation.

Another anti-constitutional statement. Remember that when you whine in the future about the infringements on the right to keep and bear arms. You don't care at all about the Constitution. You believe that government has the right to violate the Constitution. YOU are an enemy of the right to keep and bear arms.

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