George Floyd and Officer Derek Chauvin Worked Security at the Same Minneapolis Club

That doesn't mean Floyd was an angel. Floyd shouldn't have been a long time criminal, and shouldn't have been passing fake bills, and none of this would have happened.

Keep that in mind if you ever get a fake 20 in change at one store and then try to spend it at another. I hope you don't get the next Chauvin in your arrest - but if you do, I guess we'll all say it's your fault; you shouldn't have passed a fake bill.

That would be hard, given I typically buy everything with a debit card. And honestly, I find it amazing how all these people with decades long criminal records, magically accidentally get a fake 20 in their pockets... just from some store....

But even if that did happen... I would say "yes sir", and do exactly as I'm told.

And if a police officer kills me when I'm not doing anything to resist or mouth off, or anything else to provoke the officer..... then that officer will get fired and sent to trial, just like this one.

Life goes on.
So he knew what a piece of shit Floyd was. He had a lengthy criminal record.

The libtards will always be against allowing our police officers to do what is necessary to fight crime. Sadly they will always cling to the flawed assumptions that criminals deserve the right to trials, and that our police officers shouldn't have the right to eradicate criminals in the most cost efficient way possible. They would rather have these low-lifes waste thousands of hours of time and hundreds of thousands of dollars arresting, jailing, and having a trial for these people. Sorry, but no. The American people are tired of our tax dollars being wasted on these people. Let's streamline the entire process and let our police do their job like they did in this situation.

Another anti-constitutional statement. Remember that when you whine in the future about the infringements on the right to keep and bear arms. You don't care at all about the Constitution. You believe that government has the right to violate the Constitution. YOU are an enemy of the right to keep and bear arms.

Don't be a criminal. The constitution is a protection of people who follow the law. Not a protection of people who violate the law, and abuse their fellow citizens.
Save everyone money and get the nonsense over with. Put the cops in the general population in a local jail for a month or two of prison rape and beatings and then burn them at the stake.
Then you support the killing of Floyd. You must. You think that government killing people it doesn't like without due process is OK.

See again, that's the problem with you left-wingers.

You see this as a black and white issue (pardon the unintentional race implication).

As if either the cop was pure and good and right, and the criminal was entirely wrong.... or the cop was entirely wrong, and the criminal was a saint and pure and perfect.

Its not that simple. The criminal was a criminal.

If Floyd had not being engaging in criminal activity, he would not have been arrested, and he would not have been kneed to the neck, and he would be alive today.

And the police officer was also wrong. You don't put a knee on someone's neck, and there was no reason I could see for him to even have that guy on the ground.

A bad criminal was eliminated from society. This is good.

A bad cop was removed from society. This is good.

Both people were bad. We got rid of a bad cop, and a bad criminal, at the same time. This is win-win.
Don't be a criminal. The constitution is a protection of people who follow the law. Not a protection of people who violate the law, and abuse their fellow citizens.

You seriously DO NOT understand the Constitution. Like I said, please never mention it again.

Much of what is in the Constitution is VERY EXPLICITLY intended to protect criminals. Trial by jury. Self-incrimination. Cruel and unusual punishment. Right to an attorney. As far as the Constitution goes, you're a fucking idiot.

One thing that comes from these controversial threads is that we learn who the real constitutionalists are; who the real conservatives are. There are many on these threads who I have believed were conservatives because they defend Trump or they argue intelligently to defend the 2nd Amendment and the right to keep and bear arms. Then they show that they don't really support the Constitution at all; they just want their guns.

Let me remind you all: if the government is permitted to ignore the Constitution in any one thing then it is permitted to ignore the Constitution in every thing; the Constitution is no longer a limit but is a guideline. You are an enemy of the right to keep and bear arms and of the Constitution in general.
See again, that's the problem with you left-wingers.
See again, you have no idea what you're talking about. I am the single-most conservative person on this site - sometimes I wonder if not the ONLY conservative person on this site. I defend the constitutional rights of EVERYONE.

You see this as a black and white issue (pardon the unintentional race implication).

As if either the cop was pure and good and right, and the criminal was entirely wrong.... or the cop was entirely wrong, and the criminal was a saint and pure and perfect.
The cop was entirely wrong. The criminal victim was entirely NOT wrong. Floyd had paid his debt to society for past crimes and was only a suspect in passing a fake 20 dollar bill. Remember due process? Trial by jury? Legal representation? Fucking hypocrite.

Its not that simple. The criminal was a criminal.

If Floyd had not being engaging in criminal activity, he would not have been arrested, and he would not have been kneed to the neck, and he would be alive today.
The victim was a suspect. I could (and have in other threads) post all day long stories of innocent people arrested. That he was being arrested is absolutely NOT proof he is a criminal. Remember due process? Trial by jury? Legal representation? Fucking hypocrite.

And the police officer was also wrong. You don't put a knee on someone's neck, and there was no reason I could see for him to even have that guy on the ground.
The police office was not also wrong; he was flat out wrong. If you think there was no reason for him to have his knee on his neck or have the guy on the ground but it was ok for him to kill him, perhaps you'd prefer the cop just shot the guy. Remember due process? Trial by jury? Legal representation? Fucking hypocrite.

A bad criminal was eliminated from society. This is good.

A bad cop was removed from society. This is good.

Both people were bad. We got rid of a bad cop, and a bad criminal, at the same time. This is win-win.
You're a fucking idiot. This is not how the United States works. Or at least not how it's supposed to work. Chauvin should have been fired, perhaps even imprisoned, years ago and Floyd should still be alive. That's how it is supposed to work.

The ones who needed, long ago, to be removed from society were the cops:

More will come out as the other cases against both cops are exposed.
That doesn't mean Floyd was an angel. Floyd shouldn't have been a long time criminal, and shouldn't have been passing fake bills, and none of this would have happened.

Keep that in mind if you ever get a fake 20 in change at one store and then try to spend it at another. I hope you don't get the next Chauvin in your arrest - but if you do, I guess we'll all say it's your fault; you shouldn't have passed a fake bill.
Happened to me once ... got a fake bill without knowing went to spend it .
Wonder what else is about to be revealed?
SHOCKING REVELATION: George Floyd and Officer Derek Chauvin Worked Security at the Same Minneapolis Club Up to End of Last Year

The owner just got on CNN and said the cave chimp ex-cop was afraid of Black people.
another "coincidence"

if that's not a coincidence I don't know what is.
Wonder what else is about to be revealed?
SHOCKING REVELATION: George Floyd and Officer Derek Chauvin Worked Security at the Same Minneapolis Club Up to End of Last Year

very interesting

if that's not a "coincidence"....I don't know what is!

thank you for posting OP. very eye opening.
Why do we continue to make the same mistakes?

Before we burn down our urban areas YET about we let the entire story come out? Don't label anyone...either the victim or the Police. Get to the truth of what took place and THEN assign blame!
The entire story was shown in a video. Bitch ass cop with a knee to the neck after Floyd was handcuffed and long after he ceased having a pulse.
Wonder what else is about to be revealed?
SHOCKING REVELATION: George Floyd and Officer Derek Chauvin Worked Security at the Same Minneapolis Club Up to End of Last Year

Maybe the cop was jealous of him having a nice looking White girlfriend. Or maybe the both of them had staged a fake killing.
Wonder what else is about to be revealed?
SHOCKING REVELATION: George Floyd and Officer Derek Chauvin Worked Security at the Same Minneapolis Club Up to End of Last Year

Maybe the cop was jealous of him having a nice looking White girlfriend. Or maybe the both of them had staged a fake killing.


Floyd could with Epstein somewhere.
So he knew what a piece of shit Floyd was. He had a lengthy criminal record.
cops aren’t supposed to be judge jury and executioners!
But neither are mobs, as 2 wrongs don't make a right =taught to everyone at age 5 on up.
You also don't claim racism without proof and reason and you don't claim protest against prejudice by prejudice against all cops for the acts of one or a few. If you don't like people judging you for the acts of others then why the hell do you do just that and justify the very thing you hate and are protesting happening?

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