George Floyd cause of death: A knee or a deadly drug?

Get a grip...really? Ok. In what universe has knee on anyone's back killed anyone? NAME ONE PERSON THAT DIED FROM KNEE ON THE BACK (not G. Floyd) that set a precedent on the knee killing ANYONE. And then explain how that is a huge problem worse than the opioid/fentanyl crisis. But, A mere touch of fentanyl (look at the video) almost killed this cop...

I repeat. It was a knee to his neck.
Why are you defending a murderer?
Are you are racist Republican like most of them?
Um because Floyd essentially killed himself. Fentanyl is fatal, a knee on the back is NOT. The question is: WHY can't you just face that?

THERE WAS NO KNEE IN THE BACK. IT WAS ON HIS NECK. WHY ARE YOU DENYING IT? It doesn't matter if he was as high as a kite, he was murdered by the racist pig and supported For doing it by most repubmicans like you.

He didn't kill himself. That's complete bullshit. You're probably a godbotherer also and talk of Christian beliefs then straight out lie about what happened. The court found him guilty of murder by suffocation on his neck.
You are making pathetic excuses for your racism and protect a white copper.
Get some facts before you attack me You idiot.
How about, we free Chauvin, and take to task all the assholes that put him in jail and put THEM in jail for false persecution. Because a KNEE is not a deadly weapon, but fentanyl is a deadly drug and THAT is what ended Floyd...that's the be all, end all here.

I'm with you there! ;)
THERE WAS NO KNEE IN THE BACK. IT WAS ON HIS NECK. WHY ARE YOU DENYING IT? It doesn't matter if he was as high as a kite, he was murdered by the racist pig and supported For doing it by most repubmicans like you.

He didn't kill himself. That's complete bullshit. You're probably a godbotherer also and talk of Christian beliefs then straight out lie about what happened. The court found him guilty of murder by suffocation on his neck.
You are making pathetic excuses for your racism and protect a white copper.
Get some facts before you attack me You idiot.
Sorry. I am bemused here. I'm agnostic, you jerk. So that being said, what of the two, which do you think is more lethal, a knee on your back, neck or what ever or (look at the video' of the cop OD'ing's just touching this SHIT?) Which of the two would you prefer, a cop's knee or an overdose of fentanyl? Of which, what is is more more likely to be fatal? Of the two possibilities: Behind door #1) A cops knee. Behind door #2) A huge dose of fentanyl. Choose wisely.
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Sorry. I am bemused here. I'm agnostic, motherfucker. So that being said, what of the two, which do you think is more lethal, a knee on your back, neck or what ever or (look at the video' of the cop OD'ing's just touching this SHIT?) Which of the two would you prefer, a cop's knee or an overdose of fentanyl? Of which, what is is more more likely to be fatal? Of the two possibilities: Behind door #1) A cops knee. Behind door #2) A huge dose of fentanyl. Choose wisely.

You're bemused alright.
If He didn't choke him to death with his knee in his neck, he could still be alive.
Why are you continuailly denying he was murdered that way?
The court found him guilty of 2nd degree but you racists are still attempting to suggest he would have died soon anyway so that's gets the cop off.

What is wrong with you people? It was blatant murder and you are defending the copper. Your scenarios are outrageously ridiculous. You are a racist pig and you know it.
You're bemused alright.
If He didn't choke him to death with his knee in his neck, he could still be alive.
Why are you continuailly denying he was murdered that way?
The court found him guilty of 2nd degree but you racists are still attempting to suggest he would have died soon anyway so that's gets the cop off.

What is wrong with you people? It was blatant murder and you are defending the copper. Your scenarios are outrageously ridiculous. You are a racist pig and you know it.
Um, really? Racism now? Um. you are an idiot with internet access. Ok I double dare you: Prove IT, don't just allege it. Why, how and when, You sound like the boy that cried "wolf". So anyway I digress. George Floyd had a huge fentanyl addiction problem and took a dose just minutes before his arrest. FACT. And FACT Floyd was having a reaction to fentanyl infused manic state and his fentanyl dosage was reducing his heart/lungs oxygen absorption rate. Please. He couldn't breath because of the massive dose of fentanyl in his system. Chauvin's knee had the effect of butterfly fliting about. Lets get real here.
Um, really? Racism now? Um. you are an idiot with internet access. Ok I double dare you: Prove IT, don't just allege it. Why, how and when, You sound like the boy that cried "wolf". So anyway I digress. George Floyd had a huge fentanyl addiction problem and took a dose just minutes before his arrest. FACT. And FACT Floyd was having a reaction to fentanyl infused manic state and his fentanyl dosage was reducing his heart/lungs oxygen absorption rate. Please. He couldn't breath because of the massive dose of fentanyl in his system. Chauvin's knee had the effect of butterfly fliting about. Lets get real here.

It cannot be anything but racism.
There is No reason anyone would protect that copper after witnessing what he did.
It doesn't matter if he had fentanyl running from his ears, he was choked to death. He said he couldn't breathe a couple of times.
How can you possibly know what condition his body was in? Are you a specialist in that area? Of course not.
You simply hate blacks and I'll predict you in fact rejoiced a little at his death.

If you think you know more than the experts during the case, he's due a retrial.

Real indeed. You are a racist pig. You know nothing about his medical condition. He was murdered after pleading for his life. He was cuffed and offered no danger to chauvin. He deli eratwly killed him while his partners watched on and did nothing.
Chauven is in his place and I hope the other prisoners hold him down until he nearly dies, let him recover and do it every day he is there. He deserves nothing less.

How's that for getting real? You know nothing probably because you've had your share of fentanyl also.
Easy question. Chauvin. Three coroners and twelve Jurorors said he did it. As a matter of fact and law he is guilty.
Easy question. Chauvin. Three coroners and twelve Jurorors said he did it. As a matter of fact and law he is guilty.

Maryl enjoys the travels of self medications. She is experienced in hallucinating experiences. She should be pitied more than despised.

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