George Floyds influence on American politics and American you think other nations are laughing at us and our politicians?

They're laughing at us because of our hypocrisy. Puffing and pounding our chest about "freedom" and "liberty"...and only having it apply to a certain skin color of people.
And that "certain skin color of people" is BLACK, as in the millions of jobs, job promotions, college admissions, college financial aid, business loans, etc, etc, given to blacks, in Affirmative Action, for 57 years now, JUST BECAUSE THEY WERE BLACK, while equally or more deserving whites were denied, JUST BECAUSE THEY WERE WHITE.

Yes, there is hypocrisy, and no, we cannot talk about freedom and liberty (or equality) as long as Affirmative Action continues to be (illegally) performed in 42 states.
Or through sexual orientation suppression.
I think sexual orientation suppression is valid. It is harmful to society allow sexual orientation to occur, and be accepted as a normal thing, and for schools to teach this to kids.

Frankly, there is no such thing as sexual orientation. Orientation is a process of adjustment. One can adjust the air in a car's tires. One can adjust the tuning of a musical instrument.

But one cannot adjust their sex. You are born a man or a woman, you will die a man or a woman. There is no adjustment or "orientation".
What you sell is the SOS and I am not interested. Women are victimized by a program to help them gain employment and to bid on government contracts? They must have done it wrong then.
SOS ? Translation please. I don't speak whatever language this was.

As for white women victimized by AA, that occurs in 2 ways:

1. By AA programs that grant preference only to blacks (like the one that once denied me, and 7 non-black women) a graduate school assistantship.

2. The 118 million white women in America, who are daughters or wives of white men being discriminated against by race-based Affirmative Action.

Information-deprived liberals need tutoring. On MSM, they don't get it. Here they do.
In what other country could a career criminal change the course of a nations politics and societal workings?
In what other country would the most powerful people bow at the feet of a group comprised of societies least common denominator?
In what other country would the media bow at the feet of a group comprised of societies least common denominator?

Remember when people said Trump was an embarrassment?

You are delibera5ely ignoring the fact a black man was murder by a white racist copper for a trivial reason. He was convicted and if you witness the verdict it will show he showed absolutely no remorse whatsoever.

What's embarrassing is how killing blacks is now a national sport by police.
It's very common.
The world is gobsmacked at the racism that exists and played out every day and nothing being done to stop. Get more guns isn't the answer.

So don't take the high moral ground and claim the victim status. Racism is the problem.
In what other country could a career criminal change the course of a nations politics and societal workings?
In what other country would the most powerful people bow at the feet of a group comprised of societies least common denominator?
In what other country would the media bow at the feet of a group comprised of societies least common denominator?

Remember when people said Trump was an embarrassment?

Is the rest of the world laughing at you? No, the rest of the world is appalled and disgusted that American politicians would let it get this bad. That the USA would become a police state under the guidance of successful generations of Republican "law and order" Presidents.

Murdering citizens in public in front of horrified passersby, including children, is a brazen display by a man who had 18 "priors" for "excessive force", and had made a career out of treating suspects with violence and malice.

We're appalled that such a career criminal was still allowed to work on any police force in the USA, let alone be designated as a "training officer" on a major metropolitan police force.

It is long past time that police forces were cleansed of these career criminals, who are driving up taxes, and making minority citizens fearful every time they leave the house.
In what other country could a career criminal change the course of a nations politics and societal workings?
In what other country would the most powerful people bow at the feet of a group comprised of societies least common denominator?
In what other country would the media bow at the feet of a group comprised of societies least common denominator?

Remember when people said Trump was an embarrassment?

You are delibera5ely ignoring the fact a black man was murder by a white racist copper for a trivial reason. He was convicted and if you witness the verdict it will show he showed absolutely no remorse whatsoever.

What's embarrassing is how killing blacks is now a national sport by police.
It's very common.
The world is gobsmacked at the racism that exists and played out every day and nothing being done to stop. Get more guns isn't the answer.

So don't take the high moral ground and claim the victim status. Racism is the problem.
But what about those pesky facts that get in the way of your bullshit narrative?
“A recent study, published by the prestigious National Bureau of Economic Research, found "no evidence of racial discrimination in officer-involved shootings." The study, by Harvard economics professor Roland Fryer Jr., who is black, studied data from three major cities"
In what other country could a career criminal change the course of a nations politics and societal workings?
In what other country would the most powerful people bow at the feet of a group comprised of societies least common denominator?
In what other country would the media bow at the feet of a group comprised of societies least common denominator?

Remember when people said Trump was an embarrassment?

You are delibera5ely ignoring the fact a black man was murder by a white racist copper for a trivial reason. He was convicted and if you witness the verdict it will show he showed absolutely no remorse whatsoever.

What's embarrassing is how killing blacks is now a national sport by police.
It's very common.
The world is gobsmacked at the racism that exists and played out every day and nothing being done to stop. Get more guns isn't the answer.

So don't take the high moral ground and claim the victim status. Racism is the problem.
But what about those pesky facts that get in the way of your bullshit narrative?
“A recent study, published by the prestigious National Bureau of Economic Research, found "no evidence of racial discrimination in officer-involved shootings." The study, by Harvard economics professor Roland Fryer Jr., who is black, studied data from three major cities"

As I said, if you witnessed the verdict which you probably did, he showed no remorse. He murdered him because he could after him pleading for air. The image if a man with his eyes open and clearly dead and chauvin STILL holding him down.
Only a racist pig would try to justify that.
It was a racist inspired murder. Retribution will be swift where he is.
In what other country could a career criminal change the course of a nations politics and societal workings?
In what other country would the most powerful people bow at the feet of a group comprised of societies least common denominator?
In what other country would the media bow at the feet of a group comprised of societies least common denominator?

Remember when people said Trump was an embarrassment?

You are delibera5ely ignoring the fact a black man was murder by a white racist copper for a trivial reason. He was convicted and if you witness the verdict it will show he showed absolutely no remorse whatsoever.

What's embarrassing is how killing blacks is now a national sport by police.
It's very common.
The world is gobsmacked at the racism that exists and played out every day and nothing being done to stop. Get more guns isn't the answer.

So don't take the high moral ground and claim the victim status. Racism is the problem.
But what about those pesky facts that get in the way of your bullshit narrative?
“A recent study, published by the prestigious National Bureau of Economic Research, found "no evidence of racial discrimination in officer-involved shootings." The study, by Harvard economics professor Roland Fryer Jr., who is black, studied data from three major cities"

As I said, if you witnessed the verdict which you probably did, he showed no remorse. He murdered him because he could after him pleading for air. The image if a man with his eyes open and clearly dead and chauvin STILL holding him down.
Only a racist pig would try to justify that.
It was a racist inspired murder. Retribution will be swift where he is.
But what about those pesky facts that get in the way of your bullshit narrative?
“A recent study, published by the prestigious National Bureau of Economic Research, found "no evidence of racial discrimination in officer-involved shootings." The study, by Harvard economics professor Roland Fryer Jr., who is black, studied data from three major cities"
What you sell is the SOS and I am not interested. Women are victimized by a program to help them gain employment and to bid on government contracts? They must have done it wrong then.
SOS ? Translation please. I don't speak whatever language this was.

As for white women victimized by AA, that occurs in 2 ways:

1. By AA programs that grant preference only to blacks (like the one that once denied me, and 7 non-black women) a graduate school assistantship.

2. The 118 million white women in America, who are daughters or wives of white men being discriminated against by race-based Affirmative Action.

Information-deprived liberals need tutoring. On MSM, they don't get it. Here they do.

Look at the whiny little snowflake complaining that a black man got a job he wanted. That's like complaining that Barrack Obama got your spot in law school on AA. In my experience, when a black man gets a job over 8 white people, he really was the most qualified guy for the job.

As a young female bank manager, I frequently heard how they just gave me the job because of AA - the bank wanted women promoted, or that I had fucked somebody to get the job. Being tall, slim and attractive just proved that one.

I got the job because I was the best person for the job - by a long shot. I had to be twice as good as ANY man to get that job. Two years later, I received the President's Award. Basically I was named Employee of the Year for the Province of Ontario. But I was still passed over for promotion to a job I put in for, in favour of a guy they hired right off the street, at a salary 20% higher than I was being paid, and sent him to me for training. They told him that I was "The best there was". But they gave him the job.

So take your AA story and shove it up you lying ass, you dumb dolt.

Every time I was the only woman at management meetings in my district, I endured what is now referred to as "sexual harassment"
Similar to Rocky the USA has forgotten what made it strong and great. He got beat because of it
Pandering to crafted minuscule aberrant “causes” is such forgetting
Similar to Rocky the USA has forgotten what made it strong and great. He got beat because of it
Pandering to crafted minuscule aberrant “causes” is such forgetting

Another example of toxic masculinity cited.

America forgot that it's supposed to be founded upon "Freedom and justice for ALL". Giving rights to ALL, doesn't mean taking away rights from others. It means no one has to police people to keep them "in their place", since they don't have a "place" there must remain in.

Abortion is a prime example. In my country, abortion is a medical matter between a woman and her doctor. No policing required. It's much cheaper than have to chase around to make sure everybody has completed the requisite waiting period, anti-abortion counselling, and making sure the aisleways in the clinics are wide enough.

All of the government resources that are currently going into preventing women from making their own decisions about having a baby, are non-existent.
In what other country could a career criminal change the course of a nations politics and societal workings?
In what other country would the most powerful people bow at the feet of a group comprised of societies least common denominator?
In what other country would the media bow at the feet of a group comprised of societies least common denominator?

Remember when people said Trump was an embarrassment?

Is the rest of the world laughing at you? No, the rest of the world is appalled and disgusted that American politicians would let it get this bad. That the USA would become a police state under the guidance of successful generations of Republican "law and order" Presidents.

Murdering citizens in public in front of horrified passersby, including children, is a brazen display by a man who had 18 "priors" for "excessive force", and had made a career out of treating suspects with violence and malice.

We're appalled that such a career criminal was still allowed to work on any police force in the USA, let alone be designated as a "training officer" on a major metropolitan police force.

It is long past time that police forces were cleansed of these career criminals, who are driving up taxes, and making minority citizens fearful every time they leave the house.
So one bad cop makes the US a "police state?"

You're an incomprehensible moron..
In what other country could a career criminal change the course of a nations politics and societal workings?
In what other country would the most powerful people bow at the feet of a group comprised of societies least common denominator?
In what other country would the media bow at the feet of a group comprised of societies least common denominator?

Remember when people said Trump was an embarrassment?

Is the rest of the world laughing at you? No, the rest of the world is appalled and disgusted that American politicians would let it get this bad. That the USA would become a police state under the guidance of successful generations of Republican "law and order" Presidents.

Murdering citizens in public in front of horrified passersby, including children, is a brazen display by a man who had 18 "priors" for "excessive force", and had made a career out of treating suspects with violence and malice.

We're appalled that such a career criminal was still allowed to work on any police force in the USA, let alone be designated as a "training officer" on a major metropolitan police force.

It is long past time that police forces were cleansed of these career criminals, who are driving up taxes, and making minority citizens fearful every time they leave the house.
So one bad cop makes the US a "police state?"

You're an incomprehensible moron..
This is the statistical ignorance that allowed Covid to gain hold and flourish. Utterly No understanding of proportional outcomes.
1,500,000 police encounters in a calendar year; 7 deaths; and each one a stone cold martyr brain surgeon to be. An epidemic of police statism when really it’s an epidemic of liberal ignorance and irresponsibility.
We are being laughed at and should be. Heed the wake up call.
Look at the whiny little snowflake complaining that a black man got a job he wanted. That's like complaining that Barrack Obama got your spot in law school on AA. In my experience, when a black man gets a job over 8 white people, he really was the most qualified guy for the job.

As a young female bank manager, I frequently heard how they just gave me the job because of AA - the bank wanted women promoted, or that I had fucked somebody to get the job. Being tall, slim and attractive just proved that one.

I got the job because I was the best person for the job - by a long shot. I had to be twice as good as ANY man to get that job. Two years later, I received the President's Award. Basically I was named Employee of the Year for the Province of Ontario. But I was still passed over for promotion to a job I put in for, in favour of a guy they hired right off the street, at a salary 20% higher than I was being paid, and sent him to me for training. They told him that I was "The best there was". But they gave him the job.

So take your AA story and shove it up you lying ass, you dumb dolt.

Every time I was the only woman at management meetings in my district, I endured what is now referred to as "sexual harassment"
1. I said nothing about a black man getting a job I wanted. YOU said that.

2. If it was your experience that if "a black man gets a job over 8 white people, he really was the most qualified guy for the job", then you don't know what you're talking about. Could be he got it from Affirmative Action, and was the least qualified.

3. Your little butthurt story does ZERO to change anything about AA discrimination against whites. No matter what happened to you, AA has been here for 57 years and it is still here, although the courts are refreshingly shooting down the AA attempts in Biden's racist American Rescue plan.

4. As a woman, you could have been an AA beneficiary, and if you are white, in some other AA programs, you could have been a victim.

5. Congratulations on your awards, now shove them up your ass, you nasty, scummy slut. I'd guess you probably did fuck around to get them. They're probably right - you seem like the type.

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