George Patton quotes for this Friday.

Political genius.
If we had taken Russia decades of Cold War would have never existed and all of the lives and money lost could have been used for good.

We lost no lives in the Cold War with USSR

An invasion of Russia would have cost hundreds of thousand of lives to obtain an objective we won anyway
You moron. America lost tens of thousands of lives in the Cold War. Training accidents, operational accidents, etc etc. Hell, just in the Berlin Airlift alone we had 76 casualties. The world was a blink away from all out nuclear war in 1963.

Compared to the hundreds of thousands we would have lost by invading Russia?
You idiot. In 1945 the Soviet army was a tiny shell and was totally dependent upon American weapons and ammunition. The population hated Stalin, Russians were doing their best to get to the West. We could have taken Moscow in a week.

You show why I hate public education. They never teach important things and idiots like you go off on uneducated rants.

The Soviets had the best armored divisions in the war and knew how to use them. They also had superior artillery
They also knew the terrain they would be fighting on

Russia had already taken 20 million losses...they could withstand another million
The American public would have never stood for another 100,000 losses to conquer a former ally
Dude, by 1945 all the Soviets had were US tanks with a red star painted on them firing US ammunition.

Russian people did everything they could to flee to the West. They would have supported the removal of Stalin and the world would have been much better off.
Patton was a tactical genius and a political moron
MacArthur was no better
Political genius.
If we had taken Russia decades of Cold War would have never existed and all of the lives and money lost could have been used for good.

We lost no lives in the Cold War with USSR

An invasion of Russia would have cost hundreds of thousand of lives to obtain an objective we won anyway
You moron. America lost tens of thousands of lives in the Cold War. Training accidents, operational accidents, etc etc. Hell, just in the Berlin Airlift alone we had 76 casualties. The world was a blink away from all out nuclear war in 1963.

Compared to the hundreds of thousands we would have lost by invading Russia?

Fuck your home country, fucking savages, they were worse than the fucking Nazis we drive off the continent
Political genius.
If we had taken Russia decades of Cold War would have never existed and all of the lives and money lost could have been used for good.

We lost no lives in the Cold War with USSR

An invasion of Russia would have cost hundreds of thousand of lives to obtain an objective we won anyway

You also forgot the pesky little KAL 007 shootdown.

We had a stupid shootdown of an Iranian passenger jet too

Itchy trigger finger
There you go again, uneducated rants.

A passenger jet taking off in the middle of a battle has only one outcome. That blip with no IFF is going down.

What battle?
Iranian gunboats were firing at American helicopters. Vincennes believed the Iranian jet as an F-14 responding to the battle.
Here is George C Scott in his legendary role as Patton from 1970 replicating his Blood and Guts speech. A great movie and it showed different sides of Patton.

Scott won the Oscar and declined it.

We lost no lives in the Cold War with USSR

An invasion of Russia would have cost hundreds of thousand of lives to obtain an objective we won anyway
You moron. America lost tens of thousands of lives in the Cold War. Training accidents, operational accidents, etc etc. Hell, just in the Berlin Airlift alone we had 76 casualties. The world was a blink away from all out nuclear war in 1963.

Compared to the hundreds of thousands we would have lost by invading Russia?
You idiot. In 1945 the Soviet army was a tiny shell and was totally dependent upon American weapons and ammunition. The population hated Stalin, Russians were doing their best to get to the West. We could have taken Moscow in a week.

You show why I hate public education. They never teach important things and idiots like you go off on uneducated rants.

The Soviets had the best armored divisions in the war and knew how to use them. They also had superior artillery
They also knew the terrain they would be fighting on

Russia had already taken 20 million losses...they could withstand another million
The American public would have never stood for another 100,000 losses to conquer a former ally
Dude, by 1945 all the Soviets had were US tanks with a red star painted on them firing US ammunition.

Russian people did everything they could to flee to the West. They would have supported the removal of Stalin and the world would have been much better off.

Now you are just making shit up

The Soviet T-34 tank was vastly superior to the Sherman tank. They also had superior artillery.
All the US gave the Soviets to fight were Studebaker trucks

The Russian people may have disliked Stalin before the war, but the Nazi invasion made them rally around Mother Russia. They would have reacted the same to a US invasion

No, even like Bush learned........they would not treat us as liberators
We lost no lives in the Cold War with USSR

An invasion of Russia would have cost hundreds of thousand of lives to obtain an objective we won anyway

You also forgot the pesky little KAL 007 shootdown.

We had a stupid shootdown of an Iranian passenger jet too

Itchy trigger finger
There you go again, uneducated rants.

A passenger jet taking off in the middle of a battle has only one outcome. That blip with no IFF is going down.

What battle?
Iranian gunboats were firing at American helicopters. Vincennes believed the Iranian jet as an F-14 responding to the battle.

Link or it is just more of you making shit up
Patton considered the final disposition of WWII a huge failure for civilization because all we did was help trade one brutal dictator for someone far worse.
You moron. America lost tens of thousands of lives in the Cold War. Training accidents, operational accidents, etc etc. Hell, just in the Berlin Airlift alone we had 76 casualties. The world was a blink away from all out nuclear war in 1963.

Compared to the hundreds of thousands we would have lost by invading Russia?
You idiot. In 1945 the Soviet army was a tiny shell and was totally dependent upon American weapons and ammunition. The population hated Stalin, Russians were doing their best to get to the West. We could have taken Moscow in a week.

You show why I hate public education. They never teach important things and idiots like you go off on uneducated rants.

The Soviets had the best armored divisions in the war and knew how to use them. They also had superior artillery
They also knew the terrain they would be fighting on

Russia had already taken 20 million losses...they could withstand another million
The American public would have never stood for another 100,000 losses to conquer a former ally
Dude, by 1945 all the Soviets had were US tanks with a red star painted on them firing US ammunition.

Russian people did everything they could to flee to the West. They would have supported the removal of Stalin and the world would have been much better off.

Now you are just making shit up

The Soviet T-34 tank was vastly superior to the Sherman tank. They also had superior artillery.
All the US gave the Soviets to fight were Studebaker trucks

The Russian people may have disliked Stalin before the war, but the Nazi invasion made them rally around Mother Russia. They would have reacted the same to a US invasion

No, even like Bush learned........they would not treat us as liberators

Sounds like you're rallied around Mother Russia
You moron. America lost tens of thousands of lives in the Cold War. Training accidents, operational accidents, etc etc. Hell, just in the Berlin Airlift alone we had 76 casualties. The world was a blink away from all out nuclear war in 1963.

Compared to the hundreds of thousands we would have lost by invading Russia?
You idiot. In 1945 the Soviet army was a tiny shell and was totally dependent upon American weapons and ammunition. The population hated Stalin, Russians were doing their best to get to the West. We could have taken Moscow in a week.

You show why I hate public education. They never teach important things and idiots like you go off on uneducated rants.

The Soviets had the best armored divisions in the war and knew how to use them. They also had superior artillery
They also knew the terrain they would be fighting on

Russia had already taken 20 million losses...they could withstand another million
The American public would have never stood for another 100,000 losses to conquer a former ally
Dude, by 1945 all the Soviets had were US tanks with a red star painted on them firing US ammunition.

Russian people did everything they could to flee to the West. They would have supported the removal of Stalin and the world would have been much better off.

Now you are just making shit up

The Soviet T-34 tank was vastly superior to the Sherman tank. They also had superior artillery.
All the US gave the Soviets to fight were Studebaker trucks

The Russian people may have disliked Stalin before the war, but the Nazi invasion made them rally around Mother Russia. They would have reacted the same to a US invasion

No, even like Bush learned........they would not treat us as liberators

General Patton stuns Marshall Zhukov into silence - Nobility and Analogous Traditional Elites

"Pat Merle-Smith has told me of what took place during a second Berlin visit in the first week of September 1945. “The Russians were putting on a military review for all four occupying powers. [General Patton] was seated next to Marshal Zhukov and I, naturally, was with the standees a few rows below. I heard quite clearly what was said when some huge Soviet tanks passed by. ‘My dear General Patton, you see that tank, it carries a cannon which can throw a shell seven miles.’ Patton answered, ‘Indeed?’ Well, my dear Marshal Zhukov, let me tell you this, if any of my gunners started firing at your people before they had closed to less than seven hundred yards I’d have them court-martialed for cowardice.’ It was the first time I saw a Russian commander stunned into silence.”


You also forgot the pesky little KAL 007 shootdown.

We had a stupid shootdown of an Iranian passenger jet too

Itchy trigger finger
There you go again, uneducated rants.

A passenger jet taking off in the middle of a battle has only one outcome. That blip with no IFF is going down.

What battle?
Iranian gunboats were firing at American helicopters. Vincennes believed the Iranian jet as an F-14 responding to the battle.

Link or it is just more of you making shit up
Not my job to educate you. What I posted was fact. If you don't want to believe it go do your homework and start educating yourself. With enough education of history you too will become a conservative.
Compared to the hundreds of thousands we would have lost by invading Russia?
You idiot. In 1945 the Soviet army was a tiny shell and was totally dependent upon American weapons and ammunition. The population hated Stalin, Russians were doing their best to get to the West. We could have taken Moscow in a week.

You show why I hate public education. They never teach important things and idiots like you go off on uneducated rants.

The Soviets had the best armored divisions in the war and knew how to use them. They also had superior artillery
They also knew the terrain they would be fighting on

Russia had already taken 20 million losses...they could withstand another million
The American public would have never stood for another 100,000 losses to conquer a former ally
Dude, by 1945 all the Soviets had were US tanks with a red star painted on them firing US ammunition.

Russian people did everything they could to flee to the West. They would have supported the removal of Stalin and the world would have been much better off.

Now you are just making shit up

The Soviet T-34 tank was vastly superior to the Sherman tank. They also had superior artillery.
All the US gave the Soviets to fight were Studebaker trucks

The Russian people may have disliked Stalin before the war, but the Nazi invasion made them rally around Mother Russia. They would have reacted the same to a US invasion

No, even like Bush learned........they would not treat us as liberators

General Patton stuns Marshall Zhukov into silence - Nobility and Analogous Traditional Elites

"Pat Merle-Smith has told me of what took place during a second Berlin visit in the first week of September 1945. “The Russians were putting on a military review for all four occupying powers. [General Patton] was seated next to Marshal Zhukov and I, naturally, was with the standees a few rows below. I heard quite clearly what was said when some huge Soviet tanks passed by. ‘My dear General Patton, you see that tank, it carries a cannon which can throw a shell seven miles.’ Patton answered, ‘Indeed?’ Well, my dear Marshal Zhukov, let me tell you this, if any of my gunners started firing at your people before they had closed to less than seven hundred yards I’d have them court-martialed for cowardice.’ It was the first time I saw a Russian commander stunned into silence.”


Know why FDR is in the middle? To keep Churchill from strangling Stalin.
Patton considered the final disposition of WWII a huge failure for civilization because all we did was help trade one brutal dictator for someone far worse.

No we didn't

We saved Western Europe and emerged as the most powerful nation in the world
The Soviets never turned out to be the global threat that post WWII alarmists claimed they would be
You idiot. In 1945 the Soviet army was a tiny shell and was totally dependent upon American weapons and ammunition. The population hated Stalin, Russians were doing their best to get to the West. We could have taken Moscow in a week.

You show why I hate public education. They never teach important things and idiots like you go off on uneducated rants.

The Soviets had the best armored divisions in the war and knew how to use them. They also had superior artillery
They also knew the terrain they would be fighting on

Russia had already taken 20 million losses...they could withstand another million
The American public would have never stood for another 100,000 losses to conquer a former ally
Dude, by 1945 all the Soviets had were US tanks with a red star painted on them firing US ammunition.

Russian people did everything they could to flee to the West. They would have supported the removal of Stalin and the world would have been much better off.

Now you are just making shit up

The Soviet T-34 tank was vastly superior to the Sherman tank. They also had superior artillery.
All the US gave the Soviets to fight were Studebaker trucks

The Russian people may have disliked Stalin before the war, but the Nazi invasion made them rally around Mother Russia. They would have reacted the same to a US invasion

No, even like Bush learned........they would not treat us as liberators

General Patton stuns Marshall Zhukov into silence - Nobility and Analogous Traditional Elites

"Pat Merle-Smith has told me of what took place during a second Berlin visit in the first week of September 1945. “The Russians were putting on a military review for all four occupying powers. [General Patton] was seated next to Marshal Zhukov and I, naturally, was with the standees a few rows below. I heard quite clearly what was said when some huge Soviet tanks passed by. ‘My dear General Patton, you see that tank, it carries a cannon which can throw a shell seven miles.’ Patton answered, ‘Indeed?’ Well, my dear Marshal Zhukov, let me tell you this, if any of my gunners started firing at your people before they had closed to less than seven hundred yards I’d have them court-martialed for cowardice.’ It was the first time I saw a Russian commander stunned into silence.”


Know why FDR is in the middle? To keep Churchill from strangling Stalin.
View attachment 150752

It was Stalin who defeated Hitler

We just went along for the ride
We had a stupid shootdown of an Iranian passenger jet too

Itchy trigger finger
There you go again, uneducated rants.

A passenger jet taking off in the middle of a battle has only one outcome. That blip with no IFF is going down.

What battle?
Iranian gunboats were firing at American helicopters. Vincennes believed the Iranian jet as an F-14 responding to the battle.

Link or it is just more of you making shit up
Not my job to educate you. What I posted was fact. If you don't want to believe it go do your homework and start educating yourself. With enough education of history you too will become a conservative.

As I presumed

You got nothing
The Soviets had the best armored divisions in the war and knew how to use them. They also had superior artillery
They also knew the terrain they would be fighting on

Russia had already taken 20 million losses...they could withstand another million
The American public would have never stood for another 100,000 losses to conquer a former ally
Dude, by 1945 all the Soviets had were US tanks with a red star painted on them firing US ammunition.

Russian people did everything they could to flee to the West. They would have supported the removal of Stalin and the world would have been much better off.

Now you are just making shit up

The Soviet T-34 tank was vastly superior to the Sherman tank. They also had superior artillery.
All the US gave the Soviets to fight were Studebaker trucks

The Russian people may have disliked Stalin before the war, but the Nazi invasion made them rally around Mother Russia. They would have reacted the same to a US invasion

No, even like Bush learned........they would not treat us as liberators

General Patton stuns Marshall Zhukov into silence - Nobility and Analogous Traditional Elites

"Pat Merle-Smith has told me of what took place during a second Berlin visit in the first week of September 1945. “The Russians were putting on a military review for all four occupying powers. [General Patton] was seated next to Marshal Zhukov and I, naturally, was with the standees a few rows below. I heard quite clearly what was said when some huge Soviet tanks passed by. ‘My dear General Patton, you see that tank, it carries a cannon which can throw a shell seven miles.’ Patton answered, ‘Indeed?’ Well, my dear Marshal Zhukov, let me tell you this, if any of my gunners started firing at your people before they had closed to less than seven hundred yards I’d have them court-martialed for cowardice.’ It was the first time I saw a Russian commander stunned into silence.”


Know why FDR is in the middle? To keep Churchill from strangling Stalin.
View attachment 150752

It was Stalin who defeated Hitler

We just went along for the ride
You really do like showing what an idiot you are, don't you?
There you go again, uneducated rants.

A passenger jet taking off in the middle of a battle has only one outcome. That blip with no IFF is going down.

What battle?
Iranian gunboats were firing at American helicopters. Vincennes believed the Iranian jet as an F-14 responding to the battle.

Link or it is just more of you making shit up
Not my job to educate you. What I posted was fact. If you don't want to believe it go do your homework and start educating yourself. With enough education of history you too will become a conservative.

As I presumed

You got nothing
Dumber than a brick. No wonder you're a leftist.
Patton considered the final disposition of WWII a huge failure for civilization because all we did was help trade one brutal dictator for someone far worse.

No we didn't

We saved Western Europe and emerged as the most powerful nation in the world
The Soviets never turned out to be the global threat that post WWII alarmists claimed they would be
Cheerleader for Mother Russia. You should be investigated!
Compared to the hundreds of thousands we would have lost by invading Russia?
You idiot. In 1945 the Soviet army was a tiny shell and was totally dependent upon American weapons and ammunition. The population hated Stalin, Russians were doing their best to get to the West. We could have taken Moscow in a week.

You show why I hate public education. They never teach important things and idiots like you go off on uneducated rants.

The Soviets had the best armored divisions in the war and knew how to use them. They also had superior artillery
They also knew the terrain they would be fighting on

Russia had already taken 20 million losses...they could withstand another million
The American public would have never stood for another 100,000 losses to conquer a former ally
Dude, by 1945 all the Soviets had were US tanks with a red star painted on them firing US ammunition.

Russian people did everything they could to flee to the West. They would have supported the removal of Stalin and the world would have been much better off.

Now you are just making shit up

The Soviet T-34 tank was vastly superior to the Sherman tank. They also had superior artillery.
All the US gave the Soviets to fight were Studebaker trucks

The Russian people may have disliked Stalin before the war, but the Nazi invasion made them rally around Mother Russia. They would have reacted the same to a US invasion

No, even like Bush learned........they would not treat us as liberators

General Patton stuns Marshall Zhukov into silence - Nobility and Analogous Traditional Elites

"Pat Merle-Smith has told me of what took place during a second Berlin visit in the first week of September 1945. “The Russians were putting on a military review for all four occupying powers. [General Patton] was seated next to Marshal Zhukov and I, naturally, was with the standees a few rows below. I heard quite clearly what was said when some huge Soviet tanks passed by. ‘My dear General Patton, you see that tank, it carries a cannon which can throw a shell seven miles.’ Patton answered, ‘Indeed?’ Well, my dear Marshal Zhukov, let me tell you this, if any of my gunners started firing at your people before they had closed to less than seven hundred yards I’d have them court-martialed for cowardice.’ It was the first time I saw a Russian commander stunned into silence.”



Once again showing that Patton is a moron

let me tell you this, if any of my gunners started firing at your people before they had closed to less than seven hundred yards I’d have them court-martialed for cowardice

If my tank can lay shells on you before you can lay shells on me...I win

If I wait till 700 yards when we are both in each others range, I am wasting my tactical advantage

Zhukov's T-34s were vastly superior to Patton's Shermans
Patton considered the final disposition of WWII a huge failure for civilization because all we did was help trade one brutal dictator for someone far worse.

No we didn't

We saved Western Europe and emerged as the most powerful nation in the world
The Soviets never turned out to be the global threat that post WWII alarmists claimed they would be
Cheerleader for Mother Russia. You should be investigated!

Historical accuracy
Dude, by 1945 all the Soviets had were US tanks with a red star painted on them firing US ammunition.

Russian people did everything they could to flee to the West. They would have supported the removal of Stalin and the world would have been much better off.

Now you are just making shit up

The Soviet T-34 tank was vastly superior to the Sherman tank. They also had superior artillery.
All the US gave the Soviets to fight were Studebaker trucks

The Russian people may have disliked Stalin before the war, but the Nazi invasion made them rally around Mother Russia. They would have reacted the same to a US invasion

No, even like Bush learned........they would not treat us as liberators

General Patton stuns Marshall Zhukov into silence - Nobility and Analogous Traditional Elites

"Pat Merle-Smith has told me of what took place during a second Berlin visit in the first week of September 1945. “The Russians were putting on a military review for all four occupying powers. [General Patton] was seated next to Marshal Zhukov and I, naturally, was with the standees a few rows below. I heard quite clearly what was said when some huge Soviet tanks passed by. ‘My dear General Patton, you see that tank, it carries a cannon which can throw a shell seven miles.’ Patton answered, ‘Indeed?’ Well, my dear Marshal Zhukov, let me tell you this, if any of my gunners started firing at your people before they had closed to less than seven hundred yards I’d have them court-martialed for cowardice.’ It was the first time I saw a Russian commander stunned into silence.”


Know why FDR is in the middle? To keep Churchill from strangling Stalin.
View attachment 150752

It was Stalin who defeated Hitler

We just went along for the ride
You really do like showing what an idiot you are, don't you?

Supported by history

Soviets killed ten times the number of German troops than we did

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