George Soros and Other Rich Guys to Infuse Democrats With Loot

Unfortunately in my eyes it appears all this limitless loot is uniting the Democrats and dividing the Republicans.
Wonder how the old cock suckers feel now about open borders and a one world gov. I hope they lost a lot of money on this one...
Wonder how the old cock suckers feel now about open borders and a one world gov. I hope they lost a lot of money on this one...

No doubt, the Globalist Elites have suffered a shocking devastating setback. But they're not gonna go away quietly. They're planning their revenge on Trump. They will seek retribution. They will try to sabotage him and the country. I'll pray for Trump.
Uber money always means uber corruption. The one percent in this country are beyond corrupt. Who doesn't know or share this fact?
Wonder how the old cock suckers feel now about open borders and a one world gov. I hope they lost a lot of money on this one...
Well they had a bit of dignity of NOT SUCKING OFF DON TRUMP like you did.....but keep gobbling DON's Asshole and COCK,,
Wonder how the old cock suckers feel now about open borders and a one world gov. I hope they lost a lot of money on this one...

No doubt, the Globalist Elites have suffered a shocking devastating setback. But they're not gonna go away quietly. They're planning their revenge on Trump. They will seek retribution. They will try to sabotage him and the country. I'll pray for Trump.
You'd do better praying for yourself.....Trump will be like a bad Fcuk.......YUK
All Republicans have to do is stand against Citizens United.

Or you can keep complaining about the knife you keep putting in your gut
Black Lives Matter funder George Soros helps elect liberal prosecutors with $7M payout

(progressive/libtard/cock bite)

By Valerie Richardson - The Washington Times - Updated: 11:27 a.m. on Thursday, November 17, 2016

Republican Matthew McCord was feeling pretty good about the $12,000 he had raised for his campaign for Henry County district attorney when he was blindsided by a September surprise.

New York billionaire George Soros dumped $147,000 into Georgia Safety & Justice, an independent-expenditure committee registered on Aug. 26, aimed at defeating Mr. McCord and electing his opponent, Democrat Darius Pattillo.

After recovering from the shock, Mr. McCord, a former prosecutor in Clayton and Newton counties, did what he thought was best for himself and the party: He dropped out of the race, allowing Mr. Pattillo to run unopposed.

“It was horrible,” said Mr. McCord, a lawyer in private practice in McDonough. “They rented space, they had a staff, they were using a Washington, D.C.-based PR firm. So what I knew was they could say whatever they wanted to say about me. It didn’t matter if it was true, and I would have no way to respond.”

He had already received a taste of things to come. “I’ve always been fairly centrist. I have a foundation that I started that has paid to send minority kids to school. And they [Soros campaigners] were already trying to paint me as a white racist,” he said. “It’s deplorable.”

Mr. McCord wasn’t alone. In 2015 and 2016 Mr. Soros, a leading Black Lives Matter funder, sunk more than $7 million into at least 11 local prosecutorial races in 10 states in an effort to implement criminal justice reform from the inside.


George Soros spends millions to bury Republicans, elect liberal prosecutors

Info about the soros family in case you get the urge...
I'm sure you're OK with the larger amounts of Koch money that goes to the Right.
Show me the right-wing violence
I'm sure you're OK with the larger amounts of Koch money that goes to the Right.
Yep, if you lib-tarts get back in power after 40yrs I'll expect the Koch bro's to do the same thing but better and final...


Soros's Women’s March of Hate
The Left’s rage unleashed on the streets of Washington.
January 23, 2017
Matthew Vadum


Writing in the New York Times, Asra Q. Nomani writes that “the march really isn’t a ‘women’s march.’ It’s a march for women who are anti-Trump.”

Nomani is a former Georgetown journalism professor and Wall Street Journal reporter who describes herself as “a lifelong liberal feminist who voted for Donald Trump for president.”

She continues:

As someone who voted for Trump, I don’t feel welcome, nor do many other women who reject the liberal identity-politics that is the core underpinnings of the march, so far, making white women feel unwelcome, nixing women who oppose abortion and hijacking the agenda.

Nomani burnt the midnight oil poring over, in her words, “the funding, politics and talking points of the some 403 groups that are ‘partners’ of the march.”

She discovered that “Soros has funded, or has close relationships with, at least 56 of the march’s ‘partners,’ including ‘key partners’ Planned Parenthood, which opposes Trump’s anti-abortion policy, and the National Resource Defense Council, which opposes Trump’s environmental policies.”

According to Nomani, among the Soros grantees designated as “partners” in the Women’s March on Washington are MoveOn, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Center for Constitutional Rights, Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch.

In a spreadsheet she links to in her article she identifies plenty more organizations that are partners in the march that have received grants through the two major Soros philanthropies, the Open Society Institute and the Foundation to Promote Open Society.

Some of the other left-wing Soros-funded groups involved in the women’s event were: Advancement Project; American Constitution Society; America's Voice; Arab American Association of New York; Asian Americans Advancing Justice; Center for Reproductive Rights; Color of Change; Communities United for Police Reform; Demos; Economic Policy Institute; Every Voice; Green for All; League of Women Voters; Make the Road New York; MPower Change; NAACP; NARAL Pro-Choice America Fund; National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum; National Council of Jewish Women; National Domestic Workers Alliance; National Network for Arab American Communities; National Council of La Raza; PEN America; Psychologists for Social Responsibility; Public Citizen; United We Dream; and Voter Participation Center.

Muslim terrorist supporter Linda Sarsour, president of the Arab American Association of New York, was deeply involved in planning march-related events. Sarsour has familial ties to HAMAS and works with the terrorist front group Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

One of the angry women to show up in Washington was the entertainer Madonna who told the crowd of Trump-haters that she thought many times about “blowing up the White House” but had decided against it because it “wouldn’t change anything.” She is expected to be investigated by the Secret Service. On stage, Madonna wore a “pussyhat” created for the occasion and used the F-word four times. The vagina motif among leftist protesters is nothing new. Code Pink has been using it for years. But it was given new life after audio footage was published during the campaign that captured Trump’s locker room remark, “grab ’em by the pussy.”

The marchers took the vulvar vulgarity a step further. Apart from the usual pro-choice and male-bashing placards, they carried signs reading: "My neck, my back, my pussy will grab back"; “Stay cunty”; "Pussy trumps tyranny"; "Keep your politics off my pussy"; "Mike Pence has never satisfied a woman in his life"; "Support your sisters not just your cis-ters"; "We are the grand-daughters of the witches you could not burn"; and "It's feminist not feminazi[.]"

The atmosphere in downtown Washington wasn’t much different from the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia last summer. The same in-your-face radicalism and hatred of cops and white people.

Radical documentary maker Michael Moore handed the microphone to actress Ashley Judd who read a goofy, childish poem aloud. “I feel Hitler in these streets,” Judd said, “A mustache traded for a toupee. Nazis renamed.”

So many washed-up celebrities turn to political activism as people stop caring about them. It’s a coping mechanism Mother Nature invented to ease them into irrelevance. They shout and carry on and we forget about them.

Angela Davis, the academic and former Black Panther, spoke at the event. She was described by Elle as a “[c]ivil rights activist.” The article left out that she used to be a fugitive and that she ran for U.S. vice president in 1980 and 1984, alongside Gus Hall, on the ticket of the Communist Party USA. In 1991 she was expelled from the CPUSA for opposing the coup against then-Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. She joined an arguably more radical group called the Committees of Correspondence.

Davis’s speech consisted of the usual tedious ultra-politically correct drivel, praising traitors, terrorists, and cop killers.


At least 217 individuals were arrested and charged with rioting. The U.S. Attorney’s Office said each offender is facing up to 10 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

The violence in Washington and cities across the country was organized by fringe-left groups that wield a lot of influence in organizing circles.

And as my colleagues at Dangerous Documentaries, the documentary-making division of Capital Research Center discovered, organizers from two communist groups, the Workers World Party (WWP) and the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) were integral to planning DisruptJ20 demonstrations and riots across America during Inauguration Week.

Their research was highlighted in the popular 20-minute documentary, “America Under Siege: Civil War 2017,” which is directed by Judd Saul, and written and narrated by eminent researcher of radicals, Trevor Loudon. It may be viewed for free online at Capital Research Center’s website. At time of writing, the viral hit had been viewed more than 250,000 times on YouTube after being published Thursday at 11 a.m. Eastern time.

WPP First Secretary Larry Holmes, who adores the North Korean dictatorship of Kim Jong-un, vowed in a speech to prevent Trump from being sworn in as president. “Sisters and brothers, we are going to build through massive counter-inaugural protests on Jan. 20. We’re going to shut this down. You know, Trump has started something. We’re gonna finish it.”

WPP youth secretary Ramiro S. Funez boasted in a speech that DisruptJ20 would be “one of the most important political events in modern history.”

WPP youth leader Tom Michalak went to Moscow in 2014 as a guest of the Putin-funded group known as the Antiglobalization Movement of Russia. “The United States government is the greatest enemy of the peoples of the world,” Michalak said.

Another WPP operative, Caleb Maupin, spreads anti-American propaganda as a journalist and political analyst for Iranian government-controlled Press TV and RT America, which is controlled by the Russian government.

“U.S. society born in racism, slavery, and the slaughter of the indigenous people, is now entering a deep political crisis,” Maupin said at the New Horizon Conference in Tehran, Iran, in late 2015.

FRSO leaders Mick Kelly and Joe Iosbaker also helped organize DisruptJ20.

Iosbaker helped organize the rioting at the March 11, 2016 Trump campaign rally at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Leftist violence forced Trump to cancel his appearance at the rally.

This is only the beginning. Get ready for four to eight years of nonstop violent activism and turmoil.

The Left never sleeps.

Soros's Women’s March of Hate

I can make lefties sleep...

George Soros and Other Rich Guys to Infuse Democrats With $100 Million for Grassroots Efforts

5/8/12 By Brett Smiley

Billionaire investor George Soros will be supplying $2 million to independent Democratic groups focused on grassroots election efforts as part of a greater donor initiative to enhance outreach and voter registration operations. Soros will divide his donation equally between America Votes, a group that provides coordination and campaign support to progressive organizations; and American Bridge 21st Century, a super-PAC that focuses on communications and election-oriented research. Soros's contribution will be part of a nearly $100 million boost from major liberal donors to like-minded causes and efforts. According to a New York Times report, Soros and others are pledging funds to grassroots-type groups in part because they don't believe they can match the massive Republican super-PAC-funded negative television ad bombs, but also as a symbolic rejection of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, which gave birth to super-PACs that may spend on campaigns without limits.

Beneficiaries of the $100 million infusion from the major liberal donors include organizations like the Latino Engagement Fund (part of the Democracy Alliance), a group that works to register and turn out Latino voters for Democrats.

George Soros and Other Rich Guys to Infuse Democrats With $100 Million for Grassroots Efforts -- Daily Intel

"It's alive, it's alive"

How many years are you guys willing to whine about this soros boogeyman.

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