George Soros and Other Rich Guys to Infuse Democrats With Loot

It proves that even wealthy people can be terrified of the right wing's loony and stultifying social agenda. We need police on the streets. Stay away from policing women's vaginas. That's just sick.

Fact check: No one wants to get near your vagina.

George Soros and Other Rich Guys to Infuse Democrats With $100 Million for Grassroots Efforts

5/8/12 By Brett Smiley

Billionaire investor George Soros will be supplying $2 million to independent Democratic groups focused on grassroots election efforts as part of a greater donor initiative to enhance outreach and voter registration operations. Soros will divide his donation equally between America Votes, a group that provides coordination and campaign support to progressive organizations; and American Bridge 21st Century, a super-PAC that focuses on communications and election-oriented research. Soros's contribution will be part of a nearly $100 million boost from major liberal donors to like-minded causes and efforts. According to a New York Times report, Soros and others are pledging funds to grassroots-type groups in part because they don't believe they can match the massive Republican super-PAC-funded negative television ad bombs, but also as a symbolic rejection of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, which gave birth to super-PACs that may spend on campaigns without limits.

Beneficiaries of the $100 million infusion from the major liberal donors include organizations like the Latino Engagement Fund (part of the Democracy Alliance), a group that works to register and turn out Latino voters for Democrats.

George Soros and Other Rich Guys to Infuse Democrats With $100 Million for Grassroots Efforts -- Daily Intel

"It's alive, it's alive"

Soros should be branded a terrorist. He funds groups that incite violence and overthrowing governments he doesn't like. This man is attempting to get the EU and US to go to war with Russia.

George Soros and Other Rich Guys to Infuse Democrats With $100 Million for Grassroots Efforts

5/8/12 By Brett Smiley

Billionaire investor George Soros will be supplying $2 million to independent Democratic groups focused on grassroots election efforts as part of a greater donor initiative to enhance outreach and voter registration operations. Soros will divide his donation equally between America Votes, a group that provides coordination and campaign support to progressive organizations; and American Bridge 21st Century, a super-PAC that focuses on communications and election-oriented research. Soros's contribution will be part of a nearly $100 million boost from major liberal donors to like-minded causes and efforts. According to a New York Times report, Soros and others are pledging funds to grassroots-type groups in part because they don't believe they can match the massive Republican super-PAC-funded negative television ad bombs, but also as a symbolic rejection of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, which gave birth to super-PACs that may spend on campaigns without limits.

Beneficiaries of the $100 million infusion from the major liberal donors include organizations like the Latino Engagement Fund (part of the Democracy Alliance), a group that works to register and turn out Latino voters for Democrats.

George Soros and Other Rich Guys to Infuse Democrats With $100 Million for Grassroots Efforts -- Daily Intel

"It's alive, it's alive"

Well Soros funded the women's march. It cost him 90 million and fifty groups were funded to carry it out. Pointless really.

The march will be forgotten in a weeks time unless Soros wants to fund another one.

George Soros and Other Rich Guys to Infuse Democrats With $100 Million for Grassroots Efforts

5/8/12 By Brett Smiley

Billionaire investor George Soros will be supplying $2 million to independent Democratic groups focused on grassroots election efforts as part of a greater donor initiative to enhance outreach and voter registration operations. Soros will divide his donation equally between America Votes, a group that provides coordination and campaign support to progressive organizations; and American Bridge 21st Century, a super-PAC that focuses on communications and election-oriented research. Soros's contribution will be part of a nearly $100 million boost from major liberal donors to like-minded causes and efforts. According to a New York Times report, Soros and others are pledging funds to grassroots-type groups in part because they don't believe they can match the massive Republican super-PAC-funded negative television ad bombs, but also as a symbolic rejection of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, which gave birth to super-PACs that may spend on campaigns without limits.

Beneficiaries of the $100 million infusion from the major liberal donors include organizations like the Latino Engagement Fund (part of the Democracy Alliance), a group that works to register and turn out Latino voters for Democrats.

George Soros and Other Rich Guys to Infuse Democrats With $100 Million for Grassroots Efforts -- Daily Intel

"It's alive, it's alive"

Well Soros funded the women's march. It cost him 90 million and fifty groups were funded to carry it out. Pointless really.

The march will be forgotten in a weeks time unless Soros wants to fund another one.
Soros invested $2million, as your link says.
Soros And MasterCard Join Forces To Profit From Immigration
The radical billionaire helped create the immigration crisis; now he wants to reap the rewards.
January 25, 2017
Matthew Vadum

Radical currency speculator George Soros is scheming to profit from the illegal immigration crises in the United States and the European Union that he was instrumental in creating.

Soros traffics in revolution and human misery. His devious business deals have brought the financial systems of the United Kingdom and Malaysia to their knees. Soros helped finance the 1989 "Velvet Revolution" in then-Czechoslovakia. He acknowledged having orchestrated coups in Croatia, Georgia, Slovakia, and Yugoslavia.

Soros hates America. “The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States,” he has said. Soros praises Communist China effusively and has said the totalitarian nation—which cuts babies in unauthorized pregnancies from the wombs of their mothers, tortures and kills religious dissenters, and runs over eminent domain resisters with steam-rollers—has “a better-functioning government than the United States.” In the U.S. he has financed the violent, politically destabilizing Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter movements.

Now the preeminent funder of border-busting campaigns in the U.S. and overseas has entered into a partnership with credit card giant MasterCard Inc. to create something called Humanity Ventures.

In recent years Soros has focused on making grants through his Open Society Foundations to various nonprofits, but this new project has for-profit goals.

“Humanity Ventures is intended to be profitable so as to stimulate involvement from other businesspeople,” Soros and MasterCard said in a joint press release.

The claimed objective is to make the lives of “migrants” better through spending on education, health care, and economic development.

“Migrants are often forced into lives of despair in their host communities because they cannot gain access to financial, healthcare and government services,” they said, ignoring the veritable minefield of taxpayer-funded assistance available to illegal aliens in the U.S.

“Our potential investment in this social enterprise, coupled with MasterCard’s ability to create products that serve vulnerable communities, can show how private capital can play a constructive role in solving social problems.”

Any profit Soros and his billionaire buddies in the left-wing donors’ consortium, the Democracy Alliance, extract from the operations of Humanity Ventures can be used to fund more projects aimed at destroying Western culture, rule of law, individual rights and limited government. Perhaps the money can be used to finance the future presidential runs of Keith Ellison and Chelsea Clinton.

This new venture comes as countries like Soros’s native Hungary and Macedonia are threatening to kick his operations out.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said last month that the year 2017 would be "about the extrusion of George Soros and the forces symbolized by him." Every country "will want to displace Soros," he said. "This can already be seen in Europe. They investigate where the money comes from, what kind of intelligence connections there are, which NGOs represent what interests."

Soros and his allies schemed to kill an important immigration enforcement program that President Trump has called “highly successful." Trump has vowed to restore the Secure Communities program which alerted federal immigration authorities when people were booked into local jails. Jailers sent fingerprints from new arrivals to federal law enforcement, which matched them to files on illegal aliens who could then be flagged for deportation. So of course the Left had to end the program.

Soros’s profits from Humanity Ventures may well be used to import even more millions of illegal aliens into the U.S.

When it comes to depravity and social collapse, the sky’s the limit with George Soros.

Soros And MasterCard Join Forces To Profit From Immigration

George Soros and Other Rich Guys to Infuse Democrats With $100 Million for Grassroots Efforts

5/8/12 By Brett Smiley

Billionaire investor George Soros will be supplying $2 million to independent Democratic groups focused on grassroots election efforts as part of a greater donor initiative to enhance outreach and voter registration operations. Soros will divide his donation equally between America Votes, a group that provides coordination and campaign support to progressive organizations; and American Bridge 21st Century, a super-PAC that focuses on communications and election-oriented research. Soros's contribution will be part of a nearly $100 million boost from major liberal donors to like-minded causes and efforts. According to a New York Times report, Soros and others are pledging funds to grassroots-type groups in part because they don't believe they can match the massive Republican super-PAC-funded negative television ad bombs, but also as a symbolic rejection of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, which gave birth to super-PACs that may spend on campaigns without limits.

Beneficiaries of the $100 million infusion from the major liberal donors include organizations like the Latino Engagement Fund (part of the Democracy Alliance), a group that works to register and turn out Latino voters for Democrats.

George Soros and Other Rich Guys to Infuse Democrats With $100 Million for Grassroots Efforts -- Daily Intel

"It's alive, it's alive"

Well hell. How much money did they pour into Hillary's campaign??

That money sure did the trick. Seems to me I remember reading how disgusted her major doners were.

If they are smart they will keep their money and let the DNC supply its own.

George Soros and Other Rich Guys to Infuse Democrats With $100 Million for Grassroots Efforts

5/8/12 By Brett Smiley

Billionaire investor George Soros will be supplying $2 million to independent Democratic groups focused on grassroots election efforts as part of a greater donor initiative to enhance outreach and voter registration operations. Soros will divide his donation equally between America Votes, a group that provides coordination and campaign support to progressive organizations; and American Bridge 21st Century, a super-PAC that focuses on communications and election-oriented research. Soros's contribution will be part of a nearly $100 million boost from major liberal donors to like-minded causes and efforts. According to a New York Times report, Soros and others are pledging funds to grassroots-type groups in part because they don't believe they can match the massive Republican super-PAC-funded negative television ad bombs, but also as a symbolic rejection of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, which gave birth to super-PACs that may spend on campaigns without limits.

Beneficiaries of the $100 million infusion from the major liberal donors include organizations like the Latino Engagement Fund (part of the Democracy Alliance), a group that works to register and turn out Latino voters for Democrats.

George Soros and Other Rich Guys to Infuse Democrats With $100 Million for Grassroots Efforts -- Daily Intel

"It's alive, it's alive"

Well hell. How much money did they pour into Hillary's campaign??

That money sure did the trick. Seems to me I remember reading how disgusted her major doners were.

If they are smart they will keep their money and let the DNC supply its own.
LOL, is the Right going to stop accepting Koch money?

George Soros and Other Rich Guys to Infuse Democrats With $100 Million for Grassroots Efforts

5/8/12 By Brett Smiley

Billionaire investor George Soros will be supplying $2 million to independent Democratic groups focused on grassroots election efforts as part of a greater donor initiative to enhance outreach and voter registration operations. Soros will divide his donation equally between America Votes, a group that provides coordination and campaign support to progressive organizations; and American Bridge 21st Century, a super-PAC that focuses on communications and election-oriented research. Soros's contribution will be part of a nearly $100 million boost from major liberal donors to like-minded causes and efforts. According to a New York Times report, Soros and others are pledging funds to grassroots-type groups in part because they don't believe they can match the massive Republican super-PAC-funded negative television ad bombs, but also as a symbolic rejection of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, which gave birth to super-PACs that may spend on campaigns without limits.

Beneficiaries of the $100 million infusion from the major liberal donors include organizations like the Latino Engagement Fund (part of the Democracy Alliance), a group that works to register and turn out Latino voters for Democrats.

George Soros and Other Rich Guys to Infuse Democrats With $100 Million for Grassroots Efforts -- Daily Intel

"It's alive, it's alive"

Well hell. How much money did they pour into Hillary's campaign??

That money sure did the trick. Seems to me I remember reading how disgusted her major doners were.

If they are smart they will keep their money and let the DNC supply its own.
LOL, is the Right going to stop accepting Koch money?

Why not. If the left accepts Soros money. LOL

George Soros and Other Rich Guys to Infuse Democrats With $100 Million for Grassroots Efforts

5/8/12 By Brett Smiley

Billionaire investor George Soros will be supplying $2 million to independent Democratic groups focused on grassroots election efforts as part of a greater donor initiative to enhance outreach and voter registration operations. Soros will divide his donation equally between America Votes, a group that provides coordination and campaign support to progressive organizations; and American Bridge 21st Century, a super-PAC that focuses on communications and election-oriented research. Soros's contribution will be part of a nearly $100 million boost from major liberal donors to like-minded causes and efforts. According to a New York Times report, Soros and others are pledging funds to grassroots-type groups in part because they don't believe they can match the massive Republican super-PAC-funded negative television ad bombs, but also as a symbolic rejection of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, which gave birth to super-PACs that may spend on campaigns without limits.

Beneficiaries of the $100 million infusion from the major liberal donors include organizations like the Latino Engagement Fund (part of the Democracy Alliance), a group that works to register and turn out Latino voters for Democrats.

George Soros and Other Rich Guys to Infuse Democrats With $100 Million for Grassroots Efforts -- Daily Intel

"It's alive, it's alive"

George Soros and Other Rich Guys to Infuse Democrats With $100 Million for Grassroots Efforts

5/8/12 By Brett Smiley

Billionaire investor George Soros will be supplying $2 million to independent Democratic groups focused on grassroots election efforts as part of a greater donor initiative to enhance outreach and voter registration operations. Soros will divide his donation equally between America Votes, a group that provides coordination and campaign support to progressive organizations; and American Bridge 21st Century, a super-PAC that focuses on communications and election-oriented research. Soros's contribution will be part of a nearly $100 million boost from major liberal donors to like-minded causes and efforts. According to a New York Times report, Soros and others are pledging funds to grassroots-type groups in part because they don't believe they can match the massive Republican super-PAC-funded negative television ad bombs, but also as a symbolic rejection of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, which gave birth to super-PACs that may spend on campaigns without limits.

Beneficiaries of the $100 million infusion from the major liberal donors include organizations like the Latino Engagement Fund (part of the Democracy Alliance), a group that works to register and turn out Latino voters for Democrats.

George Soros and Other Rich Guys to Infuse Democrats With $100 Million for Grassroots Efforts -- Daily Intel

"It's alive, it's alive"

George Soros-backed prosecutor yanked after refusing to seek death penalty for cop killer
Accuses Florida Gov. Rick Scott of abuse of power after he reassigns 21 files

By Valerie Richardson - The Washington Times - Friday, April 7, 2017

A Florida prosecutor elected with $1 million from liberal billionaire George Soros has been removed from all first-degree murder cases after refusing to seek the death penalty for any suspect, including an accused cop killer.

State Attorney Aramis Ayala, who won an upset victory in November after receiving $1.38 million from the Soros-backed Florida Safety & Justice PAC, had 21 first-degree murder cases in Orange and Osceola counties reassigned Monday to other prosecutors by Florida Gov. Rick Scott, a Republican.

His executive order came after she announced she would not seek the death penalty against Markeith Loyd, who has been charged in the murders of his pregnant ex-girlfriend Sade Dixon in December and Orlando police Lt. Debra Clayton in January, or any other defendants.


George Soros-backed prosecutor yanked after refusing to seek death penalty for cop killer
Fact checking = hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaahhhhhaaa...

June 29, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

Good news. Your "facts" are about to be "checked" by George Soros.

If the whole fact checking paradigm that the media has blackmailed Facebook and Google into rolling into their results hadn't been sufficiently poisoned by naked partisanship and left-wing politics, the presence of the amateur embattled left-wing activists at Snopes, here comes the death knell for its credibility.

"Fact-checking has never been this important. Come define its future" is the Poynter headline. But its future has already been defined, the cheerful posting informs us, by its funders.


Facebook and Google's embedding of partisan left-wing "fact checking" sites is one of the greatest assaults on freedom of expression on the internet. And now the partisan sites are about to fall further into the fever swamps of left-wing extremism.

Congressional Republicans should call out Google and Facebook for their double standard in advocating Net Neutrality while pushing Opinion Bias.

Fact Checking Network Gets Backing From Soros, Radical Iranian Tycoon
Fact checking = hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaahhhhhaaa...

June 29, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

Good news. Your "facts" are about to be "checked" by George Soros.

If the whole fact checking paradigm that the media has blackmailed Facebook and Google into rolling into their results hadn't been sufficiently poisoned by naked partisanship and left-wing politics, the presence of the amateur embattled left-wing activists at Snopes, here comes the death knell for its credibility.

"Fact-checking has never been this important. Come define its future" is the Poynter headline. But its future has already been defined, the cheerful posting informs us, by its funders.


Facebook and Google's embedding of partisan left-wing "fact checking" sites is one of the greatest assaults on freedom of expression on the internet. And now the partisan sites are about to fall further into the fever swamps of left-wing extremism.

Congressional Republicans should call out Google and Facebook for their double standard in advocating Net Neutrality while pushing Opinion Bias.

Fact Checking Network Gets Backing From Soros, Radical Iranian Tycoon
Only because the GOP propaganda machine never stops people are totally demented now- IT'S A CONSPIRACY!! The whole world against your bs...
Fact checking = hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaahhhhhaaa...

June 29, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

Good news. Your "facts" are about to be "checked" by George Soros.

If the whole fact checking paradigm that the media has blackmailed Facebook and Google into rolling into their results hadn't been sufficiently poisoned by naked partisanship and left-wing politics, the presence of the amateur embattled left-wing activists at Snopes, here comes the death knell for its credibility.

"Fact-checking has never been this important. Come define its future" is the Poynter headline. But its future has already been defined, the cheerful posting informs us, by its funders.


Facebook and Google's embedding of partisan left-wing "fact checking" sites is one of the greatest assaults on freedom of expression on the internet. And now the partisan sites are about to fall further into the fever swamps of left-wing extremism.

Congressional Republicans should call out Google and Facebook for their double standard in advocating Net Neutrality while pushing Opinion Bias.

Fact Checking Network Gets Backing From Soros, Radical Iranian Tycoon
Only because the GOP propaganda machine never stops people are totally demented now- IT'S A CONSPIRACY!! The whole world against your bs...

More Franco BS with no proof.
Fact checking = hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaahhhhhaaa...

June 29, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

Good news. Your "facts" are about to be "checked" by George Soros.

If the whole fact checking paradigm that the media has blackmailed Facebook and Google into rolling into their results hadn't been sufficiently poisoned by naked partisanship and left-wing politics, the presence of the amateur embattled left-wing activists at Snopes, here comes the death knell for its credibility.

"Fact-checking has never been this important. Come define its future" is the Poynter headline. But its future has already been defined, the cheerful posting informs us, by its funders.


Facebook and Google's embedding of partisan left-wing "fact checking" sites is one of the greatest assaults on freedom of expression on the internet. And now the partisan sites are about to fall further into the fever swamps of left-wing extremism.

Congressional Republicans should call out Google and Facebook for their double standard in advocating Net Neutrality while pushing Opinion Bias.

Fact Checking Network Gets Backing From Soros, Radical Iranian Tycoon
You really are a whiny little bitch.

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