George Takei: Clarence Thomas Is A 'Clown In Blackface'


George Takei has come under fire this week for calling Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas a “clown in blackface” over the judge's stance on marriage equality. However, the “Star Trek” actor insists that his comment was not racially motivated.

During an interview with Fox 10 Phoenix, Takei, who is gay, discussed the Supreme Court’s recent landmark ruling to legalize same-sex marriage nationwide. Takei said he was “angry” at Thomas, who dissented to the decision, for his position on the issue.

“He is a clown in blackface sitting on the Supreme Court,” said Takei. “He gets me that angry. He doesn’t belong there.”

More: George Takei Calls Justice Clarence Thomas A Clown In Blackface Over Marriage Equality Dissent

Thomas is a disgrace. Anita Hill tried to warn us.

What a fucking Democrat Racist, but I repeat myself

They are exactly that.......the home of racism is the democrat party....they all accumulate there....

Ah....another racist exposes himself........which racist wing of the democrat party do you belong to? And good for you, letting out your true racist are of course vile in your racism since it is a belief based in ignorance and stupidity....but I support your right as an American, true a left wing America hating American, to be a racist if you should really try to be a loving human being...instead of a hateful racist...but go with what makes you happy.....

Apparently you didn't see Anita Hill testify at Thomas' confirmation hearings. There were even more women waiting to testify against Thomas - but his "high-tech lynching" comment scared the shit out of Biden and Kennedy. So, Thomas was confirmed without those other women getting to testify. I watched it live. you agreed with the high tech lynching of a black man who wanted to be a Supreme Court you hate him simply because he is black, or that he is married to a white woman?

You democrat sure feel confidant now.......good, it is good that you are showing the world the racism at the heart of the democrat party...thanks......

Well, child, it wasn't a "high-tech lynching" - it was women he had abused being allowed to testify against him. He's the lowest piece of shit who has ever sat on the SCOTUS bench.
There were even more women waiting to testify against Thomas--

Does it not seem ODD to anyone that every single time we have a black conservative man brought into the lime-lite, the same stereotypical and racist allegations of "foolin round with da women" come out? They've done it on Thomas, JC Watts, Herman Cain... every conservative black man. No doubt Ben Carson will be up next.

Ah....another racist exposes himself........which racist wing of the democrat party do you belong to? And good for you, letting out your true racist are of course vile in your racism since it is a belief based in ignorance and stupidity....but I support your right as an American, true a left wing America hating American, to be a racist if you should really try to be a loving human being...instead of a hateful racist...but go with what makes you happy.....

Apparently you didn't see Anita Hill testify at Thomas' confirmation hearings. There were even more women waiting to testify against Thomas - but his "high-tech lynching" comment scared the shit out of Biden and Kennedy. So, Thomas was confirmed without those other women getting to testify. I watched it live.

I watched the entire Senate confirmation hearing of Clarence Thomas. I saw that skank Anita Hill - who, in ugliness, is a worthy competition to old Michelle - lying thru her teeth. I learned to despise the punk who ran that hearing, Joe Biden. I was astonished at the institutional racism displayed then and there. I would have felt sorry for Clarence Thomas if I had had any doubt that his decency would overcome the evil of Hill, Biden and that despicable chicken-hearted and lilly-livered murderer Ted Kennedy.

The fact that Clarence Thomas is on the Supreme Court is reason to be proud to be American.
There were even more women waiting to testify against Thomas--

Does it not seem ODD to anyone that every single time we have a black conservative man brought into the lime-lite, the same stereotypical and racist allegations of "foolin round with da women" come out? They've done it on Thomas, JC Watts, Herman Cain... every conservative black man. No doubt Ben Carson will be up next.

Not to mention Mia Love, Michelle Malkin, Nicky Haley and any conservative lady of color.

These bastards are not only racists, they are also misogynist women haters as well.

Ah....another racist exposes himself........which racist wing of the democrat party do you belong to? And good for you, letting out your true racist are of course vile in your racism since it is a belief based in ignorance and stupidity....but I support your right as an American, true a left wing America hating American, to be a racist if you should really try to be a loving human being...instead of a hateful racist...but go with what makes you happy.....

Apparently you didn't see Anita Hill testify at Thomas' confirmation hearings. There were even more women waiting to testify against Thomas - but his "high-tech lynching" comment scared the shit out of Biden and Kennedy. So, Thomas was confirmed without those other women getting to testify. I watched it live.

I watched the entire Senate confirmation hearing of Clarence Thomas. I saw that skank Anita Hill - who, in ugliness, is a worthy competition to old Michelle - lying thru her teeth. I learned to despise the punk who ran that hearing, Joe Biden. I was astonished at the institutional racism displayed then and there. I would have felt sorry for Clarence Thomas if I had had any doubt that his decency would overcome the evil of Hill, Biden and that despicable chicken-hearted and lilly-livered murderer Ted Kennedy.

The fact that Clarence Thomas is on the Supreme Court is reason to be proud to be American.

Exactly...he is great and I like to here is opinions...he is one of the best justices on the Court.... was women he had abused being allowed to testify against him. He's the lowest piece of shit...

Ahemmm.... Bill Clinton?

And they actually have women who bill clinton, the violent rapist, raped and sexually assaulted...they would have much preferred fake pubic hairs vs. actual violent rape....don't you think...?
Thomas doesn't belong on the Supreme Court bench and that is proven by the fact that he regularly gets outvoted 8 to 1.

Of course he belongs on the bench. He was nominated by the president and approved by the senate. That's the way it is set up and he belongs there by law. He doesn't have to produce opinions you agree with to belong there.
Clarence "Pubic Hair" Thomas is really creepy. So is his pale white wife.

I fully support Takei's right to express his opinion. But seriously, how is what you just wrote not racist?

Racism runs so deep in them and their party...and the lies have been told so long...they don't even fucking see it.......

That is typically the case, whether the person is on the left or the right.
Thomas doesn't belong on the Supreme Court bench and that is proven by the fact that he regularly gets outvoted 8 to 1.

Of course he belongs on the bench. He was nominated by the president and approved by the senate. That's the way it is set up and he belongs there by law. He doesn't have to produce opinions you agree with to belong there.

And his opinions are great.....far better than kennedy's "I want it so it is constitutional" theory of Constitutional law....
So? not going to CONDEMN the man for being a ugly racist?

didn't think so. racist all stick together

but they want people to CONDENM Trump over something he said illegal immigrant/invaders
Now you are into PC? Priceless.
There were even more women waiting to testify against Thomas--

Does it not seem ODD to anyone that every single time we have a black conservative man brought into the lime-lite, the same stereotypical and racist allegations of "foolin round with da women" come out? They've done it on Thomas, JC Watts, Herman Cain... every conservative black man. No doubt Ben Carson will be up next.
If he had an illicit affair, then yes. As should be. However, I do believe Carson to be a faithful man.

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So? not going to CONDEMN the man for being a ugly racist?

didn't think so. racist all stick together

but they want people to CONDENM Trump over something he said illegal immigrant/invaders
Now you are into PC? Priceless.

Ah....the misogynist probably think bill clinton, the violent rapist is cool too...right?
George Takei
2 hrs · Edited ·

I owe an apology. On the eve of this Independence Day, I have a renewed sense of what this country stands for, and how I personally could help achieve it. The promise of equality and freedom is one that all of us have to work for, at all times. I know this as a survivor of the Japanese American internment, which each day drives me only to strive harder to help fulfill that promise for future generations.

I recently was asked by a reporter about Justice Clarence Thomas’s dissent in the marriage equality cases, in which he wrote words that really got under my skin, by suggesting that the government cannot take away human dignity through slavery, or though internment. In my mind that suggested that this meant he felt the government therefore shouldn’t be held accountable, or should do nothing in the face of gross violations of dignity. When asked by a reporter about the opinion, I was still seething, and I referred to him as a “clown in blackface” to suggest that he had abdicated and abandoned his heritage. This was not intended to be racist, but rather to evoke a history of racism in the theatrical arts. While I continue to vehemently disagree with Justice Thomas, the words I chose, said in the heat of anger, were not carefully considered.

I am reminded, especially on this July 4th holiday, that though we have the freedom to speak our minds, we must use that freedom judiciously. Each of us, as humans, have hot-button topics that can set-us off, and Justice Thomas had hit mine, that is clear. But my choice of words was regrettable, not because I do not believe Justice Thomas is deeply wrong, but because they were ad hominem and uncivil, and for that I am sorry.

I often ask fans to keep the level of discourse on this page and in comments high, and to remember that we all love this country and for what it stands for, even if we often disagree passionately about how to achieve those goals. I did not live up to my own high standards in this instance.

I hope all of you have a wonderful, safe and joyously free July 4t, the first where all married couples in the U.S. can enjoy the full liberties of matrimony equally. It is truly a blessing to be an American today.
There were even more women waiting to testify against Thomas--

Does it not seem ODD to anyone that every single time we have a black conservative man brought into the lime-lite, the same stereotypical and racist allegations of "foolin round with da women" come out? They've done it on Thomas, JC Watts, Herman Cain... every conservative black man. No doubt Ben Carson will be up next.
If he had an illicit affair, then yes. As should be. However, I do believe Carson to be a faithful man.

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You mean as faithful as BJ Clinton?

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