George W. Bush in the Cayman Islands this week

Oh please. You really think the Kennedy's had all their money in the US? Seriously? FDR was a trust fund baby, were those trust fund investments ALL in the US? Doubtful. HIGHLY doubtful.
What a contrast between presidents.

Clinton, well respected, still working hard.

W. Bush, despised even by his own party, pumping tax havens that allow the idle rich to cheat on their taxes.

Oh you fool. President Bush had been invited to speak at the convention. He declined. And strategically he has been wise to keep a low profile because he knows quite well that all Obama wanted to do again this election cycle was to run against him again in 2012 like Obama ran against McCain / Bush in 2008.

Madeline Albright even said that was the plan in a speech she gave last summer. That the plan was to "blame Bush forever".

Now GW opened his house for a large fundraiser hosted by the former First Lady Laura Bush and Anne Romney.

Jeb Bush is on the stump with Romney.

Bush Sr. is hosting a huge fundraiser in Houston.

AND Dick Cheney has been hosting fundraisers for Romney. The most recent one in Dallas.

So you see, the old team is not despised. They are very valuable. Just being utilized in different ways.


Bush was one of the worst presidents in American history.

EVERY F...KING tie I read some ignorant, BIASED UNINFORMED IDIOT who says the above???


A) Didn't the marvelous ( that Clinton phony surplus bubble)* bubble bust occur? YES! What did it cost?

1) $5 trillion in market losses which meant the taxpayers who had tax liabilities of $166 billion from 2002 and beyond GONE!
2) 300,000 jobs lost due to busts....billions in payroll taxes!!!

NOT BUSH's fault agree??

B) Did 9/11 happen??? YES what did that cost?
1) $2 trillion in losses meant $66 billion a year in reduced TAX payments from 2003 and beyond GONE!
2 145,00 jobs lost in NYC alone due to 9/11... what did that cost? Billions in payroll taxes!

NOT BUSH's fault Agree???

and regarding hurricanes... THE WORST SEASONS not hurricanes like Sandy -- but several years... SEASONS!!!
NOT BUSH's fault agree??
C) DID the worst hurricane SEASONS not hurricanes SEASONS occur? YES what did that cost?
1) $1 trillion in losses meaning $33 billion a year in reduced tax revenues!
2) 400,000 jobs due to Hurricanes Katrina/Rita

YET how many people seemingly forget those 3 events costing over $8 trillion which is being written off against taxes today.

Even idiot conservatives calling Bush spending like a drunken sailor NEVER seem to recognize that
A) All of the above $8 trillion meant LOST TAX REVENUE Just as SANDY now will have ...look for the NYSE losses in the billions!!!
B) All of the above costs 850,000 jobs... just like SANDY will but everyone blames Bush!
C) Finally all of the above EVENTS were NOT CAUSED BY BUSH JUST AS SANDY IS NOT Obama's FAULT!

BUT watch EVERYONE forgets those events and what the AFFECT there was on the USA and BLAME BUSH???
GWB has been missing in action since 05. And before that he was half Democrat anyways. We're not hard-up for maligned heroes like Clinton. We don't care that Bush cashed out.
when fox is miffed, you know the right is in

while our ex president, bill clinton, was out getting cheers and rallying fellow dems, baby bush was giving the keynote speech in the cayman islands to encourage people to offshore their money (and thereby avoid taxes)... so afraid were bush and the event organizers to publish the president's word, that they cut off all media access to the event.

how patriotic...hide money in other countries when you already pay a 13% tax rate. :thup:

Organizers of an investment conference in the Cayman Islands say they have been forbidden from disclosing any details about a speech by former President George W. Bush in the offshore financial haven, an event spokesman said Thursday.

The keynote speech by the former president is "totally closed to all journalists," and conference organizers are forbidden from discussing any aspect of it even in general terms, spokesman Dan Kneipp said.

"We've got a complete blackout on discussing the Bush details," Kneipp told The Associated Press.

The restrictions were imposed by the former president's staff, he said. Bush was scheduled to speak Thursday evening at The Ritz-Carlton on Grand Cayman Island.

Read more: Journalists barred from former President Bush speech to Cayman Islands investment conference | Fox News
I have a sooper sekrit copy of that speech:


I know as much about off-shore banking as I do about cutting spending.


With the Gulf bottom still covered in oil, I came here for the shrimp, eh-eh-eh-eh!
Clinton loves being in the public eye. If no one asked him, he'd be crashing news cameras on his own. He's a publicity hound.
when fox is miffed, you know the right is in

while our ex president, bill clinton, was out getting cheers and rallying fellow dems, baby bush was giving the keynote speech in the cayman islands to encourage people to offshore their money (and thereby avoid taxes)... so afraid were bush and the event organizers to publish the president's word, that they cut off all media access to the event.

how patriotic...hide money in other countries when you already pay a 13% tax rate. :thup:

Organizers of an investment conference in the Cayman Islands say they have been forbidden from disclosing any details about a speech by former President George W. Bush in the offshore financial haven, an event spokesman said Thursday.

The keynote speech by the former president is "totally closed to all journalists," and conference organizers are forbidden from discussing any aspect of it even in general terms, spokesman Dan Kneipp said.

"We've got a complete blackout on discussing the Bush details," Kneipp told The Associated Press.

The restrictions were imposed by the former president's staff, he said. Bush was scheduled to speak Thursday evening at The Ritz-Carlton on Grand Cayman Island.

Read more: Journalists barred from former President Bush speech to Cayman Islands investment conference | Fox News

Why do you care if Fox is banned? YOu don't believe a word of what Fox says anyway right?
when fox is miffed, you know the right is in

while our ex president, bill clinton, was out getting cheers and rallying fellow dems, baby bush was giving the keynote speech in the cayman islands to encourage people to offshore their money (and thereby avoid taxes)... so afraid were bush and the event organizers to publish the president's word, that they cut off all media access to the event.

how patriotic...hide money in other countries when you already pay a 13% tax rate. :thup:

Organizers of an investment conference in the Cayman Islands say they have been forbidden from disclosing any details about a speech by former President George W. Bush in the offshore financial haven, an event spokesman said Thursday.

The keynote speech by the former president is "totally closed to all journalists," and conference organizers are forbidden from discussing any aspect of it even in general terms, spokesman Dan Kneipp said.

"We've got a complete blackout on discussing the Bush details," Kneipp told The Associated Press.

The restrictions were imposed by the former president's staff, he said. Bush was scheduled to speak Thursday evening at The Ritz-Carlton on Grand Cayman Island.

Read more: Journalists barred from former President Bush speech to Cayman Islands investment conference | Fox News
So, if there is a ban on disclosing the contents of Bush's speech, how do you know that he was encouraging folks to take money offshore?

(BTW, I don't like press blackouts, but it's the Cayman's, not the USA.)
They must be talking about how to move money around to not pay taxes because that is what rich people do. That's why LOLberals like jillian want them arrested, their wealth redistributed to the state for things like a seawall to protect NYC from natural disaster ( :lmao: ) and to feed the poor. Right, jiilin?
Bush teaching billionaire investors how to avoid U.S. taxes.

That is the Republican Party in a nutshell.
Bush teaching billionaire investors how to avoid U.S. taxes.

That is the Republican Party in a nutshell.

man you need something for your psychophrenia it makes you just make UP SHIT all the time


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