George W. Bush is smarter than you

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
This is for all the people that think Bush was stupid simply because they heard a joke from Leno about it.

I am not kidding. You are quite an intelligent group. Don’t take it personally, but President Bush is smarter than almost every one of you. Were he a student here today, he would consistently get “HP” (High Pass) grades without having to work hard, and he’d get an “H” (High, the top grade) in any class where he wanted to put in the effort.
For more than six years it was my job to help educate President Bush about complex economic policy issues and to get decisions from him on impossibly hard policy choices. In meetings and in the briefing materials we gave him in advance we covered issues in far more depth than I have been discussing with you this quarter because we needed to do so for him to make decisions.
President Bush is extremely smart by any traditional standard. He’s highly analytical and was incredibly quick to be able to discern the core question he needed to answer. It was occasionally a little embarrassing when he would jump ahead of one of his Cabinet secretaries in a policy discussion and the advisor would struggle to catch up. He would sometimes force us to accelerate through policy presentations because he so quickly grasped what we were presenting.
I use words like briefing and presentation to describe our policy meetings with him, but those are inaccurate. Every meeting was a dialogue, and you had to be ready at all times to be grilled by him and to defend both your analysis and your recommendation. That was scary.

George W. Bush is smarter than you | Keith Hennessey

Any prediction on how long it will take Lakhota to pop in with his trademark mindless meme?
Is it a good idea to let a corporation whose finances are in the black, buy a company using leverage that has zero assets and debts three times the assets of the buying company?

If you answered NO, congrats! You're smarter than George W. Bush!
Is it a good idea to let a corporation whose finances are in the black, buy a company using leverage that has zero assets and debts three times the assets of the buying company?

If you answered NO, congrats! You're smarter than George W. Bush!

It's about calculated risk exposure. You're dumber than George of the Jungle.
Dubya could string make believe words together better than anyone I've ever seen. That's gotta be some kind of smart.

But he couldn't make up more words per hour than troops that died per hour for his bullshit nonsense wars.

Worst President ever. Don't defend him. It embarrasses Republicans and Democrats alike.
Dubya could string make believe words together better than anyone I've ever seen. That's gotta be some kind of smart.

But he couldn't make up more words per hour than troops that died per hour for his bullshit nonsense wars.

Worst President ever. Don't defend him. It embarrasses Republicans and Democrats alike.
Wow! If I had known all that I wouldn't have voted for him twice.
Dubya could string make believe words together better than anyone I've ever seen. That's gotta be some kind of smart.

But he couldn't make up more words per hour than troops that died per hour for his bullshit nonsense wars.

Worst President ever. Don't defend him. It embarrasses Republicans and Democrats alike.
Wow! If I had known all that I wouldn't have voted for him twice.

Well good job electing Obama then. Your two votes for Bush in 2000 and 2004 were worth 20 2008 votes for Obama.
George W. Bush is smarter than you

Obviously referring to Republicans. George was certainly at the top of the class among today's Republicans. He represented their best and brightest. He followed their policies to the "TEA", perfectly.

George W. Bush was the most honest and open minded of any Republican of his generation. Did I say he was probably the smartest? Certainly, that goes without saying. And he headed the most transparent administration of any conservative president in the last 20 years.

George Bush, with his amazing military career, his level of honestly, his ability to access a situation, and his policies ensure he will be remembered for generations to come. Believe me, no one is going to forget George W. Bush any time soon.
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Dubya could string make believe words together better than anyone I've ever seen. That's gotta be some kind of smart.

But he couldn't make up more words per hour than troops that died per hour for his bullshit nonsense wars.

Worst President ever. Don't defend him. It embarrasses Republicans and Democrats alike.
Wow! If I had known all that I wouldn't have voted for him twice.

Well good job electing Obama then. Your two votes for Bush in 2000 and 2004 were worth 20 2008 votes for Obama.
Not to worry. I didn't vote for that scrotum headed POS in 2008.
Wow! If I had known all that I wouldn't have voted for him twice.

Well good job electing Obama then. Your two votes for Bush in 2000 and 2004 were worth 20 2008 votes for Obama.
Not to worry. I didn't vote for that scrotum headed POS in 2008.

But you did more to elect him than the people who did vote for him in 2008. Bush voters helped guarantee a Democrat majority for 6 years, likely 8 years, and possibly as many as 16 years.
Well good job electing Obama then. Your two votes for Bush in 2000 and 2004 were worth 20 2008 votes for Obama.
Not to worry. I didn't vote for that scrotum headed POS in 2008.

But you did more to elect him than the people who did vote for him in 2008. Bush voters helped guarantee a Democrat majority for 6 years, likely 8 years, and possibly as many as 16 years.
I'm not that good at the new math. I barely made it thru the 3d Grade. With honors.
Not to worry. I didn't vote for that scrotum headed POS in 2008.

But you did more to elect him than the people who did vote for him in 2008. Bush voters helped guarantee a Democrat majority for 6 years, likely 8 years, and possibly as many as 16 years.
I'm not that good at the new math. I barely made it thru the 3d Grade. With honors.

Well come the next election let's both hope that people vote for someone who isn't as shitty as Bush or Obama.

This stuff is so biased. Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar. He is a highly intelligent man, the most intelligent in the entire group. Of that group, GW Bush is the least intelligent, including his father. This is a joke, ridiculous and pathetic, trying to resurrect GW. Pathetic. GW left office completely humiliated in the eyes of the entire world, someone who completely fucked up during his tenure in office. There is no getting around that, and history will record it as so.
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Is it a good idea to let a corporation whose finances are in the black, buy a company using leverage that has zero assets and debts three times the assets of the buying company?

If you answered NO, congrats! You're smarter than George W. Bush!

It's about calculated risk exposure. You're dumber than George of the Jungle.

BofA/CountryWide was "calculated risk exposure"? I hope you don't control your own investments.

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