George W. Bush is smarter than you

I have never doubted Bush II's intelligence.

I have no doubt his IQ makes him at least "gifted" if not a higher ranking.

I really doubt that any POTUS has ever been less than very intelligent.

This stuff is so biased. Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar. He is a highly intelligent man, the most intelligent in the entire group. Of that group, GW Bush is the least intelligent, including his father. This is a joke, ridiculous and pathetic, trying to resurrect GW. Pathetic. GW left office completely humiliated in the eyes of the entire world, someone who completely fucked up during his tenure in office. There is no getting around that, and history will record it as so.

Thinking Obama is dumb is making the same mistake as those who believe/d that GW is/was dumb. Both were intelligent enough to get themselves re-elected. Enough said.

Did you two even read the article? It had nothing to do the intelligence of the gentlemen in question. It was about class, it was about how these men carry themselves.

Never mind. Your blind hatred has made you ignorant.

Here, the truth in this one is also bound to piss you off...

The Presidential Wheel Turns -
stupid is as stupid does.

he was an incurious man.

bright doesnt make you a good leader.
stupid is as stupid does.

So the question is this


I think the answer is NO. For YOU or ME, its probably not good, but for him and his class?

he was an incurious man.

So we've been told. Or possibly he just refused to be curious about things that he KNEW he had no reason to want to discuss?

bright doesnt make you a good leader.

AGreed...depending on how one defines "good"
Is it a good idea to let a corporation whose finances are in the black, buy a company using leverage that has zero assets and debts three times the assets of the buying company?

If you answered NO, congrats! You're smarter than George W. Bush!

It's about calculated risk exposure. You're dumber than George of the Jungle.

BofA/CountryWide was "calculated risk exposure"? I hope you don't control your own investments.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
I'm going to start two wars and cut taxes to pay for them
Man is a genius

This stuff is so biased. Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar. He is a highly intelligent man, the most intelligent in the entire group. Of that group, GW Bush is the least intelligent, including his father. This is a joke, ridiculous and pathetic, trying to resurrect GW. Pathetic. GW left office completely humiliated in the eyes of the entire world, someone who completely fucked up during his tenure in office. There is no getting around that, and history will record it as so.

Thinking Obama is dumb is making the same mistake as those who believe/d that GW is/was dumb. Both were intelligent enough to get themselves re-elected. Enough said.

Did you two even read the article? It had nothing to do the intelligence of the gentlemen in question. It was about class, it was about how these men carry themselves.

Never mind. Your blind hatred has made you ignorant.

Here, the truth in this one is also bound to piss you off...

The Presidential Wheel Turns -

Your blind hatred of anything and anyone having to go with the left has made YOU ignorant. Your blind defense of Bush and anything Republican makes YOU ignorant. GW Bush is a figure of world wide ridicule and is despised by everyone except partisan Republicans. He is a humiliating embarrassment for Americans. He’s an embarrassment to the GOP who did not even have him in the past two elections help campaign for their presidential candidates.

Bush was a humiliating embarrassment for Americans. As far as carrying himself with more class than other presidents, and the ones you compare him to are all Democrats, that is just ludicrous. Bush is a pig. He has zero class. He is married to a murderer. His daughters were drunken sluts. He is a former druggie and alcoholic. How in the world do you classify him as having class and carrying himself well? He's a joke and a hypocrite. He ruined the country, ruined the economy, killed thousands upon thousands of people by starting two wars, and destroyed respect for America on a world wide scale. People in other parts of the world, and not just the Middle East, call him a war criminal. Trying to resurrect him now is pathetic.
I'm going to start two wars and cut taxes to pay for them
Man is a genius

Depends on what he wanted for an outcome, doesn't it?

Perhaps sending this nation back into debtors hell has been the GOP mission all along. It certainly looks like that's been the case for the last 40 years, does it not?


He did EVERYTHING RIGHT according to his MOTIVES
This stuff is so biased. Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar. He is a highly intelligent man, the most intelligent in the entire group. Of that group, GW Bush is the least intelligent, including his father. This is a joke, ridiculous and pathetic, trying to resurrect GW. Pathetic. GW left office completely humiliated in the eyes of the entire world, someone who completely fucked up during his tenure in office. There is no getting around that, and history will record it as so.

Thinking Obama is dumb is making the same mistake as those who believe/d that GW is/was dumb. Both were intelligent enough to get themselves re-elected. Enough said.

Did you two even read the article? It had nothing to do the intelligence of the gentlemen in question. It was about class, it was about how these men carry themselves.

Never mind. Your blind hatred has made you ignorant.

Here, the truth in this one is also bound to piss you off...

The Presidential Wheel Turns -

Your blind hatred of anything and anyone having to go with the left has made YOU ignorant. Your blind defense of Bush and anything Republican makes YOU ignorant. GW Bush is a figure of world wide ridicule and is despised by everyone except partisan Republicans. He is a humiliating embarrassment for Americans. He’s an embarrassment to the GOP who did not even have him in the past two elections help campaign for their presidential candidates.

Bush was a humiliating embarrassment for Americans. As far as carrying himself with more class than other presidents, and the ones you compare him to are all Democrats, that is just ludicrous. Bush is a pig. He has zero class. He is married to a murderer. His daughters were drunken sluts. He is a former druggie and alcoholic. How in the world do you classify him as having class and carrying himself well? He's a joke and a hypocrite. He ruined the country, ruined the economy, killed thousands upon thousands of people by starting two wars, and destroyed respect for America on a world wide scale. People in other parts of the world, and not just the Middle East, call him a war criminal. Trying to resurrect him now is pathetic.
Forget about Bush. You have your pet Muslim in office now. Isn't it exciting how he's cleaned up things the past 4+ years? Hope and change is a wonderful thing, ain't it?
Is it the opening of the library? Is that why there has been such an upsurge of "look! GW was secretly great!" threads?

I liked GW. He seemed like the type of man who was relatable. Someone you can sit down and have a beer with, and I honestly think he tried his very best, but to attempt to inflate him well beyond what he was? Not gonna work.

This stuff is so biased. Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar. He is a highly intelligent man, the most intelligent in the entire group. Of that group, GW Bush is the least intelligent, including his father. This is a joke, ridiculous and pathetic, trying to resurrect GW. Pathetic. GW left office completely humiliated in the eyes of the entire world, someone who completely fucked up during his tenure in office. There is no getting around that, and history will record it as so.

The bias here comes from you, the author did not say he was smarter than Clinton, it said he was smarter than any of the students in that class. Since you couldn't actually follow the point, and every single one of those students is in a very difficult economics class, that makes him smarter than you.

This is a direct quote from the official website of the Rhodes scholarship.

Rhodes Scholars are chosen not only for their outstanding scholarly achievements, but for their character, commitment to others and to the common good, and for their potential for leadership in whatever domains their careers may lead.

The Rhodes Scholarships

Maybe you should stop pretending that you are smart enough to actually discuss relative intelligence. Given Bush's SAT scores his IQ is in the 130 range, which makes him a hell pf a lot smarter than you think.

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