George W. Bush is smarter than you

This stuff is so biased. Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar. He is a highly intelligent man, the most intelligent in the entire group. Of that group, GW Bush is the least intelligent, including his father. This is a joke, ridiculous and pathetic, trying to resurrect GW. Pathetic. GW left office completely humiliated in the eyes of the entire world, someone who completely fucked up during his tenure in office. There is no getting around that, and history will record it as so.

Thinking Obama is dumb is making the same mistake as those who believe/d that GW is/was dumb. Both were intelligent enough to get themselves re-elected. Enough said.

Did you two even read the article? It had nothing to do the intelligence of the gentlemen in question. It was about class, it was about how these men carry themselves.

Never mind. Your blind hatred has made you ignorant.

Here, the truth in this one is also bound to piss you off...

The Presidential Wheel Turns -

Your blind hatred of anything and anyone having to go with the left has made YOU ignorant. Your blind defense of Bush and anything Republican makes YOU ignorant. GW Bush is a figure of world wide ridicule and is despised by everyone except partisan Republicans. He is a humiliating embarrassment for Americans. He’s an embarrassment to the GOP who did not even have him in the past two elections help campaign for their presidential candidates.

Bush was a humiliating embarrassment for Americans. As far as carrying himself with more class than other presidents, and the ones you compare him to are all Democrats, that is just ludicrous. Bush is a pig. He has zero class. He is married to a murderer. His daughters were drunken sluts. He is a former druggie and alcoholic. How in the world do you classify him as having class and carrying himself well? He's a joke and a hypocrite. He ruined the country, ruined the economy, killed thousands upon thousands of people by starting two wars, and destroyed respect for America on a world wide scale. People in other parts of the world, and not just the Middle East, call him a war criminal. Trying to resurrect him now is pathetic.

Blind hatred? You accuse others of blind hatred and then go on with a diatribe of bullshit and outright lies that shows nothing but blind hatred, you are an asshole and typical of the hyper partisan left that hate our country......... you wouldn't know class or intelligence if it ran over you with a truck.
Given Bush's SAT scores his IQ is in the 130 range

Old score IQ or new score IQ?

Apparently it does make a significant difference.

If its old school numbers than Bush II is in the GIFTED range.

If its new school numbers then he is merely very bright.

Thinking Obama is dumb is making the same mistake as those who believe/d that GW is/was dumb. Both were intelligent enough to get themselves re-elected. Enough said.

Thinking that class is an indication of intelligence shows how incredibly stupid you are. The only reference to intelligence in that entire article was that Obama is not as smart as he thinks he is. Very few people are as smart as they think, but the fact that that insight came from a reporter that supported Obama before he even got into office is very telling.
Is it the opening of the library? Is that why there has been such an upsurge of "look! GW was secretly great!" threads?

I liked GW. He seemed like the type of man who was relatable. Someone you can sit down and have a beer with, and I honestly think he tried his very best, but to attempt to inflate him well beyond what he was? Not gonna work.

How about trying to portray him as the intelligent and principled man he actually is? I disagree with a lot of his ideas, and hate the way he expanded the government into things it has no business in, as well as they way he chose safety and security over liberty, but none of that makes him stupid.
Given Bush's SAT scores his IQ is in the 130 range

Old score IQ or new score IQ?

Apparently it does make a significant difference.

If its old school numbers than Bush II is in the GIFTED range.

If its new school numbers then he is merely very bright.
The score also depends upon whether it's in Celsius or Fahrenheit. :D
Is George Bush smarter than me?

By some accounts, his IQ is around 125....not bad
He graduated from Harvard
He has excellent people skills

He supposedly has a short attention span and no fondness for details
He is characterized as not inquisitive
His speaking skills showed he gets confused and off track
Given Bush's SAT scores his IQ is in the 130 range
Old score IQ or new score IQ?

Apparently it does make a significant difference.

If its old school numbers than Bush II is in the GIFTED range.

If its new school numbers then he is merely very bright.

I am not trying to say he is a genius, just that he is a lot smarter than most people think. His SAT score was 1206 out of a possible 1600. My score was higher than that, but I was able to ace the Math section because I could use a calculator, something that did not exist when Bush took the test.
Is George Bush smarter than me?

By some accounts, his IQ is around 125....not bad
He graduated from Harvard
He has excellent people skills

He supposedly has a short attention span and no fondness for details
He is characterized as not inquisitive
His speaking skills showed he gets confused and off track

You were doing so good, then you diverged into a fantasy world invented by late night comedians.
Is George Bush smarter than me?

By some accounts, his IQ is around 125....not bad
He graduated from Harvard
He has excellent people skills

He supposedly has a short attention span and no fondness for details
He is characterized as not inquisitive
His speaking skills showed he gets confused and off track

You were doing so good, then you diverged into a fantasy world invented by late night comedians.

Not really

Accounts of Bush in meetings were that he was disinterested. He was not intrested in details and asked few probing questions
His public speaking difficulties are legendary
Is George Bush smarter than me?

By some accounts, his IQ is around 125....not bad
He graduated from Harvard
He has excellent people skills

He supposedly has a short attention span and no fondness for details
He is characterized as not inquisitive
His speaking skills showed he gets confused and off track

You were doing so good, then you diverged into a fantasy world invented by late night comedians.

Not really

Accounts of Bush in meetings were that he was disinterested. He was not intrested in details and asked few probing questions
His public speaking difficulties are legendary

I posted an entire article by a guy that was in those meetings that disputes those claims, what do you have other than the claim that someone said it?
"He is lucky to be governor of Texas, He is unusually incurious, abnormally unintelligent, amazingly inarticulate, fantastically uncultured, extraordinarily uneducated, and apparently quite proud of all these things."

Christopher Hitchens on George Bush
This stuff is so biased. Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar. He is a highly intelligent man, the most intelligent in the entire group. Of that group, GW Bush is the least intelligent, including his father. This is a joke, ridiculous and pathetic, trying to resurrect GW. Pathetic. GW left office completely humiliated in the eyes of the entire world, someone who completely fucked up during his tenure in office. There is no getting around that, and history will record it as so.

Thinking Obama is dumb is making the same mistake as those who believe/d that GW is/was dumb. Both were intelligent enough to get themselves re-elected. Enough said.

Did you two even read the article? It had nothing to do the intelligence of the gentlemen in question. It was about class, it was about how these men carry themselves.

Never mind. Your blind hatred has made you ignorant.

Here, the truth in this one is also bound to piss you off...

The Presidential Wheel Turns -

Your blind hatred of anything and anyone having to go with the left has made YOU ignorant. Your blind defense of Bush and anything Republican makes YOU ignorant. GW Bush is a figure of world wide ridicule and is despised by everyone except partisan Republicans. He is a humiliating embarrassment for Americans. He’s an embarrassment to the GOP who did not even have him in the past two elections help campaign for their presidential candidates.

Bush was a humiliating embarrassment for Americans. As far as carrying himself with more class than other presidents, and the ones you compare him to are all Democrats, that is just ludicrous. Bush is a pig. He has zero class. He is married to a murderer. His daughters were drunken sluts. He is a former druggie and alcoholic. How in the world do you classify him as having class and carrying himself well? He's a joke and a hypocrite. He ruined the country, ruined the economy, killed thousands upon thousands of people by starting two wars, and destroyed respect for America on a world wide scale. People in other parts of the world, and not just the Middle East, call him a war criminal. Trying to resurrect him now is pathetic.

Okay, pay attention twatwaffle, I'm going to type very slowly so that even you will be able to understand... Here we go...

Nothing I typed was in any way, shape, or form close to a diatribe. Over react much? Need a dictionary often?

I do not hate anyone or anything. Project much?

I have voted for and supported candidates of all political stripes, left, right, middle, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent. I am not guided by party ideology. Instead, I vote my conscience. I vote for who or what I believe best represents me and my values. Bush did not. Obama does not. Both have my respect, however. Why? Because they are and were my Presidents.

Neither of the links I posted are meant to be a defense of President Bush, rather they are a study in contrast. In fact, I'm not sure I've ever defended Bush except to call for equal treatment of Obama when he has misstepped. And, considering that except for his father, the only other living presidents are Democrats, to whom would you suggest a comparison be made?

Look, if you can't handle what is contained in the pieces I linked, that's your problem, not mine. But I was right, it does make you angry, stirs that hatred right up, doesn't it?

As for your comments concerning the family and their foibles and tribulations, you strike me as petty, small, and bitter. I can only hope that you and yours have never slipped, broken a law, made a mistake. GOD only knows what you'd say to them.

Oh, and there's no need to repond. You've proven yourself to be nothing more that a myopic, hate filled, partisan hack. I'm through with you.
Accounts of obama in meetings is that he's not there. This might indicate a lack of interest to most.

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