George Will on Ryan

If you don't vote for Trump, you are voting for the Hildebeast....Math, apparently is a hard subject when you have a choice between 2!!!
Does that mean that those that don't vote for the Hildabeast are voting for Trump?
I am voting for Gary Johnson.

Thank you JakeAss.....

  1. Johnson: I agree with 73 percent of what Sanders...
    Gov. Gary Johnson said that he agrees with 73 percent of what Bernie Sanders says, citing that libertarians agree with socialism as long as it's voluntary.
Jake, for years you've been telling us your a moderate Republican. Your posts show you to be a HARD CORE OBUMA APOLOGIST, I've called you a liberal scumbag, but I must admit, I'm wrong

By your statement above, you admit to being a SLIGHTLY MODERATE SOCIALIST SCUMBAG..... A commie in the order of your leader, Obuma...Thank you again for admitting to what you really are!

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