George Will warns ‘GROTESQUE’ is becoming normal for GOP! You're being Affectionate! That is THEM!

Baz Ares

Gold Member
Feb 2, 2017
George Will warns ‘grotesque’ is becoming normal for GOP

Conservative columnist George Will warned Friday that "grotesque" is becoming the new normal for the Republican Party.

In a column for The Washington Post, Will rips advertisements on behalf of Sen. Luther Strange (R-Ala.) that attack Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), who is also seeking the Alabama Senate seat.

Strange was appointed in February to serve the remainder of former Sen. Jeff Sessions' (R) term after Sessions was named President Trump's attorney general. The ads attacking Brooks were financed by a political action committee (PAC) aligned with Senate GOP leadership.
George Will warns ‘grotesque’ is becoming normal for GOP

:clap:Some truth, hold on, MORE is coming fast.

LOL Starting right here: "Senate GOP leaders like Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) are "shredding the remnants of its dignity"

For the curious, it's ALL explained well below.

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List your best heard, read or seen GOP/DOPer ‘grotesque’ moment on
political subjects below. Let us view 2016 till now. What was lost?

I will start with.

George Will warns ‘grotesque’ is becoming normal for GOP

Conservative columnist George Will warned Friday that "grotesque" is becoming the new normal for the Republican Party.

In a column for The Washington Post, Will rips advertisements on behalf of Sen. Luther Strange (R-Ala.) that attack Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), who is also seeking the Alabama Senate seat.

Strange was appointed in February to serve the remainder of former Sen. Jeff Sessions' (R) term after Sessions was named President Trump's attorney general. The ads attacking Brooks were financed by a political action committee (PAC) aligned with Senate GOP leadership.
George Will warns ‘grotesque’ is becoming normal for GOP

:clap:Some truth, hold on, MORE is coming fast.

LOL Starting right here: "Senate GOP leaders like Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) are "shredding the remnants of its dignity"
I respect Geo. Will. he's right, but this also extends the other way, with the Liberal Democrats destroying all hint of credibility and open mindedness as well. Our two party system has become a tea party for mad hatters. The system isn't working. People are confused, we need gun control. Blocked. We need immigration control. Shut down. We need real affordable health care, we get games. This has got to end, all of it. Especially the factionalism between the parties, they are both idiots. Let's work together and fix it, please? Let's end the madness.
George Will warns ‘grotesque’ is becoming normal for GOP

Conservative columnist George Will warned Friday that "grotesque" is becoming the new normal for the Republican Party.

In a column for The Washington Post, Will rips advertisements on behalf of Sen. Luther Strange (R-Ala.) that attack Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), who is also seeking the Alabama Senate seat.

Strange was appointed in February to serve the remainder of former Sen. Jeff Sessions' (R) term after Sessions was named President Trump's attorney general. The ads attacking Brooks were financed by a political action committee (PAC) aligned with Senate GOP leadership.
George Will warns ‘grotesque’ is becoming normal for GOP

:clap:Some truth, hold on, MORE is coming fast.

LOL Starting right here: "Senate GOP leaders like Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) are "shredding the remnants of its dignity"
I respect Geo. Will. he's right, but this also extends the other way, with the Liberal Democrats destroying all hint of credibility and open mindedness as well. Our two party system has become a tea party for mad hatters. The system isn't working. People are confused, we need gun control. Blocked. We need immigration control. Shut down. We need real affordable health care, we get games. This has got to end, all of it. Especially the factionalism between the parties, they are both idiots. Let's work together and fix it, please? Let's end the madness.

Don't try to pretend they are the same. Yes, the Democratic Party is less than perfect, but they haven't gone bat shit crazy like the right has.
Strange is corrupt...................I've seen the attack ads................

Brooks was for Ted Cruz in the primaries............after Cruz lost he then supported Trump for President. So the attack ad is completely wrong.

Strange got the position while part of an impeachment campaign against the Governor.................Basically blackmailed Gov. Bentley was forced to resign as a corrupt POS.

I know the real deal...........don't know how many others do........Strange DOESN'T HAVE MY VOTE...............the ad is BS.
George Will warns ‘grotesque’ is becoming normal for GOP

Conservative columnist George Will warned Friday that "grotesque" is becoming the new normal for the Republican Party.

In a column for The Washington Post, Will rips advertisements on behalf of Sen. Luther Strange (R-Ala.) that attack Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), who is also seeking the Alabama Senate seat.

Strange was appointed in February to serve the remainder of former Sen. Jeff Sessions' (R) term after Sessions was named President Trump's attorney general. The ads attacking Brooks were financed by a political action committee (PAC) aligned with Senate GOP leadership.
George Will warns ‘grotesque’ is becoming normal for GOP

:clap:Some truth, hold on, MORE is coming fast.

LOL Starting right here: "Senate GOP leaders like Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) are "shredding the remnants of its dignity"
I respect Geo. Will. he's right, but this also extends the other way, with the Liberal Democrats destroying all hint of credibility and open mindedness as well. Our two party system has become a tea party for mad hatters. The system isn't working. People are confused, we need gun control. Blocked. We need immigration control. Shut down. We need real affordable health care, we get games. This has got to end, all of it. Especially the factionalism between the parties, they are both idiots. Let's work together and fix it, please? Let's end the madness.

Don't try to pretend they are the same. Yes, the Democratic Party is less than perfect, but they haven't gone bat shit crazy like the right has.
Please,I would argue the democrats lost their minds first years ago, it seems the republicans have reached the Alzheimer level of disconnect recently. So spare me. Our political system needs a major overhaul.
Bentley impeachment process on hold for investigation by AG Strange

Strange, in his letter to Jones, dated today, wrote that it would be "prudent and beneficial to delay the work of the House Judiciary Committee."

"I respectfully request that the Committee cease active interviews and investigation until I am able to report to you that the necessary related work of my office has been completed," Strange wrote.

Bentley released a statement in response to the letter from Strange and the decision to suspend the impeachment proceedings.

"I respect the position of the attorney general and the leadership of the House of Representatives," the governor said. "My focus will continue to be on doing the work of the people of Alabama."

Gov. Robert Bentley appoints Luther Strange to Senate - CNN
(CNN)Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley has managed to sideline a key player in the ongoing effort to investigate -- and potentially impeach or prosecute -- him by appointing the state's attorney general to succeed Sen. Jeff Sessions in the US Senate.

Bentley, whose second term has been plagued by a sex scandal involving a former staffer, named state Attorney General Luther Strange on Thursday to succeed Sessions, who is due to be sworn in Thursday as US attorney general to President Donald Trump.
The governor, who denies doing anything illegal, now gets to name Strange's replacement, an opportunity he could use to install an official less interested in pursuing a case against him. Sessions, Bentley and Strange are Republicans.
Bentley was is Strange.

Hope the rest of Alabama sees that.
George Will warns ‘grotesque’ is becoming normal for GOP

Conservative columnist George Will warned Friday that "grotesque" is becoming the new normal for the Republican Party.

In a column for The Washington Post, Will rips advertisements on behalf of Sen. Luther Strange (R-Ala.) that attack Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), who is also seeking the Alabama Senate seat.

Strange was appointed in February to serve the remainder of former Sen. Jeff Sessions' (R) term after Sessions was named President Trump's attorney general. The ads attacking Brooks were financed by a political action committee (PAC) aligned with Senate GOP leadership.
George Will warns ‘grotesque’ is becoming normal for GOP

:clap:Some truth, hold on, MORE is coming fast.

LOL Starting right here: "Senate GOP leaders like Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) are "shredding the remnants of its dignity"
I respect Geo. Will. he's right, but this also extends the other way, with the Liberal Democrats destroying all hint of credibility and open mindedness as well. Our two party system has become a tea party for mad hatters. The system isn't working. People are confused, we need gun control. Blocked. We need immigration control. Shut down. We need real affordable health care, we get games. This has got to end, all of it. Especially the factionalism between the parties, they are both idiots. Let's work together and fix it, please? Let's end the madness.


I want more gun control. How many daily AR15 shoot outs do you see?
How many mass murder events have been carried out using an AR!5?
One shotgun and just Two 6-8 shot handguns per household. Kids need to be
with adults over 45 to use them off the ranges. On ranges a little more freedom.
The rest stay locked up at local shooting arcades of crazy uses,.aka: the shooting ranges.

We have all the immigration inbound laws we need. I would say, I'm open to
adjusting the anchor baby regulations. Simple! At least one parent needs to have
been born in the USA, to two American-born parents. This is not the
17th century anymore. No baby born on travel visa allowed. But we can stamp the babies
ass on the way out for good. So they can't return other ways.

This looks sweet!


We need to go after the employers. Offer rewards! Say, Get a legal worker green card, if you
turn in 5 employers that employed you under the table anyway it was done,
Then, The IRS and courts Tax/Fine their gross income for life @15%. After that, they can
pay again taxes to feds and states, at whatever rate they fall into. PLUS, Flagged them all for auditing first.
George Will warns ‘grotesque’ is becoming normal for GOP

Conservative columnist George Will warned Friday that "grotesque" is becoming the new normal for the Republican Party.

In a column for The Washington Post, Will rips advertisements on behalf of Sen. Luther Strange (R-Ala.) that attack Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), who is also seeking the Alabama Senate seat.

Strange was appointed in February to serve the remainder of former Sen. Jeff Sessions' (R) term after Sessions was named President Trump's attorney general. The ads attacking Brooks were financed by a political action committee (PAC) aligned with Senate GOP leadership.
George Will warns ‘grotesque’ is becoming normal for GOP

:clap:Some truth, hold on, MORE is coming fast.

LOL Starting right here: "Senate GOP leaders like Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) are "shredding the remnants of its dignity"
I respect Geo. Will. he's right, but this also extends the other way, with the Liberal Democrats destroying all hint of credibility and open mindedness as well. Our two party system has become a tea party for mad hatters. The system isn't working. People are confused, we need gun control. Blocked. We need immigration control. Shut down. We need real affordable health care, we get games. This has got to end, all of it. Especially the factionalism between the parties, they are both idiots. Let's work together and fix it, please? Let's end the madness.

George is an imbecile. He's also an establishment RINO never-Trumper. His credibility is zero.
Screw George Will. I used to like reading him until I found out he was a close-minded snobbish bigot who thinks he is smarter than everybody else.

If you're just catching on to that, then you never read his articles before.
Screw George Will. I used to like reading him until I found out he was a close-minded snobbish bigot who thinks he is smarter than everybody else.

Can you explain voting for The Great Orange Douche? If you did.

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I always have, and always will respect G. Will, he is a moderate republican and an intellectual and eclipses William Buckley.
Screw George Will. I used to like reading him until I found out he was a close-minded snobbish bigot who thinks he is smarter than everybody else.

The smartest people want to know the truth.

George Will warns ‘grotesque’ is becoming normal for GOP

Conservative columnist George Will warned Friday that "grotesque" is becoming the new normal for the Republican Party.

In a column for The Washington Post, Will rips advertisements on behalf of Sen. Luther Strange (R-Ala.) that attack Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), who is also seeking the Alabama Senate seat.

Strange was appointed in February to serve the remainder of former Sen. Jeff Sessions' (R) term after Sessions was named President Trump's attorney general. The ads attacking Brooks were financed by a political action committee (PAC) aligned with Senate GOP leadership.
George Will warns ‘grotesque’ is becoming normal for GOP

:clap:Some truth, hold on, MORE is coming fast.

LOL Starting right here: "Senate GOP leaders like Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) are "shredding the remnants of its dignity"
I respect Geo. Will. he's right, but this also extends the other way, with the Liberal Democrats destroying all hint of credibility and open mindedness as well. Our two party system has become a tea party for mad hatters. The system isn't working. People are confused, we need gun control. Blocked. We need immigration control. Shut down. We need real affordable health care, we get games. This has got to end, all of it. Especially the factionalism between the parties, they are both idiots. Let's work together and fix it, please? Let's end the madness.

Don't try to pretend they are the same. Yes, the Democratic Party is less than perfect, but they haven't gone bat shit crazy like the right has.
24 hour obsession with the Russian boogeyman is sane and rational but America First is bat shit crazy. Got it.
George Will warns ‘grotesque’ is becoming normal for GOP

Conservative columnist George Will warned Friday that "grotesque" is becoming the new normal for the Republican Party.

In a column for The Washington Post, Will rips advertisements on behalf of Sen. Luther Strange (R-Ala.) that attack Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), who is also seeking the Alabama Senate seat.

Strange was appointed in February to serve the remainder of former Sen. Jeff Sessions' (R) term after Sessions was named President Trump's attorney general. The ads attacking Brooks were financed by a political action committee (PAC) aligned with Senate GOP leadership.
George Will warns ‘grotesque’ is becoming normal for GOP

:clap:Some truth, hold on, MORE is coming fast.

LOL Starting right here: "Senate GOP leaders like Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) are "shredding the remnants of its dignity"
I respect Geo. Will. he's right, but this also extends the other way, with the Liberal Democrats destroying all hint of credibility and open mindedness as well. Our two party system has become a tea party for mad hatters. The system isn't working. People are confused, we need gun control. Blocked. We need immigration control. Shut down. We need real affordable health care, we get games. This has got to end, all of it. Especially the factionalism between the parties, they are both idiots. Let's work together and fix it, please? Let's end the madness.

Don't try to pretend they are the same. Yes, the Democratic Party is less than perfect, but they haven't gone bat shit crazy like the right has.
24 hour obsession with the Russian boogeyman is sane and rational but America First is bat shit crazy. Got it.
What the hell are you talking about? Like Liberal Democrats going over their constituents heads and aiding and abetting illegal aliens, the sheer chutzpah of that alone convinced me how broken our political system has become.

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