George Zimmerman banned from Tinder dating app

How do you figure? Zimmerman is guilty if he doesn't stay incarcerated in his own vehicle? In this country, that shit doesn't fly.

Zimmerman was a authorized member of the block watch, and was certainly permitted to leave in SUV for any reason or no reason at all.

Further, if he would have stayed in his vehicle, he would have had no place to go if Martin would have saw him, and dragged him out of the SUV for a beating.

Not only did the dispatcher tell him NOT to chase, but clearly it is illegal to chase someone who has committed no crime.

Zimmerman was NOT at all a member of the Neighborhood Watch, and no Neighborhood Watch member is EVER allowed to be armed or alone.
And no, that was NOT Zimmerman's neighborhood, so he was not supposed to be cutting through people's yards like he did.

It is ridiculous to claim it was safer to chase after Martin than to remain in the safety of a lockable SUV.

A lockable SUV means nothing . Martin could have easily broke the windshield or other doors, if Zimmerman refused to open the doors and that would have caused a lot of damage.

Remember, the libs expected Zimmerman to cower before the Young Black Male Sacred Cow.
Why would Zimmerman be afraid of Martin trying to open his car? He had a gun.

Sure, Zimmerman had a gun.

But the grief he could expect for using it against America's Sacred Cow makes it really useless. The liberal lynch mobs weren't going to put up with it.

Wouldn't you have trepidations about shooting a cow on the streets of Calcutta, regardless of what the cow was doing? Cows are also considered to be literally Almighty God to the natives. Even if you were eventually cleared, you would be locked up in Calcutta's Black Hole no questions asked until it was sorted out.

Right wingers really are nuts, aren't you?

Whut dat day say bout dose dat live in glass houses ...dey should not throw rocks. hehheh
..I am all for being security aware in your neighborhood/etc
...but TM was doing NOTHING wrong..nothing wrong at all
.....of all the shootings of blacks, THIS is the one that should've been protested big time

.but TM was doing NOTHING wrong..nothing wrong at all

Right up until the time he got violent.

Yep....not to mention he ran away.....why did he run? Why was he lollygagging in a apt. complex on a dark and rainy night? Espically one that was suffering from burglaries and home invasions.

He was definitely suspicious....that is why George called the he had done numerous times...see something the police.

That is the duty of a watchman....observe and report.

The entire Zimmerman-Martin situation taught we the people a few critical points.

- Don't volunteer for neighborhood watch

-If you see something, don't say anything

- The Young Black Male is our society's sacred cow, treat him with the same respect you would a holstein you encounter on the streets of Bombay.

Excellent points. Snitches get stitches in the hood....that is why they are overrun with crime and violence.

The Chicago PD only clears 30% of the homicides in that city- mainly because people will not snitch on Young Black Males, who are the main perps. You can't blame the people on that, people saw what happened in Zimmerman and other cases as well. Avoiding these sacred cows is the key to survival for both civilians and police officers.

Young black males only compose about 3% of the total pop. yet they commit over half of all violent crimes....that is something all politicians are too fearful to deal with as they would be labeled waycist if they attempted to do so.

Yes we live in insane doub bout dat boyos

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following him is not the same as going after him,,,

travon was found to be the aggressor,,,
Basically a black kid has no right to fear for his safety or defend himself..which is what cucks like you prefer.....

...but i expect racists like yourself to think that....meanwhile, cowards like you think a black kid walking his dog in your neighborhood is a threat

There was no finding that Señor Zimmerman attacked the Martin boy at all. Personally, I think its disrespectful and racist for Martin to disrespect and attack a proud hispanic immigrant like Zimmerman who was just minding his own business. When I was a kid, unlike Martin, I was taught to actually RESPECT adults, even if they were people of color and immigrants like Z.
I get it now.... you’re just crazy. :cuckoo:

Zimmerman followed Martin through the neighborhood, first by car, then by foot when he could no longer follow by car. We can debate the actions of those two forever, but classifying Zimmerman as just “minding his own business” does nothing other than to expose you as a nutjob.

And Zimmerman was born in the U.S.. He is not an immigrant.

Zimmerman was a neighborhood watchman and well within his 'business' to report suspicious persons in the area....that is all he did...he observed and reported and was waiting for the police when he was attacked by trayvon....all this was proved in court....why didn't you watch the trial?
Learn English, I didn’t say it wasn’t his business to checkout Trayvon — I said it’s crazy to assert Zimmerman was “minding his own business.”
Just as crazy to say Martin was as well.
Why would Zimmerman be afraid of Martin trying to open his car? He had a gun.

George had no fear....who told you that?
I didn’t say that either. I asked why an armed individual would be too afraid to remain in his car.

because most armed people dont want to use that gun to kill unless they have too
I said nothing about wanting or not wanting to use his gun. Again... I asked why an armed individual would fear staying in their car. Especially in this circumstance where said individual got out of his car and walked into a dark area.

You are presuming George was afraid to stay in his car which makes no sense.....George did not get out of his truck because he was afraid...that is ridiculous but par for the course on here...where ignorance abounds...all these peeps that seem so emotionally wrapped up in this case but did not bother to watch the trial...which would answer all their is available online and has been posted.
You are reading impaired. I am the one saying it is ludicrous to assert Zimmerman was afraid to stay in his car — in response to a raving lunatic who actually did assert such nonsense.

Please read for comprehension.
Basically a black kid has no right to fear for his safety or defend himself..which is what cucks like you prefer.....

...but i expect racists like yourself to think that....meanwhile, cowards like you think a black kid walking his dog in your neighborhood is a threat

There was no finding that Señor Zimmerman attacked the Martin boy at all. Personally, I think its disrespectful and racist for Martin to disrespect and attack a proud hispanic immigrant like Zimmerman who was just minding his own business. When I was a kid, unlike Martin, I was taught to actually RESPECT adults, even if they were people of color and immigrants like Z.
I get it now.... you’re just crazy. :cuckoo:

Zimmerman followed Martin through the neighborhood, first by car, then by foot when he could no longer follow by car. We can debate the actions of those two forever, but classifying Zimmerman as just “minding his own business” does nothing other than to expose you as a nutjob.

And Zimmerman was born in the U.S.. He is not an immigrant.

Zimmerman was a neighborhood watchman and well within his 'business' to report suspicious persons in the area....that is all he did...he observed and reported and was waiting for the police when he was attacked by trayvon....all this was proved in court....why didn't you watch the trial?
Learn English, I didn’t say it wasn’t his business to checkout Trayvon — I said it’s crazy to assert Zimmerman was “minding his own business.”

You have been answered and devastatingly so...I will just pile are a idiot. got dat? take a are a waste of board space.

You have not answered anything I said because it’s clear you have no idea what I said.
Basically a black kid has no right to fear for his safety or defend himself..which is what cucks like you prefer.....

...but i expect racists like yourself to think that....meanwhile, cowards like you think a black kid walking his dog in your neighborhood is a threat

There was no finding that Señor Zimmerman attacked the Martin boy at all. Personally, I think its disrespectful and racist for Martin to disrespect and attack a proud hispanic immigrant like Zimmerman who was just minding his own business. When I was a kid, unlike Martin, I was taught to actually RESPECT adults, even if they were people of color and immigrants like Z.
I get it now.... you’re just crazy. :cuckoo:

Zimmerman followed Martin through the neighborhood, first by car, then by foot when he could no longer follow by car. We can debate the actions of those two forever, but classifying Zimmerman as just “minding his own business” does nothing other than to expose you as a nutjob.

And Zimmerman was born in the U.S.. He is not an immigrant.

Zimmerman was a neighborhood watchman and well within his 'business' to report suspicious persons in the area....that is all he did...he observed and reported and was waiting for the police when he was attacked by trayvon....all this was proved in court....why didn't you watch the trial?
Learn English, I didn’t say it wasn’t his business to checkout Trayvon — I said it’s crazy to assert Zimmerman was “minding his own business.”
Just as crazy to say Martin was as well.
Who said he was?
I listened to the entire trial. I recall this being a pretty fascinating case with a very unfortunate set of circumstances. IMO both Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman both caused the outcome.

A few points:
- Zimmerman was not on duty that night as Neighborhood Watch captain.
- Martin was walking down a sidewalk between houses that led directly to his house.
- Zimmerman left his car after Trayvon circled his vehicle to follow him. Police told Zimmerman they didn't need him to do this.
- Martin attacked Zimmerman after confronting him. (Zimmerman's account, obviously not Martin's)

Why does Martin not just keep walking to his house? The possible answer: maybe he doesn't want this person following him knowing where he lives. Or maybe he felt disrespected. We'll never know.

Why does Zimmerman follow him when he's not on duty and packing a weapon? Was Zimmerman playing cop? Or was Zimmerman just trying to ascertain where Martin is? But seriously, why does Zimmerman care? He's not on duty. Martin is aware of his presence and likely not breaking into anyone's house even if that were his intention. Worst of all, why does Zimmerman proceed down a dimly lit sidewalk?

At the end of the day the prosecutor totally over reached with 2nd degree murder. They never had a prayer of proving 2nd degree. Voluntary (or involuntary) manslaughter was more likely to stick. I think they could have proven Zimmerman had no intention on killing Martin, but through his actions caused the outcome. Unfortunately the usual race accusations along with public pressure surfaced and the entire case spiraled out of control.
At the end of the day the prosecutor totally over reached with 2nd degree murder. .

I don't think so at all.

The state's attorney was pressured by the Poverty Pimps to charge Mr. Zimmerman with 1st degree murder. Going down to 2nd degree murder was pushing it, going all the way down to manslaughter wasn't going to happen as the mobs would have lynched the prosecutors.

By charging 2nd degree murder, they were satisfying the community.
At the end of the day the prosecutor totally over reached with 2nd degree murder. .

I don't think so at all.

The state's attorney was pressured by the Poverty Pimps to charge Mr. Zimmerman with 1st degree murder. Going down to 2nd degree murder was pushing it, going all the way down to manslaughter wasn't going to happen as the mobs would have lynched the prosecutors.

By charging 2nd degree murder, they were satisfying the community.

Didn't you just prove my point? The prosecutor cannot be swayed by public opinion. The only thing that matters is the evidence. There is no way in hell the prosecutor had enough evidence for 2nd degree. However, in Florida the prosecutor was allowed to ask the jury to consider a lesser charge. So manslaughter was in fact on the table. But the prosecution only did this AFTER they spent the entire trial trying to prove 2nd degree. By then it was to late because they built their trial on 2nd degree. IMO a competent prosecutor not swayed by the public could have proven manslaughter - either voluntary or involuntary.
I listened to the entire trial. I recall this being a pretty fascinating case with a very unfortunate set of circumstances. IMO both Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman both caused the outcome.

A few points:
- Zimmerman was not on duty that night as Neighborhood Watch captain.
- Martin was walking down a sidewalk between houses that led directly to his house.
- Zimmerman left his car after Trayvon circled his vehicle to follow him. Police told Zimmerman they didn't need him to do this.
- Martin attacked Zimmerman after confronting him. (Zimmerman's account, obviously not Martin's)

Why does Martin not just keep walking to his house? The possible answer: maybe he doesn't want this person following him knowing where he lives. Or maybe he felt disrespected. We'll never know.

Why does Zimmerman follow him when he's not on duty and packing a weapon? Was Zimmerman playing cop? Or was Zimmerman just trying to ascertain where Martin is? But seriously, why does Zimmerman care? He's not on duty. Martin is aware of his presence and likely not breaking into anyone's house even if that were his intention. Worst of all, why does Zimmerman proceed down a dimly lit sidewalk?

At the end of the day the prosecutor totally over reached with 2nd degree murder. They never had a prayer of proving 2nd degree. Voluntary (or involuntary) manslaughter was more likely to stick. I think they could have proven Zimmerman had no intention on killing Martin, but through his actions caused the outcome. Unfortunately the usual race accusations along with public pressure surfaced and the entire case spiraled out of control.

Yours is not the worst analysis I have seen and in fact you make a couple of relevant points but overall your score is not good.

I will take it apart now point by point.

Whether or not Z was on duty that night is totally irrelevant...he was a citizen of that community and he was entirely correct to report a suspicious person in the have to remember this is something Z had done numerous times...and never had a problem aka observe a suspicious person and report it to the police...nothing would have happened if Trayvon had remained on the scene and wited till the police arrived, nothing would have happened if when Trayvon ran off...he had gone home and stayed there.

It makes no difference where Trayvon was was a dark and rainy night...a normal innocent person would have been hurrying home...not lollygagging about in a complex plagued with burglaries and home invasions not to mention peering into windows.

Thus he attracted the attention of Zimmerman as a suspicious person. Thus Zimmerman reported it.

Zimmerman actually had completely lost sight of Trayvon shortly after he took off running...Z was on the phone with dispatach when Trayvon took off...he told dispatch...he is running...dispatch axed...which way he is going...since Z could not see he got out of his truck and started walking in the last direction he saw trayvon headed to try and confirm to dispatch which way he was going...dispatch heard the wind in Z's phone and axed him...are you following the suspect...Z replied yes...dispatch said...'we do not need you to do tht' Z said o.k. and stopped. Then dispatch axed Z for his exact address so they could direct the police to the exact location....Z could not see any house numbers since it was a dark and rainy night....he told the dispatcher to have the police call him directly so he could tell them exactly where he was...

then as he was headed back to his truck he was confronted by Trayvon...who had doubled back to confront Z....trayvon axed him if he had a problem....Z said no took out his phone to call dispatch and Trayvon sucker punched him while he was trying to make the phone call.

The old lame assertion that Z would follow trayvon to his house is always trotted out....Trayvon had completely eluded Z...Z had no idea where trayvon was and it would have been impossible for him to follow him to his house

The best theory as to why trayvon went back and assaulted George is supported by Trayvons g/f he was talking to on the phone...she said tray thought Z was a queer aka a homersexual....thus it is quite possible that tray being a homophobe attacked George because he looked gay to trayvon.

Z should not have been charged with anything.....the local police did a thorough investigation and cleared Z...that should have been the end of the affair.

Instead what happened was that Al Sharpton heard about the case and based on George's last name thought he was a jew...Al sharpton is a well known Jew hater....and he was incensed thinking a jew killed one of his homies. Not finding out till much later that Z was not a jew...was in fact a hispanic with a black grandfather.

But the ball was rolling...the feds at the bequest of attorney general eric holder backed by obama got involved and put pressure on Rick Scott the governor of Florida to indict Z....thus the ball picked up speed and the media jumped in with their photograph of trayvon when he was a very innocent looking l2 yr old and the public thought that was the way he looked the night of his murder and lots of people were outraged....because they really believed Trayon was still that innocent looking l2 yr. old.

The worst thing about this whole ridiculous affair was how some completely innocent white folk were attacked and some were killed by radical young blacks angry because Z was found not guilty....the media bears most of the responsibility for that as they did their best to stir up public emotions by spinning the facts, by putting out dis-information and by outright such an extent that their dupes still believe the crap the media put out....and you see them on here making fools of themselves.
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I listened to the entire trial. I recall this being a pretty fascinating case with a very unfortunate set of circumstances. IMO both Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman both caused the outcome.

A few points:
- Zimmerman was not on duty that night as Neighborhood Watch captain.
- Martin was walking down a sidewalk between houses that led directly to his house.
- Zimmerman left his car after Trayvon circled his vehicle to follow him. Police told Zimmerman they didn't need him to do this.
- Martin attacked Zimmerman after confronting him. (Zimmerman's account, obviously not Martin's)

Why does Martin not just keep walking to his house? The possible answer: maybe he doesn't want this person following him knowing where he lives. Or maybe he felt disrespected. We'll never know.

Why does Zimmerman follow him when he's not on duty and packing a weapon? Was Zimmerman playing cop? Or was Zimmerman just trying to ascertain where Martin is? But seriously, why does Zimmerman care? He's not on duty. Martin is aware of his presence and likely not breaking into anyone's house even if that were his intention. Worst of all, why does Zimmerman proceed down a dimly lit sidewalk?

At the end of the day the prosecutor totally over reached with 2nd degree murder. They never had a prayer of proving 2nd degree. Voluntary (or involuntary) manslaughter was more likely to stick. I think they could have proven Zimmerman had no intention on killing Martin, but through his actions caused the outcome. Unfortunately the usual race accusations along with public pressure surfaced and the entire case spiraled out of control.

Yours is not the worst analysis I have seen and in fact you make a couple of relevant points but overall your score is not good.

I will take it apart now point by point.

Whether or not Z was on duty that night is totally irrelevant...he was a citizen of that community and he was entirely correct to report a suspicious person in the have to remember this is something Z had done numerous times...and never had a problem aka observe a suspicious person and report it to the police...nothing would have happened if Trayvon had remained on the scene and wited till the police arrived, nothing would have happened if when Trayvon ran off...he had gone home and stayed there.

It makes no difference where Trayvon was was a dark and rainy night...a normal innocent person would have been hurrying home...not lollygagging about in a complex plagued with burglaries and home invasions not to mention peering into windows.

Thus he attracted the attention of Zimmerman as a suspicious person. Thus Zimmerman reported it.

Zimmerman actually had completely lost sight of Trayvon shortly after he took off running...Z was on the phone with dispatach when Trayvon took off...he told dispatch...he is running...dispatch axed...which way he is going...since Z could not see he got out of his truck and started walking in the last direction he saw trayvon headed to try and confirm to dispatch which way he was going...dispatch heard the wind in Z's phone and axed him...are you following the suspect...Z replied yes...dispatch said...'we do not need you to do tht' Z said o.k. and stopped. Then dispatch axed Z for his exact address so they could direct the police to the exact location....Z could not see any house numbers since it was a dark and rainy night....he told the dispatcher to have the police call him directly so he could tell them exactly where he was...

then as he was headed back to his truck he was confronted by Trayvon...who had doubled back to confront Z....trayvon axed him if he had a problem....Z said no took out his phone to call dispatch and Trayvon sucker punched him while he was trying to make the phone call.

The old lame assertion that Z would follow trayvon to his house is always trotted out....Trayvon had completely eluded Z...Z had no idea where trayvon was and it would have been impossible for him to follow him to his house

The best theory as to why trayvon went back and assaulted George is supported by Trayvons g/f he was talking to on the phone...she said tray thought Z was a queer aka a homersexual....thus it is quite possible that tray being a homophobe attacked George because he looked gay to trayvon.

Z should not have been charged with anything.....the local police did a thorough investigation and cleared Z...that should have been the end of the affair.

Instead what happened was that Al Sharpton heard about the case and based on George's last name thought he was a jew...Al sharpton is a well known Jew hater....and he was incensed thinking a jew killed one of his homies. Not finding out till much later that Z was not a jew...was in fact a hispanic with a black grandfather.

But the ball was rolling...the feds at the bequest of attorney general eric holder backed by obama got involved and put pressure on Rick Scott the governor of Florida to indict Z....thus the ball picked up speed and the media jumped in with their photograph of trayvon when he was a very innocent looking l2 yr old and the public thought that was the way he looked the night of his murder and lots of people were outraged....because they really believed Trayon was still that innocent looking l2 yr. old.

The worst thing about this whole ridiculous affair was how some completely innocent white folk were attacked and some were killed by radical young blacks angry because Z was found not guilty....the media bears most of the responsibility for that as they did their best to stir up public emotions by spinning the facts, by putting out dis-information and by outright such an extent that their dupes still believe the crap the media put out....and you see them on here making fools of themselves.

No doubt the media was completely irresponsible and stoked the flames. No doubt Obama was irresponsible by saying Trayvon could have been his "son" before Zimmerman had his trial. Sharpton is a race baiter for sure.

But regardless of that unfortunate side show, I still think Zimmerman along with Martin caused the outcome.

Here's the map:


Zimmerman walked a pretty long way to merely ascertain Martin's location. He admitted to following Martin. Is following someone illegal? It's not if you're traveling in the same direction or lost. But Zimmerman was specially following Martin due to suspicion when we know Martin had every right to be there. In some places this could be considered stalking which is illegal, harassment, endangerment, or invasion of privacy. It doesn't matter what Martin was doing in the rain at night because he was staying in the development.

Furthermore, you mention Martin's girlfriend. According to her account Martin told the her that someone was following him and that he was trying to get away. The girl said that, during the phone call, she heard someone ask Martin what he was doing and heard Martin ask why the person was following him.

Based on the map and the fact that Zimmerman admitted to following Martin I find the girlfriend's account credible. I especially find her credible when she admits Martin referred to Zimmerman as queer. She's not trying to hide anything IMO.

We also know Zimmerman was carrying a gun. It's safe to say Zimmerman wasn't scared to walk down a dark sidewalk on a rainy night to confront someone.

IMO Zimmerman's overzealous actions to "catch" Martin led to the confrontation which led to Zimmerman firing his gun. I don't believe for second he was simply trying to observe to give police a location. He's to far from his car and the girlfriend heard some of what transpired. People in my neighborhood call police all the time about suspicious cars or people in the area. But no one follows anyone while packing a weapon. No one is playing cop claiming to "protect the neighborhood". That's a very dangerous game to play as Zimmerman found out. IMO Zimmerman was irresponsible with his actions which had to possibility to make anyone nervous.
I listened to the entire trial. I recall this being a pretty fascinating case with a very unfortunate set of circumstances. IMO both Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman both caused the outcome.

A few points:
- Zimmerman was not on duty that night as Neighborhood Watch captain.
- Martin was walking down a sidewalk between houses that led directly to his house.
- Zimmerman left his car after Trayvon circled his vehicle to follow him. Police told Zimmerman they didn't need him to do this.
- Martin attacked Zimmerman after confronting him. (Zimmerman's account, obviously not Martin's)

Why does Martin not just keep walking to his house? The possible answer: maybe he doesn't want this person following him knowing where he lives. Or maybe he felt disrespected. We'll never know.

Why does Zimmerman follow him when he's not on duty and packing a weapon? Was Zimmerman playing cop? Or was Zimmerman just trying to ascertain where Martin is? But seriously, why does Zimmerman care? He's not on duty. Martin is aware of his presence and likely not breaking into anyone's house even if that were his intention. Worst of all, why does Zimmerman proceed down a dimly lit sidewalk?

At the end of the day the prosecutor totally over reached with 2nd degree murder. They never had a prayer of proving 2nd degree. Voluntary (or involuntary) manslaughter was more likely to stick. I think they could have proven Zimmerman had no intention on killing Martin, but through his actions caused the outcome. Unfortunately the usual race accusations along with public pressure surfaced and the entire case spiraled out of control.

Yours is not the worst analysis I have seen and in fact you make a couple of relevant points but overall your score is not good.

I will take it apart now point by point.

Whether or not Z was on duty that night is totally irrelevant...he was a citizen of that community and he was entirely correct to report a suspicious person in the have to remember this is something Z had done numerous times...and never had a problem aka observe a suspicious person and report it to the police...nothing would have happened if Trayvon had remained on the scene and wited till the police arrived, nothing would have happened if when Trayvon ran off...he had gone home and stayed there.

It makes no difference where Trayvon was was a dark and rainy night...a normal innocent person would have been hurrying home...not lollygagging about in a complex plagued with burglaries and home invasions not to mention peering into windows.

Thus he attracted the attention of Zimmerman as a suspicious person. Thus Zimmerman reported it.

Zimmerman actually had completely lost sight of Trayvon shortly after he took off running...Z was on the phone with dispatach when Trayvon took off...he told dispatch...he is running...dispatch axed...which way he is going...since Z could not see he got out of his truck and started walking in the last direction he saw trayvon headed to try and confirm to dispatch which way he was going...dispatch heard the wind in Z's phone and axed him...are you following the suspect...Z replied yes...dispatch said...'we do not need you to do tht' Z said o.k. and stopped. Then dispatch axed Z for his exact address so they could direct the police to the exact location....Z could not see any house numbers since it was a dark and rainy night....he told the dispatcher to have the police call him directly so he could tell them exactly where he was...

then as he was headed back to his truck he was confronted by Trayvon...who had doubled back to confront Z....trayvon axed him if he had a problem....Z said no took out his phone to call dispatch and Trayvon sucker punched him while he was trying to make the phone call.

The old lame assertion that Z would follow trayvon to his house is always trotted out....Trayvon had completely eluded Z...Z had no idea where trayvon was and it would have been impossible for him to follow him to his house

The best theory as to why trayvon went back and assaulted George is supported by Trayvons g/f he was talking to on the phone...she said tray thought Z was a queer aka a homersexual....thus it is quite possible that tray being a homophobe attacked George because he looked gay to trayvon.

Z should not have been charged with anything.....the local police did a thorough investigation and cleared Z...that should have been the end of the affair.

Instead what happened was that Al Sharpton heard about the case and based on George's last name thought he was a jew...Al sharpton is a well known Jew hater....and he was incensed thinking a jew killed one of his homies. Not finding out till much later that Z was not a jew...was in fact a hispanic with a black grandfather.

But the ball was rolling...the feds at the bequest of attorney general eric holder backed by obama got involved and put pressure on Rick Scott the governor of Florida to indict Z....thus the ball picked up speed and the media jumped in with their photograph of trayvon when he was a very innocent looking l2 yr old and the public thought that was the way he looked the night of his murder and lots of people were outraged....because they really believed Trayon was still that innocent looking l2 yr. old.

The worst thing about this whole ridiculous affair was how some completely innocent white folk were attacked and some were killed by radical young blacks angry because Z was found not guilty....the media bears most of the responsibility for that as they did their best to stir up public emotions by spinning the facts, by putting out dis-information and by outright such an extent that their dupes still believe the crap the media put out....and you see them on here making fools of themselves.
”normal innocent person would have been hurrying home...not lollygagging about in a complex plagued with burglaries and home invasions”

Oh? Why would Martin, who was just visiting, know the crime rate of that community?
I listened to the entire trial. I recall this being a pretty fascinating case with a very unfortunate set of circumstances. IMO both Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman both caused the outcome.

A few points:
- Zimmerman was not on duty that night as Neighborhood Watch captain.
- Martin was walking down a sidewalk between houses that led directly to his house.
- Zimmerman left his car after Trayvon circled his vehicle to follow him. Police told Zimmerman they didn't need him to do this.
- Martin attacked Zimmerman after confronting him. (Zimmerman's account, obviously not Martin's)

Why does Martin not just keep walking to his house? The possible answer: maybe he doesn't want this person following him knowing where he lives. Or maybe he felt disrespected. We'll never know.

Why does Zimmerman follow him when he's not on duty and packing a weapon? Was Zimmerman playing cop? Or was Zimmerman just trying to ascertain where Martin is? But seriously, why does Zimmerman care? He's not on duty. Martin is aware of his presence and likely not breaking into anyone's house even if that were his intention. Worst of all, why does Zimmerman proceed down a dimly lit sidewalk?

At the end of the day the prosecutor totally over reached with 2nd degree murder. They never had a prayer of proving 2nd degree. Voluntary (or involuntary) manslaughter was more likely to stick. I think they could have proven Zimmerman had no intention on killing Martin, but through his actions caused the outcome. Unfortunately the usual race accusations along with public pressure surfaced and the entire case spiraled out of control.

Yours is not the worst analysis I have seen and in fact you make a couple of relevant points but overall your score is not good.

I will take it apart now point by point.

Whether or not Z was on duty that night is totally irrelevant...he was a citizen of that community and he was entirely correct to report a suspicious person in the have to remember this is something Z had done numerous times...and never had a problem aka observe a suspicious person and report it to the police...nothing would have happened if Trayvon had remained on the scene and wited till the police arrived, nothing would have happened if when Trayvon ran off...he had gone home and stayed there.

It makes no difference where Trayvon was was a dark and rainy night...a normal innocent person would have been hurrying home...not lollygagging about in a complex plagued with burglaries and home invasions not to mention peering into windows.

Thus he attracted the attention of Zimmerman as a suspicious person. Thus Zimmerman reported it.

Zimmerman actually had completely lost sight of Trayvon shortly after he took off running...Z was on the phone with dispatach when Trayvon took off...he told dispatch...he is running...dispatch axed...which way he is going...since Z could not see he got out of his truck and started walking in the last direction he saw trayvon headed to try and confirm to dispatch which way he was going...dispatch heard the wind in Z's phone and axed him...are you following the suspect...Z replied yes...dispatch said...'we do not need you to do tht' Z said o.k. and stopped. Then dispatch axed Z for his exact address so they could direct the police to the exact location....Z could not see any house numbers since it was a dark and rainy night....he told the dispatcher to have the police call him directly so he could tell them exactly where he was...

then as he was headed back to his truck he was confronted by Trayvon...who had doubled back to confront Z....trayvon axed him if he had a problem....Z said no took out his phone to call dispatch and Trayvon sucker punched him while he was trying to make the phone call.

The old lame assertion that Z would follow trayvon to his house is always trotted out....Trayvon had completely eluded Z...Z had no idea where trayvon was and it would have been impossible for him to follow him to his house

The best theory as to why trayvon went back and assaulted George is supported by Trayvons g/f he was talking to on the phone...she said tray thought Z was a queer aka a homersexual....thus it is quite possible that tray being a homophobe attacked George because he looked gay to trayvon.

Z should not have been charged with anything.....the local police did a thorough investigation and cleared Z...that should have been the end of the affair.

Instead what happened was that Al Sharpton heard about the case and based on George's last name thought he was a jew...Al sharpton is a well known Jew hater....and he was incensed thinking a jew killed one of his homies. Not finding out till much later that Z was not a jew...was in fact a hispanic with a black grandfather.

But the ball was rolling...the feds at the bequest of attorney general eric holder backed by obama got involved and put pressure on Rick Scott the governor of Florida to indict Z....thus the ball picked up speed and the media jumped in with their photograph of trayvon when he was a very innocent looking l2 yr old and the public thought that was the way he looked the night of his murder and lots of people were outraged....because they really believed Trayon was still that innocent looking l2 yr. old.

The worst thing about this whole ridiculous affair was how some completely innocent white folk were attacked and some were killed by radical young blacks angry because Z was found not guilty....the media bears most of the responsibility for that as they did their best to stir up public emotions by spinning the facts, by putting out dis-information and by outright such an extent that their dupes still believe the crap the media put out....and you see them on here making fools of themselves.

No doubt the media was completely irresponsible and stoked the flames. No doubt Obama was irresponsible by saying Trayvon could have been his "son" before Zimmerman had his trial. Sharpton is a race baiter for sure.

But regardless of that unfortunate side show, I still think Zimmerman along with Martin caused the outcome.

Here's the map:


Zimmerman walked a pretty long way to merely ascertain Martin's location. He admitted to following Martin. Is following someone illegal? It's not if you're traveling in the same direction or lost. But Zimmerman was specially following Martin due to suspicion when we know Martin had every right to be there. In some places this could be considered stalking which is illegal, harassment, endangerment, or invasion of privacy. It doesn't matter what Martin was doing in the rain at night because he was staying in the development.

Furthermore, you mention Martin's girlfriend. According to her account Martin told the her that someone was following him and that he was trying to get away. The girl said that, during the phone call, she heard someone ask Martin what he was doing and heard Martin ask why the person was following him.

Based on the map and the fact that Zimmerman admitted to following Martin I find the girlfriend's account credible. I especially find her credible when she admits Martin referred to Zimmerman as queer. She's not trying to hide anything IMO.

We also know Zimmerman was carrying a gun. It's safe to say Zimmerman wasn't scared to walk down a dark sidewalk on a rainy night to confront someone.

IMO Zimmerman's overzealous actions to "catch" Martin led to the confrontation which led to Zimmerman firing his gun. I don't believe for second he was simply trying to observe to give police a location. He's to far from his car and the girlfriend heard some of what transpired. People in my neighborhood call police all the time about suspicious cars or people in the area. But no one follows anyone while packing a weapon. No one is playing cop claiming to "protect the neighborhood". That's a very dangerous game to play as Zimmerman found out. IMO Zimmerman was irresponsible with his actions which had to possibility to make anyone nervous.

But Zimmerman was specially following Martin due to suspicion when we know Martin had every right to be there. In some places this could be considered stalking which is illegal, harassment, endangerment, or invasion of privacy.

I don't believe you.
You have a link that shows following someone for a minute (less?) is stalking, harassment, endangerment or invasion of privacy (in a public
And you DON'T have the right to leave the public sidewalk and walk on private property inches from people's windows at night. You could get shot (or arrested) doing that.
.but TM was doing NOTHING wrong..nothing wrong at all

Right up until the time he got violent.

Yep....not to mention he ran away.....why did he run? Why was he lollygagging in a apt. complex on a dark and rainy night? Espically one that was suffering from burglaries and home invasions.

He was definitely suspicious....that is why George called the he had done nonumerous times...see something the police.

That is the duty of a watchman....observe and report.

The entire Zimmerman-Martin situation taught we the people a few critical points.

- Don't volunteer for neighborhood watch

-If you see something, don't say anything

- The Young Black Male is our society's sacred cow, treat him with the same respect you would a holstein you encounter on the streets of Bombay.

Excellent points. Snitches get stitches in the hood....that is why they are overrun with crime and violence.

The Chicago PD only clears 30% of the homicides in that city- mainly because people will not snitch on Young Black Males, who are the main perps. You can't blame the people on that, people saw what happened in Zimmerman and other cases as well. Avoiding these sacred cows is the key to survival for both civilians and police officers.

Young black males only compose about 3% of the total pop. yet they commit over half of all violent crimes....that is something all politicians are too fearful to deal with as they would be labeled waycist if they attempted to do so.

Yes we live in insane doub bout dat boyos

Zim was not going after him???!!!!!????
'''these assholes always GET AWAY'' !!!!!!! = he does not want TM to get away--so he chases him and goes after him--and KEEPS going after him --in his vehicle--THEN on foot !!!!!!
Zim WON'T Let the innocent person who is walking, get away
Zim is a DUMBASS
Zim says:
''these assholes always get away''
1. he will NOT let this innocent person who is just walking, get away--no matter what
= what a DUMBASS
..he has targeted someone for just walking--and that's all TM is doing
2. shows aggression and HATE---asshole .....????!!!!!!
he has never met TM, and calls him an asshole for just walking
3. shows that Zim is a dumbass
Zim says:
''these assholes always get away''
1. he will NOT let this innocent person who is just walking, get away--no matter what
= what a DUMBASS
2. shows aggression and HATE---asshole .....????!!!!!!
he has never met TM, and calls him an asshole for just walking
3. shows that Zim is a dumbass

1. Being unhappy that "assholes get away" does not indicate that he will not let this one get away, "no matter what". There is no connection between your argument, and your conclusion.

2. Calling some one an "asshole" does not show "hate" or "Aggression". The world of full of assholes that I do not "hate" or are "aggressive" towards.

3. Martin was witnessed sitting on top of Zimmerman, beating him "MMA style". Zimmerman was not a dumbass, but a fine judge of character.
Zimmerman clearly was the aggressor and IDIOT
........he is the perfect example of an idiot who should never have been armed because his idiocy CAUSED a death
..some humans are just stupid/idiots [ undeniable ] --and should not carry weapons
except the world is a better place without travon in it,,,,

Why? Because some mall cop wannabe wanted to flash his little pop gun and got his clock cleaned by a kid?
Zimmerman clearly was the aggressor and IDIOT
........he is the perfect example of an idiot who should never have been armed because his idiocy CAUSED a death
..some humans are just stupid/idiots [ undeniable ] --and should not carry weapons
except the world is a better place without travon in it,,,,

Why? Because some mall cop wannabe wanted to flash his little pop gun and got his clock cleaned by a kid?

No, because the "kid" was the type of person to jump an adult and beat the shit out of him for no good reason.
Zimmerman clearly was the aggressor and IDIOT
........he is the perfect example of an idiot who should never have been armed because his idiocy CAUSED a death
..some humans are just stupid/idiots [ undeniable ] --and should not carry weapons
except the world is a better place without travon in it,,,,

Why? Because some mall cop wannabe wanted to flash his little pop gun and got his clock cleaned by a kid?

No, because the "kid" was the type of person to jump an adult and beat the shit out of him for no good reason.

Your recollection of the facts are all weird. Zimmerman pursued the kid. The kid was within his rights to beat Zimmerman’s ass. Sadly, the little fag Zimmerman had to pack a gun to deal with a kid. Meh, Zimmerman May have walked, but seeing how he was reduced to selling the gun he killed the kid with, Zimmerman is paying for his crime. Wonder what he does for a living now?

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