George Zimmerman banned from Tinder dating app

....if an old white lady was walking home, and some guy kept following and following her--and she shot him---you would say she was standing her ground

please don't say you wouldn't

If the circumstances were different, they would have to be considered differently.

However, in the case of the trial of George Zimmerman, he was found to be as innocent as a newborn babe by a jury of his peers. They heard all of the evidence, who I am to second guess these people?
No, the jury did not find Zimmerman innocent. They couldn’t have as “innocent” was not among their allowed findings.

Why quibble over semantics....George was found not wid it.
Reminds me of someone who posts here on U.S. Message Board

MIAMI (AP) — The ex-neighborhood watch volunteer who killed an unarmed black teen in Florida in 2012 has been banned from the dating app Tinder.

An emailed statement from Tinder cited users' safety as a reason for removing George Zimmerman's profile.​

George Zimmerman banned from Tinder dating app
Poor, Georgie... always the victim.

George preserved his has to deal with what is dealt to him....on the other hand he could have just laid there and let the punk beat him to death or at least severely injure him.

Everyone has a right to self defense....get over it.
Why do you have such an antipathy to people defending themselves? Why the hatred?

Is the young black male such a cultural Sacred Cow to you libs that any response to their aggression can not be tolerated?

Zimmerman got away with murder I have a problem with that

The jury determined it was self defense.

There is a big difference between a not guilty verdict and a determination of self defense.
The jurors interviewed all said they thought he was probably guilty of murder, but that the probability of guilt was only around 55% or so, and you need more than 90% probability of guilt in order to convict.
No one thought he was innocent.
An innocent person would have stayed in their SUV.

How do you figure? Zimmerman is guilty if he doesn't stay incarcerated in his own vehicle? In this country, that shit doesn't fly.

Zimmerman was a authorized member of the block watch, and was certainly permitted to leave in SUV for any reason or no reason at all.

Further, if he would have stayed in his vehicle, he would have had no place to go if Martin would have saw him, and dragged him out of the SUV for a beating.

The only person that authorized Zimmerman to do anything was Zimmerman. He was told to not follow Martin.

the 911 call was recorded and has been posted on here....first of all the dispatcher had no authority to order Z to do anything and even if she had which she did not....he was not legally bound to follow her orders.

She merely suggested....aka....we do not need you to follow the suspect....George replied o.k and at that point forgot about trying to locate trayvon....then the dispatcher asked him for an exact address so she could direct the police to the exact location...George replied...have them call me and I will tell them...he then went to a lighted area so he could see a house number...and on his way back to his Truck trayvon jumped out of some bushes and confronted him...axing George you got a problem? George said no and then immediately got his phone to call the dispatcher back when Trayvon sucker punched him...knocked him to the ground...jumped on top of him and began to beat his head on the sidewealk.
Why do you have such an antipathy to people defending themselves? Why the hatred?

Is the young black male such a cultural Sacred Cow to you libs that any response to their aggression can not be tolerated?

Zimmerman got away with murder I have a problem with that

The jury determined it was self defense.

There is a big difference between a not guilty verdict and a determination of self defense.
The jurors interviewed all said they thought he was probably guilty of murder, but that the probability of guilt was only around 55% or so, and you need more than 90% probability of guilt in order to convict.
No one thought he was innocent.
An innocent person would have stayed in their SUV.

How do you figure? Zimmerman is guilty if he doesn't stay incarcerated in his own vehicle? In this country, that shit doesn't fly.

Zimmerman was a authorized member of the block watch, and was certainly permitted to leave in SUV for any reason or no reason at all.

Further, if he would have stayed in his vehicle, he would have had no place to go if Martin would have saw him, and dragged him out of the SUV for a beating.

Not only did the dispatcher tell him NOT to chase, but clearly it is illegal to chase someone who has committed no crime.

Zimmerman was NOT at all a member of the Neighborhood Watch, and no Neighborhood Watch member is EVER allowed to be armed or alone.
And no, that was NOT Zimmerman's neighborhood, so he was not supposed to be cutting through people's yards like he did.

It is ridiculous to claim it was safer to chase after Martin than to remain in the safety of a lockable SUV.

Zimmerman was the captain of the neighborhood watch. Watchmen are alone quite often whilst in their role of being a watchman. George was not even on duty...he was just on his way to the store when he spotted a suspicious person and reported it to the police...if he had just wanted to kill trayvon he would not have called the police...just common sense folks....and yes George lived in that have really been given a lot of dis-information.

George should have remained in his truck..but the dispatcher axed him which way trayvon was running off george got out and walked in that direction a little ways...whereupon the dispatcher hearing the wind in his phone axed him if he was following replied in the affirmative...the dispatcher said we do not need you to do that replied o.k and stopped trying to follow trayvon.

I emphasize he was trying to follow can you follow someone who has completely was a dark and rainy night....Trayvon had completely eluded George's vision...he had no idea where he was.

All of this was dealt with in court...unfortunately most if not all of those who come on here trying to defend trayvon did not watch the trial.
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except the world is a better place without travon in it,,,,
..I am all for being security aware in your neighborhood/etc
...but TM was doing NOTHING wrong..nothing wrong at all
.....of all the shootings of blacks, THIS is the one that should've been protested big time

.but TM was doing NOTHING wrong..nothing wrong at all

Right up until the time he got violent.

Yep....not to mention he ran away.....why did he run? Why was he lollygagging in a apt. complex on a dark and rainy night? Espically one that was suffering from burglaries and home invasions.

He was definitely suspicious....that is why George called the he had done numerous times...see something the police.

That is the duty of a watchman....observe and report.

The entire Zimmerman-Martin situation taught we the people a few critical points.

- Don't volunteer for neighborhood watch

-If you see something, don't say anything

- The Young Black Male is our society's sacred cow, treat him with the same respect you would a holstein you encounter on the streets of Bombay.

Excellent points. Snitches get stitches in the hood....that is why they are overrun with crime and violence.

The Chicago PD only clears 30% of the homicides in that city- mainly because people will not snitch on Young Black Males, who are the main perps. You can't blame the people on that, people saw what happened in Zimmerman and other cases as well. Avoiding these sacred cows is the key to survival for both civilians and police officers.
..I am all for being security aware in your neighborhood/etc
...but TM was doing NOTHING wrong..nothing wrong at all
.....of all the shootings of blacks, THIS is the one that should've been protested big time

.but TM was doing NOTHING wrong..nothing wrong at all

Right up until the time he got violent.

Yep....not to mention he ran away.....why did he run? Why was he lollygagging in a apt. complex on a dark and rainy night? Espically one that was suffering from burglaries and home invasions.

He was definitely suspicious....that is why George called the he had done numerous times...see something the police.

That is the duty of a watchman....observe and report.

The entire Zimmerman-Martin situation taught we the people a few critical points.

- Don't volunteer for neighborhood watch

-If you see something, don't say anything

- The Young Black Male is our society's sacred cow, treat him with the same respect you would a holstein you encounter on the streets of Bombay.

Excellent points. Snitches get stitches in the hood....that is why they are overrun with crime and violence.

The Chicago PD only clears 30% of the homicides in that city- mainly because people will not snitch on Young Black Males, who are the main perps. You can't blame the people on that, people saw what happened in Zimmerman and other cases as well. Avoiding these sacred cows is the key to survival for both civilians and police officers.

Most people avoid young black males...they are the ones that comitt most of the violence....some older negroes are good people...but the younger ones have been radicalized into believing dat da white man b holding dem down.
There is a big difference between a not guilty verdict and a determination of self defense.
The jurors interviewed all said they thought he was probably guilty of murder, but that the probability of guilt was only around 55% or so, and you need more than 90% probability of guilt in order to convict.
No one thought he was innocent.
An innocent person would have stayed in their SUV.

How do you figure? Zimmerman is guilty if he doesn't stay incarcerated in his own vehicle? In this country, that shit doesn't fly.

Zimmerman was a authorized member of the block watch, and was certainly permitted to leave in SUV for any reason or no reason at all.

Further, if he would have stayed in his vehicle, he would have had no place to go if Martin would have saw him, and dragged him out of the SUV for a beating.

Not only did the dispatcher tell him NOT to chase, but clearly it is illegal to chase someone who has committed no crime.

Zimmerman was NOT at all a member of the Neighborhood Watch, and no Neighborhood Watch member is EVER allowed to be armed or alone.
And no, that was NOT Zimmerman's neighborhood, so he was not supposed to be cutting through people's yards like he did.

It is ridiculous to claim it was safer to chase after Martin than to remain in the safety of a lockable SUV.

A lockable SUV means nothing . Martin could have easily broke the windshield or other doors, if Zimmerman refused to open the doors and that would have caused a lot of damage.

Remember, the libs expected Zimmerman to cower before the Young Black Male Sacred Cow.
Why would Zimmerman be afraid of Martin trying to open his car? He had a gun.

Sure, Zimmerman had a gun.

But the grief he could expect for using it against America's Sacred Cow makes it really useless. The liberal lynch mobs weren't going to put up with it.

Wouldn't you have trepidations about shooting a cow on the streets of Calcutta, regardless of what the cow was doing? Cows are also considered to be literally Almighty God to the natives. Even if you were eventually cleared, you would be locked up in Calcutta's Black Hole no questions asked until it was sorted out.

Right wingers really are nuts, aren't you?
also Z said ''these assholes always get away''
1. without even knowing/meeting TM, he calls him an asshole!!!!!!!!!!--this clearly shows Z is an IDIOT !!!!!!!!!!!!
2. he doesn't want TM to get away and will keep going after him
TM has a right to stand his ground---no?

following him is not the same as going after him,,,

travon was found to be the aggressor,,,
Basically a black kid has no right to fear for his safety or defend himself..which is what cucks like you prefer.....

...but i expect racists like yourself to think that....meanwhile, cowards like you think a black kid walking his dog in your neighborhood is a threat

There was no finding that Señor Zimmerman attacked the Martin boy at all. Personally, I think its disrespectful and racist for Martin to disrespect and attack a proud hispanic immigrant like Zimmerman who was just minding his own business. When I was a kid, unlike Martin, I was taught to actually RESPECT adults, even if they were people of color and immigrants like Z.
I get it now.... you’re just crazy. :cuckoo:

Zimmerman followed Martin through the neighborhood, first by car, then by foot when he could no longer follow by car. We can debate the actions of those two forever, but classifying Zimmerman as just “minding his own business” does nothing other than to expose you as a nutjob.

And Zimmerman was born in the U.S.. He is not an immigrant.

Zimmerman was a neighborhood watchman and well within his 'business' to report suspicious persons in the area....that is all he did...he observed and reported and was waiting for the police when he was attacked by trayvon....all this was proved in court....why didn't you watch the trial?
Learn English, I didn’t say it wasn’t his business to checkout Trayvon — I said it’s crazy to assert Zimmerman was “minding his own business.”
following him is not the same as going after him,,,

travon was found to be the aggressor,,,
Basically a black kid has no right to fear for his safety or defend himself..which is what cucks like you prefer.....

...but i expect racists like yourself to think that....meanwhile, cowards like you think a black kid walking his dog in your neighborhood is a threat

There was no finding that Señor Zimmerman attacked the Martin boy at all. Personally, I think its disrespectful and racist for Martin to disrespect and attack a proud hispanic immigrant like Zimmerman who was just minding his own business. When I was a kid, unlike Martin, I was taught to actually RESPECT adults, even if they were people of color and immigrants like Z.
I get it now.... you’re just crazy. :cuckoo:

Zimmerman followed Martin through the neighborhood, first by car, then by foot when he could no longer follow by car. We can debate the actions of those two forever, but classifying Zimmerman as just “minding his own business” does nothing other than to expose you as a nutjob.

And Zimmerman was born in the U.S.. He is not an immigrant.

Zimmerman was a neighborhood watchman and well within his 'business' to report suspicious persons in the area....that is all he did...he observed and reported and was waiting for the police when he was attacked by trayvon....all this was proved in court....why didn't you watch the trial?
Learn English, I didn’t say it wasn’t his business to checkout Trayvon — I said it’s crazy to assert Zimmerman was “minding his own business.”
who said he was minding his own business,,,he was out their conducting the business/security of all the home owners,,,
There is a big difference between a not guilty verdict and a determination of self defense.
The jurors interviewed all said they thought he was probably guilty of murder, but that the probability of guilt was only around 55% or so, and you need more than 90% probability of guilt in order to convict.
No one thought he was innocent.
An innocent person would have stayed in their SUV.

How do you figure? Zimmerman is guilty if he doesn't stay incarcerated in his own vehicle? In this country, that shit doesn't fly.

Zimmerman was a authorized member of the block watch, and was certainly permitted to leave in SUV for any reason or no reason at all.

Further, if he would have stayed in his vehicle, he would have had no place to go if Martin would have saw him, and dragged him out of the SUV for a beating.

Not only did the dispatcher tell him NOT to chase, but clearly it is illegal to chase someone who has committed no crime.

Zimmerman was NOT at all a member of the Neighborhood Watch, and no Neighborhood Watch member is EVER allowed to be armed or alone.
And no, that was NOT Zimmerman's neighborhood, so he was not supposed to be cutting through people's yards like he did.

It is ridiculous to claim it was safer to chase after Martin than to remain in the safety of a lockable SUV.

A lockable SUV means nothing . Martin could have easily broke the windshield or other doors, if Zimmerman refused to open the doors and that would have caused a lot of damage.

Remember, the libs expected Zimmerman to cower before the Young Black Male Sacred Cow.
Why would Zimmerman be afraid of Martin trying to open his car? He had a gun.

George had no fear....who told you that?
I didn’t say that either. I asked why an armed individual would be too afraid to remain in his car.
Basically a black kid has no right to fear for his safety or defend himself..which is what cucks like you prefer.....

...but i expect racists like yourself to think that....meanwhile, cowards like you think a black kid walking his dog in your neighborhood is a threat

There was no finding that Señor Zimmerman attacked the Martin boy at all. Personally, I think its disrespectful and racist for Martin to disrespect and attack a proud hispanic immigrant like Zimmerman who was just minding his own business. When I was a kid, unlike Martin, I was taught to actually RESPECT adults, even if they were people of color and immigrants like Z.
I get it now.... you’re just crazy. :cuckoo:

Zimmerman followed Martin through the neighborhood, first by car, then by foot when he could no longer follow by car. We can debate the actions of those two forever, but classifying Zimmerman as just “minding his own business” does nothing other than to expose you as a nutjob.

And Zimmerman was born in the U.S.. He is not an immigrant.

Zimmerman was a neighborhood watchman and well within his 'business' to report suspicious persons in the area....that is all he did...he observed and reported and was waiting for the police when he was attacked by trayvon....all this was proved in court....why didn't you watch the trial?
Learn English, I didn’t say it wasn’t his business to checkout Trayvon — I said it’s crazy to assert Zimmerman was “minding his own business.”
who said he was minding his own business,,,he was out their conducting the business/security of all the home owners,,,
I recommend you read the quotes if you have to ask a question as stupid as that.
How do you figure? Zimmerman is guilty if he doesn't stay incarcerated in his own vehicle? In this country, that shit doesn't fly.

Zimmerman was a authorized member of the block watch, and was certainly permitted to leave in SUV for any reason or no reason at all.

Further, if he would have stayed in his vehicle, he would have had no place to go if Martin would have saw him, and dragged him out of the SUV for a beating.

Not only did the dispatcher tell him NOT to chase, but clearly it is illegal to chase someone who has committed no crime.

Zimmerman was NOT at all a member of the Neighborhood Watch, and no Neighborhood Watch member is EVER allowed to be armed or alone.
And no, that was NOT Zimmerman's neighborhood, so he was not supposed to be cutting through people's yards like he did.

It is ridiculous to claim it was safer to chase after Martin than to remain in the safety of a lockable SUV.

A lockable SUV means nothing . Martin could have easily broke the windshield or other doors, if Zimmerman refused to open the doors and that would have caused a lot of damage.

Remember, the libs expected Zimmerman to cower before the Young Black Male Sacred Cow.
Why would Zimmerman be afraid of Martin trying to open his car? He had a gun.

George had no fear....who told you that?
I didn’t say that either. I asked why an armed individual would be too afraid to remain in his car.

because most armed people dont want to use that gun to kill unless they have too
There was no finding that Señor Zimmerman attacked the Martin boy at all. Personally, I think its disrespectful and racist for Martin to disrespect and attack a proud hispanic immigrant like Zimmerman who was just minding his own business. When I was a kid, unlike Martin, I was taught to actually RESPECT adults, even if they were people of color and immigrants like Z.
I get it now.... you’re just crazy. :cuckoo:

Zimmerman followed Martin through the neighborhood, first by car, then by foot when he could no longer follow by car. We can debate the actions of those two forever, but classifying Zimmerman as just “minding his own business” does nothing other than to expose you as a nutjob.

And Zimmerman was born in the U.S.. He is not an immigrant.

Zimmerman was a neighborhood watchman and well within his 'business' to report suspicious persons in the area....that is all he did...he observed and reported and was waiting for the police when he was attacked by trayvon....all this was proved in court....why didn't you watch the trial?
Learn English, I didn’t say it wasn’t his business to checkout Trayvon — I said it’s crazy to assert Zimmerman was “minding his own business.”
who said he was minding his own business,,,he was out their conducting the business/security of all the home owners,,,
I recommend you read the quotes if you have to ask a question as stupid as that.
I did ,,,and is why I asked the question,,,

he was doing the neighborhoods business not just his own,,,
Not only did the dispatcher tell him NOT to chase, but clearly it is illegal to chase someone who has committed no crime.

Zimmerman was NOT at all a member of the Neighborhood Watch, and no Neighborhood Watch member is EVER allowed to be armed or alone.
And no, that was NOT Zimmerman's neighborhood, so he was not supposed to be cutting through people's yards like he did.

It is ridiculous to claim it was safer to chase after Martin than to remain in the safety of a lockable SUV.

A lockable SUV means nothing . Martin could have easily broke the windshield or other doors, if Zimmerman refused to open the doors and that would have caused a lot of damage.

Remember, the libs expected Zimmerman to cower before the Young Black Male Sacred Cow.
Why would Zimmerman be afraid of Martin trying to open his car? He had a gun.

George had no fear....who told you that?
I didn’t say that either. I asked why an armed individual would be too afraid to remain in his car.

because most armed people dont want to use that gun to kill unless they have too
I said nothing about wanting or not wanting to use his gun. Again... I asked why an armed individual would fear staying in their car. Especially in this circumstance where said individual got out of his car and walked into a dark area.
I get it now.... you’re just crazy. :cuckoo:

Zimmerman followed Martin through the neighborhood, first by car, then by foot when he could no longer follow by car. We can debate the actions of those two forever, but classifying Zimmerman as just “minding his own business” does nothing other than to expose you as a nutjob.

And Zimmerman was born in the U.S.. He is not an immigrant.

Zimmerman was a neighborhood watchman and well within his 'business' to report suspicious persons in the area....that is all he did...he observed and reported and was waiting for the police when he was attacked by trayvon....all this was proved in court....why didn't you watch the trial?
Learn English, I didn’t say it wasn’t his business to checkout Trayvon — I said it’s crazy to assert Zimmerman was “minding his own business.”
who said he was minding his own business,,,he was out their conducting the business/security of all the home owners,,,
I recommend you read the quotes if you have to ask a question as stupid as that.
I did ,,,and is why I asked the question,,,

he was doing the neighborhoods business not just his own,,,
If you read it, you wouldn’t have asked who said he was minding his own business. It’s right there in the quotes. :cuckoo:
A lockable SUV means nothing . Martin could have easily broke the windshield or other doors, if Zimmerman refused to open the doors and that would have caused a lot of damage.

Remember, the libs expected Zimmerman to cower before the Young Black Male Sacred Cow.
Why would Zimmerman be afraid of Martin trying to open his car? He had a gun.

George had no fear....who told you that?
I didn’t say that either. I asked why an armed individual would be too afraid to remain in his car.

because most armed people dont want to use that gun to kill unless they have too
I said nothing about wanting or not wanting to use his gun. Again... I asked why an armed individual would fear staying in their car. Especially in this circumstance where said individual got out of his car and walked into a dark area.

we would have to be mind readers to answer that one,,,
Why would Zimmerman be afraid of Martin trying to open his car? He had a gun.

George had no fear....who told you that?
I didn’t say that either. I asked why an armed individual would be too afraid to remain in his car.

because most armed people dont want to use that gun to kill unless they have too
I said nothing about wanting or not wanting to use his gun. Again... I asked why an armed individual would fear staying in their car. Especially in this circumstance where said individual got out of his car and walked into a dark area.

we would have to be mind readers to answer that one,,, was dealt with in court....George got out of his truck to try an answer the dispatchers question of which way Trayvon had run off to.
A lockable SUV means nothing . Martin could have easily broke the windshield or other doors, if Zimmerman refused to open the doors and that would have caused a lot of damage.

Remember, the libs expected Zimmerman to cower before the Young Black Male Sacred Cow.
Why would Zimmerman be afraid of Martin trying to open his car? He had a gun.

George had no fear....who told you that?
I didn’t say that either. I asked why an armed individual would be too afraid to remain in his car.

because most armed people dont want to use that gun to kill unless they have too
I said nothing about wanting or not wanting to use his gun. Again... I asked why an armed individual would fear staying in their car. Especially in this circumstance where said individual got out of his car and walked into a dark area.

You are presuming George was afraid to stay in his car which makes no sense.....George did not get out of his truck because he was afraid...that is ridiculous but par for the course on here...where ignorance abounds...all these peeps that seem so emotionally wrapped up in this case but did not bother to watch the trial...which would answer all their is available online and has been posted.
I get it now.... you’re just crazy. :cuckoo:

Zimmerman followed Martin through the neighborhood, first by car, then by foot when he could no longer follow by car. We can debate the actions of those two forever, but classifying Zimmerman as just “minding his own business” does nothing other than to expose you as a nutjob.

And Zimmerman was born in the U.S.. He is not an immigrant.

Zimmerman was a neighborhood watchman and well within his 'business' to report suspicious persons in the area....that is all he did...he observed and reported and was waiting for the police when he was attacked by trayvon....all this was proved in court....why didn't you watch the trial?
Learn English, I didn’t say it wasn’t his business to checkout Trayvon — I said it’s crazy to assert Zimmerman was “minding his own business.”
who said he was minding his own business,,,he was out their conducting the business/security of all the home owners,,,
I recommend you read the quotes if you have to ask a question as stupid as that.
I did ,,,and is why I asked the question,,,

he was doing the neighborhoods business not just his own,,,

Some seem to think that being a Watchman is somehow wrong.....perhaps they are criminals themselves and do not like to be observed and reported to the police.
following him is not the same as going after him,,,

travon was found to be the aggressor,,,
Basically a black kid has no right to fear for his safety or defend himself..which is what cucks like you prefer.....

...but i expect racists like yourself to think that....meanwhile, cowards like you think a black kid walking his dog in your neighborhood is a threat

There was no finding that Señor Zimmerman attacked the Martin boy at all. Personally, I think its disrespectful and racist for Martin to disrespect and attack a proud hispanic immigrant like Zimmerman who was just minding his own business. When I was a kid, unlike Martin, I was taught to actually RESPECT adults, even if they were people of color and immigrants like Z.
I get it now.... you’re just crazy. :cuckoo:

Zimmerman followed Martin through the neighborhood, first by car, then by foot when he could no longer follow by car. We can debate the actions of those two forever, but classifying Zimmerman as just “minding his own business” does nothing other than to expose you as a nutjob.

And Zimmerman was born in the U.S.. He is not an immigrant.

Zimmerman was a neighborhood watchman and well within his 'business' to report suspicious persons in the area....that is all he did...he observed and reported and was waiting for the police when he was attacked by trayvon....all this was proved in court....why didn't you watch the trial?
Learn English, I didn’t say it wasn’t his business to checkout Trayvon — I said it’s crazy to assert Zimmerman was “minding his own business.”

You have been answered and devastatingly so...I will just pile are a idiot. got dat? take a are a waste of board space.

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