'Stand Your Ground' Defense Planned By Man Accused Of Shooting George Zimmerman


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Every time something happens with GZ it makes progressives go berserk. They completely lose their minds. What little grip they had on reality is lost. It brings out the real progressive in all of them, one that is hateful, decietful, immature, and irrational.

For that alone I'd love to buy ZIMMERMAN a beer and shake his hand.
IF George Zimmerman actually threaten or attacked the guy, and the guy used a self defense plea, then there would be irony.

Stand Your Ground Defense Planned By Man Accused Of Shooting George Zimmerman

SANFORD, Fla. (AP) — An attorney for a Florida man charged with shooting at George Zimmerman said Friday that he planned to use a "Stand Your Ground" defense — the same legal strategy considered but ultimately not used by lawyers for the former neighborhood watch leader who was acquitted in the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin.

Such a defense would entitle Matthew Apperson to a hearing, ahead of his trial, during which a judge would decide if he deserves immunity from prosecution because he feared imminent death or bodily injury. Apperson was charged earlier this month with aggravated assault and battery for firing a gun into Zimmerman's car during a traffic run-in. Zimmerman had minor injuries.

Zimmerman's defense attorneys had considered asking for a "Stand Your Ground" hearing when the former neighborhood watch leader faced a second-degree murder charge for the February 2012 fatal shooting of Martin, but they instead opted to go straight to a traditional criminal trial.

oh the sweet irony!
It would have been a slam dunk if Apperson had killed Zimmerman. More problematic with the creeper still living and able to give his false story.

Mmm, no it wouldn't.

You do recall that there was a witness that confirmed Zimmerman's story, right?
No there wasn't.

Don't be an ass. Yes, there was.
IF George Zimmerman actually threaten or attacked the guy, and the guy used a self defense plea, then there would be irony.

Stand Your Ground Defense Planned By Man Accused Of Shooting George Zimmerman

SANFORD, Fla. (AP) — An attorney for a Florida man charged with shooting at George Zimmerman said Friday that he planned to use a "Stand Your Ground" defense — the same legal strategy considered but ultimately not used by lawyers for the former neighborhood watch leader who was acquitted in the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin.

Such a defense would entitle Matthew Apperson to a hearing, ahead of his trial, during which a judge would decide if he deserves immunity from prosecution because he feared imminent death or bodily injury. Apperson was charged earlier this month with aggravated assault and battery for firing a gun into Zimmerman's car during a traffic run-in. Zimmerman had minor injuries.

Zimmerman's defense attorneys had considered asking for a "Stand Your Ground" hearing when the former neighborhood watch leader faced a second-degree murder charge for the February 2012 fatal shooting of Martin, but they instead opted to go straight to a traditional criminal trial.

oh the sweet irony!
It would have been a slam dunk if Apperson had killed Zimmerman. More problematic with the creeper still living and able to give his false story.

Mmm, no it wouldn't.

You do recall that there was a witness that confirmed Zimmerman's story, right?
No there wasn't.

Don't be an ass. Yes, there was.

They can't help it. No left wing nutter can ever admit to being wrong. Honesty, integrity and maturity aren't in them.
IF George Zimmerman actually threaten or attacked the guy, and the guy used a self defense plea, then there would be irony.

Stand Your Ground Defense Planned By Man Accused Of Shooting George Zimmerman

SANFORD, Fla. (AP) — An attorney for a Florida man charged with shooting at George Zimmerman said Friday that he planned to use a "Stand Your Ground" defense — the same legal strategy considered but ultimately not used by lawyers for the former neighborhood watch leader who was acquitted in the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin.

Such a defense would entitle Matthew Apperson to a hearing, ahead of his trial, during which a judge would decide if he deserves immunity from prosecution because he feared imminent death or bodily injury. Apperson was charged earlier this month with aggravated assault and battery for firing a gun into Zimmerman's car during a traffic run-in. Zimmerman had minor injuries.

Zimmerman's defense attorneys had considered asking for a "Stand Your Ground" hearing when the former neighborhood watch leader faced a second-degree murder charge for the February 2012 fatal shooting of Martin, but they instead opted to go straight to a traditional criminal trial.

oh the sweet irony!
It would have been a slam dunk if Apperson had killed Zimmerman. More problematic with the creeper still living and able to give his false story.

Mmm, no it wouldn't.

You do recall that there was a witness that confirmed Zimmerman's story, right?
No there wasn't.

Don't be an ass. Yes, there was.

They can't help it. No left wing nutter can ever admit to being wrong. Honesty, integrity and maturity aren't in them.

I know.
The Zimmerman case had nothing to do with “stand your ground” laws, although many people who are unacquainted with the law believe this to be the case. I have a JD and I know what the law says so let me break it down for all you fine ladies and gentlemen.

Every jurisdiction in the Untied States allows the use of deadly force when – at the time deadly force is used - one has a reasonable fear of death or serous bodily injury. However some states require that if a person can escape safely he/she must do so to avoid using deadly force; in other words, they don't believe a reasonable fear of death or serious bodily injury exists if one can safely run away from the threat. Some states provide that generally one has to flee rather than use deadly force; however, one does not have to leave his own home to avoid using deadly force against an intruder. This is what is called the “castle doctrine.” Some states extend the “castle doctrine” to include not only one's home but his place of business or employment and even his automobile. Finally, other states extend the right to remain and confront the threat in public areas as well. The laws of these states are what are know as “stand your ground.” Terminologies vary from state to state, but this is the essence of the self-defense laws.

In the Zimmerman case, the evidence showed that Trayvon Martin cold-cocked Zimmerman and while Zimmerman was on the ground Martin straddled him and pummeled him. There was no way in hell that Zimmerman could have safely escaped from that position so the “stand your ground” laws were inapplicable. In fact, Zimmerman's lawyers never made a “stand your ground” claim. They didn't have to. The Zimmerman case was a simple case of self defense that has always been allowed in every jurisdiction.

I remember a case decades ago where a man shot a home intruder to death and was charged with murder because the court found he could have safely escaped out his front door. Years later, another man in the same state killed an intruder under the same circumstances and was not even arrested because the state had adopted the “castle doctrine.”

The laws involving the use of deadly force in self-defense vary from state to state and from time to time. They are often complicated. Before you use deadly force of any kind you had better know the laws of your state.
IF George Zimmerman actually threaten or attacked the guy, and the guy used a self defense plea, then there would be irony.

Stand Your Ground Defense Planned By Man Accused Of Shooting George Zimmerman

SANFORD, Fla. (AP) — An attorney for a Florida man charged with shooting at George Zimmerman said Friday that he planned to use a "Stand Your Ground" defense — the same legal strategy considered but ultimately not used by lawyers for the former neighborhood watch leader who was acquitted in the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin.

Such a defense would entitle Matthew Apperson to a hearing, ahead of his trial, during which a judge would decide if he deserves immunity from prosecution because he feared imminent death or bodily injury. Apperson was charged earlier this month with aggravated assault and battery for firing a gun into Zimmerman's car during a traffic run-in. Zimmerman had minor injuries.

Zimmerman's defense attorneys had considered asking for a "Stand Your Ground" hearing when the former neighborhood watch leader faced a second-degree murder charge for the February 2012 fatal shooting of Martin, but they instead opted to go straight to a traditional criminal trial.

oh the sweet irony!
It would have been a slam dunk if Apperson had killed Zimmerman. More problematic with the creeper still living and able to give his false story.

Mmm, no it wouldn't.

You do recall that there was a witness that confirmed Zimmerman's story, right?
No there wasn't.

Don't be an ass. Yes, there was.
Then you should be able to provide a link.
IF George Zimmerman actually threaten or attacked the guy, and the guy used a self defense plea, then there would be irony.

Stand Your Ground Defense Planned By Man Accused Of Shooting George Zimmerman

SANFORD, Fla. (AP) — An attorney for a Florida man charged with shooting at George Zimmerman said Friday that he planned to use a "Stand Your Ground" defense — the same legal strategy considered but ultimately not used by lawyers for the former neighborhood watch leader who was acquitted in the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin.

Such a defense would entitle Matthew Apperson to a hearing, ahead of his trial, during which a judge would decide if he deserves immunity from prosecution because he feared imminent death or bodily injury. Apperson was charged earlier this month with aggravated assault and battery for firing a gun into Zimmerman's car during a traffic run-in. Zimmerman had minor injuries.

Zimmerman's defense attorneys had considered asking for a "Stand Your Ground" hearing when the former neighborhood watch leader faced a second-degree murder charge for the February 2012 fatal shooting of Martin, but they instead opted to go straight to a traditional criminal trial.

oh the sweet irony!
It would have been a slam dunk if Apperson had killed Zimmerman. More problematic with the creeper still living and able to give his false story.

Mmm, no it wouldn't.

You do recall that there was a witness that confirmed Zimmerman's story, right?
No there wasn't.

Don't be an ass. Yes, there was.
Then you should be able to provide a link.

I've posted that link dozens of times. I'm sure that others have posted it on this site dozens of times before I joined. WIth the time you've spent on this site from your post count it is not credible that you are unaware of this.

Stop your lying.
Minute now the Justice department will charge GZ with violation of the thug...I mean Martin's civil rights! As eve y liberal here knows, it was a huge miscarriage of justice. Obama and his Justice Department will fix it!

Any minute now.
IF George Zimmerman actually threaten or attacked the guy, and the guy used a self defense plea, then there would be irony.

It would have been a slam dunk if Apperson had killed Zimmerman. More problematic with the creeper still living and able to give his false story.

Mmm, no it wouldn't.

You do recall that there was a witness that confirmed Zimmerman's story, right?
No there wasn't.

Don't be an ass. Yes, there was.
Then you should be able to provide a link.

I've posted that link dozens of times. I'm sure that others have posted it on this site dozens of times before I joined. WIth the time you've spent on this site from your post count it is not credible that you are unaware of this.

Stop your lying.

You don't need a link, even she knows it's true. If you went through the trouble to locate it, and post it, she would just ignore it. Don't waste your time.
IF George Zimmerman actually threaten or attacked the guy, and the guy used a self defense plea, then there would be irony.

It would have been a slam dunk if Apperson had killed Zimmerman. More problematic with the creeper still living and able to give his false story.

Mmm, no it wouldn't.

You do recall that there was a witness that confirmed Zimmerman's story, right?
No there wasn't.

Don't be an ass. Yes, there was.
Then you should be able to provide a link.

I've posted that link dozens of times. I'm sure that others have posted it on this site dozens of times before I joined. WIth the time you've spent on this site from your post count it is not credible that you are unaware of this.

Stop your lying.
There was a witness to this current shooting or to Zimmerman killing Travon?
to the recent one, not the Martin thing. The martin thing was DECIDED, by people who know a LOT more than you know about it. Zimmerman was aquited, as he should have been.

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