George Zimmerman talks to Massad Ayoob on radio show about aftermath of shooting....

You anti gunners need to research the laws on self defense, the castle doctrine and stand your ground....then you could actually know what you are talking about.....Martin was pounding Zimmerman's head into a cement sidewalk.....and this was confirmed by the only eye witness to the was no different than Martin taking a chunk of concrete and hitting zimmerman with it...hence....he was armed and could very easily have killed zimmerman....

had he not been a young, stupid, violent, thug wannabe, and had he simply gone back to his bad father's home...he would be alive today...and probably in jail...or dead at the hands of another victim.....

He tried to go back to his dad's house. And this "Creepy ass cracker" was following him.
You would be just amazed at now many on the Left are absolutely NOT anti-gun or anti-second. We just see no reason for AK-47s on the streets. What's next? Mini-nukes on someone's wristband? That's gonna be "2nd amendment" too?

Oy, Gewalt.
Then I guess you would have opposed the Minute Men being armed with personally owned rifled muskets that were much superior to the smooth bore British Brown Bess in accuracy and range.........
Comparing AKs and ARs to nukes is ludicrous at best, a hyperbole of propagandist proportions.

Really? You think so??

Pretty obvious....... Huuummmmmmmm.........
You anti gunners need to research the laws on self defense, the castle doctrine and stand your ground....then you could actually know what you are talking about.....Martin was pounding Zimmerman's head into a cement sidewalk.....and this was confirmed by the only eye witness to the was no different than Martin taking a chunk of concrete and hitting zimmerman with it...hence....he was armed and could very easily have killed zimmerman....

had he not been a young, stupid, violent, thug wannabe, and had he simply gone back to his bad father's home...he would be alive today...and probably in jail...or dead at the hands of another victim.....

He tried to go back to his dad's house. And this "Creepy ass cracker" was following him.

Yes....and if he had just kept walking he would have lived....had he simply gone home he would be alive....and probably in jail or dead at the hands of another victim....

But no.....he went back and waited in ambush for zimmerman who was returning to his car to meet the police....he attacked zimmerman, initiating the violent encounter and escalated the encounter to a lethal level....

He controlled the events of that night....too bad he was a stupid, violent, teenage thug.....if he had done the right thing he would be alive today....
Yes....and if he had just kept walking he would have lived....had he simply gone home he would be alive....and probably in jail or dead at the hands of another victim....

But no.....he went back and waited in ambush for zimmerman who was returning to his car to meet the police....he attacked zimmerman, initiating the violent encounter and escalated the encounter to a lethal level....

Right. Zimmerman said that Travyon jumped out from the bushes at him on a street that didn't have any bushes.

And Zimmerman was a swell guy. Other than that lady whose leg he broke. And that cousin he molested. And that ex-wife he beat up. And that girlfriend he beat up. But other than that, he's the salt of the earth.
Yes....and if he had just kept walking he would have lived....had he simply gone home he would be alive....and probably in jail or dead at the hands of another victim....

But no.....he went back and waited in ambush for zimmerman who was returning to his car to meet the police....he attacked zimmerman, initiating the violent encounter and escalated the encounter to a lethal level....

Right. Zimmerman said that Travyon jumped out from the bushes at him on a street that didn't have any bushes.

And Zimmerman was a swell guy. Other than that lady whose leg he broke. And that cousin he molested. And that ex-wife he beat up. And that girlfriend he beat up. But other than that, he's the salt of the earth.

Watch the trial Joe....and he should be punished for any and all crimes....but Trayvon was wrong that night in a tragic way....
Watch the trial Joe....and he should be punished for any and all crimes....but Trayvon was wrong that night in a tragic way....

I did watch the trial. A bunch of white women acquitted a white guy of killing a black child.

Not sure there was anything more to be said about it.
I did watch the trial. A bunch of white women acquitted a white guy of killing a black child.

Not sure there was anything more to be said about it.[/QUOTE]

Hmmmmm Obama is black yet his mama be white. Zimmerman is white no matter what other blood
from another race pumps in his heart.

OJ gets a pass and blacks celebrate like it's Juneteenth. Zimmerman walks and it's burn baby burn.

Law of the jungle.
Hmmmmm Obama is black yet his mama be white. Zimmerman is white no matter what other blood
from another race pumps in his heart.

OJ gets a pass and blacks celebrate like it's Juneteenth. Zimmerman walks and it's burn baby burn.

Law of the jungle.

OJ got a pass because it was less than a few years from the LA Riots. That was a travesty of justice, and so is what happened with Zimmerman.
White/women - White man. Since that seems to be your reason the man was given a not guilty verdict
how do you explain the difference in how this country's blacks handled the call? If it is about race why
is there such a difference in the response between OJ/Zimmerman?
White/women - White man. Since that seems to be your reason the man was given a not guilty verdict
how do you explain the difference in how this country's blacks handled the call? If it is about race why
is there such a difference in the response between OJ/Zimmerman?

Come back to me when you can ask your question in coherent English.
Dat's da best you got, player?

You take lessons from da Rev Jackson or the bobble headed one called Sharpton?

The question is still on the boards. Why da black folk do what's dey do?

Dat's da best you got, player?

You take lessons from da Rev Jackson or the bobble headed one called Sharpton?

The question is still on the boards. Why da black folk do what's dey do?

Why do anyone do what they do? Most murders are still committed by White people killing other white people.
? 'Why do anyone do what they do?' ......and you want to give grammar lessons?

Break it on down, Ham Bone. White/Black/Hispanic/Asian. Without the statistics you're
just another, 'some guy' on the internet. Do you get your facts from Jet or Ebony magazines?

Live in a city with 100,000 whites and they commit 100 murders not good. Same town
2500 blacks and they are charged with 85 murders. Yep, it's whitey's fault.
Hey, Uncle Ben, I think you need to find your way back to Stormfront where you came from.
Hey, Uncle Ben, I think you need to find your way back to Stormfront where you came from.

The slimy white aryan have come out from under their rocks AND their bedsheets.

The internet gives them a place to hide.

Not one of them has the balls to do anything or say anything in real life.

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