George Zimmerman visits Kel-Tec gun factory

George Zimmerman visited the Kel-Tec gun factory yesterday. Kel-Tec made the 9 mm pistol that Zimmerman used to thwart the attempted murderer Trayvon Martin and save his own life in the process.

As an aside, Reuters and Yahoo both made false headlines based upon Mark O'mara's (Zimmerman's lawer) spokesman's comment, which is as follows:

“We certainly would not have advised him to go to the factory that made the gun that he used to shoot Trayvon Martin through the heart,” Shawn Vincent, a spokesman for attorney Mark O’Mara, told Yahoo News. “That was not part of our public relations plan.”

Lawyer for George Zimmerman chides him for visiting gun factory | Reuters
Lawyer: George Zimmerman should not be visiting gun factories

Nowhere in the story(s) did it talk about Zimmerman's lawyer chiding him. Nor did either story show that Zimmerman's lawyer said he should not be visiting gun factories. Yet, Reuters and Yahoo both gave false headlines.

So? It's a free fucking country, isn't it?

You're an idiot as usual. Even if your premise was truthful (and it's not); it's still faulty for the conclusion you present. NBC had zero right to edit the tapes to make him sound racist. Learn logic and the law. I don't care what order. But, stop spreading your ignorance upon the boards.

They have every right to edit it any way they see fit.

It's called "The First Amendment". Look it up some time.

Zimmerman was a gun-toting idiot who shot a kid. And I promise you, NBC will make damned sure they get some black folks on that jury.

The first amendment does not protect you from OTHER people when you slander them or libel them, it protects you from the GOVERNMENT impinging on your right to free speech.

Constitution 101, methinks you need to take the class again.

You're an idiot as usual. Even if your premise was truthful (and it's not); it's still faulty for the conclusion you present. NBC had zero right to edit the tapes to make him sound racist. Learn logic and the law. I don't care what order. But, stop spreading your ignorance upon the boards.

They have every right to edit it any way they see fit.

It's called "The First Amendment". Look it up some time.

Zimmerman was a gun-toting idiot who shot a kid. And I promise you, NBC will make damned sure they get some black folks on that jury.

The first amendment does not protect you from OTHER people when you slander them or libel them, it protects you from the GOVERNMENT impinging on your right to free speech.

Constitution 101, methinks you need to take the class again.

If a court fines them, isn't that the GOVERNMENT infringing on their right to free speech? Yes or no?

A court didn't like the way you edited something. By the way, they didn't make anything up, they just edited it a certain way.
They have every right to edit it any way they see fit.

It's called "The First Amendment". Look it up some time.

Zimmerman was a gun-toting idiot who shot a kid. And I promise you, NBC will make damned sure they get some black folks on that jury.

The first amendment does not protect you from OTHER people when you slander them or libel them, it protects you from the GOVERNMENT impinging on your right to free speech.

Constitution 101, methinks you need to take the class again.

If a court fines them, isn't that the GOVERNMENT infringing on their right to free speech? Yes or no?

A court didn't like the way you edited something. By the way, they didn't make anything up, they just edited it a certain way.

Zimmerman is going after NBC in a CIVIL trial, one party agains t the other. In this case all the government is doing (i.e. the court) is arbitrating between two seperate private parties. No law is being created to punish NBC for its speech, what is being determined is if Zimmerman suffered damages due to NBC's editing of the tape.

NBC's edit was made to make zimmerman seem to blurt out the person was black when in fact the 911 operator asked for the description of the person. This caused damage to zimmerman in the public square, and NBC should be punished for this.

In your world there could be no such thing as libel or slander. Since there clearly is, you are wrong.
The progressive k00ks crack me up.......thinking a 17 year old is a "child"!!! HOLY MOTHER OF GOD.......and they actually believe this shit!!:eek:

Fucking bubble dwellars......imagine if these types were put in charge of ANYTHIING!!???:2up::eusa_dance::2up:
His civil attorneys that have a good case against NBC are shitting their pants over this.
Whether or not Zimmerman is a "public personality" or not is crucial to their case.
George's many interviews after the shooting was stupid and this is also stupid.
He possibly has a large pay day coming and this does nothing to help that.
Once again Boy George does not listen to sound advice.

You mean like "We don't need you to do that".

If he listened to THAT sound advice, a child wouldn't have been killed.

They guy doesn't deserve a penny out of NBC.

Funny, the 911 dispatcher that stated that and testified at trial clearly testified that he was NOT offering any advice, commands or orders when he stated that.
He deserves what a jury awards him.
The jury system is something you mob rule folks do not like.
Your mob can not beat up and take advantage of the individual with them.
Wow. Zimmerman is quite the heart throb in the right wing. And all he had to do was ice a barely 17 year old kid to do it.

He was the heart throb of the liberal media that lied to you and your followers about 7 key facts in the case that you believed and the evidence proved false.
Liberal media made a killing off of those lies.

You're an idiot as usual. Even if your premise was truthful (and it's not); it's still faulty for the conclusion you present. NBC had zero right to edit the tapes to make him sound racist. Learn logic and the law. I don't care what order. But, stop spreading your ignorance upon the boards.

They have every right to edit it any way they see fit.

It's called "The First Amendment". Look it up some time.

Zimmerman was a gun-toting idiot who shot a kid. And I promise you, NBC will make damned sure they get some black folks on that jury.

Sure they do as it is not criminal.
But civilly they do not and they will pay a pant load.
Even black folks understand the law. You believe them to be ignorant but they aren't.
His civil attorneys that have a good case against NBC are shitting their pants over this.
Whether or not Zimmerman is a "public personality" or not is crucial to their case.
George's many interviews after the shooting was stupid and this is also stupid.
He possibly has a large pay day coming and this does nothing to help that.
Once again Boy George does not listen to sound advice.

Doing product endorsements clearly blows ‘not a public personality’ out of the water.

Paints an even more negative picture of him.

BUT, whether he's the new hero for the KKK types or one feels he got away with murder, one thing that's true is that he's being very foolish. That photo purposely rubs salt in a lot of wounds and will make a lot of people angry. Its as though he wants to be used as target practice.

All of you who cream your jeans over this little scumbag need to ready yourselves for the ever so terrible tragedy of him getting what he's got coming and what the jury didn't give him. It WILL happen and he WILL get himself killed.

A Colt single action...

I wasn't aware Loughner used a high capacity magazine with a Colt single action :lol:

Good point.

On the one hand, the Arizona lawmakers appear to have actually gone ahead to propose a "State Gun." (State flower? check. State bird? check. State Gun? Really?)

On the other hand, it is a single action revolver and not the weapon used by the sick-ass piece of crap who tried to murder a Congresswoman and who did kill other people at that time.
I don't agree. But, I do think it sends a good message to other would-be attempted murderers like Trayvon Martin that he is going to be packing. So, tread lightly.

True. One of the most difficult things is to be able to draw your weapon and use it effectively under extreme duress. Certainly GZ was able to do that. A psycho thug was on top of him visiously beating him and not only was he able to draw his weapon but he was dead-on with his aim.

I wouldn't want to try to attack the man.

He didn't have much aiming to do. The thug was right on top of him.

Bu....bu....bu....said thug was retreating! NOT!
His civil attorneys that have a good case against NBC are shitting their pants over this.
Whether or not Zimmerman is a "public personality" or not is crucial to their case.
George's many interviews after the shooting was stupid and this is also stupid.
He possibly has a large pay day coming and this does nothing to help that.
Once again Boy George does not listen to sound advice.

Doing product endorsements clearly blows ‘not a public personality’ out of the water.

Paints an even more negative picture of him.

BUT, whether he's the new hero for the KKK types or one feels he got away with murder, one thing that's true is that he's being very foolish. That photo purposely rubs salt in a lot of wounds and will make a lot of people angry. Its as though he wants to be used as target practice.

All of you who cream your jeans over this little scumbag need to ready yourselves for the ever so terrible tragedy of him getting what he's got coming and what the jury didn't give him. It WILL happen and he WILL get himself killed.

That part has no relevance if it goes to trial as the probative value does not outweigh the prejudicial value.
All that is used in is if he is proven to be a public figure and that is a motions legal ruling by the Judge long before the jury is seated.
Goes to proving the defamation and the standard, not a jury issue of fact.
His civil attorneys that have a good case against NBC are shitting their pants over this.
Whether or not Zimmerman is a "public personality" or not is crucial to their case.
George's many interviews after the shooting was stupid and this is also stupid.
He possibly has a large pay day coming and this does nothing to help that.
Once again Boy George does not listen to sound advice.

Doing product endorsements clearly blows ‘not a public personality’ out of the water.

Not that he did; but GZ was not a public personality at the time that NBC defamed him. That's all that matters.

Now now, you better listen to the law student! LMAO

You're an idiot as usual. Even if your premise was truthful (and it's not); it's still faulty for the conclusion you present. NBC had zero right to edit the tapes to make him sound racist. Learn logic and the law. I don't care what order. But, stop spreading your ignorance upon the boards.

They have every right to edit it any way they see fit.

It's called "The First Amendment". Look it up some time.

Zimmerman was a gun-toting idiot who shot a kid. And I promise you, NBC will make damned sure they get some black folks on that jury.

As usual, you are completely wrong. They did NOT have a "right" to edit the tape in a way that altered what had been said. This is why they are the legitimate target of a lawsuit they are almost certain to lose and lose BIG.

The First Amendment is not designed to protect defamatory speech. IF it were, it would make libel and slander suits a legal impossibility.

And, just to correct you yet again (you need to be constantly corrected since you are hostile to honesty): Zimmerman was not toting a gun. He was carrying it concealed. And the "kid" was beating the shit out of him at the time of the shooting.

Additionally, you are wrong about the lawsuit. NBC will never allow this case to go to a jury. They have no viable choice. They will settle and the settlement figure will be fucking huge. As it should be.
The left needs to have thug trayvon a "child" because they need the thugs who killed Chris Lane nothing more than innocent babies. Two of the killers were 15 and 16. One was the same age as thug trayvon, 17. The thugs who killed Delbert Belton were "infants" of 16.

If Zimmerman's visiting a gun factory is a "product endorsement" surely the left can fabricate how much Zimmerman was paid for that endorsement. The left has lost on the Zimmerman issue. They might try to resurrect it, but it's dead. Zimmerman is a free man able to go wherever he wants to go.
They have every right to edit it any way they see fit.

It's called "The First Amendment". Look it up some time.

Zimmerman was a gun-toting idiot who shot a kid. And I promise you, NBC will make damned sure they get some black folks on that jury.

The first amendment does not protect you from OTHER people when you slander them or libel them, it protects you from the GOVERNMENT impinging on your right to free speech.

Constitution 101, methinks you need to take the class again.

If a court fines them, isn't that the GOVERNMENT infringing on their right to free speech? Yes or no?

A court didn't like the way you edited something. By the way, they didn't make anything up, they just edited it a certain way.

The jury decides the award figure. The government DOES enforce legal judgments, however.

You have not the first foggy notion of what the First Amendment actually says or means.

Zimmermann is free to do as he wishes, if I were him however I wouldn't have done this. It simply gives the media a reason to continue to trash him, and keep this story alive.

So you would imprison yourself after the courts refused to do so. Groovy.

You're an idiot as usual. Even if your premise was truthful (and it's not); it's still faulty for the conclusion you present. NBC had zero right to edit the tapes to make him sound racist. Learn logic and the law. I don't care what order. But, stop spreading your ignorance upon the boards.

They have every right to edit it any way they see fit.

It's called "The First Amendment". Look it up some time.

Zimmerman was a gun-toting idiot who shot a kid. And I promise you, NBC will make damned sure they get some black folks on that jury.

As usual, you are completely wrong. They did NOT have a "right" to edit the tape in a way that altered what had been said. This is why they are the legitimate target of a lawsuit they are almost certain to lose and lose BIG.

The First Amendment is not designed to protect defamatory speech. IF it were, it would make libel and slander suits a legal impossibility.

And, just to correct you yet again (you need to be constantly corrected since you are hostile to honesty): Zimmerman was not toting a gun. He was carrying it concealed. And the "kid" was beating the shit out of him at the time of the shooting.

Additionally, you are wrong about the lawsuit. NBC will never allow this case to go to a jury. They have no viable choice. They will settle and the settlement figure will be fucking huge. As it should be.

I believe it will be settled out of court but it will not be massive millions.
But it will be 7 figures and the defense will fight it until the jury selection is started or that day.
They hold onto their $$$ as long as they can. They always wait until the case is #1 or specially set on the calendar and cases like this always get put back on the docket same as divorce and other cases that the Judges want to see the parties settle.
If there is a mandatory mediation requirement in that jurisdiction the parties HAVE TO abide by that. That will be very interesting as if NBC refuses to offer anything in mediation that will piss the Judge off big time.

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