George Zimmerman visits Kel-Tec gun factory

His civil attorneys that have a good case against NBC are shitting their pants over this.
Whether or not Zimmerman is a "public personality" or not is crucial to their case.
George's many interviews after the shooting was stupid and this is also stupid.
He possibly has a large pay day coming and this does nothing to help that.
Once again Boy George does not listen to sound advice.

He's not a public personality. He did not inject himself into the public sphere, had it not been for the truly massive amount of involuntary publicity no one would ever have heard of him.

As a private citizen he has a right to go wherever he wants to go without his movements being the subject of reportage. IF he had called a press conference to announce his visit to the factory you would have a point. He didn't.
Paints an even more negative picture of him.

BUT, whether he's the new hero for the KKK types or one feels he got away with murder, one thing that's true is that he's being very foolish. That photo purposely rubs salt in a lot of wounds and will make a lot of people angry. Its as though he wants to be used as target practice.

All of you who cream your jeans over this little scumbag need to ready yourselves for the ever so terrible tragedy of him getting what he's got coming and what the jury didn't give him. It WILL happen and he WILL get himself killed.

Yep, he is living on borrowed time. He is a living target.

You are just another thug making threats. You are scared shitless of him and you know it. You even changed your stated race because you are too chicken shit to be black like you first announced you are.

Scared "shitless" of Zimmerman?

Why would anyone be scared of Zimmerman. He's a pathetic schlub who beats women and got his ass kicked by a kid who just turned 17. So badly, in his mind, that he had to shoot him.
Yep, he is living on borrowed time. He is a living target.

You are just another thug making threats. You are scared shitless of him and you know it. You even changed your stated race because you are too chicken shit to be black like you first announced you are.

Scared "shitless" of Zimmerman?

Why would anyone be scared of Zimmerman. He's a pathetic schlub who beats women and got his ass kicked by a kid who just turned 17. So badly, in his mind, that he had to shoot him.

Delbert Belton got his ass kicked by two 16 year olds. Both cases are object lessons. What happens when you are armed and fight back, when you are unarmed and unable to fight back. These two cases illustrate why it is important to be armed at all times and be able to fight back so you live like Zimmerman and not die like Belton.
Yep, he is living on borrowed time. He is a living target.

You are just another thug making threats. You are scared shitless of him and you know it. You even changed your stated race because you are too chicken shit to be black like you first announced you are.

Scared "shitless" of Zimmerman?

Why would anyone be scared of Zimmerman. He's a pathetic schlub who beats women and got his ass kicked by a kid who just turned 17. So badly, in his mind, that he had to shoot him.

He "beats" women? Really? You can show that?


ALL you can show is that he got accused of some (similar) type behavior.

It was never established that the CLAIM was truthful.

He was, however, being beaten up by the 17 year old young man who ended up getting shot over that behavior. Poor decision

by Trayvon.
Doing product endorsements clearly blows ‘not a public personality’ out of the water.

Paints an even more negative picture of him.

BUT, whether he's the new hero for the KKK types or one feels he got away with murder, one thing that's true is that he's being very foolish. That photo purposely rubs salt in a lot of wounds and will make a lot of people angry. Its as though he wants to be used as target practice.

All of you who cream your jeans over this little scumbag need to ready yourselves for the ever so terrible tragedy of him getting what he's got coming and what the jury didn't give him. It WILL happen and he WILL get himself killed.

Yep, he is living on borrowed time. He is a living target.

You and Luddlly certainly HOPE he's a target, that much is certain. I don't know whether that's a perverted concept of "justice", or whether you just see that as potentially intimidating to those you regard as your political enemies. Maybe it just bothers you that someone did not submit, like a good little liberal sheep, to whatever depredations a thug or wanna-be thug (especially one of a particular race) chose to inflict on him. Maybe you can't stand the fact, (as the evidence indicates) that contrary to your myth of "Zimmerman the vigilante" there was someone else who took the law into his own hands that night, and far more than simply following a man, chose to attack and beat him instead. That's what happened, and that is precisely where it was Trayvon Martin, not George Zimmerman, who became the would-be murderer that night. That doesn't fit with the myth of "Trayvon, the innocent victim", so it doesn't fit your agenda. Can't have that, lest it inspire other sheep to do likewise. Another murder, another martyr; ANYTHING for the cause, (whichever cause it is), I guess; if it's not YOUR blood, or on YOUR hands, it's ok.
Paints an even more negative picture of him.

BUT, whether he's the new hero for the KKK types or one feels he got away with murder, one thing that's true is that he's being very foolish. That photo purposely rubs salt in a lot of wounds and will make a lot of people angry. Its as though he wants to be used as target practice.

All of you who cream your jeans over this little scumbag need to ready yourselves for the ever so terrible tragedy of him getting what he's got coming and what the jury didn't give him. It WILL happen and he WILL get himself killed.

Yep, he is living on borrowed time. He is a living target.

You and Luddlly certainly HOPE he's a target, that much is certain. I don't know whether that's a perverted concept of "justice", or whether you just see that as potentially intimidating to those you regard as your political enemies. Maybe it just bothers you that someone did not submit, like a good little liberal sheep, to whatever depredations a thug or wanna-be thug (especially one of a particular race) chose to inflict on him. Maybe you can't stand the fact, (as the evidence indicates) that contrary to your myth of "Zimmerman the vigilante" there was someone else who took the law into his own hands that night, and far more than simply following a man, chose to attack and beat him instead. That's what happened, and that is precisely where it was Trayvon Martin, not George Zimmerman, who became the would-be murderer that night. That doesn't fit with the myth of "Trayvon, the innocent victim", so it doesn't fit your agenda. Can't have that, lest it inspire other sheep to do likewise. Another murder, another martyr; ANYTHING for the cause, (whichever cause it is), I guess; if it's not YOUR blood, or on YOUR hands, it's ok.

Its annoying that some of you have to make up shit to serve your agenda but you will not find any words of mine that indicate that I "hope gz is a target".

He made himself a target when he chose to murder a kid whose only crime was walking while black.

Be that as it may, he is continuing to put himself into the spotlight. He could have CHOSEN to be a balm to the situation he caused but instead, he is CHOOSING to add fuel to the fire.

No one is forcing him. He is CHOOSING this course for his own sick agenda. And, like it or not, he WILL pay for his own actions.
...a kid whose only crime was walking while black.

Pretty sure beating someone's head into the ground after exclaiming you're going to kill them is also a crime. But hey, I'm sure YOU know what really happened. We'll just overlook the fact that the police department, the prosecutors, the FBI and the jury said race had nothing to do with it. You know best...:doubt:
Like he left Travon Martin alone?

Trayvon was on top of George pounding his skull onto concrete.

So, as usual, your "point" is non existent.

Zimmerman lied. You believed him because you are a racist.

Ahhhh, there we go. I was wondering when you'd be called out for being "RACIST"? Why is it when a liberal is absolutely, positively LOSING an arguement, the first 'gun' that a liberal reaches for is the RACIST label? Or the homophobe label? Or the intollerant label?

Demonize, segregate and isolate. Straight from the Alinsky playbook. Barry and his cronies are teaching their koolaide-drinking followers well, aren't they? If I was you, I'd go hide my face in shame since you've now been labeled a racist.

Or perhaps you should just stand you're ground, keep saying what you're saying, and disregard the low-information wing of the Democrat party?

I vote for the second course of action!
His civil attorneys that have a good case against NBC are shitting their pants over this.
Whether or not Zimmerman is a "public personality" or not is crucial to their case.
George's many interviews after the shooting was stupid and this is also stupid.
He possibly has a large pay day coming and this does nothing to help that.
Once again Boy George does not listen to sound advice.

He's not a public personality. He did not inject himself into the public sphere, had it not been for the truly massive amount of involuntary publicity no one would ever have heard of him.

As a private citizen he has a right to go wherever he wants to go without his movements being the subject of reportage. IF he had called a press conference to announce his visit to the factory you would have a point. He didn't.

Even if he were a public figure, all the press has is the right to parody him. They do not have the right to defame him, nor to parody him in a malicious manner.
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Zimmerman is a private citizen. The press needs to leave him the fuck alone.

I don't think Kel-Tec wanted him left alone.

Private citizens are free to do business with manufacturers/retailers and manufacturers/retailers are free to do business with private citizens.

These facts appear to disturb modern American lolberals.

Particularly those who refuse to abide by the law of the land and accept the rule of law in the courts.
Yep, he is living on borrowed time. He is a living target.

You are just another thug making threats. You are scared shitless of him and you know it. You even changed your stated race because you are too chicken shit to be black like you first announced you are.

Scared "shitless" of Zimmerman?

Why would anyone be scared of Zimmerman. He's a pathetic schlub who beats women and got his ass kicked by a kid who just turned 17. So badly, in his mind, that he had to shoot him.

Well, there it is.
You are just another thug making threats. You are scared shitless of him and you know it. You even changed your stated race because you are too chicken shit to be black like you first announced you are.

Scared "shitless" of Zimmerman?

Why would anyone be scared of Zimmerman. He's a pathetic schlub who beats women and got his ass kicked by a kid who just turned 17. So badly, in his mind, that he had to shoot him.

Well, there it is.

I would have shot the bastard also, but I have hand to hand combat training, ex wrestler and bed fighter with women to help me out. I do security in clubs and biker events, but never carry a gun.
Yep, he is living on borrowed time. He is a living target.

You and Luddlly certainly HOPE he's a target, that much is certain. I don't know whether that's a perverted concept of "justice", or whether you just see that as potentially intimidating to those you regard as your political enemies. Maybe it just bothers you that someone did not submit, like a good little liberal sheep, to whatever depredations a thug or wanna-be thug (especially one of a particular race) chose to inflict on him. Maybe you can't stand the fact, (as the evidence indicates) that contrary to your myth of "Zimmerman the vigilante" there was someone else who took the law into his own hands that night, and far more than simply following a man, chose to attack and beat him instead. That's what happened, and that is precisely where it was Trayvon Martin, not George Zimmerman, who became the would-be murderer that night. That doesn't fit with the myth of "Trayvon, the innocent victim", so it doesn't fit your agenda. Can't have that, lest it inspire other sheep to do likewise. Another murder, another martyr; ANYTHING for the cause, (whichever cause it is), I guess; if it's not YOUR blood, or on YOUR hands, it's ok.

Its annoying that some of you have to make up shit to serve your agenda but you will not find any words of mine that indicate that I "hope gz is a target".

He made himself a target when he chose to murder a kid whose only crime was walking while black.

Be that as it may, he is continuing to put himself into the spotlight. He could have CHOSEN to be a balm to the situation he caused but instead, he is CHOOSING to add fuel to the fire.

No one is forcing him. He is CHOOSING this course for his own sick agenda. And, like it or not, he WILL pay for his own actions.

He tried on multiple occasions to be, what did you call it, a balm. But every time he did you rabid blacks just became more incited. The best thing he can do for himself is to be well armed.
The left has to try to find something to whinny about since they are getting the idea that there will be no federal prosecution and no civil action either.

All they have left is impotent screed.

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