George Zimmerman visits Kel-Tec gun factory

The left has to try to find something to whinny about since they are getting the idea that there will be no federal prosecution and no civil action either.

All they have left is impotent screed.

And in 60 years they have not run out of that!

Hell, they sell guns at Wal Mart. By their reasoning the man can't even set foo tin a Wal Mart store.
Yep, he is living on borrowed time. He is a living target.

You and Luddlly certainly HOPE he's a target, that much is certain. I don't know whether that's a perverted concept of "justice", or whether you just see that as potentially intimidating to those you regard as your political enemies. Maybe it just bothers you that someone did not submit, like a good little liberal sheep, to whatever depredations a thug or wanna-be thug (especially one of a particular race) chose to inflict on him. Maybe you can't stand the fact, (as the evidence indicates) that contrary to your myth of "Zimmerman the vigilante" there was someone else who took the law into his own hands that night, and far more than simply following a man, chose to attack and beat him instead. That's what happened, and that is precisely where it was Trayvon Martin, not George Zimmerman, who became the would-be murderer that night. That doesn't fit with the myth of "Trayvon, the innocent victim", so it doesn't fit your agenda. Can't have that, lest it inspire other sheep to do likewise. Another murder, another martyr; ANYTHING for the cause, (whichever cause it is), I guess; if it's not YOUR blood, or on YOUR hands, it's ok.

Its annoying that some of you have to make up shit to serve your agenda but you will not find any words of mine that indicate that I "hope gz is a target".

He made himself a target when he chose to murder a kid whose only crime was walking while black.

Be that as it may, he is continuing to put himself into the spotlight. He could have CHOSEN to be a balm to the situation he caused but instead, he is CHOOSING to add fuel to the fire.

No one is forcing him. He is CHOOSING this course for his own sick agenda. And, like it or not, he WILL pay for his own actions.

Sure you do, Luddlly. You called a man who killed in self-dfense a "murderer". You just stated "he WILL pay" (presumably with his own life). Pay for what, exactly? A jury in a court of law found him "not guilty" of any crime in this case. Your side has tried to lynch the man (in spite of the evidence) since this case made the headlines. To tell the truth, I have not seen the first bit of outrage from the Left, at the thought of having the man convicted in the streets, if you couldn't have him convicted in a courtroom. There was scarcely a a peep from your side, when the NBPP essentially put a "dead or alive" bounty on the man-let a group put a bounty like that on Delbert Belton's murderers, and you'd make the welkin ring with your protestations (BTW what crime did Delbert Belton commit-"walking while white"?) Oh, snap! I forgot we white men are supposed to feel so much guilt over slavery and segregation, that we should be prepared to let any black person who feels like it beat us to death, without resistance or consequence- is THAT the kind of "balm" that you think Zimmerman should apply to the situation "he caused"? Horse dung, and you know it!

What we know, from both forensic evidence and eyewitness testimony, is that one person DID commit a crime on that rainy night in Sanford, FL. and that person was Trayvon Martin. His crime was assault and battery at the least, attempted homicide at worst. Whether he liked it, or you like it, he had no legal justification for that attack. Had he simply kept walking, he would simply have arrived at the apartment where he was staying, he'd still be alive, and none of us would have ever heard of Trayvon Martin or George Zimmerman. THAT is the inconvenient fact that really sticks in the liberal craw, and that is what makes what your side has done with the whole affair nothing more nor less, than the acts of a media-inspired lynch mob. I've called it that since the beginning, and I'm calling it that now, because that's exactly what it is. Like every lynch mob before, this one is about a twisted version of justice, and intimidation, and it's no less distasteful just because you haven't actually managed to string anyone up from a tree just yet.
Trayvon was on top of George pounding his skull onto concrete.

So, as usual, your "point" is non existent.

Zimmerman lied. You believed him because you are a racist.

You are white now. You are supposed to be on Zimmerman's side. WTF is wrong with you. Why would you change your stated race and then not be on Zimmerman's side!

Because I don't discriminate. I am not a racist. I seek only truth justice, and the American way.:eusa_angel:
We are all brothers and sisters.
You and Luddlly certainly HOPE he's a target, that much is certain. I don't know whether that's a perverted concept of "justice", or whether you just see that as potentially intimidating to those you regard as your political enemies. Maybe it just bothers you that someone did not submit, like a good little liberal sheep, to whatever depredations a thug or wanna-be thug (especially one of a particular race) chose to inflict on him. Maybe you can't stand the fact, (as the evidence indicates) that contrary to your myth of "Zimmerman the vigilante" there was someone else who took the law into his own hands that night, and far more than simply following a man, chose to attack and beat him instead. That's what happened, and that is precisely where it was Trayvon Martin, not George Zimmerman, who became the would-be murderer that night. That doesn't fit with the myth of "Trayvon, the innocent victim", so it doesn't fit your agenda. Can't have that, lest it inspire other sheep to do likewise. Another murder, another martyr; ANYTHING for the cause, (whichever cause it is), I guess; if it's not YOUR blood, or on YOUR hands, it's ok.

Its annoying that some of you have to make up shit to serve your agenda but you will not find any words of mine that indicate that I "hope gz is a target".

He made himself a target when he chose to murder a kid whose only crime was walking while black.

Be that as it may, he is continuing to put himself into the spotlight. He could have CHOSEN to be a balm to the situation he caused but instead, he is CHOOSING to add fuel to the fire.

No one is forcing him. He is CHOOSING this course for his own sick agenda. And, like it or not, he WILL pay for his own actions.

Sure you do, Luddlly. You called a man who killed in self-dfense a "murderer". You just stated "he WILL pay" (presumably with his own life). Pay for what, exactly? A jury in a court of law found him "not guilty" of any crime in this case. Your side has tried to lynch the man (in spite of the evidence) since this case made the headlines. To tell the truth, I have not seen the first bit of outrage from the Left, at the thought of having the man convicted in the streets, if you couldn't have him convicted in a courtroom. There was scarcely a a peep from your side, when the NBPP essentially put a "dead or alive" bounty on the man-let a group put a bounty like that on Delbert Belton's murderers, and you'd make the welkin ring with your protestations (BTW what crime did Delbert Belton commit-"walking while white"?) Oh, snap! I forgot we white men are supposed to feel so much guilt over slavery and segregation, that we should be prepared to let any black person who feels like it beat us to death, without resistance or consequence- is THAT the kind of "balm" that you think Zimmerman should apply to the situation "he caused"? Horse dung, and you know it!

What we know, from both forensic evidence and eyewitness testimony, is that one person DID commit a crime on that rainy night in Sanford, FL. and that person was Trayvon Martin. His crime was assault and battery at the least, attempted homicide at worst. Whether he liked it, or you like it, he had no legal justification for that attack. Had he simply kept walking, he would simply have arrived at the apartment where he was staying, he'd still be alive, and none of us would have ever heard of Trayvon Martin or George Zimmerman. THAT is the inconvenient fact that really sticks in the liberal craw, and that is what makes what your side has done with the whole affair nothing more nor less, than the acts of a media-inspired lynch mob. I've called it that since the beginning, and I'm calling it that now, because that's exactly what it is. Like every lynch mob before, this one is about a twisted version of justice, and intimidation, and it's no less distasteful just because you haven't actually managed to string anyone up from a tree just yet.

Zimmerman appointed himself as judge, jury, and executioner that night he executed Travon Martin. Karma's a bitch.
Its annoying that some of you have to make up shit to serve your agenda but you will not find any words of mine that indicate that I "hope gz is a target".

He made himself a target when he chose to murder a kid whose only crime was walking while black.

Be that as it may, he is continuing to put himself into the spotlight. He could have CHOSEN to be a balm to the situation he caused but instead, he is CHOOSING to add fuel to the fire.

No one is forcing him. He is CHOOSING this course for his own sick agenda. And, like it or not, he WILL pay for his own actions.

Sure you do, Luddlly. You called a man who killed in self-dfense a "murderer". You just stated "he WILL pay" (presumably with his own life). Pay for what, exactly? A jury in a court of law found him "not guilty" of any crime in this case. Your side has tried to lynch the man (in spite of the evidence) since this case made the headlines. To tell the truth, I have not seen the first bit of outrage from the Left, at the thought of having the man convicted in the streets, if you couldn't have him convicted in a courtroom. There was scarcely a a peep from your side, when the NBPP essentially put a "dead or alive" bounty on the man-let a group put a bounty like that on Delbert Belton's murderers, and you'd make the welkin ring with your protestations (BTW what crime did Delbert Belton commit-"walking while white"?) Oh, snap! I forgot we white men are supposed to feel so much guilt over slavery and segregation, that we should be prepared to let any black person who feels like it beat us to death, without resistance or consequence- is THAT the kind of "balm" that you think Zimmerman should apply to the situation "he caused"? Horse dung, and you know it!

What we know, from both forensic evidence and eyewitness testimony, is that one person DID commit a crime on that rainy night in Sanford, FL. and that person was Trayvon Martin. His crime was assault and battery at the least, attempted homicide at worst. Whether he liked it, or you like it, he had no legal justification for that attack. Had he simply kept walking, he would simply have arrived at the apartment where he was staying, he'd still be alive, and none of us would have ever heard of Trayvon Martin or George Zimmerman. THAT is the inconvenient fact that really sticks in the liberal craw, and that is what makes what your side has done with the whole affair nothing more nor less, than the acts of a media-inspired lynch mob. I've called it that since the beginning, and I'm calling it that now, because that's exactly what it is. Like every lynch mob before, this one is about a twisted version of justice, and intimidation, and it's no less distasteful just because you haven't actually managed to string anyone up from a tree just yet.

Zimmerman appointed himself as judge, jury, and executioner that night he executed Travon Martin. Karma's a bitch.

You fucking liar.

There is no evidence he left his house intending to kill someone, there is no evidence he intended to kill the person he followed while talking to the dispatcher. There is no evidence he intended to kill anyone when he was on his way back to his car after losing the person he was following.

The only evidence there is is that he shot the person trying to beat the snot out of him.
Sure you do, Luddlly. You called a man who killed in self-dfense a "murderer". You just stated "he WILL pay" (presumably with his own life). Pay for what, exactly? A jury in a court of law found him "not guilty" of any crime in this case. Your side has tried to lynch the man (in spite of the evidence) since this case made the headlines. To tell the truth, I have not seen the first bit of outrage from the Left, at the thought of having the man convicted in the streets, if you couldn't have him convicted in a courtroom. There was scarcely a a peep from your side, when the NBPP essentially put a "dead or alive" bounty on the man-let a group put a bounty like that on Delbert Belton's murderers, and you'd make the welkin ring with your protestations (BTW what crime did Delbert Belton commit-"walking while white"?) Oh, snap! I forgot we white men are supposed to feel so much guilt over slavery and segregation, that we should be prepared to let any black person who feels like it beat us to death, without resistance or consequence- is THAT the kind of "balm" that you think Zimmerman should apply to the situation "he caused"? Horse dung, and you know it!

What we know, from both forensic evidence and eyewitness testimony, is that one person DID commit a crime on that rainy night in Sanford, FL. and that person was Trayvon Martin. His crime was assault and battery at the least, attempted homicide at worst. Whether he liked it, or you like it, he had no legal justification for that attack. Had he simply kept walking, he would simply have arrived at the apartment where he was staying, he'd still be alive, and none of us would have ever heard of Trayvon Martin or George Zimmerman. THAT is the inconvenient fact that really sticks in the liberal craw, and that is what makes what your side has done with the whole affair nothing more nor less, than the acts of a media-inspired lynch mob. I've called it that since the beginning, and I'm calling it that now, because that's exactly what it is. Like every lynch mob before, this one is about a twisted version of justice, and intimidation, and it's no less distasteful just because you haven't actually managed to string anyone up from a tree just yet.

Zimmerman appointed himself as judge, jury, and executioner that night he executed Travon Martin. Karma's a bitch.

You fucking liar.

There is no evidence he left his house intending to kill someone, there is no evidence he intended to kill the person he followed while talking to the dispatcher. There is no evidence he intended to kill anyone when he was on his way back to his car after losing the person he was following.

The only evidence there is is that he shot the person trying to beat the snot out of him.

Well, if a dead boy with a bullet in his heart is not evidence, forget about it.
Zimmerman appointed himself as judge, jury, and executioner that night he executed Travon Martin. Karma's a bitch.

Tell me something , Snookie: What did Trayvon Martin appoint HIMSELF, when he decided to attack Zimmerman that night?
Zimmerman appointed himself as judge, jury, and executioner that night he executed Travon Martin. Karma's a bitch.

You fucking liar.

There is no evidence he left his house intending to kill someone, there is no evidence he intended to kill the person he followed while talking to the dispatcher. There is no evidence he intended to kill anyone when he was on his way back to his car after losing the person he was following.

The only evidence there is is that he shot the person trying to beat the snot out of him.

Well, if a dead boy with a bullet in his heart is not evidence, forget about it.

Its evidence of a homicide, a justifiable one as per the courts.

I'd tell you to stop being an asshole, but it seems to be your only recourse.
Zimmerman appointed himself as judge, jury, and executioner that night he executed Travon Martin. Karma's a bitch.

Tell me something , Snookie: What did Trayvon Martin appoint HIMSELF, when he decided to attack Zimmerman that night?

He was standing his ground from an armed predator.

One who was moving away from him, and was not displaying his firearm at the time?

Fuck off, and Die.
You fucking liar.

There is no evidence he left his house intending to kill someone, there is no evidence he intended to kill the person he followed while talking to the dispatcher. There is no evidence he intended to kill anyone when he was on his way back to his car after losing the person he was following.

The only evidence there is is that he shot the person trying to beat the snot out of him.

Well, if a dead boy with a bullet in his heart is not evidence, forget about it.

Its evidence of a homicide, a justifiable one as per the courts.

I'd tell you to stop being an asshole, but it seems to be your only recourse.

Cork it, troll.
Here's a helpful observation. Snoopie is not interested in real debate or intelligent discussion.

S/he is overtly hostile to facts, reality, integrity and honesty.

Engaging in any prolonged attempt at a discussion with the likes of Snoopie is like trying to have a reality-based intelligent debate with TderpM.

It's simply not possible. Snoopie is unwilling and incapable.

It is here strictly for its laugh value. And, of course, it is impossible to read it's posts and not be reduced to gales of hysterical derisive laughter.
Last edited:
Here's a helpful observation. Snoopie is not interested in real debate or intelligent discussion.

S/he is overtly hostile to facts, reality, integrity and honesty.

Engaging in any prolonged attempt at a discussion with the likes of Snoopie is like trying to have a reality-based intelligent debate with TderpM.

It's simply not possible. Snoopie is unwilling and incapable.

It is here strictly for its laugh value. And, of course, it is impossible to read it's posts and not be reduced to gales of hysterical derisive laughter.

All because I share a different point of view with you.

You are acting puerile again.
Here's a helpful observation. Snoopie is not interested in real debate or intelligent discussion.

S/he is overtly hostile to facts, reality, integrity and honesty.

Engaging in any prolonged attempt at a discussion with the likes of Snoopie is like trying to have a reality-based intelligent debate with TderpM.

It's simply not possible. Snoopie is unwilling and incapable.

It is here strictly for its laugh value. And, of course, it is impossible to read it's posts and not be reduced to gales of hysterical derisive laughter.

All because I share a different point of view with you.

. . . .

^ Snoopie thinks it posted something intelligible.

Zimmerman appointed himself as judge, jury, and executioner that night he executed Travon Martin. Karma's a bitch.

Tell me something , Snookie: What did Trayvon Martin appoint HIMSELF, when he decided to attack Zimmerman that night?

He was standing his ground from an armed predator.

Really? "An armed predator" who had turned around and was walking away? That's NOT "standing his ground"; it is a deliberate assault, without legal justification, on a man who not only had not only not given him any lawful provocation to warrant that assault, but also clearly was NOT a threat to Martin, nor an impediment to getting to his destination. Trayvon Martin took the law into his own hands, and launched a frankly cowardly assault on a man he thought he could easily beat, not knowing he was armed. It's worth noting that, had Zimmerman not been armed, Martin would have beat him badly at best, possibly killed him at worst. Of course, you wouldn't have cared about that, because Martin was black, and Zimmerman....isn't.
Tell me something , Snookie: What did Trayvon Martin appoint HIMSELF, when he decided to attack Zimmerman that night?

He was standing his ground from an armed predator.

Really? "An armed predator" who had turned around and was walking away? That's NOT "standing his ground"; it is a deliberate assault, without legal justification, on a man who not only had not only not given him any lawful provocation to warrant that assault, but also clearly was NOT a threat to Martin, nor an impediment to getting to his destination. Trayvon Martin took the law into his own hands, and launched a frankly cowardly assault on a man he thought he could easily beat, not knowing he was armed. It's worth noting that, had Zimmerman not been armed, Martin would have beat him badly at best, possibly killed him at worst. Of course, you wouldn't have cared about that, because Martin was black, and Zimmerman....isn't.
So, because Zimmerman is a little pussy he has the right to shoot him?

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