George Zimmerman visits Kel-Tec gun factory

Snoopie says: 'whut we haz in common iz that we haz no common ground.'
Congratulations. You finally figured it out.


I figured you out long ago, Snoopie.

You have a fundamental lack of ability to grasp that words have meaning and you are hostile to truth.
Snoopie says: 'whut we haz in common iz that we haz no common ground.'
Congratulations. You finally figured it out.


I figured you out long ago, Snoopie.

You have a fundamental lack of ability to grasp that words have meaning and you are hostile to truth.

They said the same thing about Socrates.
Congratulations. You finally figured it out.

I figured you out long ago, Snoopie.

You have a fundamental lack of ability to grasp that words have meaning and you are hostile to truth.

They said the same thing about Socrates.

Sure. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

Unlike you, however, Socrates was neither a compulsive liar nor a hack moron.

I doubt anyone EVER claimed that Socrates didn't grasp the meaning of words.

YOU, however, are clearly unable to grasp even the most basic simple concepts. Sorry, Snoopie. But you have no cred.
I figured you out long ago, Snoopie.

You have a fundamental lack of ability to grasp that words have meaning and you are hostile to truth.

They said the same thing about Socrates.

Sure. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

Unlike you, however, Socrates was neither a compulsive liar nor a hack moron.

I doubt anyone EVER claimed that Socrates didn't grasp the meaning of words.

YOU, however, are clearly unable to grasp even the most basic simple concepts. Sorry, Snoopie. But you have no cred.

OMG! Snookie thinks Socrates didn't understand his own address to the forum. I guess he thinks Plato didn't understand it either since it was Plato who wrote about Socrates' Apology.

Snookie is a dumbed down version of a stupid person.
They said the same thing about Socrates.

Sure. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

Unlike you, however, Socrates was neither a compulsive liar nor a hack moron.

I doubt anyone EVER claimed that Socrates didn't grasp the meaning of words.

YOU, however, are clearly unable to grasp even the most basic simple concepts. Sorry, Snoopie. But you have no cred.

OMG! Snookie thinks Socrates didn't understand his own address to the forum. I guess he thinks Plato didn't understand it either since it was Plato who wrote about Socrates' Apology.

Snookie is a dumbed down version of a stupid person.

^ Snoopie doesn't understand that one.
He was standing his ground from an armed predator.

Really? "An armed predator" who had turned around and was walking away? That's NOT "standing his ground"; it is a deliberate assault, without legal justification, on a man who not only had not only not given him any lawful provocation to warrant that assault, but also clearly was NOT a threat to Martin, nor an impediment to getting to his destination. Trayvon Martin took the law into his own hands, and launched a frankly cowardly assault on a man he thought he could easily beat, not knowing he was armed. It's worth noting that, had Zimmerman not been armed, Martin would have beat him badly at best, possibly killed him at worst. Of course, you wouldn't have cared about that, because Martin was black, and Zimmerman....isn't.
So, because Zimmerman is a little pussy he has the right to shoot him?

According to the laws of the state of Florida, yes, he had the right to respond with deadly force to a legally unprovoked assault, if he reasonably believed that assault placed him at risk of death, or serious bodily injury. Martin would have had precisely the same right, IF Zimmerman had attacked him first, but ACCORDING TO THE EVIDENCE, THAT"S NOT WHAT HAPPENED.
They said the same thing about Socrates.

Sure. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

Unlike you, however, Socrates was neither a compulsive liar nor a hack moron.

I doubt anyone EVER claimed that Socrates didn't grasp the meaning of words.

YOU, however, are clearly unable to grasp even the most basic simple concepts. Sorry, Snoopie. But you have no cred.

OMG! Snookie thinks Socrates didn't understand his own address to the forum. I guess he thinks Plato didn't understand it either since it was Plato who wrote about Socrates' Apology.

Snookie is a dumbed down version of a stupid person.

I never said a thing but you make things up and say bad things about me, you stupid ******.
Sure. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

Unlike you, however, Socrates was neither a compulsive liar nor a hack moron.

I doubt anyone EVER claimed that Socrates didn't grasp the meaning of words.

YOU, however, are clearly unable to grasp even the most basic simple concepts. Sorry, Snoopie. But you have no cred.

OMG! Snookie thinks Socrates didn't understand his own address to the forum. I guess he thinks Plato didn't understand it either since it was Plato who wrote about Socrates' Apology.

Snookie is a dumbed down version of a stupid person.

I never said a thing but you make things up and say bad things about me, you stupid ******.

I wish I could neg that stupid bitch, Snoopie again.

But, alas, I gotta remember to spread some rep around before I can get back to neg Stupie
If anyone has any doubt about the lack of humanity manifest in callous conservatives the post above will remove it. I don't know many people as fucked up as some of those above, and I spent a career in LE and interviewed hundreds of other dirt bags.

The Regime DID confiscate the gun belonging to the ACQUITTED George Zimmerman. That should be a tip-off that the fucking Regime is engaged in some tawdry behavior.

It is not a "lack of humanity" to accurately note such a fact.

You sound like the dirt bag, here, frankly.

The Federal government has NO genuine legitimate business even "looking into" the Zimmerman case. The scumbag AG is a hack, as is the President. They are busy sucking Al not too Sharpton's ass. They are disgraceful.

But they don't welch on bets. That aside, there is a history of crimes of violence in our country, crimes committed because their victim was of a different color or creed or smiled at a women of a different race. The States cannot be trusted to enforce the laws of our nation, as history shows.

Did IKE have no business sending troops to Little Rock, Arkansas in Sept 1957?
President Sends Troops to Little Rock, Federalizes Arkansas National Guard; Tells Nation He Acted to Avoid An Anarchy
Yep, he is living on borrowed time. He is a living target.

Yes, we're all aware of the Left's disdain for the rule of law.

And their murderous nature.

Yep, those murderous killers: Tim McVeigh, Scott Roeder, Eric Rudolph. You're like them, you know. You engage in character assassination, though they actually killed people - I guess because they aren't the narcissistic coward you are.
Liberals are all upset that GZ didn't die like Delbert Belton. Had Belton been smart enough to have a gun, there would be two more dead unarmed teens.
Liberals are all upset that GZ didn't die like Delbert Belton. Had Belton been smart enough to have a gun, there would be two more dead unarmed teens.

How do you know "All liberals wanted GZ dead"? How many liberals have engaged in assassinations? Can you name them?

Why do you post when you have nothing intelligent to offer? Oh, yeah.
After bagging his first, he was looking for door prizes. Did he get one? A "door prize" I mean. We already know he "got one".
OMG! Snookie thinks Socrates didn't understand his own address to the forum. I guess he thinks Plato didn't understand it either since it was Plato who wrote about Socrates' Apology.

Snookie is a dumbed down version of a stupid person.

I never said a thing but you make things up and say bad things about me, you stupid ******.

I wish I could neg that stupid bitch, Snoopie again.

But, alas, I gotta remember to spread some rep around before I can get back to neg Stupie

Don't we all. But I'm getting Wry Catcher before I hit the hay tonight.
Sure. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

Unlike you, however, Socrates was neither a compulsive liar nor a hack moron.

I doubt anyone EVER claimed that Socrates didn't grasp the meaning of words.

YOU, however, are clearly unable to grasp even the most basic simple concepts. Sorry, Snoopie. But you have no cred.

OMG! Snookie thinks Socrates didn't understand his own address to the forum. I guess he thinks Plato didn't understand it either since it was Plato who wrote about Socrates' Apology.

Snookie is a dumbed down version of a stupid person.

I never said a thing but you make things up and say bad things about me, you stupid ******.

Never mind.

Don't actually have to say anything.

Snook goes BOOM! again.

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