George Zimmerman Will Walk

Oh, and how do we know for a fact that Zimmerman was the perpetrator? Holy shit...

Remove Zimmerman from the equation and Martin would have gone home to the game, tea and Skittles. Martin obviously thought HIS life was in danger. It ain't rocket science.

sorry dude--this isn't a kindergarten game--you don't get any do over's or pretends. It's very possible from evidence that is being presented that Martin LOVED to fight.

He might have.

He may have been one bad kid who did drugs, sold drugs, bought drugs and shot drugs.

He may have called white people names to their face, behind their backs, texted it to his friends and scrawled it in chalk on highway overpasses.

He may even had some guns stashed somewhere underneath his bed, in his school locker or at his girlfriend's house.

But none of that matters because that is not what is on trial. What is on trial is what happened literally within a 7 minute time frame in which two total strangers knew nothing about each other nor had the time to judge.

But one had a bag of candy and the other had a gun.

You have someone following you in the dark and confronting you, you have two choices: flight or fight. The kid was not one to flee, he thought he just had a fight on his hands.

If he had known he was dealing with an armed idiot who shoots first and asks questions later, he probably would have fled and Zimmerman would have been left to brandish his gun as a Neighborhood "WATCH" leader another day.
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No evidence has been provided.

A black teenager has a right to defend himself. Problem is there is no evidence Trayvon was being attacked. There is evidence that he was attacking.

Why didn't Trayvon just go home? Why did he attack Zimmerman? The only evidence that's been presented is that Trayvon was attacking Zimmerman. Self defense is clearly applicable.

I know you want Zimmerman to be guilty but the evidence just doesn't support it.

Trayvon couldn't go home because a racist fucker was following him, you idiot.

Since when does the person following dictate direction?
Wouldnt that be leading?
Holy shit you're stupid!
Forget about the fact that TM came back for GZ.

At least that's what Zimmerman said happened right after he said, "Fucking punks. These assholes always get away..." I wonder if he realized that was being captured on audio...
"You have someone following you in the dark and confronting you, you have two choices: flight or fight. The kid was not one to flee, he thought he just had a fight on his hands."

I have rarely read a more poignant example of catastrophic stupidity.

Flight or fight?

Jesus H. Christ! How about, "Answer the persons inquiries politely and truthfully, and go on about your business."

I have personally done this on more than one occasion, and guess what? I'm still alive to talk about it.
Zimmerman will walk, and rightfully so. There is way too much reasonable doubt, no matter what your bias is.

I wonder why, as a gun owner, licensed to carry and someone who passed his criminal litigation/SYG class with an "A", that he did not warn Martin when addressing him in the dark of his credentials and that he was armed?

You know, something like: "I'm with the Neighborhood Watch and I am armed, I have a license to carry and I need to know what you are doing. Your actions are suspicious and the police have been notified and are on their way."

Oh, excuse me. I just described a responsible gun owner.
Zimmerman profiled, stalked and murdered Martin. Zimmerman ignored police dispatch not to follow. Zimmerman never made any attempt to tell Martin who he was. If Zimmerman had simply waited on police to arrive and/or told Martin who he was - Martin would still be alive.

That's easy manslaughter.

Left out that tiny important part where Martin attacked Zimmerman....I think what sealed it was the fact that Martin did have drugs in his system and Zimmerman saying to the dispatcher that he looked like he was on drugs.

"Drugs in his system"? You mean a little marijuana? So what? Wow, are you suggesting Martin had some sort of pot rage? Martin had his hood up, plus it was dark and raining - so how the hell could Zimmerman see well enough to think that Martin "looked like he was on drugs"? Oh, and how do we know for a fact that Martin "attacked Zimmerman"? Holy shit...

And how could Zimmerman know he was black if he had the hood up?
sorry dude--this isn't a kindergarten game--you don't get any do over's or pretends. It's very possible from evidence that is being presented that Martin LOVED to fight.

You mean, Martin took MMA classes? You mean Martin had a restraining order against him?

You mean martin had a scuffle with cops?

Nope, that was all Zimmerman. He was the one with anger/violence issues. And that nut carried a gun!

He is the last one I want near my kids playing in my fron yard. Fuck him and his cop wanna be ass.

right--only nuts carry guns. Did you get a chance to hear about all the stuff on Trayvon's phone? Check it out. Baby Trayvon loved fighting.

Check it out. Baby Trayvon fighting.

Rare Video Of Trayvon Martin Fighting - Video

In all the hyped up "MMA training", Zimmerman never landed a punch on anyone. One of the parties was a street fighter. That was Martin.
"You have someone following you in the dark and confronting you, you have two choices: flight or fight. The kid was not one to flee, he thought he just had a fight on his hands."

I have rarely read a more poignant example of catastrophic stupidity.

Flight or fight?

Jesus H. Christ! How about, "Answer the persons inquiries politely and truthfully, and go on about your business."

I have personally done this on more than one occasion, and guess what? I'm still alive to talk about it.

What questions did Zimmerman ask Martin? Want to dial that up for us?

Here's his statement in his own writing in the link below. I suggest you read it. It's a photocopy, not a transrcipt. He states the only thing he said to Martin was "No" when Martin "emerged from the darkness" and asked him if he had a problem.
"You have someone following you in the dark and confronting you, you have two choices: flight or fight. The kid was not one to flee, he thought he just had a fight on his hands."

I have rarely read a more poignant example of catastrophic stupidity.

Flight or fight?

Jesus H. Christ! How about, "Answer the persons inquiries politely and truthfully, and go on about your business."

I have personally done this on more than one occasion, and guess what? I'm still alive to talk about it.

The "kid" thought he was a tough guy and he could easily take this creepy ass cracker down. That was a mistake. But it was his mistake.
"You have someone following you in the dark and confronting you, you have two choices: flight or fight. The kid was not one to flee, he thought he just had a fight on his hands."

I have rarely read a more poignant example of catastrophic stupidity.

Flight or fight?

Jesus H. Christ! How about, "Answer the persons inquiries politely and truthfully, and go on about your business."

I have personally done this on more than one occasion, and guess what? I'm still alive to talk about it.

What questions did Zimmerman ask Martin? Want to dial that up for us?

Here's his statement in his own writing in the link below. I suggest you read it. It's a photocopy, not a transrcipt. He states the only thing he said to Martin was "No" when Martin "emerged from the darkness" and asked him if he had a problem.

so who confronted who here ?
I don't know if Zimmerman is guilty or not, my guess is the jury will vote not guilty on 2nd degree murder, but manslaugher is possible.
"You have someone following you in the dark and confronting you, you have two choices: flight or fight. The kid was not one to flee, he thought he just had a fight on his hands."

I have rarely read a more poignant example of catastrophic stupidity.

Flight or fight?

Jesus H. Christ! How about, "Answer the persons inquiries politely and truthfully, and go on about your business."

I have personally done this on more than one occasion, and guess what? I'm still alive to talk about it.

What questions did Zimmerman ask Martin? Want to dial that up for us?

Here's his statement in his own writing in the link below. I suggest you read it. It's a photocopy, not a transrcipt. He states the only thing he said to Martin was "No" when Martin "emerged from the darkness" and asked him if he had a problem.

so who confronted who here ?

Zimmerman ran into the dark his own statement.
"Zimmerman said in response that he had a bad memory and takes medication for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder."

"Any drug used for ADHD may have adverse drug reactions such as psychosis and mania"

The key word is "may."

Having ADHD, taking Adderall, and having more knowledge and experience on this disorder than anyone else in this entire forum(a necessary evil), I think you should take care in your assertions. Virtually any prescribable drug has some possibility of adverse drug reactions.

I'll continue to moniter the statements in this thread relating to ADHD and its medication, in order to judge accuracy.
"Adults with ADHD may start relationships impulsively and may display sensation seeking behaviour and be short-tempered."

If you, wake, have any disagreement with the above quote May I suggest you edit the wiki article yourself?

That mau indeed be true. ADHD affects people in very certain ways. However, there are differing variations of the disorder, so Zimmerman, if indeed he has ADHD, may have a certain variation. For me I have very little physical hyperactivity, but I do have inattentiveness and some impulsivity. There is not just one kind of ADHD, in which everyone who suffers from it acts the very same way.

If the research merits it I may very well edit it.
From the majority of these threads in support of Zimmerman, I have to say I bet you swallowed the "Twinkie Defense" of Dan White in 1979 hook, line and sinker.

I can imagine the posts: How Mayor Moscone, a closet homo, and Harvey Milk, an openly gay homo, asked for it because they were gay lovers who taunted White in the men's room.

How Dan White's mother said he had a sensitivity to sugar and how the day before it was rumored that Harvey Milk forced Dan White to eat jelly doughnuts in the City Hall cafeteria therefore provoking the attack.

And how Dan White had a license to carry and when confronted Milk about forcing him to eat doughnuts, Milk jumped out of his chair and lunged for White, therefore forcing White to shoot.

And on and on and on....
I'm willing to bet on GZ being acquitted.

There's a small chance he'll be charged with manslaughter.

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