George Zimmerman Will Walk

Why doesn't Zimmerman have the GUTS to take the stand?

Because his goal is to walk out of the courtroom a free man, and his lawyers say this is the best way to to it.

His goal is not to satisfy the chest-thumping machismo of some unimportant internet geek who wants to see GUTS.
Just going by the evidence as presented in court...oh and actually nothing Zimmerman did was wrong..he was attacked and defended himself....I guess you think he just tripped and fell and broke his nose and then tripped and fell again and cracked his head open.

HOW DO YOU KNOW ZIMMERMAN WAS ATTACKED. Zimmerman recieved those injuries because he got his ass kicked.

How do you know he wasn't ?
we don't know. I am going on common sense. The aggressor did the following/stalking and he was armed. My bet is on him throwing the first punch. Turns out the kid can fight and Zimmerman got his ass kicked, then he shot an unarmed kid.......and will get away with it. Damn.
HOW DO YOU KNOW ZIMMERMAN WAS ATTACKED. Zimmerman recieved those injuries because he got his ass kicked.

How do you know he wasn't ?
we don't know. I am going on common sense. The aggressor did the following/stalking and he was armed. My bet is on him throwing the first punch. Turns out the kid can fight and Zimmerman got his ass kicked, then he shot an unarmed kid.......and will get away with it. Damn.

yet if you would have asked TM he would have stated "I'm a man"
From the majority of these threads in support of Zimmerman, I have to say I bet you swallowed the "Twinkie Defense" of Dan White in 1979 hook, line and sinker.

I can imagine the posts: How Mayor Moscone, a closet homo, and Harvey Milk, an openly gay homo, asked for it because they were gay lovers who taunted White in the men's room.

How Dan White's mother said he had a sensitivity to sugar and how the day before it was rumored that Harvey Milk forced Dan White to eat jelly doughnuts in the City Hall cafeteria therefore provoking the attack.

And how Dan White had a license to carry and when confronted Milk about forcing him to eat doughnuts, Milk jumped out of his chair and lunged for White, therefore forcing White to shoot.

And on and on and on....

Jesus.. how do you come to these conclusions? And it isn't about being a Zimmerman supporter, it's about understanding the law. Personally, I think what happened was a tragedy all the way around.

And what's with calling those men homos?

What the fuck is wrong with you people?
How do you know he wasn't ?
we don't know. I am going on common sense. The aggressor did the following/stalking and he was armed. My bet is on him throwing the first punch. Turns out the kid can fight and Zimmerman got his ass kicked, then he shot an unarmed kid.......and will get away with it. Damn.

yet if you would have asked TM he would have stated "I'm a man"

What ever happened to TM?
"Drugs in his system"? You mean a little marijuana? So what? Wow, are you suggesting Martin had some sort of pot rage? Martin had his hood up, plus it was dark and raining - so how the hell could Zimmerman see well enough to think that Martin "looked like he was on drugs"? Oh, and how do we know for a fact that Martin "attacked Zimmerman"? Holy shit...
AnCapAtheist How do difinitevly know Martin attacked Zimmerman? Damn. OH and Martin smoked some weed. So does a lot of people in here. Are they killers? Oh and what drugs was zimmerman on? We dont know because those keystone cop idiots didnt have him tested. Seriously, he just shot and killed an unarmed kid and he doesnt get tested? They tested the damn victim though.

Fuck Florida.
Witness on the stand today said he saw Martin on top of Zimmerman...I guess Zimmerman did that damage to himself...

That is where he ended up. Who is to say Zimmerman cashed a check his ass couldnt cover. He got his butt kicked. Turns out Martin can fight and Zimmerman and his little dick and big gun cant.

Just going by the evidence as presented in court...oh and actually nothing Zimmerman did was wrong..he was attacked and defended himself....I guess you think he just tripped and fell and broke his nose and then tripped and fell again and cracked his head open.

HOW DO YOU KNOW ZIMMERMAN WAS ATTACKED. Zimmerman recieved those injuries because he got his ass kicked.

Yeah. People who get their asses kicked are attacked. Do you somehow think someone gets their ass kicked by people just walking by?

BTW The burden is on the prosecution to show that Zimmerman was the attacker. They couldn't do that. That alone creates reasonable doubt.

You have two people here. One who was running and hiding and one who was chasing and stalking and he was armed.

A victim and an assailant.
HOW DO YOU KNOW ZIMMERMAN WAS ATTACKED. Zimmerman recieved those injuries because he got his ass kicked.

Yeah. People who get their asses kicked are attacked. Do you somehow think someone gets their ass kicked by people just walking by?

BTW The burden is on the prosecution to show that Zimmerman was the attacker. They couldn't do that. That alone creates reasonable doubt.

You have two people here. One who was running and hiding and one who was chasing and stalking and he was armed.

A victim and an assailant.

we get it

you want to kill whitey
HOW DO YOU KNOW ZIMMERMAN WAS ATTACKED. Zimmerman recieved those injuries because he got his ass kicked.

Yeah. People who get their asses kicked are attacked. Do you somehow think someone gets their ass kicked by people just walking by?

BTW The burden is on the prosecution to show that Zimmerman was the attacker. They couldn't do that. That alone creates reasonable doubt.

You have two people here. One who was running and hiding and one who was chasing and stalking and he was armed.

A victim and an assailant.

It's a shame the facts dont support your viewpoint of what happened.

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