George Zimmerman Will Walk

Zimmerman and wife are dishonorable people. They proved that by lying to a judge under oath about financial donations and passports.

Sadly, if Zimmerman is acquitted, he'll be free to make money off killing Martin - with books, endorsements, movies, speaking engagements, etc. Sad...
My bet is a hung jury.

Juries can be crazy. Look at the Casey Anthony trial.

The jury made the right call. The prosecution presented a weak case and the police omitted evidence. Yes, she was guilty; but her Constitutional right is that it's proven in a court of law.
In a stroke of investigative brilliance I found this:

Judge Debra Nelson needs to learn her case law again, by reading State of Florida v. Lumarque, 44 So.3d 171 (2010) which was decided by the Third District Court:

The language of Lumarque is quite specific that to authenticate a text message does not require an ID by the author of the message. It cites U.S. v. Caldwell, 776 F.2d 989, 1001-02 (11th Cir.1985) in that authentication of evidence merely requires a finding that the evidence is what it purports to be. It does not require an ID. Debra Nelson is out of line as of tonight. She has opened herself up wide to an appeal on this issue, and I know for sure she is going to deny this evidence into admission.
“It is apparent that [Shellie] Zimmerman testified untruthfully at the bond hearing,” the judge writes in his order. “The Defendant also testified, but did not alert the Court to the misinformation.”

“Had the Court been made aware of the true financial circumstances at the bond hearing, the bond decision might have been different,” Lester wrote. After finding out about the discrepancy, the judge said he was left with two options: Increasing Zimmerman’s bond, or revoking it.

The judge writes that his considered several factors, most of which weighed against Zimmerman.

Among them, “this is a serious charge for which life may be imposed; the evidence against him is strong; he has been charged with one prior crime, for which he went through a pre-trial diversion program, and has had an injunction lodged against him” for domestic violence.

“Most importantly, though, is the fact that he has now demonstrated that he does not properly respect the law or the integrity of the judicial process,” Lester wrote.

Florida Judge: George Zimmerman 'Does Not Properly Respect' The Law | Mediaite

George Zimmerman bond revoked order: Judge's order explains why he sent Zimmerman back to jail - Orlando Sentinel
he should walk he did nothing wrong where wre this kids parents nobodys talking about he is 17 running the streets with gangs smoking pot getting kicked out of school george shouldnt of had to do that his bitch ass dad should have
And since this case is such a farce anyway, I encourage you to donate to George Zimmerman's defense fund. Where would he be right now without Mr. O'Mara and Don West?


I understand Zimmermans mother is in full possession of the money donated for Trayvon. She also sued the homeowners association and obtained a settlement from them already I'm told. Sad to see this boys parent merchandising his death for profit like that. Disgusting.

I can understand why he went off the rails. His father openly lied on the stand stating that after listening to the recording 20 times he realised it was his sons voice. There is no question he lied on the witness stand concerning this. Those who said it was definitely George didn't hesitate. They recognized his voice right away. Yet both Trayvons parents lied about that being their sons voice. Why? Because they have no integrity.

Terribly sad that boy grew up with that for a role model. Very sad. Still Zimmerman should not have followed him and if justice is served he'll get manslaughter. If not - he won't.
“It is apparent that [Shellie] Zimmerman testified untruthfully at the bond hearing,” the judge writes in his order. “The Defendant also testified, but did not alert the Court to the misinformation.”

“Had the Court been made aware of the true financial circumstances at the bond hearing, the bond decision might have been different,” Lester wrote. After finding out about the discrepancy, the judge said he was left with two options: Increasing Zimmerman’s bond, or revoking it.

The judge writes that his considered several factors, most of which weighed against Zimmerman.

Among them, “this is a serious charge for which life may be imposed; the evidence against him is strong; he has been charged with one prior crime, for which he went through a pre-trial diversion program, and has had an injunction lodged against him” for domestic violence.

“Most importantly, though, is the fact that he has now demonstrated that he does not properly respect the law or the integrity of the judicial process,” Lester wrote.

Florida Judge: George Zimmerman 'Does Not Properly Respect' The Law | Mediaite

George Zimmerman bond revoked order: Judge's order explains why he sent Zimmerman back to jail - Orlando Sentinel

Any black person who riots or joins a Mob to riot does not properly respect the law either and I'll expect to hear you state that if and when we have violence over the verdict, Lahota.
He'll walk because the media overblew it and George was innocent. I'll bet he gets acquitted! Calling it right now.

100 points he walks. 10 points on manslaughter. 0 on getting convicted of 2nd degree murder.

Place your bets!

He'll walk like these two and for the same reasons: Prosecution failed, not because the media "overblew" it.


“It is apparent that [Shellie] Zimmerman testified untruthfully at the bond hearing,” the judge writes in his order. “The Defendant also testified, but did not alert the Court to the misinformation.”

“Had the Court been made aware of the true financial circumstances at the bond hearing, the bond decision might have been different,” Lester wrote. After finding out about the discrepancy, the judge said he was left with two options: Increasing Zimmerman’s bond, or revoking it.

The judge writes that his considered several factors, most of which weighed against Zimmerman.

Among them, “this is a serious charge for which life may be imposed; the evidence against him is strong; he has been charged with one prior crime, for which he went through a pre-trial diversion program, and has had an injunction lodged against him” for domestic violence.

“Most importantly, though, is the fact that he has now demonstrated that he does not properly respect the law or the integrity of the judicial process,” Lester wrote.

Florida Judge: George Zimmerman 'Does Not Properly Respect' The Law | Mediaite

George Zimmerman bond revoked order: Judge's order explains why he sent Zimmerman back to jail - Orlando Sentinel

""" The judge sent Zimmerman — the man charged with second-degree murder in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin — back to jail after prosecutors alleged that Zimmerman and his wife conspired to hide from the court about $135,000 Zimmerman had collected in donations to his website.

The Zimmermans spoke about the money "in code" during recorded jailhouse phone calls, prosecutors said. Then, Shellie Zimmerman told the judge during her husband's bond hearing that the couple was essentially destitute."""

Yep, real fine people these Zimmermans.
1. Zimmerman lived in a bad neighborhood that had suffered a series of well-documented break-ins and crimes.

2. Zimmerman was angry at the young black punks who he perceived were destroying his neighborhood.

3. Seeing Trayvon triggered the rage Zimmerman had for young black punks.

4. Zimmerman called 911 to report suspicious activity - but all he could say was that the kid looked suspicious.

5. The 911 operator asked if he was following Trayvon and Zimmerman said "yes". Zimmerman had profiled this young black teen.

6. The 911 operator said "do not follow him".

7. Zimmerman ignored the operator. He was determined to confront Trayvon. He was sick of seeing all the crime in his neighborhood and he finally found an easy target that would allow him to vent his rage.

8. He confronted Trayvon and it lead to a fight.

9. The fight escalated. Zimmerman suffered injuries, then he murdered Trayvon.

10. The Rightwing media is protecting Zimmerman because this conflict symbolizes a very familiar fear of blacks that reached its apex in the 70s. In the 70s, America's inner cities were besieged by ghettos, crime, garbage, crumbling infrastructure, de-industrialization, etc. This accelerated the "white flight " to the suburbs. Reagan campaigned for president on the promise to be tough on crime and clean up the inner cities. He was determined to unwind many of the welfare programs that inner city blacks depended upon, making the situation even more combustible. His strategy was to use the War on Drugs to beef up law enforcement in our crumbling cities. The War on Drugs was designed to give law enforcement better tools to move black kids from inner cities to cages (prison). But the fact remains, Reagan promised to save white people from the fabricated demons that were destroying our great cities. Fear of (and hatred of) "black punks" is very real for white Republicans, who are manipulated to fear blacks, homosexuals, muslims, mexicans, etc., etc. Of course the Rightwing voter is going to protect Zimmerman; he acted on the very fears which breathes life and purpose into their party.

Wow. :clap2::clap2:

Yeah thats what I was thinking.....but for MUCH different reasons.
I've never seen so much effort put into so much BS.
You seem to think numbering your made up BullShit gives it more credence. LOL
Gee, why was he supposedly beating him? Are you suggesting that a black teenager has no right to fear for his life and defend himself? How was Martin to know that Zimmerman wasn't a criminal who had been committing crimes in the area?

No evidence has been provided.

A black teenager has a right to defend himself. Problem is there is no evidence Trayvon was being attacked. There is evidence that he was attacking.

Why didn't Trayvon just go home? Why did he attack Zimmerman? The only evidence that's been presented is that Trayvon was attacking Zimmerman. Self defense is clearly applicable.

I know you want Zimmerman to be guilty but the evidence just doesn't support it.

Trayvon couldn't go home because a racist fucker was following him, you idiot.

Since when does the person following dictate direction?
Wouldnt that be leading?
Holy shit you're stupid!
Forget about the fact that TM came back for GZ.

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