Georgetown co-ed: Please pay for us to have sex …

And who do you think pays for the endowments for the scholarships? Tinker Bell?

Those scholarships are paid by private individuals who choose to donate to the university. That would be the "us" that she expects to pay for it. You don't think she expects her grandparents to pay for it do you? She wouldn't be going to Georgetown if we, her neighbors and countrymen were not footing the bill for her.


The Left has a hard time with basic economics
especially, there is no "free lunch"
(which is part of the problems with this country)

This dictate in general will increase costs for all Americans with or with the unconstitutional
rule on religious groups

These pills cost money
Where do insurance companies get the majority of their funds

Oh no, you just tax the rich. Then all will be fine.

Once Papa Obama and the left is done with America
there will not be any rich left

Well except for those connected to politicians and/or their familes
Hey, just like in other socialist countries
the university is a private university. i dont see any tax dollars at work here, so i still fail to see how we are paying for it. if i was part of that university or a donor i could see making that argument. but since i am not, im not paying for it so what do i care?

And who do you think pays for the endowments for the scholarships? Tinker Bell?

Those scholarships are paid by private individuals who choose to donate to the university. That would be the "us" that she expects to pay for it. You don't think she expects her grandparents to pay for it do you? She wouldn't be going to Georgetown if we, her neighbors and countrymen were not footing the bill for her.

if that is not you personally, i still fail to see why its an issue. do you have a dog in this race?

Do you have a functioning brain cell in your head?

Why do liberals want government out of the bedroom and are now wanting government back in the bedroom?

Because they have a hard time running on Papa Obama's record
they need to make up issues

Our country has real issues and the Left wants to
talk about condoms and such

Must be part of the "Cash for Condoms" program
Why do liberals want government out of the bedroom and are now wanting government back in the bedroom?

Because they have a hard time running on Papa Obama's record
they need to make up issues

Our country has real issues and the Left wants to
talk about condoms and such

Must be part of the "Cash for Condoms" program

Cross out Clunkers and insert Condoms, or not. Also remember your annual condom use must exceed 4,000.
Why do liberals want government out of the bedroom and are now wanting government back in the bedroom?

good point.....but... contrary to their obvious propaganda... liberals have always been in the bedroom....wherever there is can bet they will be there......promoting anti-family values and promiscuity......and big government....
planned parent hood is not an insurance company and they already provide free services.

if i did not have insurance at kaiser i could not walk into a kaiser hospital or facility and demand free contraception could i?

No you'd have to go to a Planned Parenthood office.

Bummer huh?

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) can direct you to a community clinic in your area. Community clinics can provide a multitude of options for those who would like to get birth control pills without health insurance. Planned Parenthood is a national organization that works with people, including those from low-income households and the uninsured, to provide annual gynecological exams and birth control.
i dont understand your point....

when you pay for your insurance you already help subsidize other peoples services and prescriptions..... why is there such a huge fuss about only contraception? why arent you protesting aids meds, or heart meds, or any other type of drug that insurance companies already pay for?

if its not being provided for "free" from the insurance companies, where is the argument?

There is a difference between medication without which someone would die and birth control which is an elective like botox. Women should at least pay a co-pay for birth control pills. If they don't want to get AIDS, they can buy OTC condoms. Or should condoms be covered?
Why do liberals want government out of the bedroom and are now wanting government back in the bedroom?

Socialists/Progressives have always been fine with the Government being in the bedroom. But only when they think they're gonna get something free out of it. They just don't give a shit that someone else has to pay for it. They're Entitlement/Moochers. It is what it is.
No you'd have to go to a Planned Parenthood office.

Bummer huh?

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) can direct you to a community clinic in your area. Community clinics can provide a multitude of options for those who would like to get birth control pills without health insurance. Planned Parenthood is a national organization that works with people, including those from low-income households and the uninsured, to provide annual gynecological exams and birth control.
i dont understand your point....

when you pay for your insurance you already help subsidize other peoples services and prescriptions..... why is there such a huge fuss about only contraception? why arent you protesting aids meds, or heart meds, or any other type of drug that insurance companies already pay for?

if its not being provided for "free" from the insurance companies, where is the argument?

There is a difference between medication without which someone would die and birth control which is an elective like botox. Women should at least pay a co-pay for birth control pills. If they don't want to get AIDS, they can buy OTC condoms. Or should condoms be covered?
pain medication is voluntary, you dont need pain medication to survive, it simply makes you more comfortable. but then again the pill is used to regulate hormones, treat acne and ovarian cysts. those arent exactly life threatening, but they are still valid medical treatments. are you advocating that pharmacys charge different prices for the same drug based on use?
Liberal/Democrat women are killing their babies at an alarming rate. So save a baby, just give this skank her b.c. for free.
Liberal/Democrat women are killing their babies at an alarming rate. So save a baby, just give this skank her b.c. for free.
so a conservative has never taken birth control or had an abortion? :cuckoo:

If they did, a conservative is more likely to act responsibly in PAYING for their own sexual activities rather than looking for someone else to foot the bill.
Liberal/Democrat women are killing their babies at an alarming rate. So save a baby, just give this skank her b.c. for free.
so a conservative has never taken birth control or had an abortion? :cuckoo:

Didn't say that. But obviously Liberal/Democrat women kill their babies far more often than others do. That's just fact. So like i said, save a baby and give this skank her b.c. for free.
Liberal/Democrat women are killing their babies at an alarming rate. So save a baby, just give this skank her b.c. for free.
so a conservative has never taken birth control or had an abortion? :cuckoo:

Probably not

but no doubt the birth rates overall are higher

The left should be happy about that......

After all you have to keep some producers around to pay for the
takers in society

Liberal/Democrat women are killing their babies at an alarming rate. So save a baby, just give this skank her b.c. for free.
so a conservative has never taken birth control or had an abortion? :cuckoo:

Didn't say that. But obviously Liberal/Democrat women kill their babies far more often than others do. That's just fact. So like i said, save a baby and give this skank her b.c. for free.
any proof of that? or are you just lying?
Socialists/Progressives love the Government in the bedroom...But only when they think they're gonna get something free out of it. Entitlement/Moochers. It is what it is.

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