Georgia: A third county detected "glitch" switching 80,000 ballots.

A "glitch" (hack) switched 80k ballots in a third county.

Officials estimate roughly 80,000 absentee ballots were impacted by this glitch. Election officials decided last night to push the impacted votes through last night knowing some of the votes would likely change.

There is a very big problem with this. This is tried and tested software which should have no possibility of these kinds of glitches. There are no "glitches" in a software that is as simple and critical as a ballot counter.

This is not a glitch, it is fraud plain and simple. Either the machines were hacked or something entirely different is going on.

I've read that Dominion put out an update the day before the election and after the software had been tested. It will be proven if it was intentional or not.


Update day before the election?

That already sounds fraudulent as hell. This type of software should not have any updates.

Ya think?


As American Thinker's Andrea Widburg detailed earlier, when Kyle Becker heard about the “glitchy” computer program in Antrim County, Michigan, the one that tried to give 6,000 Trump votes to Biden, he starting doing research into the system. He ended up finding an amazing amount of highly disturbing information. The Dominion system has been known for some time to be defective, yet 28 states use it. This post is a compilation of Becker’s information, both in his own tweets and in one other person’s tweet, about what’s going on with that system:
Swing state voting irregularities:

Biden outperforms Senators in swing states, underperforms in VA, NH, RI

Biden underperforms Hillary/Obama in cities, except in MI, PA, GA, WI

Biden mail-in dumps with 100% margins

GOP lose ZERO House races Something is definitely off.
The 2020 election errors are all going in one direction. This is the exact opposite of "random." If they were just anomalies in various races nationwide that were going some Trump's way and some Biden's way, there would be FAR fewer questions.


Jan. 10, 2020, 6:36 PM EST
By Kevin Monahan, Cynthia McFadden and Didi Martinez
It was an assurance designed to bolster public confidence in the way America votes: Voting machines “are not connected to the internet.”
Then Acting Undersecretary for Cybersecurity and Communications at the Department of Homeland Security Jeanette Manfra said those words in 2017, testifying before Congress while she was responsible for the security of the nation’s voting system.
So many government officials like Manfra have said the same thing over the last few years that it is commonly accepted as gospel by most Americans. Behind it is the notion that if voting systems are not online, hackers will have a harder time compromising them.
But that is an overstatement, according to a team of 10 independent cybersecurity experts who specialize in voting systems and elections. While the voting machines themselves are not designed to be online, the larger voting systems in many states end up there, putting the voting process at risk.
That team of election security experts say that last summer, they discovered some systems are, in fact, online.
“We found over 35 [voting systems] had been left online and we’re still continuing to find more,” Kevin Skoglund, a senior technical advisor at the election security advocacy group National Election Defense Coalition, told NBC News.
A "glitch" (hack) switched 80k ballots in a third county.

Officials estimate roughly 80,000 absentee ballots were impacted by this glitch. Election officials decided last night to push the impacted votes through last night knowing some of the votes would likely change.

There is a very big problem with this. This is tried and tested software which should have no possibility of these kinds of glitches. There are no "glitches" in a software that is as simple and critical as a ballot counter.

This is not a glitch, it is fraud plain and simple. Either the machines were hacked or something entirely different is going on.

But there was also plain old cheating too

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