Georgia: A third county detected "glitch" switching 80,000 ballots.

Tell me, why did the 2016 election go so smoothly In comparison?

Because Russia controlled the voting machines back then! :laughing0301:

Actually, the dems had over 4 years to work out this scheme to attempt to steal President Trump's re-election.
What was the scheme? What did they do? Why were republicans too retarded to stop it?

Establishment Republicans are often Swamp critters. They didn’t want some damn outsider messing up the gravy train.
A "glitch" (hack) switched 80k ballots in a third county.

Officials estimate roughly 80,000 absentee ballots were impacted by this glitch. Election officials decided last night to push the impacted votes through last night knowing some of the votes would likely change.

There is a very big problem with this. This is tried and tested software which should have no possibility of these kinds of glitches. There are no "glitches" in a software that is as simple and critical as a ballot counter.

This is not a glitch, it is fraud plain and simple. Either the machines were hacked or something entirely different is going on.
A "glitch" (hack) switched 80k ballots in a third county.

Officials estimate roughly 80,000 absentee ballots were impacted by this glitch. Election officials decided last night to push the impacted votes through last night knowing some of the votes would likely change.
A "glitch" (hack) switched 80k ballots in a third county.

Officials estimate roughly 80,000 absentee ballots were impacted by this glitch. Election officials decided last night to push the impacted votes through last night knowing some of the votes would likely change.

Dude, I don't see where it says it switched or flipped anything. Can you point it out.

I will requote:

The glitch has affected 3,200 batches of absentee votes. The batches contain 50 sheets of paper which are roughly 25 votes. Gwinnett County's ballot takes up two pages. Officials said the ballots must remain together in batches even if only one needs to be reviewed. Officials estimate roughly 80,000 absentee ballots were impacted by this glitch. Election officials decided last night to push the impacted votes through last night knowing some of the votes would likely change.

Btw, not a single "glitch" found in any county/state so far has been in Trump's favor. So we can safely assume they were Pro-Biden hacks.

I don't want to assume anything.

I want to know what the issue is.

If what your OP said was true, that would be huge and Georgia would go back to Trump.

I wish that were the case....but I feel that it isn't. I am trying to understand...not argue.


The Dominion system takes in X numbers of votes for Trump and Y Numbers for Biden. We will call this fraction X/Y.

Dominion then uses "Fraction Magic" (hammer and scoreboard tech) during the transmission from the voting precinct to the Recorder, flipping a fraction of the votes from Trump to Biden (as in Antrim and the other GA county).

The "magic" turns X/Y to (X-A)/(Y+A). It adjusts the variable A until the requisite fraction is reached to convert enough Trump votes to Biden, so when the grand total is tallied statewide of the REMAINING ballots, Biden closes the margin and wins the state.

The original 80k ballots in the X:Y ratio were flipped to (X-A)/(Y+A).

The software only injects this logic into the Trump vs Biden count, and ignores the remaining options on the ballot (and offices). This is why Republicans RIGHTFULLY won so many federal and state offices, because their counts weren't hacked.

I get the math.

That wasn't in the article.

Is X+Y = 80,000 ?

Yes the X + Y = 80,000.

I'll give you an example using and easier number of 110,000.

Let B = 110,000, let B be named Grand Batch Total;

Let D = 10,000, let D be named Petite Batch total, where D contains to ballots of Third party candidates/writeins/other

Let C = B - D, let C be named the Major Batch Total, which contains only the Repub/Democrat ballots.

Let X + Y = B, such that X is named the Republican Total; Y is named the Democrat Total.

Let X = 55,000; therefore Y = 45000, since Y = B- X.

Let R be the ratio required to for Statewide Remaining Ballots to give the Democrats a victory. R cannot be determined until the counting is paused and most of the votes are in (election night!).

Now take the ratio (X/Y). If (X/Y) > R, then change (X/Y) to (X-A)/(Y+A), such that A is the first positive integer that yields (X-A)/(Y+A) < R.

So if R = 0.8, then (X/Y) = 55/45 = 1.22. Then we find A.

In this case A = 11,000, since (55-11)/(45+11) = (44/56) = 0.78 < 0.8

Now transmit the values from the precinct to the Recorder as:

(55,000-11,000) = 44,000 Trump Votes.
(45,000+11,000)= 56,000 Biden Votes.
D = 10,000

Such that D + (X-A) + (Y+A) = D + X + Y = B = 110,000.

Thus the Grand Ballot Total of 110,000 remains the same, but the Trump/Biden values have been altered by the requisite ratio to deliver a statewide wide to Biden assuming the other precincts were also hijacked.

FYI, this means most voting precincts only need a measly 5-10 votes switched to alter the statewide vote in Biden's favor. This is why Biden caught up by JUST ENOUGH votes in each battleground state to overcome Trump's insurmountable margins on Tuesday night.

When they paused the count nationwide on Election Night, it was so they could calculate the R value in each state (the value that determines the amount of flips needed on the remaining ballots).
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A "glitch" (hack) switched 80k ballots in a third county.

Officials estimate roughly 80,000 absentee ballots were impacted by this glitch. Election officials decided last night to push the impacted votes through last night knowing some of the votes would likely change.

There is a very big problem with this. This is tried and tested software which should have no possibility of these kinds of glitches. There are no "glitches" in a software that is as simple and critical as a ballot counter.

This is not a glitch, it is fraud plain and simple. Either the machines were hacked or something entirely different is going on.

Read my last response for best laymen clarification. I had to get a little nerdy, but I kept it as simple as possible.

The hack occurs at the data transmission between the local voting precinct and the Recorder.
A "glitch" (hack) switched 80k ballots in a third county.

Officials estimate roughly 80,000 absentee ballots were impacted by this glitch. Election officials decided last night to push the impacted votes through last night knowing some of the votes would likely change.
Tell me, why did the 2016 election go so smoothly In comparison?

You commies hadn't filed more than 300 law suits to get the rules changed the last minute in 2016. You're not very bright are ya?

A "glitch" (hack) switched 80k ballots in a third county.

Officials estimate roughly 80,000 absentee ballots were impacted by this glitch. Election officials decided last night to push the impacted votes through last night knowing some of the votes would likely change.

There is a very big problem with this. This is tried and tested software which should have no possibility of these kinds of glitches. There are no "glitches" in a software that is as simple and critical as a ballot counter.

This is not a glitch, it is fraud plain and simple. Either the machines were hacked or something entirely different is going on.

Read my last response for best laymen clarification. I had to get a little nerdy, but I kept it as simple as possible.

The hack occurs at the data transmission between the local voting precinct and the Recorder.

I get all that but this is speculation. Further, for sure they have simple formulas ready so there is no need to stop for that.

Clearly they needed to stop for something in many places though. I think they wanted to stop to wait until there is enough confidence on the number of votes needed and also primarily so that they can send people home. Again, this is complete speculation for now.
A "glitch" (hack) switched 80k ballots in a third county.

Officials estimate roughly 80,000 absentee ballots were impacted by this glitch. Election officials decided last night to push the impacted votes through last night knowing some of the votes would likely change.
A "glitch" (hack) switched 80k ballots in a third county.

Officials estimate roughly 80,000 absentee ballots were impacted by this glitch. Election officials decided last night to push the impacted votes through last night knowing some of the votes would likely change.

Dude, I don't see where it says it switched or flipped anything. Can you point it out.

I will requote:

The glitch has affected 3,200 batches of absentee votes. The batches contain 50 sheets of paper which are roughly 25 votes. Gwinnett County's ballot takes up two pages. Officials said the ballots must remain together in batches even if only one needs to be reviewed. Officials estimate roughly 80,000 absentee ballots were impacted by this glitch. Election officials decided last night to push the impacted votes through last night knowing some of the votes would likely change.

Btw, not a single "glitch" found in any county/state so far has been in Trump's favor. So we can safely assume they were Pro-Biden hacks.

I don't want to assume anything.

I want to know what the issue is.

If what your OP said was true, that would be huge and Georgia would go back to Trump.

I wish that were the case....but I feel that it isn't. I am trying to understand...not argue.


The Dominion system takes in X numbers of votes for Trump and Y Numbers for Biden. We will call this fraction X/Y.

Dominion then uses "Fraction Magic" (hammer and scoreboard tech) during the transmission from the voting precinct to the Recorder, flipping a fraction of the votes from Trump to Biden (as in Antrim and the other GA county).

The "magic" turns X/Y to (X-A)/(Y+A). It adjusts the variable A until the requisite fraction is reached to convert enough Trump votes to Biden, so when the grand total is tallied statewide of the REMAINING ballots, Biden closes the margin and wins the state.

The original 80k ballots in the X:Y ratio were flipped to (X-A)/(Y+A).

The software only injects this logic into the Trump vs Biden count, and ignores the remaining options on the ballot (and offices). This is why Republicans RIGHTFULLY won so many federal and state offices, because their counts weren't hacked.

You can watch this video for more information from the US military brass. As you can see military and intelligence officials already know what happened, which is bad news for Dems.

Not true, at least one county level race was flipped in MI. A county commissioner went from losing by 104 vote to winning by more than 1200.

A "glitch" (hack) switched 80k ballots in a third county.

Officials estimate roughly 80,000 absentee ballots were impacted by this glitch. Election officials decided last night to push the impacted votes through last night knowing some of the votes would likely change.
Tell me, why did the 2016 election go so smoothly In comparison?

You commies hadn't filed more than 300 law suits to get the rules changed the last minute in 2016. You're not very bright are ya?

Yeah we aren’t pathetic sore losers like republicans are lol. We were disappointed, but we accepted the results.
A "glitch" (hack) switched 80k ballots in a third county.

Officials estimate roughly 80,000 absentee ballots were impacted by this glitch. Election officials decided last night to push the impacted votes through last night knowing some of the votes would likely change.

There is a very big problem with this. This is tried and tested software which should have no possibility of these kinds of glitches. There are no "glitches" in a software that is as simple and critical as a ballot counter.

This is not a glitch, it is fraud plain and simple. Either the machines were hacked or something entirely different is going on.

I've read that Dominion put out an update the day before the election and after the software had been tested. It will be proven if it was intentional or not.

A "glitch" (hack) switched 80k ballots in a third county.

Officials estimate roughly 80,000 absentee ballots were impacted by this glitch. Election officials decided last night to push the impacted votes through last night knowing some of the votes would likely change.
Tell me, why did the 2016 election go so smoothly In comparison?

You commies hadn't filed more than 300 law suits to get the rules changed the last minute in 2016. You're not very bright are ya?

Yeah we aren’t pathetic sore losers like republicans are lol. We were disappointed, but we accepted the results.

Poor little commie, you'll go to hell for such bold lies.

Tell me, why did the 2016 election go so smoothly In comparison?

Because Russia controlled the voting machines back then! :laughing0301:

Actually, the dems had over 4 years to work out this scheme to attempt to steal President Trump's re-election.
What was the scheme? What did they do? Why were republicans too retarded to stop it?
Why should the republicans be responsible for stopping voter fraud? Americans should be stopping it. That leaves out democrats.
I get all that but this is speculation. Further, for sure they have simple formulas ready so there is no need to stop for that.

Clearly they needed to stop for something in many places though..

R is a very fined tuned value. If you look in my last math post, the value of A = 11,000 is actually A = 10,581.

To get an R value that can enforce a statewide flip via the local precinct fine tuned A value derived from the R value, you have to stop all counting and get the grand state total and compare it against what remains.
A "glitch" (hack) switched 80k ballots in a third county.

Officials estimate roughly 80,000 absentee ballots were impacted by this glitch. Election officials decided last night to push the impacted votes through last night knowing some of the votes would likely change.
Tell me, why did the 2016 election go so smoothly In comparison?
If there is a so-called "glitch" in the voting in Georgia, a very red state, the RWNJs should fight hammer and tong to hush it up, because if investigated, it will prove massive voter fraud by the GOP.

WRONG. The Atlanta area is governed by Democrats.
A "glitch" (hack) switched 80k ballots in a third county.

Officials estimate roughly 80,000 absentee ballots were impacted by this glitch. Election officials decided last night to push the impacted votes through last night knowing some of the votes would likely change.
Your post is a votes were switched, nor is anyone, (sane), alleging so. your link does not allege that at all..just that the count was delayed.
Posts like this make you look like a fool..just sayin'~
A "glitch" (hack) switched 80k ballots in a third county.

Officials estimate roughly 80,000 absentee ballots were impacted by this glitch. Election officials decided last night to push the impacted votes through last night knowing some of the votes would likely change.
Your post is a votes were switched, nor is anyone, (sane), alleging so. your link does not allege that at all..just that the count was delayed.
Posts like this make you look like a fool..just sayin'~

Post a link to counter the claim made by the Officials in Georgia.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said election workers are rescanning a number of ballots in Fulton County after discovering an issue that caused some votes to not be scanned or uploaded to election tallies.

All Trump votes btw.
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A "glitch" (hack) switched 80k ballots in a third county.

Officials estimate roughly 80,000 absentee ballots were impacted by this glitch. Election officials decided last night to push the impacted votes through last night knowing some of the votes would likely change.
Your post is a votes were switched, nor is anyone, (sane), alleging so. your link does not allege that at all..just that the count was delayed.
Posts like this make you look like a fool..just sayin'~

Post a link to counter the claim made by the Officials in Georgia.

I don't 'counter' the claim at all. my point is that the 'claim' by the Georgia your link..did not allege any votes were switched..just that there were some delays.
Delays do not equal fraud.....
A "glitch" (hack) switched 80k ballots in a third county.

Officials estimate roughly 80,000 absentee ballots were impacted by this glitch. Election officials decided last night to push the impacted votes through last night knowing some of the votes would likely change.
Your post is a votes were switched, nor is anyone, (sane), alleging so. your link does not allege that at all..just that the count was delayed.
Posts like this make you look like a fool..just sayin'~

Post a link to counter the claim made by the Officials in Georgia.

I don't 'counter' the claim at all. my point is that the 'claim' by the Georgia your link..did not allege any votes were switched..just that there were some delays.
Delays do not equal fraud.....

Did you read all the press releases from the Georgian Government in the past few hours? The delays are being caused by TRANMISSION ERRORS.
A "glitch" (hack) switched 80k ballots in a third county.

Officials estimate roughly 80,000 absentee ballots were impacted by this glitch. Election officials decided last night to push the impacted votes through last night knowing some of the votes would likely change.

There is a very big problem with this. This is tried and tested software which should have no possibility of these kinds of glitches. There are no "glitches" in a software that is as simple and critical as a ballot counter.

This is not a glitch, it is fraud plain and simple. Either the machines were hacked or something entirely different is going on.

I've read that Dominion put out an update the day before the election and after the software had been tested. It will be proven if it was intentional or not.


Update day before the election?

That already sounds fraudulent as hell. This type of software should not have any updates.

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