Georgia - black woman pulled over by police told them American laws don’t apply to her

She has essentially been told that eve, r since “venting rioting” became fully permissible
Most Soveriegn Citizen types are white. Should they get out of the country also? I suspect that you would say no. Why else would you single out the case of a black woman? You MAGAboy Trump behaves like a Soveriegn Citizen. Should he get out of the country too?

Though the sovereign citizen movement is still largely white (and contains some white supremacist members), in recent years a growing African-American offshoot of the sovereign citizen movement, often called the "Moorish" movement, has been gaining strength, teaching sovereign citizen ideas and tactics to a new pool of potential recruits.

Sovereign Citizens: A Growing Anti-Government Movement…
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Most Soveriegn Citizen types are white. Should they get out of the country also? I suspect not. Why else would you single out the case of a black woman? You MAGAboy Trump behaves like a Soveriegn Citizen. Should he get out of the country too?

Though the sovereign citizen movement is still largely white (and contains some white supremacist members), in recent years a growing African-American offshoot of the sovereign citizen movement, often called the "Moorish" movement, has been gaining strength, teaching sovereign citizen ideas and tactics to a new pool of potential recruits.

Sovereign Citizens: A Growing Anti-Government Movement…

Lol gotta work racism and TDS in there like an obedient progtard
Why should the White ones get out? The founders created this country to be a White run nation only for Whites as citizens. See the Naturalization Act of 1790 for reference. Also you cite a Jew source, the corrupt ADL, which means it has zero credibility.
Holy fucking shit. !! You are exactly what we don't need in this country. But, I appreciate you honesty in admitting that you're a racist. antisemitic scum bag.

I also find it bizaare that someone who subscibes to making America great again thinks that white people should not be subjected to the law of the land. Could you really be that stupid?
Holy fucking shit. !! You are exactly what we don't need in this country. But, I appreciate you honesty in admitting that you're a racist. antisemitic scum bag.

I also find it bizaare that someone who subscibes to making America great again thinks that white people should not be subjected to the law of the land. Could you really be that stupid?
No, I didn't say White people shouldn't be subject to the laws of the land. I only meant they shouldn't have to leave because the founders original intent was for the new nation to be for White Citizens only. Let's face it, the founders were patriot White Macho Men.
No, I didn't say White people shouldn't be subject to the laws of the land. I only meant they shouldn't have to leave because the founders original intent was for the new nation to be for White Citizens only. Let's face it, the founders were patriot White Macho Men.
Don't lie. YOU SAID that white soveriegn citizens should not have to get out. That in effect means that they can flaut the law.

Yes the founders were racists. You're just using that as an excuse to justify your racism. Times change. There is something called the evolving standards of human decency. Your appeal to tradition logical fallacy falls flat.
Well, what country are you in bitch?

Unless you have diplomatic immunity from another country your bound to law of any country you happen to be in at the time.

She can ask that American hating wnba chick in jail in Russia for breaking the law if " laws don't apply to me" works or not.

I hope they throw her ass in jail for a long time and then deport her ass when she gets out.
There is something called the evolving standards of human decency.
Yet you support homosexuality, same-sex marriage for gays (who are pedophiles actually) who adopt children for their own sexual deviances. You have no room to talk about evolving standards of human decency. You represent anything but decency. You represent degeneracy.
Yet you support homosexuality, same-sex marriage for gays (who are pedophiles actually) who adopt children for their own sexual deviances. You have no room to talk about evolving standards of human decency. You represent anything but decency. You represent degeneracy.
You are are fucking moron! That is all there is to it
She sounds like one of those weirdo sovereign citizens. My brother arrested one on the Strip a few years back. The guy was completely paranoid and nuts.
Yeah. Interesting dichotomy there. There's white Sovereign Citizens that are kinda out there libertarian types, and there's black Sovereign Citizens that kinda come out of Black Panther territory ideologically. They believe the same thing and behave the same way, for totally different reasons

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