Georgia Gubernatorial candidate calls out NFL and kneeling players

Someone actively showing disrespect to me and mine is my business.

Your desire that people like you can insult people like me without consequence is noted and denied.


or what?

you'll go to all caps?
What a great plan for a mob that thinks it prides itself on being in touch with "real Americans" ---

"I'm gonna sit here and hold my breath and not-watch-football until I turn blue! Then you'll be sorry!! :crybaby:

What a great plan for a mob that thinks it prides itself on being in touch with "real Americans" ---

"I'm gonna sit here and hold my breath and not-watch-football until I turn blue! Then you'll be sorry!! :crybaby:


they've totally cowed the tv networks though.

fox only paid a little more than 3 billion for thursday night games for 5 years.

this protest by whatsitname and his ilk is really crushing the league.

Good for him. He's right: Many NFL players would be unable to find a job that paid more than $50K if they had not gotten into the NFL.

Let me guess, he likes to wave the Confederate Flag around.

Let's do the math.

Zero US troops have been killed by NFL players kneeling.
140,000 US troops were killed fighting the Confederacy.

Apparently the latter is somehow better. I don't get it.

The Civil War was settled long ago, and everyone kissed and made up. Part of that policy was accepting the South would no be expected to wallow in shame, and would be allowed to celebrate their history and heritage.

The NFL players are actively disrespecting America and Americans today.


Oh, oh, oh... so it's okay to support an institution responsible for the deaths of 140,000 US military personnel because "it wuz a long time ago", but it's not okay to support the NFL players kneeling because the issue they're fighting for is a present day issue which affects lots of people?

Right...... so... the freedom to protest is only for things that happened a long fucking time ago.

I'm calling bullshit on your bullshit argument.

The Confederacy was pro-slavery. Supporting the Confederacy is being disrespectful to the US NOW. Why? Well, the Confederacy was ANTI-USA. It wanted to leave. Supporting it suggests you want to leave.
It's also disrespectful to all black Americans because it suggests that slavery wasn't such a bad thing, that segregation wasn't such a bad thing and that racism is okay.

But somehow appearing to kneel before an NFL game is disrespectful because.... because.... because... why exactly is it disrespectful? Because fat ass rednecks will have to actually think about something for once in their lives? Because black people suffering at the hands on the police should be kept behind closed doors "we're rednecks, we don't want to have to think that police brutality against blacks is a bad thing"?
Kneeling during a ritual calling for standing is a show of respect and unity, is disrespectful.

Oh fucking bullshit. Ever seen someone pray? Are they "showing disrespect"?

You're so full of yes-master-may-I-have-another robot orders you can't even question what they tell you to parrot.


Praying is a ritual where people are expected to kneel. Standing during that, if you were at a Mass, for example, would be a sign of disrespect, to the Church and it's members.

The National Anthem is a ritual where people are expected to stand to show respect. It is a different ritual. Kneeling is a show of disrespect.

I reject your pretense that you are so stupid that you cannot understand that different rituals are different.

This is just you pretending to be evolved beyond the need for Symbols and Rituals.

Symbols are for the symbolminded. And stupid authoritarian rituals commanded to the masses from on high in an even that has jack friggety squat to do with politics is the chewing gum of the gullible. That would be you.[/QUOTE]

Symbols are for all humans. YOur pretense that you are above all that is absurd.

That you would equate nationalism and patriotism with "mob mentality" shows, as if there was any doubt,

Correct. There is no doubt. Ask a 90-year-old German about mob mentality and have them describe what a ball it is. Ask Earnest Starr for his ringing endorsement of mob mentality. Ask those dog owners who had their Dachshuhds ripped from their arms and stoned to death in the streets because Dachshund is a German word, what a great party mob mentality is. Ask thousands of minorities lynched in the same era this fake patriotism-in-sports got foisted on the public. Oh that would be the same era the same mob mentality banned blacks from baseball for sixty years.

Cram your mob mentality straight up your zombie ass.[/QUOTE]

Nice anecdotal evidence.

YOu mention german nationalism.

American, Russian and English nationalism stopped the Nazis, or this world would be a much darker place.

People who would have kicked your ass for kneeling during the National Anthem, are the ones that stopped Nazi Germany and ended that horror.

People you smear as being "robots" and "zombies".

that you are not patriotic and are anti-American.

I'm not the one sitting here purporting to force black people into a deferential behavior in a sports event that isn't even connected to "patriotism". You probably don't know the first thing about football --- just another authoritarian wanking off on the idea of ordering around people you don't even know.

Fuck you.[/QUOTE]



I have no idea of the racial breakdown of that collection of groups, nor do I care.


You race baiting asshole.
Praying is a ritual where people are expected to kneel. Standing during that, if you were at a Mass, for example, would be a sign of disrespect, to the Church and it's members.

The National Anthem is a ritual where people are expected to stand to show respect. It is a different ritual. Kneeling is a show of disrespect.

And WHY does on "symbolize respect" in one situation and not in the other?

BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT YOU WERE TOLD TO SAY, and you're an obedient zombie who can't be bothered to think.


Wanna see your own obsequiousness in action again? Roll 'em.


Good zombie.

Yeah, all you can do is click on the funny button. Why don't you try responding?
Because you are an idiot....why bother responding to you anti white anti southern hatred? Its amusing to watch democraps go down in flames EVERYWHERE.

Yeah, all you can do is click on the funny button. Why don't you try responding?
Because you are an idiot....why bother responding to you anti white anti southern hatred? Its amusing to watch democraps go down in flames EVERYWHERE.

Ah, after three funny buttons, all you have is insults.


So, I'm an idiot because I can put my thoughts down in writing and make an argument, and you're intelligent because you can click on a button and insult?

Uh huh?

Yeah, all you can do is click on the funny button. Why don't you try responding?
Because you are an idiot....why bother responding to you anti white anti southern hatred? Its amusing to watch democraps go down in flames EVERYWHERE.

Ah, after three funny buttons, all you have is insults.


So, I'm an idiot because I can put my thoughts down in writing and make an argument, and you're intelligent because you can click on a button and insult?

Uh huh?

Oh, there we go again, master of the English language clicking on the funny button on every post he can't reply to.

Yeah, all you can do is click on the funny button. Why don't you try responding?
Because you are an idiot....why bother responding to you anti white anti southern hatred? Its amusing to watch democraps go down in flames EVERYWHERE.

Ah, after three funny buttons, all you have is insults.


So, I'm an idiot because I can put my thoughts down in writing and make an argument, and you're intelligent because you can click on a button and insult?

Uh huh?

Oh, there we go again, master of the English language clicking on the funny button on every post he can't reply to.

Amazing, a guy who can't talk about his own thread.
That 1st amendment really just rubs cons the wrong way. They are itching to force people to shut up.

Nice strawman. No one is suggesting any limitations on the First Amendment.

We just don't like anti-American assholes.


we're not suggesting limitations on the first amendment, we just want you to stand when we say so, and say what we tell you to.

Go ahead and tell your employer to go fuck themself tomorrow and see what “limitations” you face...
That 1st amendment really just rubs cons the wrong way. They are itching to force people to shut up.

Nice strawman. No one is suggesting any limitations on the First Amendment.

We just don't like anti-American assholes.


we're not suggesting limitations on the first amendment, we just want you to stand when we say so, and say what we tell you to.

Go ahead and tell your employer to go fuck themself tomorrow and see what “limitations” you face...

et me know if you plan on making sense anytime soon

'll check back later
That 1st amendment really just rubs cons the wrong way. They are itching to force people to shut up.

Nice strawman. No one is suggesting any limitations on the First Amendment.

We just don't like anti-American assholes.


we're not suggesting limitations on the first amendment, we just want you to stand when we say so, and say what we tell you to.

Go ahead and tell your employer to go fuck themself tomorrow and see what “limitations” you face...

et me know if you plan on making sense anytime soon

'll check back later
What I said would make perfect sense if you understood that the NFL is the employer of the kneelers. You don’t have “freedom of speech” at your private place of employment.
Praying is a ritual where people are expected to kneel. Standing during that, if you were at a Mass, for example, would be a sign of disrespect, to the Church and it's members.

The National Anthem is a ritual where people are expected to stand to show respect. It is a different ritual. Kneeling is a show of disrespect.

And WHY does on "symbolize respect" in one situation and not in the other?

BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT YOU WERE TOLD TO SAY, and you're an obedient zombie who can't be bothered to think.


Wanna see your own obsequiousness in action again? Roll 'em.

Asking a question, answering it yourself, and then insulting me based no your answer for me, is just you being an arrogant ass.

YOu ask why one ritual using standing to show respect while another uses kneeling to show respect.

I have no real idea. I could speculate. There may be historical research on why one ritual evolved one way and another evolved a different way.

We could look it up, but you don't really care. And neither do I. It's irrelevant to anything really.

The fact that I respect both rituals and the people to whom they are important, in no way supports your hysterical conclusion that that makes me a brainless zombie.


Good zombie.

Nothing "zombie" about returning the contempt someone showed me.

Fuck them all.

Letting someone show disrespect to you, while you still show respect to them, is being a bitch.

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