I'll admit that requiring education and training is probably a good way to reduce the overall level of poverty. It makes the person more able to earn more money too.

What about working class poor?
Strict State liability. Simply requiring for-Cause criteria for unemployment compensation, makes it a State Obligation that may not be Impaired by the State.
So where is this place were there are no jobs? I don't buy that for a minute. Even if you got a job at McDonald's, that would count as working.

The thing is that people will take stuff for free; again, human nature. If you have to work for what you are given, then chances are you won't want to work for it because if you did, you would have gotten a job in the first place.

You keep speaking using your ass instead of your brain. I say we find out the facts before we claim it a success or failure. You spout in talking points and nothing more.

What I spout is experience. I'll do one better: Maine did the very exact same thing.

In the first three months after Maine’s work policy went into effect, its ABAWD caseload plummeted by nearly 80 percent, falling from 13,332 recipients in December 2014 to 2,678 in March 2015.[5] This rapid drop in welfare dependence has a historical precedent: When work requirements were established in the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program under President Bill Clinton in the 1990s, nationwide caseloads dropped by a similar amount, albeit over a few years rather than a few months.

Maine Food Stamp Work Requirement Cuts Non-Parent Caseload by 80 Percent
Maine like Georgia's regulation applies only to able bodied adults without dependents. The elderly are not considered by either state in the program. What this means is 90% of food stamp recipients are not part of the program. Existing federal regulation place a time limit on the use of food stamps for able bodied adults without dependents to 3 months over a 36 month period. Federal regulations require that during this time period they must be registered and actively looking for employment and must accept any job offered that they are qualified for. Since over 75% of these people have jobs in 30 to 60 days, this programs is accomplishing little if anything.

Instead creating these ridiculous programs that do little or nothing, what states should be doing is monitoring employment of recipients more closely. Although regulations require recipients to report income and stop using their SNAP card when they become ineligible, most people continue to use them until the state stops them which can be up a year after they are no longer eligible. The states are responsible for this but are ignoring it and as such, many millions are wasted.

What these requirements demonstrate is that most people on food stamps really don't need them. Let me ask: if all of a sudden we ended the food stamp program, do you really believe people would just stop eating?

Of course not. They would just start buying their own food. They may have to make cuts in other places such as their cigarettes, their alcohol, maybe get rid of their multiple pets they are feeding, but they are not about to stop eating. And when they are paying for their own food, it won't be frozen TV dinners, steaks or ribs. They would have to purchase food within their budget just like working people do every day.

My father retired over 20 years ago, same with my mother. Why are they not getting food stamps? Could it be because my father was responsible enough to secure his and my mothers retirement? Could it be because he worked hard all of his life and built a social security account that enabled him to retire comfortably?

It's my speculation that if you are elderly and getting food stamps, you probably didn't work much in your working life when you could have.
In a society as wealthy as ours, where crops are left unpicked in the fields to drive up prices and the most successful live in mansions scattered around world living a life of opulence and leisure, should not the least successful have just a roof over their head and the bare necessities of life.

You know we actually agree on one thing we both would like to see the end of government assistance. However, I believe that will never happen. We will always have people that will not be able to provide for themselves and thus assistance will be needed. In fact, as civilization advances and automation eliminates more and more jobs, work that pays a living wage will require ever higher skills and education. More people will become redundant, only able to qualify for the lowest level jobs, temporary and part time work. They will need assistance to just have the bare necessities of life.

In regard to retirement, bad things happen to good people, deaths in the family, sickness, disability, job loss and family problems that transcends the need for retirement savings.

That's funny, we existed just fine without government existence for almost 200 years.

And remember..it is the GOVERNMENT who pays the farmers to not farm.
It's called making people work, train, or volunteer while on food stamps:

Thousands Cured Of Poverty After Georgia Introduces Work-For-Food-Stamp Requirement – MILO NEWS

Thousands of people have been miraculously cured of poverty in Georgia following the state’s implementation of a requirement that all those receiving stamps must either be working, training for a job, or volunteering for a non-profit or charity.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “Georgia has been rolling out work requirements for food stamp recipients for over a year.”

The outlet states that the latest rollout saw the requirements reach 21 counties, affecting roughly 12,000 able-bodied people without children.

Those people were given until April 1 to fulfil the aforementioned requirement. But when that date rolled around, The Journal-Constitution, citing state figures, reports that more than half of the food stamp recipients were dropped from the program.

“Essentially, the number of recipients spiraled down from 11,779 to 4,528, or a drop of 62 percent,” the outlet states.

According to The Journal-Constitution Georgian officials are looking at expanding the food stamp requirements to all 159 counties in the state by 2019.

“The greater good is people being employed, being productive, and contributing to the state,” said Bobby Cagle, head of Georgia’s Division of Family and Children Services, according to the outlet...

I've long said that any long-term people on welfare should be required to work in the fields or volunteer 20 hours per week for a government or non-profit agency unless they have a serious and medically-documented condition that precludes them from doing so. We should roll this program out nationwide.

Gingrich offered this solution:

Newt refers to a proposal by Peter Ferrara, who was in the White House Office of Policy Development under President Ronald Reagan. The proposal goes like this:

Block grants would still be provided to the states, and states would guarantee a day’s work assignment (paying the minimum wage) to everyone who reports to their local welfare office before 9:00 a.m.

According to Newt, “The welfare office would provide free daycare for participants’ small children”, and the children would “receive medical care and treatment when necessary” (page 190).

Moreover, those working a certain number of hours would receive a Medicaid voucher for private health insurance as well as housing assistance so they could purchase a home. They would also receive the earned-income tax credit. Newt also affirms that the disabled would be trained for some line of work.

Based on minimum wage of $7.25, or $15,000 for a full year’s work, plus EITC, which is $3,000 with one child, and $5,000 with two, plus $1,000 per child tax credit. This plus the in-kind transfers of child care and health care, are an adequate safety net. “What I like about this proposal is that it would give welfare recipients work experience and job skills rather than setting welfare against work.” Newt Gingrich’s To Save America 7: Welfare Reform, Health Care

  1. The system would also end all incentives for having children outside of marriage, as a parent would have to work to support a child.

That's really close to the way it's supposed to work already.

But when you live in a state run by racketeers, like I do, the state receives the block grants, then totally ignores the deal they made with the feds in return for that $$, and they do exactly what they like.

So we get the huge grants for the job programs and the child care and all that...

Then we exempt everybody from participating.

Where does that money go?

Nobody knows.

Last edited:
It's called making people work, train, or volunteer while on food stamps:

Thousands Cured Of Poverty After Georgia Introduces Work-For-Food-Stamp Requirement – MILO NEWS

Thousands of people have been miraculously cured of poverty in Georgia following the state’s implementation of a requirement that all those receiving stamps must either be working, training for a job, or volunteering for a non-profit or charity.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “Georgia has been rolling out work requirements for food stamp recipients for over a year.”

The outlet states that the latest rollout saw the requirements reach 21 counties, affecting roughly 12,000 able-bodied people without children.

Those people were given until April 1 to fulfil the aforementioned requirement. But when that date rolled around, The Journal-Constitution, citing state figures, reports that more than half of the food stamp recipients were dropped from the program.

“Essentially, the number of recipients spiraled down from 11,779 to 4,528, or a drop of 62 percent,” the outlet states.

According to The Journal-Constitution Georgian officials are looking at expanding the food stamp requirements to all 159 counties in the state by 2019.

“The greater good is people being employed, being productive, and contributing to the state,” said Bobby Cagle, head of Georgia’s Division of Family and Children Services, according to the outlet...

I've long said that any long-term people on welfare should be required to work in the fields or volunteer 20 hours per week for a government or non-profit agency unless they have a serious and medically-documented condition that precludes them from doing so. We should roll this program out nationwide.

Gingrich offered this solution:

Newt refers to a proposal by Peter Ferrara, who was in the White House Office of Policy Development under President Ronald Reagan. The proposal goes like this:

Block grants would still be provided to the states, and states would guarantee a day’s work assignment (paying the minimum wage) to everyone who reports to their local welfare office before 9:00 a.m.

According to Newt, “The welfare office would provide free daycare for participants’ small children”, and the children would “receive medical care and treatment when necessary” (page 190).

Moreover, those working a certain number of hours would receive a Medicaid voucher for private health insurance as well as housing assistance so they could purchase a home. They would also receive the earned-income tax credit. Newt also affirms that the disabled would be trained for some line of work.

Based on minimum wage of $7.25, or $15,000 for a full year’s work, plus EITC, which is $3,000 with one child, and $5,000 with two, plus $1,000 per child tax credit. This plus the in-kind transfers of child care and health care, are an adequate safety net. “What I like about this proposal is that it would give welfare recipients work experience and job skills rather than setting welfare against work.” Newt Gingrich’s To Save America 7: Welfare Reform, Health Care

  1. The system would also end all incentives for having children outside of marriage, as a parent would have to work to support a child.

That's really close to the way it's supposed to work already.

But when you live in a state run by racketeers, like I do, the state receives the block grants, then totally ignores the deal they made with the feds in return for that $$, and they do exactly what they like.

So we get the huge grants for the job programs and the child care and all that...

Then we exempt everybody from participating.

Where does that money go?

Nobody knows.


I really like the idea that working and contributing is of benefit to one's character, as opposed to the state taking care of those who simply choose to allow it.

"The lessons of history … show conclusively that continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit."
This, about Depression-era welfare are from Franklin Roosevelt's 1935 State of the Union Address.

And even earlier:
In 2 Thessalonians 3:10, Paul said, “If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat”...
Maine like Georgia's regulation applies only to able bodied adults without dependents. The elderly are not considered by either state in the program. What this means is 90% of food stamp recipients are not part of the program. Existing federal regulation place a time limit on the use of food stamps for able bodied adults without dependents to 3 months over a 36 month period. Federal regulations require that during this time period they must be registered and actively looking for employment and must accept any job offered that they are qualified for. Since over 75% of these people have jobs in 30 to 60 days, this programs is accomplishing little if anything.

Instead creating these ridiculous programs that do little or nothing, what states should be doing is monitoring employment of recipients more closely. Although regulations require recipients to report income and stop using their SNAP card when they become ineligible, most people continue to use them until the state stops them which can be up a year after they are no longer eligible. The states are responsible for this but are ignoring it and as such, many millions are wasted.

What these requirements demonstrate is that most people on food stamps really don't need them. Let me ask: if all of a sudden we ended the food stamp program, do you really believe people would just stop eating?

Of course not. They would just start buying their own food. They may have to make cuts in other places such as their cigarettes, their alcohol, maybe get rid of their multiple pets they are feeding, but they are not about to stop eating. And when they are paying for their own food, it won't be frozen TV dinners, steaks or ribs. They would have to purchase food within their budget just like working people do every day.

My father retired over 20 years ago, same with my mother. Why are they not getting food stamps? Could it be because my father was responsible enough to secure his and my mothers retirement? Could it be because he worked hard all of his life and built a social security account that enabled him to retire comfortably?

It's my speculation that if you are elderly and getting food stamps, you probably didn't work much in your working life when you could have.

Arrogant idiots like you are pigs. You rely on every stereotype to attack people and unless you have asked them you d0on't have a clue. The fact is that you have to be at the poverty level to get food stamps. It is not something that is handed out willy nilly which you imply.

It's not? You mean the government investigates all applicants to see if they are receiving money from other sources? You mean the government interviews their employers to find out if they are refusing to work more hours that they were offered? You mean that government investigates who the applicant is living with such as a boyfriend, spouse, other welfare recipients, with their parents?

Government doesn't investigate any of those things. You make X amount of money, you have X amount of children, you get X amount of benefits, and that's it.

In some instances you are talking about outright fraud. It does not change the basic facts. Your gross income has to be 130% of poverty level and net income 100% of the poverty limit. They are not just given to anyone. The maximum benefit for a family of 4 is $649 which comes out to $5 a day per person.

Do you eat more than $5.00 a day? I don't.

I take two salami sandwiches to work. In mosts cases, I only eat one. I also eat a small bag of Frito's and two Hostess cup cakes. For dinner, I make a hamburger.

Yes, I am talking about fraud; fraud the federal government never investigates on.
Surely, you don't eat this shit everyday.
Alcoholism, drug addiction and mental illness play a part in poverty and none of that is it incumbent upon ordinary citizens to rectify
Emotions(blame assignment) instead of reason(personal responsibility) is why liberal philosophies are being dismissed
In a society as wealthy as ours, where crops are left unpicked in the fields to drive up prices and the most successful live in mansions scattered around world living a life of opulence and leisure, should not the least successful have just a roof over their head and the bare necessities of life.

You know we actually agree on one thing we both would like to see the end of government assistance. However, I believe that will never happen. We will always have people that will not be able to provide for themselves and thus assistance will be needed. In fact, as civilization advances and automation eliminates more and more jobs, work that pays a living wage will require ever higher skills and education. More people will become redundant, only able to qualify for the lowest level jobs, temporary and part time work. They will need assistance to just have the bare necessities of life.

In regard to retirement, bad things happen to good people, deaths in the family, sickness, disability, job loss and family problems that transcends the need for retirement savings.

And all those people had these bad things happen to them????

We are a country 20 trillion in debt. I have no problem helping those WHO TRULY need help. But the people I see, the stories I'm told, personal experiences, it's all about people who either don't try because they don't have to, or made irresponsible decisions because they know somebody will bail them out.

As I have mentioned, I have people on HUD living next door to me. When I leave for work in the morning, their vehicles are sitting there. I ask my tenant who is home during the day, and she states those cars are there all day too. When I come home after work, the cars are sitting there.

Oh, but when they want to have a party like they did yesterday, 20 people show up. I almost had to call the cops because they were yelping it up into the night as well. Their children were with them too. Of course when they went to school today and probably couldn't focus on anything but sleep, we will say our education system is failing the poor.

Yes, when I was a child, we went to family doings as well. But come 7:30, everybody went home because the kids had to get ready for school.
In a society as wealthy as ours, where crops are left unpicked in the fields to drive up prices and the most successful live in mansions scattered around world living a life of opulence and leisure, should not the least successful have just a roof over their head and the bare necessities of life.

You know we actually agree on one thing we both would like to see the end of government assistance. However, I believe that will never happen. We will always have people that will not be able to provide for themselves and thus assistance will be needed. In fact, as civilization advances and automation eliminates more and more jobs, work that pays a living wage will require ever higher skills and education. More people will become redundant, only able to qualify for the lowest level jobs, temporary and part time work. They will need assistance to just have the bare necessities of life.

In regard to retirement, bad things happen to good people, deaths in the family, sickness, disability, job loss and family problems that transcends the need for retirement savings.

And all those people had these bad things happen to them????

We are a country 20 trillion in debt. I have no problem helping those WHO TRULY need help. But the people I see, the stories I'm told, personal experiences, it's all about people who either don't try because they don't have to, or made irresponsible decisions because they know somebody will bail them out.

As I have mentioned, I have people on HUD living next door to me. When I leave for work in the morning, their vehicles are sitting there. I ask my tenant who is home during the day, and she states those cars are there all day too. When I come home after work, the cars are sitting there.

Oh, but when they want to have a party like they did yesterday, 20 people show up. I almost had to call the cops because they were yelping it up into the night as well. Their children were with them too. Of course when they went to school today and probably couldn't focus on anything but sleep, we will say our education system is failing the poor.

Yes, when I was a child, we went to family doings as well. But come 7:30, everybody went home because the kids had to get ready for school.

Surely, you don't eat this shit everyday.[/QUOTE]

Yes, we do eat "this shit" every day.

You know why? Because we fucking work for a living, we don't depend on foodstamps, and because we work, we go for cheap, easy meals. Limited variety, limited quantity.

That's what working people have to do.

SNAP recipients don't have to worry about that shit. Money is not object when it comes to food for them.
It's called making people work, train, or volunteer while on food stamps:

Thousands Cured Of Poverty After Georgia Introduces Work-For-Food-Stamp Requirement – MILO NEWS

Thousands of people have been miraculously cured of poverty in Georgia following the state’s implementation of a requirement that all those receiving stamps must either be working, training for a job, or volunteering for a non-profit or charity.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “Georgia has been rolling out work requirements for food stamp recipients for over a year.”

The outlet states that the latest rollout saw the requirements reach 21 counties, affecting roughly 12,000 able-bodied people without children.

Those people were given until April 1 to fulfil the aforementioned requirement. But when that date rolled around, The Journal-Constitution, citing state figures, reports that more than half of the food stamp recipients were dropped from the program.

“Essentially, the number of recipients spiraled down from 11,779 to 4,528, or a drop of 62 percent,” the outlet states.

According to The Journal-Constitution Georgian officials are looking at expanding the food stamp requirements to all 159 counties in the state by 2019.

“The greater good is people being employed, being productive, and contributing to the state,” said Bobby Cagle, head of Georgia’s Division of Family and Children Services, according to the outlet...

I've long said that any long-term people on welfare should be required to work in the fields or volunteer 20 hours per week for a government or non-profit agency unless they have a serious and medically-documented condition that precludes them from doing so. We should roll this program out nationwide.

Gingrich offered this solution:

Newt refers to a proposal by Peter Ferrara, who was in the White House Office of Policy Development under President Ronald Reagan. The proposal goes like this:

Block grants would still be provided to the states, and states would guarantee a day’s work assignment (paying the minimum wage) to everyone who reports to their local welfare office before 9:00 a.m.

According to Newt, “The welfare office would provide free daycare for participants’ small children”, and the children would “receive medical care and treatment when necessary” (page 190).

Moreover, those working a certain number of hours would receive a Medicaid voucher for private health insurance as well as housing assistance so they could purchase a home. They would also receive the earned-income tax credit. Newt also affirms that the disabled would be trained for some line of work.

Based on minimum wage of $7.25, or $15,000 for a full year’s work, plus EITC, which is $3,000 with one child, and $5,000 with two, plus $1,000 per child tax credit. This plus the in-kind transfers of child care and health care, are an adequate safety net. “What I like about this proposal is that it would give welfare recipients work experience and job skills rather than setting welfare against work.” Newt Gingrich’s To Save America 7: Welfare Reform, Health Care

  1. The system would also end all incentives for having children outside of marriage, as a parent would have to work to support a child.

That's really close to the way it's supposed to work already.

But when you live in a state run by racketeers, like I do, the state receives the block grants, then totally ignores the deal they made with the feds in return for that $$, and they do exactly what they like.

So we get the huge grants for the job programs and the child care and all that...

Then we exempt everybody from participating.

Where does that money go?

Nobody knows.


I really like the idea that working and contributing is of benefit to one's character, as opposed to the state taking care of those who simply choose to allow it.

"The lessons of history … show conclusively that continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit."
This, about Depression-era welfare are from Franklin Roosevelt's 1935 State of the Union Address.

And even earlier:
In 2 Thessalonians 3:10, Paul said, “If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat”...

apples and oranges. we don't have a true, third world economy.

capital management should be taught as soon and as much as possible.
It's called making people work, train, or volunteer while on food stamps:

Thousands Cured Of Poverty After Georgia Introduces Work-For-Food-Stamp Requirement – MILO NEWS

Thousands of people have been miraculously cured of poverty in Georgia following the state’s implementation of a requirement that all those receiving stamps must either be working, training for a job, or volunteering for a non-profit or charity.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “Georgia has been rolling out work requirements for food stamp recipients for over a year.”

The outlet states that the latest rollout saw the requirements reach 21 counties, affecting roughly 12,000 able-bodied people without children.

Those people were given until April 1 to fulfil the aforementioned requirement. But when that date rolled around, The Journal-Constitution, citing state figures, reports that more than half of the food stamp recipients were dropped from the program.

“Essentially, the number of recipients spiraled down from 11,779 to 4,528, or a drop of 62 percent,” the outlet states.

According to The Journal-Constitution Georgian officials are looking at expanding the food stamp requirements to all 159 counties in the state by 2019.

“The greater good is people being employed, being productive, and contributing to the state,” said Bobby Cagle, head of Georgia’s Division of Family and Children Services, according to the outlet...

I've long said that any long-term people on welfare should be required to work in the fields or volunteer 20 hours per week for a government or non-profit agency unless they have a serious and medically-documented condition that precludes them from doing so. We should roll this program out nationwide.

This is great!

Now all that Georgia needs to do is start a "Pay 'em enough that they don't need food stamps" program!
It's called making people work, train, or volunteer while on food stamps:

Thousands Cured Of Poverty After Georgia Introduces Work-For-Food-Stamp Requirement – MILO NEWS

Thousands of people have been miraculously cured of poverty in Georgia following the state’s implementation of a requirement that all those receiving stamps must either be working, training for a job, or volunteering for a non-profit or charity.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “Georgia has been rolling out work requirements for food stamp recipients for over a year.”

The outlet states that the latest rollout saw the requirements reach 21 counties, affecting roughly 12,000 able-bodied people without children.

Those people were given until April 1 to fulfil the aforementioned requirement. But when that date rolled around, The Journal-Constitution, citing state figures, reports that more than half of the food stamp recipients were dropped from the program.

“Essentially, the number of recipients spiraled down from 11,779 to 4,528, or a drop of 62 percent,” the outlet states.

According to The Journal-Constitution Georgian officials are looking at expanding the food stamp requirements to all 159 counties in the state by 2019.

“The greater good is people being employed, being productive, and contributing to the state,” said Bobby Cagle, head of Georgia’s Division of Family and Children Services, according to the outlet...

I've long said that any long-term people on welfare should be required to work in the fields or volunteer 20 hours per week for a government or non-profit agency unless they have a serious and medically-documented condition that precludes them from doing so. We should roll this program out nationwide.

BTW - You do realize that this is pure socialism, right?
It's called making people work, train, or volunteer while on food stamps:

Thousands Cured Of Poverty After Georgia Introduces Work-For-Food-Stamp Requirement – MILO NEWS

Thousands of people have been miraculously cured of poverty in Georgia following the state’s implementation of a requirement that all those receiving stamps must either be working, training for a job, or volunteering for a non-profit or charity.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “Georgia has been rolling out work requirements for food stamp recipients for over a year.”

The outlet states that the latest rollout saw the requirements reach 21 counties, affecting roughly 12,000 able-bodied people without children.

Those people were given until April 1 to fulfil the aforementioned requirement. But when that date rolled around, The Journal-Constitution, citing state figures, reports that more than half of the food stamp recipients were dropped from the program.

“Essentially, the number of recipients spiraled down from 11,779 to 4,528, or a drop of 62 percent,” the outlet states.

According to The Journal-Constitution Georgian officials are looking at expanding the food stamp requirements to all 159 counties in the state by 2019.

“The greater good is people being employed, being productive, and contributing to the state,” said Bobby Cagle, head of Georgia’s Division of Family and Children Services, according to the outlet...

I've long said that any long-term people on welfare should be required to work in the fields or volunteer 20 hours per week for a government or non-profit agency unless they have a serious and medically-documented condition that precludes them from doing so. We should roll this program out nationwide.

BTW - You do realize that this is pure socialism, right?
the national socialists on the right wing, never get it.
Surely, you don't eat this shit everyday.[/QUOTE]

Yes, we do eat "this shit" every day.

You know why? Because we fucking work for a living, we don't depend on foodstamps, and because we work, we go for cheap, easy meals. Limited variety, limited quantity.

That's what working people have to do.

SNAP recipients don't have to worry about that shit. Money is not object when it comes to food for them.[/QUOTE]
Kinda uncanny how the food stampers always have intricately braided hair, custom nail jobs, and weigh about 300 standing all of 5'6"
It's called making people work, train, or volunteer while on food stamps:

Thousands Cured Of Poverty After Georgia Introduces Work-For-Food-Stamp Requirement – MILO NEWS

Thousands of people have been miraculously cured of poverty in Georgia following the state’s implementation of a requirement that all those receiving stamps must either be working, training for a job, or volunteering for a non-profit or charity.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “Georgia has been rolling out work requirements for food stamp recipients for over a year.”

The outlet states that the latest rollout saw the requirements reach 21 counties, affecting roughly 12,000 able-bodied people without children.

Those people were given until April 1 to fulfil the aforementioned requirement. But when that date rolled around, The Journal-Constitution, citing state figures, reports that more than half of the food stamp recipients were dropped from the program.

“Essentially, the number of recipients spiraled down from 11,779 to 4,528, or a drop of 62 percent,” the outlet states.

According to The Journal-Constitution Georgian officials are looking at expanding the food stamp requirements to all 159 counties in the state by 2019.

“The greater good is people being employed, being productive, and contributing to the state,” said Bobby Cagle, head of Georgia’s Division of Family and Children Services, according to the outlet...

I've long said that any long-term people on welfare should be required to work in the fields or volunteer 20 hours per week for a government or non-profit agency unless they have a serious and medically-documented condition that precludes them from doing so. We should roll this program out nationwide.

Gingrich offered this solution:

Newt refers to a proposal by Peter Ferrara, who was in the White House Office of Policy Development under President Ronald Reagan. The proposal goes like this:

Block grants would still be provided to the states, and states would guarantee a day’s work assignment (paying the minimum wage) to everyone who reports to their local welfare office before 9:00 a.m.

According to Newt, “The welfare office would provide free daycare for participants’ small children”, and the children would “receive medical care and treatment when necessary” (page 190).

Moreover, those working a certain number of hours would receive a Medicaid voucher for private health insurance as well as housing assistance so they could purchase a home. They would also receive the earned-income tax credit. Newt also affirms that the disabled would be trained for some line of work.

Based on minimum wage of $7.25, or $15,000 for a full year’s work, plus EITC, which is $3,000 with one child, and $5,000 with two, plus $1,000 per child tax credit. This plus the in-kind transfers of child care and health care, are an adequate safety net. “What I like about this proposal is that it would give welfare recipients work experience and job skills rather than setting welfare against work.” Newt Gingrich’s To Save America 7: Welfare Reform, Health Care

  1. The system would also end all incentives for having children outside of marriage, as a parent would have to work to support a child.
Let's say we have a Mom and two kids. So Gross income would be a whopping $21000/yr less FICA of $1125 we have a take home pay of $19,875 or $1656/mo. The average cost of 1 bedroom apartment in largest 200 cities in the US is $1,025 leaving $631 a month or $147/week to live on. Now if Mom is really smart, extremely frugal, she just might be able to buy groceries and pay utilities, walk miles to works instead of paying $4/day to ride the bus, convince the teachers to provide schools supplies and miscellaneous expense for the kids, never buy new clothes for the family, never go to a dentist, a barbershop or a hair salon, never drink, never smoke, never pay credit card interest, and certainly not squander money on toys for the kids, Christmas, birthdays, entertainment, etc..

The problem is most people that can't seem to find a job and are living on welfare are not that smart. Most have vices. They drink, smoke, or do drugs and certainly aren't very frugal. They throw their money away on stuff for the kids, don't know how to really budget, run out of money, and then borrow at a high interest rates.

So while this plan fits the 1% of those on government subsidies, what happens to the other 99%?
It's called making people work, train, or volunteer while on food stamps:

Thousands Cured Of Poverty After Georgia Introduces Work-For-Food-Stamp Requirement – MILO NEWS

Thousands of people have been miraculously cured of poverty in Georgia following the state’s implementation of a requirement that all those receiving stamps must either be working, training for a job, or volunteering for a non-profit or charity.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “Georgia has been rolling out work requirements for food stamp recipients for over a year.”

The outlet states that the latest rollout saw the requirements reach 21 counties, affecting roughly 12,000 able-bodied people without children.

Those people were given until April 1 to fulfil the aforementioned requirement. But when that date rolled around, The Journal-Constitution, citing state figures, reports that more than half of the food stamp recipients were dropped from the program.

“Essentially, the number of recipients spiraled down from 11,779 to 4,528, or a drop of 62 percent,” the outlet states.

According to The Journal-Constitution Georgian officials are looking at expanding the food stamp requirements to all 159 counties in the state by 2019.

“The greater good is people being employed, being productive, and contributing to the state,” said Bobby Cagle, head of Georgia’s Division of Family and Children Services, according to the outlet...

I've long said that any long-term people on welfare should be required to work in the fields or volunteer 20 hours per week for a government or non-profit agency unless they have a serious and medically-documented condition that precludes them from doing so. We should roll this program out nationwide.

Gingrich offered this solution:

Newt refers to a proposal by Peter Ferrara, who was in the White House Office of Policy Development under President Ronald Reagan. The proposal goes like this:

Block grants would still be provided to the states, and states would guarantee a day’s work assignment (paying the minimum wage) to everyone who reports to their local welfare office before 9:00 a.m.

According to Newt, “The welfare office would provide free daycare for participants’ small children”, and the children would “receive medical care and treatment when necessary” (page 190).

Moreover, those working a certain number of hours would receive a Medicaid voucher for private health insurance as well as housing assistance so they could purchase a home. They would also receive the earned-income tax credit. Newt also affirms that the disabled would be trained for some line of work.

Based on minimum wage of $7.25, or $15,000 for a full year’s work, plus EITC, which is $3,000 with one child, and $5,000 with two, plus $1,000 per child tax credit. This plus the in-kind transfers of child care and health care, are an adequate safety net. “What I like about this proposal is that it would give welfare recipients work experience and job skills rather than setting welfare against work.” Newt Gingrich’s To Save America 7: Welfare Reform, Health Care

  1. The system would also end all incentives for having children outside of marriage, as a parent would have to work to support a child.
Let's say we have a Mom and two kids. So Gross income would be a whopping $21000/yr less FICA of $1125 we have a take home pay of $19,875 or $1656/mo. The average cost of 1 bedroom apartment in largest 200 cities in the US is $1,025 leaving $631 a month or $147/week to live on. Now if Mom is really smart, extremely frugal, she just might be able to buy groceries and pay utilities, walk miles to works instead of paying $4/day to ride the bus, convince the teachers to provide schools supplies and miscellaneous expense for the kids, never buy new clothes for the family, never go to a dentist, a barbershop or a hair salon, never drink, never smoke, never pay credit card interest, and certainly not squander money on toys for the kids, Christmas, birthdays, entertainment, etc..

The problem is most people that can't seem to find a job and are living on welfare are not that smart. Most have vices. They drink, smoke, or do drugs and certainly aren't very frugal. They throw their money away on stuff for the kids, don't know how to really budget, run out of money, and then borrow at a high interest rates.

So while this plan fits the 1% of those on government subsidies, what happens to the other 99%?
The answer is they get a roommate or share a house
If you cannot afford to live on your own by yourself then you find another party to share with you and reducethe expenses
You Don't Demand that the rest of us pay for you so that you can have a place all to yourself. That solitude is a result of achievement and not an entitlement
It's called making people work, train, or volunteer while on food stamps:

Thousands Cured Of Poverty After Georgia Introduces Work-For-Food-Stamp Requirement – MILO NEWS

Thousands of people have been miraculously cured of poverty in Georgia following the state’s implementation of a requirement that all those receiving stamps must either be working, training for a job, or volunteering for a non-profit or charity.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “Georgia has been rolling out work requirements for food stamp recipients for over a year.”

The outlet states that the latest rollout saw the requirements reach 21 counties, affecting roughly 12,000 able-bodied people without children.

Those people were given until April 1 to fulfil the aforementioned requirement. But when that date rolled around, The Journal-Constitution, citing state figures, reports that more than half of the food stamp recipients were dropped from the program.

“Essentially, the number of recipients spiraled down from 11,779 to 4,528, or a drop of 62 percent,” the outlet states.

According to The Journal-Constitution Georgian officials are looking at expanding the food stamp requirements to all 159 counties in the state by 2019.

“The greater good is people being employed, being productive, and contributing to the state,” said Bobby Cagle, head of Georgia’s Division of Family and Children Services, according to the outlet...

I've long said that any long-term people on welfare should be required to work in the fields or volunteer 20 hours per week for a government or non-profit agency unless they have a serious and medically-documented condition that precludes them from doing so. We should roll this program out nationwide.

Gingrich offered this solution:

Newt refers to a proposal by Peter Ferrara, who was in the White House Office of Policy Development under President Ronald Reagan. The proposal goes like this:

Block grants would still be provided to the states, and states would guarantee a day’s work assignment (paying the minimum wage) to everyone who reports to their local welfare office before 9:00 a.m.

According to Newt, “The welfare office would provide free daycare for participants’ small children”, and the children would “receive medical care and treatment when necessary” (page 190).

Moreover, those working a certain number of hours would receive a Medicaid voucher for private health insurance as well as housing assistance so they could purchase a home. They would also receive the earned-income tax credit. Newt also affirms that the disabled would be trained for some line of work.

Based on minimum wage of $7.25, or $15,000 for a full year’s work, plus EITC, which is $3,000 with one child, and $5,000 with two, plus $1,000 per child tax credit. This plus the in-kind transfers of child care and health care, are an adequate safety net. “What I like about this proposal is that it would give welfare recipients work experience and job skills rather than setting welfare against work.” Newt Gingrich’s To Save America 7: Welfare Reform, Health Care

  1. The system would also end all incentives for having children outside of marriage, as a parent would have to work to support a child.
Let's say we have a Mom and two kids. So Gross income would be a whopping $21000/yr less FICA of $1125 we have a take home pay of $19,875 or $1656/mo. The average cost of 1 bedroom apartment in largest 200 cities in the US is $1,025 leaving $631 a month or $147/week to live on. Now if Mom is really smart, extremely frugal, she just might be able to buy groceries and pay utilities, walk miles to works instead of paying $4/day to ride the bus, convince the teachers to provide schools supplies and miscellaneous expense for the kids, never buy new clothes for the family, never go to a dentist, a barbershop or a hair salon, never drink, never smoke, never pay credit card interest, and certainly not squander money on toys for the kids, Christmas, birthdays, entertainment, etc..

The problem is most people that can't seem to find a job and are living on welfare are not that smart. Most have vices. They drink, smoke, or do drugs and certainly aren't very frugal. They throw their money away on stuff for the kids, don't know how to really budget, run out of money, and then borrow at a high interest rates.

So while this plan fits the 1% of those on government subsidies, what happens to the other 99%?
The answer is they get a roommate or share a house
If you cannot afford to live on your own by yourself then you find another party to share with you and reducethe expenses
You Don't Demand that the rest of us pay for you so that you can have a place all to yourself. That solitude is a result of achievement and not an entitlement
Nobody believes right wing propaganda concerning the poor, in the Age of Corporate Welfare.

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