You don't want to believe it because it bursts your bubble. But I've been delivering to industry for over 25 years, and I've seen it happen multiple times. Less than two years ago, I evicted a family because of food stamps. They kept getting further and further behind on rent, but the mother of the children didn't want to get a job because it would have screwed up her stipend.

Because it went through the courts, he has a record of eviction (I put the lease in his name) that any future landlord can find. I garnished his wages for nearly a year. One of my other tenants still hangs around with the couple, and she told me the place he lives in now is a real shit hole. It's about half the size of the place they had here and the landlord takes minimum care of it. For what? Food stamps.

You're a dumb ass Ray. I worked with people in the welfare system for 32 years. Not one case of what you said occurred.

There are not many who do what you have claimed.

Oh, like they'd tell you about their plots. So what you are telling me is all these supervisors fed me a line of bull? I didn't have to evict my tenant because of food stamp? I don't see them at my grocery store buying food with the card, and then buying cigarettes, alcohol, huge bags of dog food and cat litter with cash? I never experienced all these things?

You leftists live in your own little bubble, that's for sure.

You are a dumb ass Ray. It doesn't happen like you say. I worked with people on he system training them to get jobs fool. We were a separate agency contracting out services to SRS in our state. I saw directly how people were working very hard to get off food stamps Ray. Many people are not the ones who came to your store. A few did. You can't buy pet food with food stamps Ray. So now are poor folks on food stamps not allowed to have a pet? You can't buy cigarettes or alcohol with food stamps Ray. So now poor people on food stamps can't smoke or have a drink either? Seems like these people were not playing the system but doing the right thing Ray. Your story amounts to a load of crap.
Ray really is a dumb fuck. I too have experience with public assistance. I worked in a county welfare agency for 5 years. I know how badly people wanted to work and how they struggles to make that assistance check and food stamps last for a month. I also know how badly they were treated by many of the welfare workers who hade a good deal of disdain for them. Foe a time I worked as an auditor tasked with uncovering fraud, What I found was clients being cheated by workers more often that fraud on the part of the recipients.

You're the stupid fuck. You worked in a system that they are taking advantage of, and you expect them to tell you how they are getting away with it?

They really want jobs? Tell them to come here and go to any industrial area, they are all loaded with HELP WANTED signs. Some of our customers can't find people to take their jobs. Do they really need a job? Send them our way. The US needs over 60,000 new tractor-trailer drivers that they can't find. Some will not only train you for the job, but pay you while you learn. Our industry is so desperate right now they are hiring foreigners to take these jobs, and they are terrible drivers to boot.
You really don't have a clue as to what you are talking about!! Why Some Still Can't Find Jobs As The Economy Nears 'Full Employment'
You are still not addressing the issue of food stamps and not making a damned bit of sense. People on food assistance are in need despite other programs and you are just glossing that over.

No, you are ignoring the fact that these "cuts" are projected savings from requiring people to work instead of sucking the government teat instead of getting off their asses and earn their keep.
No Sparky YOU are ignoring and deflecting away from my point about the needs of people who can't work for various reasons. You are as cruel and heartless as Trump. Or just stupid. Which is it?

OK. Let's try this ONE more time. I realize that you are not the brightest bulb in the marquee, so here goes!

If they can't work, they are on disability. If they are too old, they are on Social Security. Those on neither will probably see no change unless they have been sucking the government teat while being fully capable of working or attending job training classes. Unfortunately, there are far too many of them as the stats in this thread have shown.
Are you so fucking out of touch with reality as to believe that people on disability or SS never need additional assistance if they have no other source of income? Someday you might find out. The hard way.

People who are on disability or on social security that are incapable of working will not lose their food stamps. We have covered that ground about ten times in this thread, but the liberal ignorance is strong in you!

The changes take away food stamps from people who are able-bodied but refuse to work or attend job training programs.

Can you please push the "I believe" button and stop with the hysterics and lies?
I don't suppose you watched the video. In addition, your boy, the rotund orange ogre is intent on cutting assistance AND social security for everyone .Pull your head out mister!
You're a dumb ass Ray. I worked with people in the welfare system for 32 years. Not one case of what you said occurred.

There are not many who do what you have claimed.

Oh, like they'd tell you about their plots. So what you are telling me is all these supervisors fed me a line of bull? I didn't have to evict my tenant because of food stamp? I don't see them at my grocery store buying food with the card, and then buying cigarettes, alcohol, huge bags of dog food and cat litter with cash? I never experienced all these things?

You leftists live in your own little bubble, that's for sure.

You are a dumb ass Ray. It doesn't happen like you say. I worked with people on he system training them to get jobs fool. We were a separate agency contracting out services to SRS in our state. I saw directly how people were working very hard to get off food stamps Ray. Many people are not the ones who came to your store. A few did. You can't buy pet food with food stamps Ray. So now are poor folks on food stamps not allowed to have a pet? You can't buy cigarettes or alcohol with food stamps Ray. So now poor people on food stamps can't smoke or have a drink either? Seems like these people were not playing the system but doing the right thing Ray. Your story amounts to a load of crap.
Ray really is a dumb fuck. I too have experience with public assistance. I worked in a county welfare agency for 5 years. I know how badly people wanted to work and how they struggles to make that assistance check and food stamps last for a month. I also know how badly they were treated by many of the welfare workers who hade a good deal of disdain for them. Foe a time I worked as an auditor tasked with uncovering fraud, What I found was clients being cheated by workers more often that fraud on the part of the recipients.

You're the stupid fuck. You worked in a system that they are taking advantage of, and you expect them to tell you how they are getting away with it?

They really want jobs? Tell them to come here and go to any industrial area, they are all loaded with HELP WANTED signs. Some of our customers can't find people to take their jobs. Do they really need a job? Send them our way. The US needs over 60,000 new tractor-trailer drivers that they can't find. Some will not only train you for the job, but pay you while you learn. Our industry is so desperate right now they are hiring foreigners to take these jobs, and they are terrible drivers to boot.
You really don't have a clue as to what you are talking about!! Why Some Still Can't Find Jobs As The Economy Nears 'Full Employment'

I don't, huh?

Labor Paradox: As Trump Fights For Jobs The Trucking Industry Struggles With 'Yuge' Labor Shortage | Zero Hedge
It's called making people work, train, or volunteer while on food stamps:

Thousands Cured Of Poverty After Georgia Introduces Work-For-Food-Stamp Requirement – MILO NEWS

Thousands of people have been miraculously cured of poverty in Georgia following the state’s implementation of a requirement that all those receiving stamps must either be working, training for a job, or volunteering for a non-profit or charity.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “Georgia has been rolling out work requirements for food stamp recipients for over a year.”

The outlet states that the latest rollout saw the requirements reach 21 counties, affecting roughly 12,000 able-bodied people without children.

Those people were given until April 1 to fulfil the aforementioned requirement. But when that date rolled around, The Journal-Constitution, citing state figures, reports that more than half of the food stamp recipients were dropped from the program.

“Essentially, the number of recipients spiraled down from 11,779 to 4,528, or a drop of 62 percent,” the outlet states.

According to The Journal-Constitution Georgian officials are looking at expanding the food stamp requirements to all 159 counties in the state by 2019.

“The greater good is people being employed, being productive, and contributing to the state,” said Bobby Cagle, head of Georgia’s Division of Family and Children Services, according to the outlet...

I've long said that any long-term people on welfare should be required to work in the fields or volunteer 20 hours per week for a government or non-profit agency unless they have a serious and medically-documented condition that precludes them from doing so. We should roll this program out nationwide.

Well, there are better ways of dealing with things.
Oh, like they'd tell you about their plots. So what you are telling me is all these supervisors fed me a line of bull? I didn't have to evict my tenant because of food stamp? I don't see them at my grocery store buying food with the card, and then buying cigarettes, alcohol, huge bags of dog food and cat litter with cash? I never experienced all these things?

You leftists live in your own little bubble, that's for sure.

You are a dumb ass Ray. It doesn't happen like you say. I worked with people on he system training them to get jobs fool. We were a separate agency contracting out services to SRS in our state. I saw directly how people were working very hard to get off food stamps Ray. Many people are not the ones who came to your store. A few did. You can't buy pet food with food stamps Ray. So now are poor folks on food stamps not allowed to have a pet? You can't buy cigarettes or alcohol with food stamps Ray. So now poor people on food stamps can't smoke or have a drink either? Seems like these people were not playing the system but doing the right thing Ray. Your story amounts to a load of crap.
Ray really is a dumb fuck. I too have experience with public assistance. I worked in a county welfare agency for 5 years. I know how badly people wanted to work and how they struggles to make that assistance check and food stamps last for a month. I also know how badly they were treated by many of the welfare workers who hade a good deal of disdain for them. Foe a time I worked as an auditor tasked with uncovering fraud, What I found was clients being cheated by workers more often that fraud on the part of the recipients.

You're the stupid fuck. You worked in a system that they are taking advantage of, and you expect them to tell you how they are getting away with it?

They really want jobs? Tell them to come here and go to any industrial area, they are all loaded with HELP WANTED signs. Some of our customers can't find people to take their jobs. Do they really need a job? Send them our way. The US needs over 60,000 new tractor-trailer drivers that they can't find. Some will not only train you for the job, but pay you while you learn. Our industry is so desperate right now they are hiring foreigners to take these jobs, and they are terrible drivers to boot.
You really don't have a clue as to what you are talking about!! Why Some Still Can't Find Jobs As The Economy Nears 'Full Employment'

I don't, huh?

Labor Paradox: As Trump Fights For Jobs The Trucking Industry Struggles With 'Yuge' Labor Shortage | Zero Hedge
Oh please, cut the dishonest crap. That is hardly an industry that everyone, or even most people can work in, Did you even read it?
Do you know there are many who only work a certain amount of hours so they don't lose their free food stamps? We have customers that use temporary services for help. When things get busy and they ask the temps if they could work overtime, many of them refuse. Why? Because if they make too much money in a month, that gets deducted from their food stamp allowance.

No there aren't many who do that.

mean just look at that comment and wonder just how ignorant a person has t be in order to actually believe something like this.

"Oh no boss, don't give me 40 hours and don't give me a raise, I just want to work 10 and keep making the minimum so I can get food stamps."

You don't want to believe it because it bursts your bubble. But I've been delivering to industry for over 25 years, and I've seen it happen multiple times. Less than two years ago, I evicted a family because of food stamps. They kept getting further and further behind on rent, but the mother of the children didn't want to get a job because it would have screwed up her stipend.

Because it went through the courts, he has a record of eviction (I put the lease in his name) that any future landlord can find. I garnished his wages for nearly a year. One of my other tenants still hangs around with the couple, and she told me the place he lives in now is a real shit hole. It's about half the size of the place they had here and the landlord takes minimum care of it. For what? Food stamps.

You're a dumb ass Ray. I worked with people in the welfare system for 32 years. Not one case of what you said occurred.

There are not many who do what you have claimed.

Oh, like they'd tell you about their plots. So what you are telling me is all these supervisors fed me a line of bull? I didn't have to evict my tenant because of food stamp? I don't see them at my grocery store buying food with the card, and then buying cigarettes, alcohol, huge bags of dog food and cat litter with cash? I never experienced all these things?

You leftists live in your own little bubble, that's for sure.

You are a dumb ass Ray. It doesn't happen like you say. I worked with people on he system training them to get jobs fool. We were a separate agency contracting out services to SRS in our state. I saw directly how people were working very hard to get off food stamps Ray. Many people are not the ones who came to your store. A few did. You can't buy pet food with food stamps Ray. So now are poor folks on food stamps not allowed to have a pet? You can't buy cigarettes or alcohol with food stamps Ray. So now poor people on food stamps can't smoke or have a drink either? Seems like these people were not playing the system but doing the right thing Ray. Your story amounts to a load of crap.

No there aren't many who do that.

mean just look at that comment and wonder just how ignorant a person has t be in order to actually believe something like this.

"Oh no boss, don't give me 40 hours and don't give me a raise, I just want to work 10 and keep making the minimum so I can get food stamps."

You don't want to believe it because it bursts your bubble. But I've been delivering to industry for over 25 years, and I've seen it happen multiple times. Less than two years ago, I evicted a family because of food stamps. They kept getting further and further behind on rent, but the mother of the children didn't want to get a job because it would have screwed up her stipend.

Because it went through the courts, he has a record of eviction (I put the lease in his name) that any future landlord can find. I garnished his wages for nearly a year. One of my other tenants still hangs around with the couple, and she told me the place he lives in now is a real shit hole. It's about half the size of the place they had here and the landlord takes minimum care of it. For what? Food stamps.

You're a dumb ass Ray. I worked with people in the welfare system for 32 years. Not one case of what you said occurred.

There are not many who do what you have claimed.

Oh, like they'd tell you about their plots. So what you are telling me is all these supervisors fed me a line of bull? I didn't have to evict my tenant because of food stamp? I don't see them at my grocery store buying food with the card, and then buying cigarettes, alcohol, huge bags of dog food and cat litter with cash? I never experienced all these things?

You leftists live in your own little bubble, that's for sure.

You are a dumb ass Ray. It doesn't happen like you say. I worked with people on he system training them to get jobs fool. We were a separate agency contracting out services to SRS in our state. I saw directly how people were working very hard to get off food stamps Ray. Many people are not the ones who came to your store. A few did. You can't buy pet food with food stamps Ray. So now are poor folks on food stamps not allowed to have a pet? You can't buy cigarettes or alcohol with food stamps Ray. So now poor people on food stamps can't smoke or have a drink either? Seems like these people were not playing the system but doing the right thing Ray. Your story amounts to a load of crap.
Ray really is a dumb fuck. I too have experience with public assistance. I worked in a county welfare agency for 5 years. I know how badly people wanted to work and how they struggles to make that assistance check and food stamps last for a month. I also know how badly they were treated by many of the welfare workers who hade a good deal of disdain for them. Foe a time I worked as an auditor tasked with uncovering fraud, What I found was clients being cheated by workers more often that fraud on the part of the recipients.

You two are such FUCKING's excuse making piece of shits like you two that make it so easy for the sub human cockroaches to stay the bottom feeding human pets they are. Grab your fucking ballsacks for once...try a little tough-love, maybe even a little shaming and expect people to pull their fucking heads from their fucking asses...obviously your pathetic methods of whining on their behalf and coddling the filthy losers ISN'T FUCKING WORKING!
There was a time when most on welfare felt so ashamed that they fought to get off of it...People have become so disgusting and pathetic these days that they yank that EBT card out with pride....they brag and talk openly about it. You fucking whack-jobs have done an awesome job at removing the shame from anything and everything that should be shameful...GOOD JOB you fucking twisted Loons!
Listen dumb fuck, do you know what the working poor is. Do you know that there are people working two jobs who cant feed their families?

Do you know there are many who only work a certain amount of hours so they don't lose their free food stamps? We have customers that use temporary services for help. When things get busy and they ask the temps if they could work overtime, many of them refuse. Why? Because if they make too much money in a month, that gets deducted from their food stamp allowance.

No there aren't many who do that.

mean just look at that comment and wonder just how ignorant a person has t be in order to actually believe something like this.

"Oh no boss, don't give me 40 hours and don't give me a raise, I just want to work 10 and keep making the minimum so I can get food stamps."

People in Seattle are doing just that

No whites have been the most racist. When you make laws and policy on purpose to deny rights of people based on color, then talk about people of color as you have done, you are making a false equivalence.

What laws, most laws are in favor of blacks, so please explain.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You are a dumb ass Ray. It doesn't happen like you say. I worked with people on he system training them to get jobs fool. We were a separate agency contracting out services to SRS in our state. I saw directly how people were working very hard to get off food stamps Ray. Many people are not the ones who came to your store. A few did. You can't buy pet food with food stamps Ray. So now are poor folks on food stamps not allowed to have a pet? You can't buy cigarettes or alcohol with food stamps Ray. So now poor people on food stamps can't smoke or have a drink either? Seems like these people were not playing the system but doing the right thing Ray. Your story amounts to a load of crap.

You have a real comprehension problem, don't you? I said they USE CASH for those items.

While we are paying to feed them, they are using their money to feed their stupid animals while smoking a carton of cigarettes and getting drunk; probably laughing it up with their friends on their Obama phone.

I know what you said Ray. Maybe you read what I said. The amount of your money that goes to food stamps probably equals less than a nickel. So you go on up to someone and hand them that nickel then tell explain to that person how they should live because you're paying to feed them and see what you get. You dumb ass conservatives talk about a fucking Obama phone when the program started during GW Bush. This is just how ignorant you are relative to these matters yet you think you can just blurt out an opinion and it's authoritative. I've worked in the field. YOU haven't. I say that what you talk about doesn't happen as you claim. That because it doesn't. I speak from 32 years of watching it, you speak from zero days experience.

No whites have been the most racist. When you make laws and policy on purpose to deny rights of people based on color, then talk about people of color as you have done, you are making a false equivalence.

What laws, most laws are in favor of blacks, so please explain.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Do you want me to start with the 3/5ths compromise?

RACE - The Power of an Illusion | White Advantage

I'm black and want to see all those laws that favor us.
Listen dumb fuck, do you know what the working poor is. Do you know that there are people working two jobs who cant feed their families?

Do you know there are many who only work a certain amount of hours so they don't lose their free food stamps? We have customers that use temporary services for help. When things get busy and they ask the temps if they could work overtime, many of them refuse. Why? Because if they make too much money in a month, that gets deducted from their food stamp allowance.

No there aren't many who do that.

mean just look at that comment and wonder just how ignorant a person has t be in order to actually believe something like this.

"Oh no boss, don't give me 40 hours and don't give me a raise, I just want to work 10 and keep making the minimum so I can get food stamps."

You don't want to believe it because it bursts your bubble. But I've been delivering to industry for over 25 years, and I've seen it happen multiple times. Less than two years ago, I evicted a family because of food stamps. They kept getting further and further behind on rent, but the mother of the children didn't want to get a job because it would have screwed up her stipend.

Because it went through the courts, he has a record of eviction (I put the lease in his name) that any future landlord can find. I garnished his wages for nearly a year. One of my other tenants still hangs around with the couple, and she told me the place he lives in now is a real shit hole. It's about half the size of the place they had here and the landlord takes minimum care of it. For what? Food stamps.

We have contracts with property management firms that manage many section 8 homes in Southern California so we interact with bottom feeding human pets within their element and not at a desk in a state office where they're trying to sell us a line of bullshit.
Bear in mind these homes are inhabited by no one that works yet yards are hammered and full of beer cans and bottles, dog shit and dirty diapers. The insides of these homes are DISGUSTING...they smell like a combination of ass, weed, dog shit, rotten food and trash. Filthy kids running around everywhere, dirty clothes throughout the home. Show up at 1pm on a weekday and there are still lowlifes sleeping. These people are so fucking filthy and lazy it amazes me every time. These human cockroaches are in no hurry to go to work...they are totally complacent and well acclimated to the "lifestyle". Trust me when I tell you this is the case MOST of the time. They all seem to have pit bulls, weed, booze and a beat up apparently we're paying them pretty damn good.
Listen dumb fuck, do you know what the working poor is. Do you know that there are people working two jobs who cant feed their families?

Do you know there are many who only work a certain amount of hours so they don't lose their free food stamps? We have customers that use temporary services for help. When things get busy and they ask the temps if they could work overtime, many of them refuse. Why? Because if they make too much money in a month, that gets deducted from their food stamp allowance.

No there aren't many who do that.

mean just look at that comment and wonder just how ignorant a person has t be in order to actually believe something like this.

"Oh no boss, don't give me 40 hours and don't give me a raise, I just want to work 10 and keep making the minimum so I can get food stamps."

You don't want to believe it because it bursts your bubble. But I've been delivering to industry for over 25 years, and I've seen it happen multiple times. Less than two years ago, I evicted a family because of food stamps. They kept getting further and further behind on rent, but the mother of the children didn't want to get a job because it would have screwed up her stipend.

Because it went through the courts, he has a record of eviction (I put the lease in his name) that any future landlord can find. I garnished his wages for nearly a year. One of my other tenants still hangs around with the couple, and she told me the place he lives in now is a real shit hole. It's about half the size of the place they had here and the landlord takes minimum care of it. For what? Food stamps.

We have contracts with property management firms that manage many section 8 homes in Southern California so we interact with bottom feeding human pets within their element and not at a desk in a state office where they're trying to sell us a line of bullshit.
Bear in mind these homes are inhabited by no one that works yet yards are hammered and full of beer cans and bottles, dog shit and dirty diapers. The insides of these homes are DISGUSTING...they smell like a combination of ass, weed, dog shit, rotten food and trash. Filthy kids running around everywhere, dirty clothes throughout the home. Show up at 1pm on a weekday and there are still lowlifes sleeping. These people are so fucking filthy and lazy it amazes me every time. These human cockroaches are in no hurry to go to work...they are totally complacent and well acclimated to the "lifestyle". Trust me when I tell you this is the case MOST of the time. They all seem to have pit bulls, weed, booze and a beat up apparently we're paying them pretty damn good.

Everytime, you out yourself.

Your insistence that this is the norm, that this is a universal condition of Section 8 residents outs you as the bigot you are.
Yep Eugenics to the answer. What an idiot you are.
Oh, so you are a science denier?

Eugenics is not a science. I believe it was disproven long ago.

Given your rhetoric, if we abide by your standards, your parents should have been sterilized before you were born and you should be now.
Of course it is. Now we just call it genetics to keep you "there's-no-such-thing-as-race" science deniers at bay.
These human cockroaches are in no hurry to go to work...they are totally complacent and well acclimated to the "lifestyle". Trust me when I tell you this is the case MOST of the time. They all seem to have pit bulls, weed, booze and a beat up apparently we're paying them pretty damn good.

For every lovely on the dole,
Mandatory birth control.
No whites have been the most racist. When you make laws and policy on purpose to deny rights of people based on color, then talk about people of color as you have done, you are making a false equivalence.

What laws, most laws are in favor of blacks, so please explain.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Do you want me to start with the 3/5ths compromise?

RACE - The Power of an Illusion | White Advantage

I'm black and want to see all those laws that favor us.

The number of laws favoring blacks would not matter at all...face it bud...GENERALLY speaking "your people" aren't real motivated and they certainly aren't seeking achievement and success. Most speak some weird form of English and have zero communication absolute minimum requirement in any workplace. Your people are their own worst enemy...more of "you" need to grow the sack to just say it.
Your people are way too busy trying to become "hard" and more "ghetto" because that's what's respected in the hood...right? You wouldn't dare want to be labeled an Uncle Tom would you?
I know all this pure truth hurts feelings but thankfully I don't give a fuck!
Listen dumb fuck, do you know what the working poor is. Do you know that there are people working two jobs who cant feed their families?

Do you know there are many who only work a certain amount of hours so they don't lose their free food stamps? We have customers that use temporary services for help. When things get busy and they ask the temps if they could work overtime, many of them refuse. Why? Because if they make too much money in a month, that gets deducted from their food stamp allowance.

No there aren't many who do that.

mean just look at that comment and wonder just how ignorant a person has t be in order to actually believe something like this.

"Oh no boss, don't give me 40 hours and don't give me a raise, I just want to work 10 and keep making the minimum so I can get food stamps."

You don't want to believe it because it bursts your bubble. But I've been delivering to industry for over 25 years, and I've seen it happen multiple times. Less than two years ago, I evicted a family because of food stamps. They kept getting further and further behind on rent, but the mother of the children didn't want to get a job because it would have screwed up her stipend.

Because it went through the courts, he has a record of eviction (I put the lease in his name) that any future landlord can find. I garnished his wages for nearly a year. One of my other tenants still hangs around with the couple, and she told me the place he lives in now is a real shit hole. It's about half the size of the place they had here and the landlord takes minimum care of it. For what? Food stamps.

We have contracts with property management firms that manage many section 8 homes in Southern California so we interact with bottom feeding human pets within their element and not at a desk in a state office where they're trying to sell us a line of bullshit.
Bear in mind these homes are inhabited by no one that works yet yards are hammered and full of beer cans and bottles, dog shit and dirty diapers. The insides of these homes are DISGUSTING...they smell like a combination of ass, weed, dog shit, rotten food and trash. Filthy kids running around everywhere, dirty clothes throughout the home. Show up at 1pm on a weekday and there are still lowlifes sleeping. These people are so fucking filthy and lazy it amazes me every time. These human cockroaches are in no hurry to go to work...they are totally complacent and well acclimated to the "lifestyle". Trust me when I tell you this is the case MOST of the time. They all seem to have pit bulls, weed, booze and a beat up apparently we're paying them pretty damn good.

Too bad you are living with psychosis. Get help.
No whites have been the most racist. When you make laws and policy on purpose to deny rights of people based on color, then talk about people of color as you have done, you are making a false equivalence.

What laws, most laws are in favor of blacks, so please explain.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Do you want me to start with the 3/5ths compromise?

RACE - The Power of an Illusion | White Advantage

I'm black and want to see all those laws that favor us.

The number of laws favoring blacks would not matter at all...face it bud...GENERALLY speaking "your people" aren't real motivated and they certainly aren't seeking achievement and success. Most speak some weird form of English and have zero communication absolute minimum requirement in any workplace. Your people are their own worst enemy...more of "you" need to grow the sack to just say it.
Your people are way too busy trying to become "hard" and more "ghetto" because that's what's respected in the hood...right? You wouldn't dare want to be labeled an Uncle Tom would you?
I know all this pure truth hurts feelings but thankfully I don't give a fuck!

So you can't show us any laws favoring blacks.
Listen dumb fuck, do you know what the working poor is. Do you know that there are people working two jobs who cant feed their families?

Do you know there are many who only work a certain amount of hours so they don't lose their free food stamps? We have customers that use temporary services for help. When things get busy and they ask the temps if they could work overtime, many of them refuse. Why? Because if they make too much money in a month, that gets deducted from their food stamp allowance.

No there aren't many who do that.

mean just look at that comment and wonder just how ignorant a person has t be in order to actually believe something like this.

"Oh no boss, don't give me 40 hours and don't give me a raise, I just want to work 10 and keep making the minimum so I can get food stamps."

You don't want to believe it because it bursts your bubble. But I've been delivering to industry for over 25 years, and I've seen it happen multiple times. Less than two years ago, I evicted a family because of food stamps. They kept getting further and further behind on rent, but the mother of the children didn't want to get a job because it would have screwed up her stipend.

Because it went through the courts, he has a record of eviction (I put the lease in his name) that any future landlord can find. I garnished his wages for nearly a year. One of my other tenants still hangs around with the couple, and she told me the place he lives in now is a real shit hole. It's about half the size of the place they had here and the landlord takes minimum care of it. For what? Food stamps.

We have contracts with property management firms that manage many section 8 homes in Southern California so we interact with bottom feeding human pets within their element and not at a desk in a state office where they're trying to sell us a line of bullshit.
Bear in mind these homes are inhabited by no one that works yet yards are hammered and full of beer cans and bottles, dog shit and dirty diapers. The insides of these homes are DISGUSTING...they smell like a combination of ass, weed, dog shit, rotten food and trash. Filthy kids running around everywhere, dirty clothes throughout the home. Show up at 1pm on a weekday and there are still lowlifes sleeping. These people are so fucking filthy and lazy it amazes me every time. These human cockroaches are in no hurry to go to work...they are totally complacent and well acclimated to the "lifestyle". Trust me when I tell you this is the case MOST of the time. They all seem to have pit bulls, weed, booze and a beat up apparently we're paying them pretty damn good.

Everytime, you out yourself.

Your insistence that this is the norm, that this is a universal condition of Section 8 residents outs you as the bigot you are.

On the contrary...for some twisted reason you Libs always want to use the two percentile as your depiction of what's common. How do you guys always do that with a straight face?
100 people, 98 pieces of shits, 2 legitimate....and you weirdos will think the 98 should group in with the 2....haha
Sorry Loons, in the real world outside of LibtardoLand it just doesn't work that way and unfortunately for you stereotyping is alive and well.
Do you know there are many who only work a certain amount of hours so they don't lose their free food stamps? We have customers that use temporary services for help. When things get busy and they ask the temps if they could work overtime, many of them refuse. Why? Because if they make too much money in a month, that gets deducted from their food stamp allowance.

No there aren't many who do that.

mean just look at that comment and wonder just how ignorant a person has t be in order to actually believe something like this.

"Oh no boss, don't give me 40 hours and don't give me a raise, I just want to work 10 and keep making the minimum so I can get food stamps."

You don't want to believe it because it bursts your bubble. But I've been delivering to industry for over 25 years, and I've seen it happen multiple times. Less than two years ago, I evicted a family because of food stamps. They kept getting further and further behind on rent, but the mother of the children didn't want to get a job because it would have screwed up her stipend.

Because it went through the courts, he has a record of eviction (I put the lease in his name) that any future landlord can find. I garnished his wages for nearly a year. One of my other tenants still hangs around with the couple, and she told me the place he lives in now is a real shit hole. It's about half the size of the place they had here and the landlord takes minimum care of it. For what? Food stamps.

We have contracts with property management firms that manage many section 8 homes in Southern California so we interact with bottom feeding human pets within their element and not at a desk in a state office where they're trying to sell us a line of bullshit.
Bear in mind these homes are inhabited by no one that works yet yards are hammered and full of beer cans and bottles, dog shit and dirty diapers. The insides of these homes are DISGUSTING...they smell like a combination of ass, weed, dog shit, rotten food and trash. Filthy kids running around everywhere, dirty clothes throughout the home. Show up at 1pm on a weekday and there are still lowlifes sleeping. These people are so fucking filthy and lazy it amazes me every time. These human cockroaches are in no hurry to go to work...they are totally complacent and well acclimated to the "lifestyle". Trust me when I tell you this is the case MOST of the time. They all seem to have pit bulls, weed, booze and a beat up apparently we're paying them pretty damn good.

Everytime, you out yourself.

Your insistence that this is the norm, that this is a universal condition of Section 8 residents outs you as the bigot you are.

On the contrary...for some twisted reason you Libs always want to use the two percentile as your depiction of what's common. How do you guys always do that with a straight face?
100 people, 98 pieces of shits, 2 legitimate....and you weirdos will think the 98 should group in with the 2....haha
Sorry Loons, in the real world outside of LibtardoLand it just doesn't work that way and unfortunately for you stereotyping is alive and well.

You just keep outing yourself with your insistence that what you claim to observe is the case 98% of the time.

Sorry, it's not.

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