Georgia Investigators have ‘Ballot Trafficker’ Who Is Talking — Admits to Being Paid THOUSANDS in 2020 Election Ballot Boxes Ballot Harvesting Scheme

Why design a system that is more cumbersome than it needs to be. If fraud was as rampant as the Right proclaims why don't we see more concreate examples? You're suggesting a solution in search of a problem. Until Trump it was generally accepted that we didn't live in a banana republic and our elections were fair. The only change I see is Trump's wild accusations. He made similar claims in 2016 and he WON that one. Still he put together a commission to look into voter fraud and all we heard from the commission was crickets.
Fraud is not rampant precisely because things like this are illegal. You point out "individual ballots have so little value and the penalties for violating Federal election laws are so severe, I have to ask, why bother" in a previous post and do not see how that specifically shows why ballot harvesting is generally illegal?

ANY time you consolidate those votes into larger groups, the propensity for organized fraud increases as the overall influence that action would have in changing the election outcome. It is a big deal because it is precisely this type of fraud that needs to be prevented.
Thanks to Trump her election is just a hair short of certain.
Not really. If her election is anywhere near certain, you can blame a whole bunch of ignorant mofos who will vote for that asshole. Or maybe voter fraud.
It looks like the case is starting to break:

Radio host John Fredericks joined Steve Bannon back in September to discuss an EXPLOSIVE development in Georgia.
According to John Fredericks, investigators have video of 240 leftist operatives he called “ballot traffickers” dumping tens of thousands of ballots into drop boxes in the middle of the night in locations across Georgia.
The leftist operatives were identified making numerous drops in the middle of the night in Georgia. They were filmed emptying their backpacks of ballots into the drop boxes in the middle of the night. Ballot harvesting is not legal in Georgia. This was criminal behavior caught on video!
True the Vote and one other organization have copies of the video and promised to release their findings.
Heather Mullins from Real Americas Voice later reported on the John Fredericks radio show that there is video that captures 240 ballot traffickers in Georgia. Each of the traffickers averaged 23-24 drops where they would empty backpacks into the ballot boxes. This is completely illegal. No harvesting is allowed in Georgia.
This was a massive organized effort by the American left to commit fraud.
In September The Gateway Pundit spoke with Catherine Engelbrecht and her group True the Vote was behind this investigation. We also found out it involves SEVERAL STATES.
Catherine told us in the fall that she had important meetings coming up in Georgia. Apparently, the information reached worthless Never-Trump Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.
Reportedly True The Vote was able to take cell phone ping data on a mass wide-scale and piece together that several people—suspected ballot harvesters—were making multiple trips to multiple drop boxes, raising potential legal questions in a number of these states. 242 in Georgia and around 200 in Arizona.
From there, the document continues, True The Vote gathered surveillance video on the drop boxes in Georgia and is attempting to gather similar such surveillance video from other states. The document states that True The Vote has obtained one full petabyte of surveillance footage on drop boxes—two million minutes of video—which it says is broken into 73,000 individual video files. The group is expected to begin releasing some of these videos, which purportedly show the same people going multiple times to the same drop boxes, in the coming weeks.
On Tuesday Just the News reported that one of the ballot traffickers was identified and is now talking. According to Just the News the man WAS PAID THOUSANDS to harvest ballots in Georgia.
Just the News reported on this latest development.
Raffensperger’s office received a detailed complaint from conservative voter integrity group True the Vote on Nov. 30 saying it had assembled evidence that scores of activists worked with nonprofit groups to collect and deliver thousands of absentee ballots, often during wee-hour operations, to temporary voting drop boxes distributed around the state during the pandemic.
The group informed the secretary its evidence included video footage from surveillance cameras placed by counties outside the drop boxes as well as geolocation data for the cell phones of more than 200 activists seen on the tapes purportedly showing the dates and times of ballot drop-offs, according to documents reviewed by Just the News.
The group also said it interviewed a Georgia man who admitted he was paid thousands of dollars to harvest ballots in the Atlanta metropolitan area during the November election and the lead-up to Jan. 5, 2021 runoff for Georgia’s two U.S. Senate seats, which were both captured by Democrats and ended GOP control of Congress. The group has yet to identify the cooperating witness to state authorities, referring to him in the complaint simply as John Doe.
The group does not allege the ballots delivered by couriers were fraudulent. Nonetheless, lawful ballots delivered by third-parties to drop boxes would run afoul of Georgia’s law.
True the Vote is wise not to release the identity of the ballot traffickers to Georgia State Officials considering they certified a fraudulent election.
We are reaching out to True the Vote for comment…

Get him to rat out the ones who ran it.

Biden was right, this was the greatest voter fraud operation ion American history
I was going to say, bet this is bullshit fake news.

It’s been a year since 147 Republican lawmakers voted to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election after fueling a lie about widespread voter fraud.

Do those 147 Republicans now concede that Biden was elected president, fair and square, a full year later? Do they regret their votes against certifying the Electoral College count? HuffPost posed both questions to all 147 Republicans over the span of a couple of weeks in December, either in person or via their offices. (One of those members, former Rep. Ron Wright of Texas, passed away in February.)
They overwhelmingly declined to answer.
“Call our press office,” said Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) when asked if he believes Biden fairly won the election a year ago.
I don't and never will. Theft is not a loss.
I was going to say, bet this is bullshit fake news.

It’s been a year since 147 Republican lawmakers voted to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election after fueling a lie about widespread voter fraud.

Do those 147 Republicans now concede that Biden was elected president, fair and square, a full year later? Do they regret their votes against certifying the Electoral College count? HuffPost posed both questions to all 147 Republicans over the span of a couple of weeks in December, either in person or via their offices. (One of those members, former Rep. Ron Wright of Texas, passed away in February.)
They overwhelmingly declined to answer.
“Call our press office,” said Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) when asked if he believes Biden fairly won the election a year ago.
It's not lie, asshole. Every ballot collected by the traffickers is illegal. That's several hundred thousand ballots.
Not really. If her election is anywhere near certain, you can blame a whole bunch of ignorant mofos who will vote for that asshole. Or maybe voter fraud.

The average election usually breaks down this way. A third of the population will vote Democrat. They would vote Democrat no matter who the candidate is. It could be Stalin on the ballot and they would vote Democrat.

The reverse is also true. A third of the voters would vote Republican no matter who is on the ballot. They honestly believe the worst Republican is better than the best Democrat.

Elections are decided by the last third. They are Moderates. They shift left and right slightly depending on the candidates and issues.

This is the third that shifted for Trump in 2016, and away from him in 2020. In a first nearly half of the voters said they were most motivated to vote against Trump.

That was their big issue. Not the economy, or guns, or abortion, or anything else. They didn’t give a fiddlers fuck about immigration. They just got fed up with Trump.

As we go into 2022’s election season in Georgia. We have three recent elections to consider. 2016 where Republicans did very well. 2018 where they won, if only just in Georgia. And 2020 where they lost.

Trump is a very polarizing figure. Either you love him or you hate him. Oh there are a few who don’t care. But generally speaking. It is love or hate.

By endorsing his candidates who continue to push the discredited claim that the 2020 election was stolen. Well you guarantee that somebody isn’t going to vote for your side in the general.

If Kemp is the nominee, do you honestly think the Trump Fanboys are going to turn out in large numbers to vote for the SOB who screwed Trump in 2020? If Purdue is the nominee, do you honestly think that the Conservatives who don’t love Trump will show up and support him?

Kemp won by 50,000 votes. That’s all. That was the margin in 2018. With nearly 4 million voting you can see how small that margin really is.

Trump’s endorsement pretty much guarantees that at least that many stay home. No matter who wins the nomination. Enough will abstain to give Abrams the win.
It looks like the case is starting to break:

Radio host John Fredericks joined Steve Bannon back in September to discuss an EXPLOSIVE development in Georgia.
According to John Fredericks, investigators have video of 240 leftist operatives he called “ballot traffickers” dumping tens of thousands of ballots into drop boxes in the middle of the night in locations across Georgia.
The leftist operatives were identified making numerous drops in the middle of the night in Georgia. They were filmed emptying their backpacks of ballots into the drop boxes in the middle of the night. Ballot harvesting is not legal in Georgia. This was criminal behavior caught on video!
True the Vote and one other organization have copies of the video and promised to release their findings.
Heather Mullins from Real Americas Voice later reported on the John Fredericks radio show that there is video that captures 240 ballot traffickers in Georgia. Each of the traffickers averaged 23-24 drops where they would empty backpacks into the ballot boxes. This is completely illegal. No harvesting is allowed in Georgia.
This was a massive organized effort by the American left to commit fraud.
In September The Gateway Pundit spoke with Catherine Engelbrecht and her group True the Vote was behind this investigation. We also found out it involves SEVERAL STATES.
Catherine told us in the fall that she had important meetings coming up in Georgia. Apparently, the information reached worthless Never-Trump Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.
Reportedly True The Vote was able to take cell phone ping data on a mass wide-scale and piece together that several people—suspected ballot harvesters—were making multiple trips to multiple drop boxes, raising potential legal questions in a number of these states. 242 in Georgia and around 200 in Arizona.
From there, the document continues, True The Vote gathered surveillance video on the drop boxes in Georgia and is attempting to gather similar such surveillance video from other states. The document states that True The Vote has obtained one full petabyte of surveillance footage on drop boxes—two million minutes of video—which it says is broken into 73,000 individual video files. The group is expected to begin releasing some of these videos, which purportedly show the same people going multiple times to the same drop boxes, in the coming weeks.
On Tuesday Just the News reported that one of the ballot traffickers was identified and is now talking. According to Just the News the man WAS PAID THOUSANDS to harvest ballots in Georgia.
Just the News reported on this latest development.
Raffensperger’s office received a detailed complaint from conservative voter integrity group True the Vote on Nov. 30 saying it had assembled evidence that scores of activists worked with nonprofit groups to collect and deliver thousands of absentee ballots, often during wee-hour operations, to temporary voting drop boxes distributed around the state during the pandemic.
The group informed the secretary its evidence included video footage from surveillance cameras placed by counties outside the drop boxes as well as geolocation data for the cell phones of more than 200 activists seen on the tapes purportedly showing the dates and times of ballot drop-offs, according to documents reviewed by Just the News.
The group also said it interviewed a Georgia man who admitted he was paid thousands of dollars to harvest ballots in the Atlanta metropolitan area during the November election and the lead-up to Jan. 5, 2021 runoff for Georgia’s two U.S. Senate seats, which were both captured by Democrats and ended GOP control of Congress. The group has yet to identify the cooperating witness to state authorities, referring to him in the complaint simply as John Doe.
The group does not allege the ballots delivered by couriers were fraudulent. Nonetheless, lawful ballots delivered by third-parties to drop boxes would run afoul of Georgia’s law.
True the Vote is wise not to release the identity of the ballot traffickers to Georgia State Officials considering they certified a fraudulent election.
We are reaching out to True the Vote for comment…
Do you EVER learn?
The average election usually breaks down this way. A third of the population will vote Democrat. They would vote Democrat no matter who the candidate is. It could be Stalin on the ballot and they would vote Democrat.

The reverse is also true. A third of the voters would vote Republican no matter who is on the ballot. They honestly believe the worst Republican is better than the best Democrat.

Elections are decided by the last third. They are Moderates. They shift left and right slightly depending on the candidates and issues.

This is the third that shifted for Trump in 2016, and away from him in 2020. In a first nearly half of the voters said they were most motivated to vote against Trump.

That was their big issue. Not the economy, or guns, or abortion, or anything else. They didn’t give a fiddlers fuck about immigration. They just got fed up with Trump.

As we go into 2022’s election season in Georgia. We have three recent elections to consider. 2016 where Republicans did very well. 2018 where they won, if only just in Georgia. And 2020 where they lost.

Trump is a very polarizing figure. Either you love him or you hate him. Oh there are a few who don’t care. But generally speaking. It is love or hate.

By endorsing his candidates who continue to push the discredited claim that the 2020 election was stolen. Well you guarantee that somebody isn’t going to vote for your side in the general.

If Kemp is the nominee, do you honestly think the Trump Fanboys are going to turn out in large numbers to vote for the SOB who screwed Trump in 2020? If Purdue is the nominee, do you honestly think that the Conservatives who don’t love Trump will show up and support him?

Kemp won by 50,000 votes. That’s all. That was the margin in 2018. With nearly 4 million voting you can see how small that margin really is.

Trump’s endorsement pretty much guarantees that at least that many stay home. No matter who wins the nomination. Enough will abstain to give Abrams the win.

You don't mention that Biden got all those votes by winning around half the counties that Hilliary did--------so if it were the fed up with Trump vote, you would have seen more spread out voting across counties making Biden the winner in more counties but that isn't what we saw. We saw far fewer counties going to biden with all this mysterious ballots turning up at 3 in the morning----meaning CHEATING THEIR ASS off votes.

You don't mention that Biden got all those votes by winning around half the counties that Hilliary did--------so if it were the fed up with Trump vote, you would have seen more spread out voting across counties making Biden the winner in more counties but that isn't what we saw. We saw far fewer counties going to biden with all this mysterious ballots turning up at 3 in the morning----meaning CHEATING THEIR ASS off votes.

Oh bullshit.

Look at the gains in those counties, and you’ll see not only did Biden gain votes in the counties, but so did Trump. So if they were going to cheat, why have people cheat in counties that Trump won? Why not cheat more in those Counties? Oh wait, I know. Because the Republicans in Georgia are traitors.

This is why I fear that Georgia is going to go Blue this November. Because morons like you are too stupid to actually talk to people, and listen to what they say, and instead project your own insanity upon them.
It looks like the case is starting to break:

Radio host John Fredericks joined Steve Bannon back in September to discuss an EXPLOSIVE development in Georgia.
According to John Fredericks, investigators have video of 240 leftist operatives he called “ballot traffickers” dumping tens of thousands of ballots into drop boxes in the middle of the night in locations across Georgia.
The leftist operatives were identified making numerous drops in the middle of the night in Georgia. They were filmed emptying their backpacks of ballots into the drop boxes in the middle of the night. Ballot harvesting is not legal in Georgia. This was criminal behavior caught on video!
True the Vote and one other organization have copies of the video and promised to release their findings.
Heather Mullins from Real Americas Voice later reported on the John Fredericks radio show that there is video that captures 240 ballot traffickers in Georgia. Each of the traffickers averaged 23-24 drops where they would empty backpacks into the ballot boxes. This is completely illegal. No harvesting is allowed in Georgia.
This was a massive organized effort by the American left to commit fraud.
In September The Gateway Pundit spoke with Catherine Engelbrecht and her group True the Vote was behind this investigation. We also found out it involves SEVERAL STATES.
Catherine told us in the fall that she had important meetings coming up in Georgia. Apparently, the information reached worthless Never-Trump Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.
Reportedly True The Vote was able to take cell phone ping data on a mass wide-scale and piece together that several people—suspected ballot harvesters—were making multiple trips to multiple drop boxes, raising potential legal questions in a number of these states. 242 in Georgia and around 200 in Arizona.
From there, the document continues, True The Vote gathered surveillance video on the drop boxes in Georgia and is attempting to gather similar such surveillance video from other states. The document states that True The Vote has obtained one full petabyte of surveillance footage on drop boxes—two million minutes of video—which it says is broken into 73,000 individual video files. The group is expected to begin releasing some of these videos, which purportedly show the same people going multiple times to the same drop boxes, in the coming weeks.
On Tuesday Just the News reported that one of the ballot traffickers was identified and is now talking. According to Just the News the man WAS PAID THOUSANDS to harvest ballots in Georgia.
Just the News reported on this latest development.
Raffensperger’s office received a detailed complaint from conservative voter integrity group True the Vote on Nov. 30 saying it had assembled evidence that scores of activists worked with nonprofit groups to collect and deliver thousands of absentee ballots, often during wee-hour operations, to temporary voting drop boxes distributed around the state during the pandemic.
The group informed the secretary its evidence included video footage from surveillance cameras placed by counties outside the drop boxes as well as geolocation data for the cell phones of more than 200 activists seen on the tapes purportedly showing the dates and times of ballot drop-offs, according to documents reviewed by Just the News.
The group also said it interviewed a Georgia man who admitted he was paid thousands of dollars to harvest ballots in the Atlanta metropolitan area during the November election and the lead-up to Jan. 5, 2021 runoff for Georgia’s two U.S. Senate seats, which were both captured by Democrats and ended GOP control of Congress. The group has yet to identify the cooperating witness to state authorities, referring to him in the complaint simply as John Doe.
The group does not allege the ballots delivered by couriers were fraudulent. Nonetheless, lawful ballots delivered by third-parties to drop boxes would run afoul of Georgia’s law.
True the Vote is wise not to release the identity of the ballot traffickers to Georgia State Officials considering they certified a fraudulent election.
We are reaching out to True the Vote for comment…
What a load of bullshit.
Oh bullshit.

Look at the gains in those counties, and you’ll see not only did Biden gain votes in the counties, but so did Trump. So if they were going to cheat, why have people cheat in counties that Trump won? Why not cheat more in those Counties? Oh wait, I know. Because the Republicans in Georgia are traitors.

This is why I fear that Georgia is going to go Blue this November. Because morons like you are too stupid to actually talk to people, and listen to what they say, and instead project your own insanity upon them.
And you IGNORED what I said completely.

If people were fed up with Trump by the millions as you indicated, you would expect to see Biden win MORE counties than Hilliary. Instead we see Biden lose about half the counties that Hilliary won. We saw MORE VOTES for Trump in most all counties except in a few inner completely dem controlled counties that allowed mail in voting. Trump btw, also got a record number of black and hispanic votes.

Ergo the logical explanation---is stuffing the ballot boxes in a few select areas (where they could get away with cheating).
And you IGNORED what I said completely.

If people were fed up with Trump by the millions as you indicated, you would expect to see Biden win MORE counties than Hilliary. Instead we see Biden lose about half the counties that Hilliary won. We saw MORE VOTES for Trump in most all counties except in a few inner completely dem controlled counties that allowed mail in voting. Trump btw, also got a record number of black and hispanic votes.

Ergo the logical explanation---is stuffing the ballot boxes in a few select areas (where they could get away with cheating).

And you breezed over my reply. More counties did vote for Biden. He got increases in many counties, as was shown in the map I linked to. You should have scrolled down a bit.

In fact, let’s look at the counties with the biggest shift.


Look at the averages, even in serious Republican plus nearly 52 counties. A steady shift towards Biden. So your conspiracy wouldn’t be just three counties would it? But essentially every single county in Georgia. That means Republican Election officials, as well as Democrat.

Try thinking for yourself, or better yet, checking some of your ideals against the facts. It might keep you from continuing to put forth discredited theories as proof of your rightness. Or whatever.
It looks like the case is starting to break:

Radio host John Fredericks joined Steve Bannon back in September to discuss an EXPLOSIVE development in Georgia.
According to John Fredericks, investigators have video of 240 leftist operatives he called “ballot traffickers” dumping tens of thousands of ballots into drop boxes in the middle of the night in locations across Georgia.
The leftist operatives were identified making numerous drops in the middle of the night in Georgia. They were filmed emptying their backpacks of ballots into the drop boxes in the middle of the night. Ballot harvesting is not legal in Georgia. This was criminal behavior caught on video!
True the Vote and one other organization have copies of the video and promised to release their findings.
Heather Mullins from Real Americas Voice later reported on the John Fredericks radio show that there is video that captures 240 ballot traffickers in Georgia. Each of the traffickers averaged 23-24 drops where they would empty backpacks into the ballot boxes. This is completely illegal. No harvesting is allowed in Georgia.
This was a massive organized effort by the American left to commit fraud.
In September The Gateway Pundit spoke with Catherine Engelbrecht and her group True the Vote was behind this investigation. We also found out it involves SEVERAL STATES.
Catherine told us in the fall that she had important meetings coming up in Georgia. Apparently, the information reached worthless Never-Trump Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.
Reportedly True The Vote was able to take cell phone ping data on a mass wide-scale and piece together that several people—suspected ballot harvesters—were making multiple trips to multiple drop boxes, raising potential legal questions in a number of these states. 242 in Georgia and around 200 in Arizona.
From there, the document continues, True The Vote gathered surveillance video on the drop boxes in Georgia and is attempting to gather similar such surveillance video from other states. The document states that True The Vote has obtained one full petabyte of surveillance footage on drop boxes—two million minutes of video—which it says is broken into 73,000 individual video files. The group is expected to begin releasing some of these videos, which purportedly show the same people going multiple times to the same drop boxes, in the coming weeks.
On Tuesday Just the News reported that one of the ballot traffickers was identified and is now talking. According to Just the News the man WAS PAID THOUSANDS to harvest ballots in Georgia.
Just the News reported on this latest development.
Raffensperger’s office received a detailed complaint from conservative voter integrity group True the Vote on Nov. 30 saying it had assembled evidence that scores of activists worked with nonprofit groups to collect and deliver thousands of absentee ballots, often during wee-hour operations, to temporary voting drop boxes distributed around the state during the pandemic.
The group informed the secretary its evidence included video footage from surveillance cameras placed by counties outside the drop boxes as well as geolocation data for the cell phones of more than 200 activists seen on the tapes purportedly showing the dates and times of ballot drop-offs, according to documents reviewed by Just the News.
The group also said it interviewed a Georgia man who admitted he was paid thousands of dollars to harvest ballots in the Atlanta metropolitan area during the November election and the lead-up to Jan. 5, 2021 runoff for Georgia’s two U.S. Senate seats, which were both captured by Democrats and ended GOP control of Congress. The group has yet to identify the cooperating witness to state authorities, referring to him in the complaint simply as John Doe.
The group does not allege the ballots delivered by couriers were fraudulent. Nonetheless, lawful ballots delivered by third-parties to drop boxes would run afoul of Georgia’s law.
True the Vote is wise not to release the identity of the ballot traffickers to Georgia State Officials considering they certified a fraudulent election.
We are reaching out to True the Vote for comment…
Hahahaha… explosions back in September?!?! On Bannons fake news internet show?! Wow. Didn’t he get arrested for ripping people off with a fund the wall scheme?

y’all are pathetic
And you breezed over my reply. More counties did vote for Biden. He got increases in many counties, as was shown in the map I linked to. You should have scrolled down a bit.

In fact, let’s look at the counties with the biggest shift.

View attachment 595566

Look at the averages, even in serious Republican plus nearly 52 counties. A steady shift towards Biden. So your conspiracy wouldn’t be just three counties would it? But essentially every single county in Georgia. That means Republican Election officials, as well as Democrat.

Try thinking for yourself, or better yet, checking some of your ideals against the facts. It might keep you from continuing to put forth discredited theories as proof of your rightness. Or whatever.

And you breezed over my reply. More counties did vote for Biden. He got increases in many counties, as was shown in the map I linked to. You should have scrolled down a bit.

In fact, let’s look at the counties with the biggest shift.

View attachment 595566

Look at the averages, even in serious Republican plus nearly 52 counties. A steady shift towards Biden. So your conspiracy wouldn’t be just three counties would it? But essentially every single county in Georgia. That means Republican Election officials, as well as Democrat.

Try thinking for yourself, or better yet, checking some of your ideals against the facts. It might keep you from continuing to put forth discredited theories as proof of your rightness. Or whatever.
You want to narrow the argument just for GA? Is there a particular reason? One county flipped in went from Blue to RED (BURKE)

Again, not buying the bullshit. Biden didn't have the votes---------not the real ones anyways. Trump got a record number of voters-----had supporters at his rallies and won more counties. LET ME SPECIFY---BIDEN HAD A RECORD NUMBER OF COUNTIES--THE FEWEST EVER AT 16.7%.

So far---we know of the dems were using addresses of supporters to sign up non residents to vote using the one address, some illegal support Fontana something and something other signing up both illegals and a whole bunch of underage to vote, massive Vote harvesting and a lot of voters 120 years old plus to vote-----pretty sure the dems do as they have always done but more so stuff the ballots in dem controlled areas--in GA I am pretty sure ABRAMS was in charge of the voting stuffing and has already made a freudian slip to her special favorite county.
A valid question has been asked. Will anybody answer it?

---“Why isn’t the Unselect Committee investigating the massive ballot harvesting operation that has just been irrefutably reported, on tape, in Georgia and other Swing States?---

The stolen election should actually be a pinned topic in this forum since it is the crime of the century. Don't you agree Meister ? The biggest most significant crime of the century, and an ongoing crime at that, should be a permanent pinned topic.

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