Georgia mail voting is a mess. Lots of fraud. Trump reiterates call against voting by mail

That's why the Republican majority legislature created it eh? To fit the democrat's plan.....? :rofl:

Okie dokie!

Anyone who doesn't ape the conspiracy is part of the conspiracy.

The Tinfoil brigade has long since folded the republican Governor, Secretary of State and Election Manager into their silly batshit.

Conspiracies are ever hungry things that constantly have to be fed new meat to survive. And republicans are absolutely on the menu as meat for their own conspiracy monsters.
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Agreed. Only vote on election day. Must have passport, driver's license, or state issued picture ID. Must also be up to date on all Covid immunizations and boosters, masked up, all property, state, and federal income taxes completely discharged. No pending court cases. Polls are open from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM but if you are still in line at 2 you get to vote. No one allowed in the que after 2. Metal detectors in use. Employers are not required to allow workers time to vote. No vans from nursing homes allowed, could be ballot harvesting. No assistance for the handicapped allowed, possible unfair manipulation of voter. No guidance from poll workers, same reason. You walk in, you get your ballot, you go the machine, and you vote. Can't figure it out, sucks to be you.
Never underestimate a Prog. The stage is always beckoning with a dumbed down population with many believing in the propaganda they have been educated with.
That's why the Republican majority legislature created it eh? To fit the democrat's plan.....? :rofl:

Okie dokie!
Republicans didn't demand mail in voter fraud. That BULLSHIT is 100% lefties.
Perhaps the neutered gop is too much of a fucking coward to end it
Republicans didn't demand mail in voter fraud. That BULLSHIT is 100% lefties.
Perhaps the neutered gop is too much of a fucking coward to end it

They didn’t demand it, the created it out of their imagination because they couldn’t admit the voters didn’t like their presidential candidate
WRONG! Manipulation and Fraud have been proven throughout the country, which is why states are still trying to secure their flawed election processes. Your left-wing dimwits are happy to ignore what is right in your face and are willing to accept what you refer to as just itty bitty nonconsequential fraud. Left unattended itty bitty will morph into HUMONGOUS. Voter fraud will continue to escalate under the auspices of the Biden administration and those like yourself who turn a blind eye. FJB
Conspiracy Theories. HERE I COME. !!!! LOL's pretty way to stop most of the fraud is make mass mailings of ballots a felony.
Every ballot mailed should be on request by the voter to a registered address....not a P.O. Box.
This is what absentee voting has always been like.
In CA I used to have to vote absentee when I was deployed.....and I had to request a ballot....but that was back in the 70s and 80s.
There is no mass fraud. There have been very few, compared to the 150 Million votes in 2020, and who knows how many this midterm. No cases of fraud has been found so far, that I have heard of, this midterm.

Enough of the empty conspiracies designed for dummies.
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Russian interference in the 2016 was proven by a Bipartisan commission.

You do not care to believe your own Republicans, you are on your own.
The Russians have been interfering in our elections and spying on our government since the 50s.
What you're claiming is that Trump colluded with them to win the White House....which was a total fabrication by the Hillary campaign.
Some of the Republicans are getting money from money-laundering schemes along with the Democrats.
Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham, and several others are on the take.
So the fact that some of them have said Russian interference is real doesn't mean Trump was guilty of anything.
Russia has always tried to influence our elections. The Democrats just claimed Russia was using social media to do they could take control of Twitter and Facebook and censor the news and silence conservative thought.
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The Russians have been interfering in our elections and spying on our government since the 50s.
What you're claiming is that Trump colluded with them to win the White House....which was a total fabrication by the Hillary campaign.
Some of the Republicans are getting money from money-laundering schemes along with the Democrats.
Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham, and several others are on the take.
So the fact that some of them have said Russian interference is real doesn't mean Trump was guilty of anything.
Russia has always tried to influence our elections. The Democrats just claimed Russia was using social media to do they could take control of Twitter and Facebook and censor the news and silence conservative thought.
No, no one is saying that Trump colluded. He, and his family, may have been used by Russians without knowing it, but there is beyond proof, that the Russians wanted Trump over Clinton as President and endlessly interfered in that election.
What’s funny is you think you’ve made a point here.
The Point IS........Trump is a liar. Has been all of his life.

Republicans want to do away with mail in ballots because Democrats vote the most that way.

Doing away with it, Democrats would still show up and vote.

Keep feeding yourselves the lies you love the most, buy the LIAR you love the most.
The Point IS........Trump is a liar. Has been all of his life.

Republicans want to do away with mail in ballots because Democrats vote the most that way.

Doing away with it, Democrats would still show up and vote.

Keep feeding yourselves the lies you love the most, buy the LIAR you love the most.
Yes . I agree most lazy America haters vote by mail.
Yes . I agree most lazy America haters vote by mail.
Disagree! The smart voters, vote by mail. With the ballot in their hands early, they can research each candidate thoroughly, and research any referendum questions, before filling in the circle of their choice, making wiser and well thought out picks!

I LOVE IT! Been voting this way, much like Trump, for 20 - 30 years, in 3 different states that we've lived in, over that time!

Voting in person is a waste of my valuable time! Time is money. :D
Disagree! The smart voters, vote by mail. With the ballot in their hands early, they can research each candidate thoroughly, and research any referendum questions, before filling in the circle of their choice, making wiser and well thought out picks!

I LOVE IT! Been voting this way, much like Trump, for 20 - 30 years, in 3 different states that we've lived in, over that time!

Voting in person is a waste of my valuable time! Time is money. :D

Yeah, that’s what the majority of leftists voters do,research.

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