Georgia Senate blocks mega tax cuts for Delta in response to Delta punishing law abiding NRA

Whether it was a good business decision or not still does not give the government the right to try and overturn it.

I never said that's what gave them the right.

Delta has the freedom to make shitty business decisions, the government is denied the power by the constitution from trying to overturn it.

Where in the Constitution does it mandate tax breaks for airlines?
Where in the Constitution does it say that State Governments are allowed to coerce Corporate Citizens to support a third-party Lobbying Organization?

Where does it say it can't?

If the government is trying to force on private entity to give a financial discount to a different entity, then they are not being treated equally, and the constitution requires the government to give everyone the same protreactgoins under the law. The Ga Senate and LtGov violated this clause, which was a very, very left leaning/liberal thing to do. And you supported it, meaning you are one of the people pushing the country further to the left.

First of all, the Equal Protection clause was written on behalf of former slaves. It's about how our FEDERAL government applies law equally.

Secondly, if taxation were covered under that clause, a pack of cigarettes would be about 90 cents today. A 12 pack of beer around four bucks. The rich would pay the same percentage of taxes as everybody else, and of course, there would be no such thing as Affirmative Action or Hate Crime laws.
The arrangements are for EVENTS. There is no corporate arrangement in place for the NRA.

This is correct, as Delta has ended it and asked the NRA to remove them from the NRA website and promotional material.

BTW, only 13 NRA members used it.

Which shows you how stupid the statist policies you support are. The statist in the Ga Senate attacked a company the employs 30,000 people in their state to preserve the discount for 13 people nationwide. That is how stupid liberal policies you support are.

Google is your friend. That is if you don't want to look stupid.

This from the guy that lied about who Delta gave discounts to.

Then again you're a leftist. Not looking stupid isn't an objective for you

Nothing cuter than a liberal statist calling me leftist!

Being a statist tends to mean in favor of big, centralized, federal government....States and local governments are different. They are more answerable to the people.

Exactly. The other thing is there are 50 States so you have a choice. One central government ends choice
The arrangements are for EVENTS. There is no corporate arrangement in place for the NRA.

This is correct, as Delta has ended it and asked the NRA to remove them from the NRA website and promotional material.

BTW, only 13 NRA members used it.

Which shows you how stupid the statist policies you support are. The statist in the Ga Senate attacked a company the employs 30,000 people in their state to preserve the discount for 13 people nationwide. That is how stupid liberal policies you support are.

Google is your friend. That is if you don't want to look stupid.

This from the guy that lied about who Delta gave discounts to.

Then again you're a leftist. Not looking stupid isn't an objective for you

Nothing cuter than a liberal statist calling me leftist!

Being a statist tends to mean in favor of big, centralized, federal government....States and local governments are different. They are more answerable to the people.

It is just as applicable on a state level when the state tries to interfere with the interactions between two private entities, trying to force one to give financial discounts to the other. That sounds like substantial centralized control to me.

Sent from my iPhone using

You just wanted Delta to get free taxpayer money. Typical statist
The arrangements are for EVENTS. There is no corporate arrangement in place for the NRA.

This is correct, as Delta has ended it and asked the NRA to remove them from the NRA website and promotional material.

BTW, only 13 NRA members used it.

Which shows you how stupid the statist policies you support are. The statist in the Ga Senate attacked a company the employs 30,000 people in their state to preserve the discount for 13 people nationwide. That is how stupid liberal policies you support are.

Google is your friend. That is if you don't want to look stupid.

This from the guy that lied about who Delta gave discounts to.

Then again you're a leftist. Not looking stupid isn't an objective for you

Nothing cuter than a liberal statist calling me leftist!

Being a statist tends to mean in favor of big, centralized, federal government....States and local governments are different. They are more answerable to the people.
State governments are good for the small local-yokel stuff, but as useless as a screen door on a submarine when it comes to the Big Ticket Stuff like War and Peace.

No one is advocating States have their own militaries for national defense. So your statement is true, but utterly useless
And yet if we switched parties, the three of them would all switch sides.

I'm not much interested in your sides. If you switched patties, but we're still spouting the same authoritarian horseshit, I'd still call you on it.

I espoused authoritarian horseshit? When did I do that?

Hearing things again?
With nearly every post. But remember, I'm a "leftist".

You're typical of why so few real libertarians come from the left. You can accept the idea that government isn't the solution to all our problems. But when the rubber hits the road and we get into policies, you're too afraid to believe what you just said and give up government solutions.

You can't implement libertarianism through State power. You just can't
Publicly announcing they were doing it because "NRA" is attacking them.

Is not sentence.

And you don't know what a fascist is, you far closer fit the definition than I do

Hey, you're the one cheering on government coercion to influence how a company operates its own business. Now me, I don't believe government has any such right to meddle in how a business chooses its own policies. What that makes me is a "Liberal".

You're not a liberal, I am. You are a leftist. They are entirely different

They are indeed entirely different, a distinction lost on many.

But you'll note which one of is taking the stand against government trying to coerce a business into assuming its preferred political posture. That, obviously, makes me the Liberal. Much as I hate to say it about this particular company, Lieutenant Dipshit needs to leave Delta the fuck alone.

No liberal fails to grasp the difference between positive and negative rights. That's leftist
The law was written to benefit Delta and it disproportionately does.

Yuh huh.


This is basic factual information. Here's an interesting site!

And that question has been repeatedly addressed in the discussion, including by me. I pass on your assigning me homework
ok - some facts around this from another view.

the taxes in question were given to ALL airlines in Atlanta's airport during the recession to encourage them to not lay off people.
many hated that break at the time and still do.
many have been working to end this for ALL airlines, not just delta as ALL airlines got them
while the NRA act may *seem* like it's due to the protest, it's not. it's just being interpreted that way because that's what *we* do.

odds are the tax break was going to end anyway and again this has nothing to really do with it. even then, the break won't end until 2019 so who knows what will happen between now and then.

it's amazing how we all tend to live in the hype and not the reality.

Thank you for the facts. I think one of the facts you left out was that the LtGov of Ga and a few select Senators choose to make it about the NRA vs Delta. They are the ones that first tied the tax breaks to special treatment for the NRA.

Take the statement from the LtGov and Senators away and I would have been cheering for the tax break to end...but as I have stated, the Govt choosing to interfere was a much bigger part of the story for me.
no they didn't. they made it against Delta and their constituents who had memberships to the NRA. not the nra. you should read.
The arrangements are for EVENTS. There is no corporate arrangement in place for the NRA.

This is correct, as Delta has ended it and asked the NRA to remove them from the NRA website and promotional material.

BTW, only 13 NRA members used it.

Which shows you how stupid the statist policies you support are. The statist in the Ga Senate attacked a company the employs 30,000 people in their state to preserve the discount for 13 people nationwide. That is how stupid liberal policies you support are.

Google is your friend. That is if you don't want to look stupid.

This from the guy that lied about who Delta gave discounts to.

Then again you're a leftist. Not looking stupid isn't an objective for you

Nothing cuter than a liberal statist calling me leftist!

Being a statist tends to mean in favor of big, centralized, federal government....States and local governments are different. They are more answerable to the people.

Exactly. The other thing is there are 50 States so you have a choice. One central government ends choice

Lots of choices...there are 195 countries to choose from

Sent from my iPhone using
The arrangements are for EVENTS. There is no corporate arrangement in place for the NRA.

This is correct, as Delta has ended it and asked the NRA to remove them from the NRA website and promotional material.

BTW, only 13 NRA members used it.

Which shows you how stupid the statist policies you support are. The statist in the Ga Senate attacked a company the employs 30,000 people in their state to preserve the discount for 13 people nationwide. That is how stupid liberal policies you support are.

Google is your friend. That is if you don't want to look stupid.

This from the guy that lied about who Delta gave discounts to.

Then again you're a leftist. Not looking stupid isn't an objective for you

Nothing cuter than a liberal statist calling me leftist!

Being a statist tends to mean in favor of big, centralized, federal government....States and local governments are different. They are more answerable to the people.

It is just as applicable on a state level when the state tries to interfere with the interactions between two private entities, trying to force one to give financial discounts to the other. That sounds like substantial centralized control to me.

Sent from my iPhone using

You just wanted Delta to get free taxpayer money. Typical statist

Oh look, I called you a statist and now you are calling me one. Seems you were just whining like a 3 year old about that behavior

Sent from my iPhone using
The arrangements are for EVENTS. There is no corporate arrangement in place for the NRA.

This is correct, as Delta has ended it and asked the NRA to remove them from the NRA website and promotional material.

BTW, only 13 NRA members used it.

Which shows you how stupid the statist policies you support are. The statist in the Ga Senate attacked a company the employs 30,000 people in their state to preserve the discount for 13 people nationwide. That is how stupid liberal policies you support are.

Google is your friend. That is if you don't want to look stupid.

This from the guy that lied about who Delta gave discounts to.

Then again you're a leftist. Not looking stupid isn't an objective for you

Nothing cuter than a liberal statist calling me leftist!

Being a statist tends to mean in favor of big, centralized, federal government....States and local governments are different. They are more answerable to the people.

It is just as applicable on a state level when the state tries to interfere with the interactions between two private entities, trying to force one to give financial discounts to the other. That sounds like substantial centralized control to me.

Sent from my iPhone using

You just wanted Delta to get free taxpayer money. Typical statist

Oh look, I called you a statist and now you are calling me one. Seems you were just whining like a 3 year old about that behavior

Sent from my iPhone using

Having a tough day? Here's a hug

Publicly announcing they were doing it because "NRA" is attacking them.

Is not sentence.

And you don't know what a fascist is, you far closer fit the definition than I do

Hey, you're the one cheering on government coercion to influence how a company operates its own business. Now me, I don't believe government has any such right to meddle in how a business chooses its own policies. What that makes me is a "Liberal".

You're not a liberal, I am. You are a leftist. They are entirely different

They are indeed entirely different, a distinction lost on many.

But you'll note which one of is taking the stand against government trying to coerce a business into assuming its preferred political posture. That, obviously, makes me the Liberal. Much as I hate to say it about this particular company, Lieutenant Dipshit needs to leave Delta the fuck alone.

No liberal fails to grasp the difference between positive and negative rights. That's leftist

I've brought up nothing about "positive and negative rights". That's absurd.
Publicly announcing they were doing it because "NRA" is attacking them.

Is not sentence.

And you don't know what a fascist is, you far closer fit the definition than I do

Hey, you're the one cheering on government coercion to influence how a company operates its own business. Now me, I don't believe government has any such right to meddle in how a business chooses its own policies. What that makes me is a "Liberal".

You're not a liberal, I am. You are a leftist. They are entirely different

They are indeed entirely different, a distinction lost on many.

But you'll note which one of is taking the stand against government trying to coerce a business into assuming its preferred political posture. That, obviously, makes me the Liberal. Much as I hate to say it about this particular company, Lieutenant Dipshit needs to leave Delta the fuck alone.

No liberal fails to grasp the difference between positive and negative rights. That's leftist

I've brought up nothing about "positive and negative rights". That's absurd.

Of course you have. You just don't understand what you say.

Delta is not entitled to a special tax break, that is a positive right. You're talking about it like that they are removing a tax break that isn't targeted to them.

Delta - $40 million
All other airlines combined - $10 million
Is not sentence.

Hey, you're the one cheering on government coercion to influence how a company operates its own business. Now me, I don't believe government has any such right to meddle in how a business chooses its own policies. What that makes me is a "Liberal".

You're not a liberal, I am. You are a leftist. They are entirely different

They are indeed entirely different, a distinction lost on many.

But you'll note which one of is taking the stand against government trying to coerce a business into assuming its preferred political posture. That, obviously, makes me the Liberal. Much as I hate to say it about this particular company, Lieutenant Dipshit needs to leave Delta the fuck alone.

No liberal fails to grasp the difference between positive and negative rights. That's leftist

I've brought up nothing about "positive and negative rights". That's absurd.

Of course you have. You just don't understand what you say.

Delta is not entitled to a special tax break, that is a positive right. You're talking about it like that they are removing a tax break that isn't targeted to them.

Delta - $40 million
All other airlines combined - $10 million

So what? Most of those you're arguing with here agree with you - no one should be getting special tax breaks from the government. The biggest reason to oppose them is exactly what's going on in Georgia: government uses the tax breaks to coerce behavior.

The issue isn't whether Delta should have the tax break to begin with - it's whether tax policy should depend on the political activities of the taxpayer. As a general principle, that's a really dangerous line to cross.
You're not a liberal, I am. You are a leftist. They are entirely different

They are indeed entirely different, a distinction lost on many.

But you'll note which one of is taking the stand against government trying to coerce a business into assuming its preferred political posture. That, obviously, makes me the Liberal. Much as I hate to say it about this particular company, Lieutenant Dipshit needs to leave Delta the fuck alone.

No liberal fails to grasp the difference between positive and negative rights. That's leftist

I've brought up nothing about "positive and negative rights". That's absurd.

Of course you have. You just don't understand what you say.

Delta is not entitled to a special tax break, that is a positive right. You're talking about it like that they are removing a tax break that isn't targeted to them.

Delta - $40 million
All other airlines combined - $10 million

So what? Most of those you're arguing with here agree with you - no one should be getting special tax breaks from the government. The biggest reason to oppose them is exactly what's going on in Georgia: government uses the tax breaks to coerce behavior.

The issue isn't whether Delta should have the tax break to begin with - it's whether tax policy should depend on the political activities of the taxpayer. As a general principle, that's a really dangerous line to cross.

And you idiots are demanding the government continue to give Delta a special tax break because government shouldn't be coercing businesses. Can't make that shit up.

A company takes a blue position in a read State. No, that's not going to go badly ...
They are indeed entirely different, a distinction lost on many.

But you'll note which one of is taking the stand against government trying to coerce a business into assuming its preferred political posture. That, obviously, makes me the Liberal. Much as I hate to say it about this particular company, Lieutenant Dipshit needs to leave Delta the fuck alone.

No liberal fails to grasp the difference between positive and negative rights. That's leftist

I've brought up nothing about "positive and negative rights". That's absurd.

Of course you have. You just don't understand what you say.

Delta is not entitled to a special tax break, that is a positive right. You're talking about it like that they are removing a tax break that isn't targeted to them.

Delta - $40 million
All other airlines combined - $10 million

So what? Most of those you're arguing with here agree with you - no one should be getting special tax breaks from the government. The biggest reason to oppose them is exactly what's going on in Georgia: government uses the tax breaks to coerce behavior.

The issue isn't whether Delta should have the tax break to begin with - it's whether tax policy should depend on the political activities of the taxpayer. As a general principle, that's a really dangerous line to cross.

And you idiots are demanding the government continue to give Delta a special tax break because government shouldn't be coercing businesses. Can't make that shit up.

A company takes a blue position in a read State. No, that's not going to go badly ...

Not a single person in this thread had demanded that the government continue to give Delta a special tax break. Do you have to work at being this good of a liar or does it just come naturally?
No liberal fails to grasp the difference between positive and negative rights. That's leftist

I've brought up nothing about "positive and negative rights". That's absurd.

Of course you have. You just don't understand what you say.

Delta is not entitled to a special tax break, that is a positive right. You're talking about it like that they are removing a tax break that isn't targeted to them.

Delta - $40 million
All other airlines combined - $10 million

So what? Most of those you're arguing with here agree with you - no one should be getting special tax breaks from the government. The biggest reason to oppose them is exactly what's going on in Georgia: government uses the tax breaks to coerce behavior.

The issue isn't whether Delta should have the tax break to begin with - it's whether tax policy should depend on the political activities of the taxpayer. As a general principle, that's a really dangerous line to cross.

And you idiots are demanding the government continue to give Delta a special tax break because government shouldn't be coercing businesses. Can't make that shit up.

A company takes a blue position in a read State. No, that's not going to go badly ...

Not a single person in this thread had demanded that the government continue to give Delta a special tax break. Do you have to work at being this good of a liar or does it just come naturally?

OMG you're a sheep. I've been continually attacked for saying I want the tax break ended. You are so brainwashed.

Tell the truth, you think Hillary is a cutie, don't you?
I've brought up nothing about "positive and negative rights". That's absurd.

Of course you have. You just don't understand what you say.

Delta is not entitled to a special tax break, that is a positive right. You're talking about it like that they are removing a tax break that isn't targeted to them.

Delta - $40 million
All other airlines combined - $10 million

So what? Most of those you're arguing with here agree with you - no one should be getting special tax breaks from the government. The biggest reason to oppose them is exactly what's going on in Georgia: government uses the tax breaks to coerce behavior.

The issue isn't whether Delta should have the tax break to begin with - it's whether tax policy should depend on the political activities of the taxpayer. As a general principle, that's a really dangerous line to cross.

And you idiots are demanding the government continue to give Delta a special tax break because government shouldn't be coercing businesses. Can't make that shit up.

A company takes a blue position in a read State. No, that's not going to go badly ...

Not a single person in this thread had demanded that the government continue to give Delta a special tax break. Do you have to work at being this good of a liar or does it just come naturally?

OMG you're a sheep. I've been continually attacked for saying I want the tax break ended. You are so brainwashed.

Tell the truth, you think Hillary is a cutie, don't you?

Oh bullshit. Nobody had attacked you for that, we have just pointed out that the tax break is secondary ot the reasons why the government choose to end it. The why is more important than the what in this instance.

Grow up and quit whining! Do you need some crayons and a safe space for a little while? Should I tell everyone on the board not to be mean to you for a day or two?
Of course you have. You just don't understand what you say.

Delta is not entitled to a special tax break, that is a positive right. You're talking about it like that they are removing a tax break that isn't targeted to them.

Delta - $40 million
All other airlines combined - $10 million

So what? Most of those you're arguing with here agree with you - no one should be getting special tax breaks from the government. The biggest reason to oppose them is exactly what's going on in Georgia: government uses the tax breaks to coerce behavior.

The issue isn't whether Delta should have the tax break to begin with - it's whether tax policy should depend on the political activities of the taxpayer. As a general principle, that's a really dangerous line to cross.

And you idiots are demanding the government continue to give Delta a special tax break because government shouldn't be coercing businesses. Can't make that shit up.

A company takes a blue position in a read State. No, that's not going to go badly ...

Not a single person in this thread had demanded that the government continue to give Delta a special tax break. Do you have to work at being this good of a liar or does it just come naturally?

OMG you're a sheep. I've been continually attacked for saying I want the tax break ended. You are so brainwashed.

Tell the truth, you think Hillary is a cutie, don't you?

Oh bullshit. Nobody had attacked you for that, we have just pointed out that the tax break is secondary ot the reasons why the government choose to end it. The why is more important than the what in this instance.

Grow up and quit whining! Do you need some crayons and a safe space for a little while? Should I tell everyone on the board not to be mean to you for a day or two?

Aw, time for a nap, little one?


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