Georgia Senate blocks mega tax cuts for Delta in response to Delta punishing law abiding NRA

They are a private company in that they are not a government agency or owned by the government.

And the question still remains, why are you ok with the government of Georgia tried to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity

it's not about a discount, it's about discriminating based on politics...that should be unacceptable to you or anyone else

From what I have read, the NRA only used the discount 13 times last year. Apparently they didn't think much of the discount. But being denied publicly bothered them. So they sent their politicians after Delta for the perceived insult.

It doesn't matter if it was one or a thousand. And BTW, the discounts were offered to members--not the NRA.

The point is that they indeed took a political position. They didn't have to choose a side, but they did.

It's upsetting to leftists that the local governments are looking to take away a tax break, but not a word when the IRS targeted conservative groups or the FBI submitting phony material to a FISA court to get a warrant to spy on a political adversary.

A member of the NRA is the NRA.

Not being a leftist, the argument "They do it too" is a waste of time. I am angry at the manipulation of private businesses by the gov't. Although, when you make remarks about leftists and then are in favor of such blatant gov't interference, it seems hypocritical.

I don't see hypocrisy on the right as much as I do on the left. The right (here) are saying that we are not really crazy about what they are doing to Delta, but on the other hand, the left here are now strongly against government interference with private industry. What????

When the left tries to control industry, Democrat voters have no problem with it at all. Our position more or less is "So how do you like it?"

Since I am not a democrat voter, that is not the point. Trying to divert it with "They do it more!" is ridiculous. Especially since so many republicans have screamed bloody murder when democrats do it, and have always called for smaller less intrusive gov't.

The fact that a state gov't used the tax system to punish a business for removing a very minor discount is completely out of line.
Just heard about this. Will find a link. Kudos to the Senators for hitting back at the NRA. Why should gun owners in Georgia who pay taxes have to support Delta financially?

If Delta doesn't want or need the business of 5 million NRA members why do they even need a tax break?

Delta’s tax break may not take flight after Georgia Senate blocks it

is it the job of the Georgia Senate to shill for the NRA?

psssssst.... that's probably a violation of the first amendment. but good luck with that. :cuckoo:

and if you'll note, your ARTICLE said "might".... it did not say it's a done deal.

NRA shills are funny

No, it's their oath to uphold the United States Constitution, and that includes the 2nd Amendment.
Just heard about this. Will find a link. Kudos to the Senators for hitting back at the NRA. Why should gun owners in Georgia who pay taxes have to support Delta financially?

If Delta doesn't want or need the business of 5 million NRA members why do they even need a tax break?

Delta’s tax break may not take flight after Georgia Senate blocks it

is it the job of the Georgia Senate to shill for the NRA?

psssssst.... that's probably a violation of the first amendment. but good luck with that. :cuckoo:

and if you'll note, your ARTICLE said "might".... it did not say it's a done deal.

NRA shills are funny

No, it's their oath to uphold the United States Constitution, and that includes the 2nd Amendment.
One can implement effective Gun Control without violating the Second Amendment.

The Georgia State Legislature spanked a Corporation-Person for exercising its First Amendment rights. Not good.

This constitutes Corruption, Conspiracy to deprive a Corporate Person of its Civil Rights, and, for those already NRA members, a Conflict of Interest.

An IRS audit of NRA and other contributions to these legislators and their campaigns, upon request by the DOJ, seems to be in order.

Adding a charge of Bribery sounds like great fun.
Last edited:
They are a private company in that they are not a government agency or owned by the government.

And the question still remains, why are you ok with the government of Georgia tried to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity

it's not about a discount, it's about discriminating based on politics...that should be unacceptable to you or anyone else

From what I have read, the NRA only used the discount 13 times last year. Apparently they didn't think much of the discount. But being denied publicly bothered them. So they sent their politicians after Delta for the perceived insult.

It doesn't matter if it was one or a thousand. And BTW, the discounts were offered to members--not the NRA.

The point is that they indeed took a political position. They didn't have to choose a side, but they did.

It's upsetting to leftists that the local governments are looking to take away a tax break, but not a word when the IRS targeted conservative groups or the FBI submitting phony material to a FISA court to get a warrant to spy on a political adversary.

A member of the NRA is the NRA.

Not being a leftist, the argument "They do it too" is a waste of time. I am angry at the manipulation of private businesses by the gov't. Although, when you make remarks about leftists and then are in favor of such blatant gov't interference, it seems hypocritical.

I don't see hypocrisy on the right as much as I do on the left. The right (here) are saying that we are not really crazy about what they are doing to Delta, but on the other hand, the left here are now strongly against government interference with private industry. What????

When the left tries to control industry, Democrat voters have no problem with it at all. Our position more or less is "So how do you like it?"

"I don't see hypocrisy on the right as much as I do on the left."

So you DO see the hypocrisy. Maybe less than from the left, but you do see it. That's a start.
Just heard about this. Will find a link. Kudos to the Senators for hitting back at the NRA. Why should gun owners in Georgia who pay taxes have to support Delta financially?

If Delta doesn't want or need the business of 5 million NRA members why do they even need a tax break?

Delta’s tax break may not take flight after Georgia Senate blocks it

is it the job of the Georgia Senate to shill for the NRA?

psssssst.... that's probably a violation of the first amendment. but good luck with that. :cuckoo:

and if you'll note, your ARTICLE said "might".... it did not say it's a done deal.

NRA shills are funny

No, it's their oath to uphold the United States Constitution, and that includes the 2nd Amendment.

That does not include using the tax system to punish a private business for disassociating itself from the NRA.

Delta did absolutely nothing to go against the US Constitution.
They are a private company in that they are not a government agency or owned by the government.

And the question still remains, why are you ok with the government of Georgia tried to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity

it's not about a discount, it's about discriminating based on politics...that should be unacceptable to you or anyone else

From what I have read, the NRA only used the discount 13 times last year. Apparently they didn't think much of the discount. But being denied publicly bothered them. So they sent their politicians after Delta for the perceived insult.

It doesn't matter if it was one or a thousand. And BTW, the discounts were offered to members--not the NRA.

The point is that they indeed took a political position. They didn't have to choose a side, but they did.

It's upsetting to leftists that the local governments are looking to take away a tax break, but not a word when the IRS targeted conservative groups or the FBI submitting phony material to a FISA court to get a warrant to spy on a political adversary.

A member of the NRA is the NRA.

Not being a leftist, the argument "They do it too" is a waste of time. I am angry at the manipulation of private businesses by the gov't. Although, when you make remarks about leftists and then are in favor of such blatant gov't interference, it seems hypocritical.

I don't see hypocrisy on the right as much as I do on the left. The right (here) are saying that we are not really crazy about what they are doing to Delta, but on the other hand, the left here are now strongly against government interference with private industry. What????

When the left tries to control industry, Democrat voters have no problem with it at all. Our position more or less is "So how do you like it?"

So, in essence you have become a Dem to get back at them for being Dems...great plan
So, I will ask you again. Would you approve if the Senate of Ohio and the LtGov of Ohio tried to force Marathon Petroleum to give financial discounts to the NAACP? Would you be ok with that?

You are changing the story all around and giving apples to oranges comparisons. It's not like Delta was sitting there minding their own business and GA said you better START giving discounts to NRA members or else. Those discounts were already in place and Delta decided to pull them because of political pressure from the commies.

The only reason I'm not hell bent on GA pressuring Delta is because I'm so sick and tired of these leftist control freaks. Again, the NRA had absolutely nothing to do with this school shooting or any other shooting for that matter. It's just they are an enemy of the left who are using this unfortunate tragedy to promote their political agenda.

So, you are a statist when it suits your needs. Thanks you for admitting that.
I never said I supported it, but it goes on all the time. Now it's the leftists who are complaining when it's their party that constantly does the same thing. When they control businesses via taxation it's fine and dandy. When a Republican does the same thing, now be concerned about government interference with business.

You never said it was wrong either and you said that Delta should cave. But you are right, the left/Dems do this sort of stuff all the time as it is a "left" thing to do. But now the right is joining and those on the right are cheering it happening. What that does is move the country to the left twice as fast than it it were just the left doing this sort of thing.

Let's be honest, you are only against what Delta did because they did it to the NRA. Had they done it to the BLM you would be fine with the standing up to the Govt.

It would have been better for his business, but then he would have to go against the creed of his religion. Apples and oranges really. Delta caved because of political pressure. They actually started this themselves.

It doesn't matter why the caved, they are a private business and you should be supporting their freedom to cave if they choose to. In this story Delta is not the biggest issue, the much bigger issue is that the Ga LtGov and Senate choose to do what they did, something you would have major issues with had it been NY and they were doing because someone took away a discount for 13 Planned parenthood members.

You are now comparing Black Lies Matter to Delta Air Lines?

Sure I would support any company against BLM. They are the group that was present at the last two riots. They are the group that was screaming WHAT DO WE WANT? DEAD COPS! WHEN DO WE WANT IT? NOW! What civilized person could actually support them?

The NRA is simply a gun group. They do everything legal, everything by the book, they advocate gun safety and promote our Constitutional right to bear arms. They had absolutely nothing to do with the school shooting. So why are they being punished? Because they are an organization hated by the left, so they dragged the NRA into this school shooting story somehow, and then Delta punishes them on top of it.

Punishes them? By removing a discount that very few even used? Really?

Besides, for the state gov't to punish Delta for a business decision is the state overstepping its bounds by a huge margin.

It was less a business decision than it was a political decision. Delta caved to political pressure which at that point, they became political.

Fed Ex and others are doing just fine, so if Delta's decision was pure business, it wasn't that great of a business decision.

Whether it was a good business decision or not still does not give the government the right to try and overturn it.

Delta has the freedom to make shitty business decisions, the government is denied the power by the constitution from trying to overturn it.
Just heard about this. Will find a link. Kudos to the Senators for hitting back at the NRA. Why should gun owners in Georgia who pay taxes have to support Delta financially?

If Delta doesn't want or need the business of 5 million NRA members why do they even need a tax break?

Delta’s tax break may not take flight after Georgia Senate blocks it

is it the job of the Georgia Senate to shill for the NRA?

psssssst.... that's probably a violation of the first amendment. but good luck with that. :cuckoo:

and if you'll note, your ARTICLE said "might".... it did not say it's a done deal.

NRA shills are funny

No, it's their oath to uphold the United States Constitution, and that includes the 2nd Amendment.
One can implement effective Gun Control without violating the Second Amendment.

The Georgia State Legislature spanked a Corporation-Person for exercising its First Amendment rights. Not good.

This constitutes Corruption, Conspiracy to deprive a Corporate Person of its Civil Rights, and, for those already NRA members, a Conflict of Interest.

An IRS audit of NRA and other contributions to these legislators and their campaigns, upon request by the DOJ, seems to be in order.

Adding a charge of Bribery sounds like great fun.
sure. and when you lob in words like "common sense gun control" you'd think that's what they were after.

now you see a full scale assault on semi-automatics in general. near as i can figure they're doing this now because they can't differentiate the "assault rifle" from a hunting rifle, mini 14 or anything else by actual characteristics other than "gosh that looks mean". and that is even MORE subjective than "common sense".

if you want to meet in the middle and figure this out - you simply cannot:

1) lie about green tipped ammo
2) get caught running guns to mexico illegally, as if there's a legal way
3) say things like "due process is killing us" (and yes trump pissed me off when he said they'd get around to it second)
4) can't define what it is you wish to ban so you keep making shit up
5) the media constantly lies about guns and what is happening and willfully portrays these guns in a much worse light originally not thought possible. i've seen an AR-15 "pulsing" on CNN. PULSING. they simply do not do that.
6) the media also adds pictures of grenade launchers to the shooters guns to lie and magnify

and now that trump is trying to fix background checks (biggest thing we can do now) what is the left doing? well, not taking a first positive step, no. they're going to war on gun owners.

which on it's own makes less sense than tits on a nun.

so instead of doing what we can, or talking about police substations in schools and looking to redesign them to better control access, they are now talking about bullet speeds and ballistics.

this from a group that doesn't realize magazines are re-usable and it took a good 8 years to realize the AR-15 was NOT fully automatic.

so what do we control when the left is out of control on what to do and how to define what they want, other than all guns taken away in the end OF WHICH they giggle when you tell them that's what they want?

meeting in the middle is getting over your hate for trump and working with him on what we can do to improve background checks and shared information about people. looking into drugs kids are given to "treat" the common symptoms of growing up. you know, looking at fixing the actual problem.

not looking to get rid of guns of which they deny.

you figure out how to work with that type of extreme mentality that stomps their feet and goes on useless protests when they don't get their way, let me know. til then trump is going to do what he feels is right and hey, at least he's trying to do something. obama never did.
Just heard about this. Will find a link. Kudos to the Senators for hitting back at the NRA. Why should gun owners in Georgia who pay taxes have to support Delta financially?

If Delta doesn't want or need the business of 5 million NRA members why do they even need a tax break?

Delta’s tax break may not take flight after Georgia Senate blocks it

is it the job of the Georgia Senate to shill for the NRA?

psssssst.... that's probably a violation of the first amendment. but good luck with that. :cuckoo:

and if you'll note, your ARTICLE said "might".... it did not say it's a done deal.

NRA shills are funny

No, it's their oath to uphold the United States Constitution, and that includes the 2nd Amendment.

1. the misunderstanding by NRA shills as to what the 2nd amendment protects is astounding. The second does not protect the right of every person, no matter how violent, criminal or mentally ill, to own a weapon. and it doesn't protect your right to own military weapons.

2. it doesn't *trump* the first amendment right to divest oneself of a relationship with wacky gun obsessives

I hope that helps you.
So, I will ask you again. Would you approve if the Senate of Ohio and the LtGov of Ohio tried to force Marathon Petroleum to give financial discounts to the NAACP? Would you be ok with that?

You are changing the story all around and giving apples to oranges comparisons. It's not like Delta was sitting there minding their own business and GA said you better START giving discounts to NRA members or else. Those discounts were already in place and Delta decided to pull them because of political pressure from the commies.

The only reason I'm not hell bent on GA pressuring Delta is because I'm so sick and tired of these leftist control freaks. Again, the NRA had absolutely nothing to do with this school shooting or any other shooting for that matter. It's just they are an enemy of the left who are using this unfortunate tragedy to promote their political agenda.

So, you are a statist when it suits your needs. Thanks you for admitting that.

they always love gubmint when gubmint follows their rightwingnut agenda.

and they were the first people to try to divest others of free speech. remember Natalie Maines?
Just heard about this. Will find a link. Kudos to the Senators for hitting back at the NRA. Why should gun owners in Georgia who pay taxes have to support Delta financially?

If Delta doesn't want or need the business of 5 million NRA members why do they even need a tax break?

Delta’s tax break may not take flight after Georgia Senate blocks it

is it the job of the Georgia Senate to shill for the NRA?

psssssst.... that's probably a violation of the first amendment. but good luck with that. :cuckoo:

and if you'll note, your ARTICLE said "might".... it did not say it's a done deal.

NRA shills are funny

No, it's their oath to uphold the United States Constitution, and that includes the 2nd Amendment.
One can implement effective Gun Control without violating the Second Amendment.

The Georgia State Legislature spanked a Corporation-Person for exercising its First Amendment rights. Not good.

This constitutes Corruption, Conspiracy to deprive a Corporate Person of its Civil Rights, and, for those already NRA members, a Conflict of Interest.

An IRS audit of NRA and other contributions to these legislators and their campaigns, upon request by the DOJ, seems to be in order.

Adding a charge of Bribery sounds like great fun.
sure. and when you lob in words like "common sense gun control" you'd think that's what they were after.

now you see a full scale assault on semi-automatics in general. near as i can figure they're doing this now because they can't differentiate the "assault rifle" from a hunting rifle, mini 14 or anything else by actual characteristics other than "gosh that looks mean". and that is even MORE subjective than "common sense".

if you want to meet in the middle and figure this out - you simply cannot:

1) lie about green tipped ammo
2) get caught running guns to mexico illegally, as if there's a legal way
3) say things like "due process is killing us" (and yes trump pissed me off when he said they'd get around to it second)
4) can't define what it is you wish to ban so you keep making shit up
5) the media constantly lies about guns and what is happening and willfully portrays these guns in a much worse light originally not thought possible. i've seen an AR-15 "pulsing" on CNN. PULSING. they simply do not do that.
6) the media also adds pictures of grenade launchers to the shooters guns to lie and magnify

and now that trump is trying to fix background checks (biggest thing we can do now) what is the left doing? well, not taking a first positive step, no. they're going to war on gun owners.

which on it's own makes less sense than tits on a nun.

so instead of doing what we can, or talking about police substations in schools and looking to redesign them to better control access, they are now talking about bullet speeds and ballistics.

this from a group that doesn't realize magazines are re-usable and it took a good 8 years to realize the AR-15 was NOT fully automatic.

so what do we control when the left is out of control on what to do and how to define what they want, other than all guns taken away in the end OF WHICH they giggle when you tell them that's what they want?

meeting in the middle is getting over your hate for trump and working with him on what we can do to improve background checks and shared information about people. looking into drugs kids are given to "treat" the common symptoms of growing up. you know, looking at fixing the actual problem.

not looking to get rid of guns of which they deny.

you figure out how to work with that type of extreme mentality that stomps their feet and goes on useless protests when they don't get their way, let me know. til then trump is going to do what he feels is right and hey, at least he's trying to do something. obama never did.

If you want to blast the left for their lies in their efforts at gun control, I have no problem with it.

But the topic of this thread is the GA senate overstepping its bounds and using the tax system to punish a private company for a minor decision.
Just heard about this. Will find a link. Kudos to the Senators for hitting back at the NRA. Why should gun owners in Georgia who pay taxes have to support Delta financially?

If Delta doesn't want or need the business of 5 million NRA members why do they even need a tax break?

Delta’s tax break may not take flight after Georgia Senate blocks it

is it the job of the Georgia Senate to shill for the NRA?

psssssst.... that's probably a violation of the first amendment. but good luck with that. :cuckoo:

and if you'll note, your ARTICLE said "might".... it did not say it's a done deal.

NRA shills are funny

No, it's their oath to uphold the United States Constitution, and that includes the 2nd Amendment.
One can implement effective Gun Control without violating the Second Amendment.

The Georgia State Legislature spanked a Corporation-Person for exercising its First Amendment rights. Not good.

This constitutes Corruption, Conspiracy to deprive a Corporate Person of its Civil Rights, and, for those already NRA members, a Conflict of Interest.

An IRS audit of NRA and other contributions to these legislators and their campaigns, upon request by the DOJ, seems to be in order.

Adding a charge of Bribery sounds like great fun.
sure. and when you lob in words like "common sense gun control" you'd think that's what they were after.

now you see a full scale assault on semi-automatics in general. near as i can figure they're doing this now because they can't differentiate the "assault rifle" from a hunting rifle, mini 14 or anything else by actual characteristics other than "gosh that looks mean". and that is even MORE subjective than "common sense".

if you want to meet in the middle and figure this out - you simply cannot:

1) lie about green tipped ammo
2) get caught running guns to mexico illegally, as if there's a legal way
3) say things like "due process is killing us" (and yes trump pissed me off when he said they'd get around to it second)
4) can't define what it is you wish to ban so you keep making shit up
5) the media constantly lies about guns and what is happening and willfully portrays these guns in a much worse light originally not thought possible. i've seen an AR-15 "pulsing" on CNN. PULSING. they simply do not do that.
6) the media also adds pictures of grenade launchers to the shooters guns to lie and magnify

and now that trump is trying to fix background checks (biggest thing we can do now) what is the left doing? well, not taking a first positive step, no. they're going to war on gun owners.

which on it's own makes less sense than tits on a nun.

so instead of doing what we can, or talking about police substations in schools and looking to redesign them to better control access, they are now talking about bullet speeds and ballistics.

this from a group that doesn't realize magazines are re-usable and it took a good 8 years to realize the AR-15 was NOT fully automatic.

so what do we control when the left is out of control on what to do and how to define what they want, other than all guns taken away in the end OF WHICH they giggle when you tell them that's what they want?

meeting in the middle is getting over your hate for trump and working with him on what we can do to improve background checks and shared information about people. looking into drugs kids are given to "treat" the common symptoms of growing up. you know, looking at fixing the actual problem.

not looking to get rid of guns of which they deny.

you figure out how to work with that type of extreme mentality that stomps their feet and goes on useless protests when they don't get their way, let me know. til then trump is going to do what he feels is right and hey, at least he's trying to do something. obama never did.

If you want to blast the left for their lies in their efforts at gun control, I have no problem with it.

But the topic of this thread is the GA senate overstepping its bounds and using the tax system to punish a private company for a minor decision.
i'm amazed, to a point, people are still thinking GA did this ONLY because of delta's cave in to the left.

the lt gov did grandstand and dogged on delta. right or wrong such activity is expected in a heightened time we are in right now. but when the tax breaks were given initially many already didn't like it. now that the *need* for them (recession, trying to get ALL airlines there to help keep employee jobs) has come to a conclusion the taxes were going away anyway.

everyone is caught up in the hype and don't actually review the real issue overall. gator did initially and while i don't totally agree with him on the symantec's, he is right that the core of the issue is the lt gov making it an issue about delta when it never was.

everyone seems to be of the mindset that this is JUST delta and ONLY BECAUSE of the nra crap.

all the other talk is just bullshit caught up in misconceptions so forgive me if i stray a bit while others around me do as well (hi jillian - you little insult machine you!) you only decide to call me out on it.
is it the job of the Georgia Senate to shill for the NRA?

psssssst.... that's probably a violation of the first amendment. but good luck with that. :cuckoo:

and if you'll note, your ARTICLE said "might".... it did not say it's a done deal.

NRA shills are funny

No, it's their oath to uphold the United States Constitution, and that includes the 2nd Amendment.
One can implement effective Gun Control without violating the Second Amendment.

The Georgia State Legislature spanked a Corporation-Person for exercising its First Amendment rights. Not good.

This constitutes Corruption, Conspiracy to deprive a Corporate Person of its Civil Rights, and, for those already NRA members, a Conflict of Interest.

An IRS audit of NRA and other contributions to these legislators and their campaigns, upon request by the DOJ, seems to be in order.

Adding a charge of Bribery sounds like great fun.
sure. and when you lob in words like "common sense gun control" you'd think that's what they were after.

now you see a full scale assault on semi-automatics in general. near as i can figure they're doing this now because they can't differentiate the "assault rifle" from a hunting rifle, mini 14 or anything else by actual characteristics other than "gosh that looks mean". and that is even MORE subjective than "common sense".

if you want to meet in the middle and figure this out - you simply cannot:

1) lie about green tipped ammo
2) get caught running guns to mexico illegally, as if there's a legal way
3) say things like "due process is killing us" (and yes trump pissed me off when he said they'd get around to it second)
4) can't define what it is you wish to ban so you keep making shit up
5) the media constantly lies about guns and what is happening and willfully portrays these guns in a much worse light originally not thought possible. i've seen an AR-15 "pulsing" on CNN. PULSING. they simply do not do that.
6) the media also adds pictures of grenade launchers to the shooters guns to lie and magnify

and now that trump is trying to fix background checks (biggest thing we can do now) what is the left doing? well, not taking a first positive step, no. they're going to war on gun owners.

which on it's own makes less sense than tits on a nun.

so instead of doing what we can, or talking about police substations in schools and looking to redesign them to better control access, they are now talking about bullet speeds and ballistics.

this from a group that doesn't realize magazines are re-usable and it took a good 8 years to realize the AR-15 was NOT fully automatic.

so what do we control when the left is out of control on what to do and how to define what they want, other than all guns taken away in the end OF WHICH they giggle when you tell them that's what they want?

meeting in the middle is getting over your hate for trump and working with him on what we can do to improve background checks and shared information about people. looking into drugs kids are given to "treat" the common symptoms of growing up. you know, looking at fixing the actual problem.

not looking to get rid of guns of which they deny.

you figure out how to work with that type of extreme mentality that stomps their feet and goes on useless protests when they don't get their way, let me know. til then trump is going to do what he feels is right and hey, at least he's trying to do something. obama never did.

If you want to blast the left for their lies in their efforts at gun control, I have no problem with it.

But the topic of this thread is the GA senate overstepping its bounds and using the tax system to punish a private company for a minor decision.
i'm amazed, to a point, people are still thinking GA did this ONLY because of delta's cave in to the left.

the lt gov did grandstand and dogged on delta. right or wrong such activity is expected in a heightened time we are in right now. but when the tax breaks were given initially many already didn't like it. now that the *need* for them (recession, trying to get ALL airlines there to help keep employee jobs) has come to a conclusion the taxes were going away anyway.

everyone is caught up in the hype and don't actually review the real issue overall. gator did initially and while i don't totally agree with him on the symantec's, he is right that the core of the issue is the lt gov making it an issue about delta when it never was.

everyone seems to be of the mindset that this is JUST delta and ONLY BECAUSE of the nra crap.

all the other talk is just bullshit caught up in misconceptions so forgive me if i stray a bit while others around me do as well (hi jillian - you little insult machine you!) you only decide to call me out on it.

The Gov and Lt Gov were in favor of the tax exemption. You are correct that the exemption was for all airlines flying out of Atlanta.

But you are wrong that this was about anything but the issue between Delta and the NRA.
from: Georgia's lieutenant governor threatens to retaliate against Delta unless it reverses its decision on the NRA
"Georgia's lieutenant governor, Casey Cagle, said he would not support a bill that would give Delta a massive tax break unless the airline reversed its decision on Saturday to end its partnership with the National Rifle Association."

"In response, Casey Cagle, who is running for governor as a Republican this year, tweeted on Monday that he would block any legislation that includes tax benefits for Delta until the airline renewed the partnership."

So the tax exemption would have gone thru if Delta had renewed its relationship with the NRA. That pretty much shoots down the idea that it was about removing tax exemptions for corporations.
So the tax exemption would have gone thru if Delta had renewed its relationship with the NRA. That pretty much shoots down the idea that it was about removing tax exemptions for corporations.

Does anyone here really believe otherwise? I mean, that's totally and obviously a thin excuse right? This is just 'revenge' for NRA supporters. Can't we at least be honest about that?
If you want to blast the left for their lies in their efforts at gun control, I have no problem with it.

But the topic of this thread is the GA senate overstepping its bounds and using the tax system to punish a private company for a minor decision.

It's like the left and right tag-teaming to create totalitarian government. I don't think either necessarily intends it - they're just getting revenge on the other side when the opportunity presents itself - but the result is government that has no bounds, that can interfere in pretty much any thing we do in the name of a given social agenda.
No, it's their oath to uphold the United States Constitution, and that includes the 2nd Amendment.
One can implement effective Gun Control without violating the Second Amendment.

The Georgia State Legislature spanked a Corporation-Person for exercising its First Amendment rights. Not good.

This constitutes Corruption, Conspiracy to deprive a Corporate Person of its Civil Rights, and, for those already NRA members, a Conflict of Interest.

An IRS audit of NRA and other contributions to these legislators and their campaigns, upon request by the DOJ, seems to be in order.

Adding a charge of Bribery sounds like great fun.
sure. and when you lob in words like "common sense gun control" you'd think that's what they were after.

now you see a full scale assault on semi-automatics in general. near as i can figure they're doing this now because they can't differentiate the "assault rifle" from a hunting rifle, mini 14 or anything else by actual characteristics other than "gosh that looks mean". and that is even MORE subjective than "common sense".

if you want to meet in the middle and figure this out - you simply cannot:

1) lie about green tipped ammo
2) get caught running guns to mexico illegally, as if there's a legal way
3) say things like "due process is killing us" (and yes trump pissed me off when he said they'd get around to it second)
4) can't define what it is you wish to ban so you keep making shit up
5) the media constantly lies about guns and what is happening and willfully portrays these guns in a much worse light originally not thought possible. i've seen an AR-15 "pulsing" on CNN. PULSING. they simply do not do that.
6) the media also adds pictures of grenade launchers to the shooters guns to lie and magnify

and now that trump is trying to fix background checks (biggest thing we can do now) what is the left doing? well, not taking a first positive step, no. they're going to war on gun owners.

which on it's own makes less sense than tits on a nun.

so instead of doing what we can, or talking about police substations in schools and looking to redesign them to better control access, they are now talking about bullet speeds and ballistics.

this from a group that doesn't realize magazines are re-usable and it took a good 8 years to realize the AR-15 was NOT fully automatic.

so what do we control when the left is out of control on what to do and how to define what they want, other than all guns taken away in the end OF WHICH they giggle when you tell them that's what they want?

meeting in the middle is getting over your hate for trump and working with him on what we can do to improve background checks and shared information about people. looking into drugs kids are given to "treat" the common symptoms of growing up. you know, looking at fixing the actual problem.

not looking to get rid of guns of which they deny.

you figure out how to work with that type of extreme mentality that stomps their feet and goes on useless protests when they don't get their way, let me know. til then trump is going to do what he feels is right and hey, at least he's trying to do something. obama never did.

If you want to blast the left for their lies in their efforts at gun control, I have no problem with it.

But the topic of this thread is the GA senate overstepping its bounds and using the tax system to punish a private company for a minor decision.
i'm amazed, to a point, people are still thinking GA did this ONLY because of delta's cave in to the left.

the lt gov did grandstand and dogged on delta. right or wrong such activity is expected in a heightened time we are in right now. but when the tax breaks were given initially many already didn't like it. now that the *need* for them (recession, trying to get ALL airlines there to help keep employee jobs) has come to a conclusion the taxes were going away anyway.

everyone is caught up in the hype and don't actually review the real issue overall. gator did initially and while i don't totally agree with him on the symantec's, he is right that the core of the issue is the lt gov making it an issue about delta when it never was.

everyone seems to be of the mindset that this is JUST delta and ONLY BECAUSE of the nra crap.

all the other talk is just bullshit caught up in misconceptions so forgive me if i stray a bit while others around me do as well (hi jillian - you little insult machine you!) you only decide to call me out on it.

The Gov and Lt Gov were in favor of the tax exemption. You are correct that the exemption was for all airlines flying out of Atlanta.

But you are wrong that this was about anything but the issue between Delta and the NRA.
from: Georgia's lieutenant governor threatens to retaliate against Delta unless it reverses its decision on the NRA
"Georgia's lieutenant governor, Casey Cagle, said he would not support a bill that would give Delta a massive tax break unless the airline reversed its decision on Saturday to end its partnership with the National Rifle Association."

"In response, Casey Cagle, who is running for governor as a Republican this year, tweeted on Monday that he would block any legislation that includes tax benefits for Delta until the airline renewed the partnership."

So the tax exemption would have gone thru if Delta had renewed its relationship with the NRA. That pretty much shoots down the idea that it was about removing tax exemptions for corporations.
one of my co workers lives in atlanta. he's VERY familiar with the ENTIRE debate. he said most of the gov wanted to end them long before delta dropped their nra discounts.

so i can listen to someone i know and trust who lives there and understands the story from years of experience and perspectives, or someone i rarely see cause they're on ignore due to past bullshit they cite.

give me a minute, this is a tough call.
One can implement effective Gun Control without violating the Second Amendment.

The Georgia State Legislature spanked a Corporation-Person for exercising its First Amendment rights. Not good.

This constitutes Corruption, Conspiracy to deprive a Corporate Person of its Civil Rights, and, for those already NRA members, a Conflict of Interest.

An IRS audit of NRA and other contributions to these legislators and their campaigns, upon request by the DOJ, seems to be in order.

Adding a charge of Bribery sounds like great fun.
sure. and when you lob in words like "common sense gun control" you'd think that's what they were after.

now you see a full scale assault on semi-automatics in general. near as i can figure they're doing this now because they can't differentiate the "assault rifle" from a hunting rifle, mini 14 or anything else by actual characteristics other than "gosh that looks mean". and that is even MORE subjective than "common sense".

if you want to meet in the middle and figure this out - you simply cannot:

1) lie about green tipped ammo
2) get caught running guns to mexico illegally, as if there's a legal way
3) say things like "due process is killing us" (and yes trump pissed me off when he said they'd get around to it second)
4) can't define what it is you wish to ban so you keep making shit up
5) the media constantly lies about guns and what is happening and willfully portrays these guns in a much worse light originally not thought possible. i've seen an AR-15 "pulsing" on CNN. PULSING. they simply do not do that.
6) the media also adds pictures of grenade launchers to the shooters guns to lie and magnify

and now that trump is trying to fix background checks (biggest thing we can do now) what is the left doing? well, not taking a first positive step, no. they're going to war on gun owners.

which on it's own makes less sense than tits on a nun.

so instead of doing what we can, or talking about police substations in schools and looking to redesign them to better control access, they are now talking about bullet speeds and ballistics.

this from a group that doesn't realize magazines are re-usable and it took a good 8 years to realize the AR-15 was NOT fully automatic.

so what do we control when the left is out of control on what to do and how to define what they want, other than all guns taken away in the end OF WHICH they giggle when you tell them that's what they want?

meeting in the middle is getting over your hate for trump and working with him on what we can do to improve background checks and shared information about people. looking into drugs kids are given to "treat" the common symptoms of growing up. you know, looking at fixing the actual problem.

not looking to get rid of guns of which they deny.

you figure out how to work with that type of extreme mentality that stomps their feet and goes on useless protests when they don't get their way, let me know. til then trump is going to do what he feels is right and hey, at least he's trying to do something. obama never did.

If you want to blast the left for their lies in their efforts at gun control, I have no problem with it.

But the topic of this thread is the GA senate overstepping its bounds and using the tax system to punish a private company for a minor decision.
i'm amazed, to a point, people are still thinking GA did this ONLY because of delta's cave in to the left.

the lt gov did grandstand and dogged on delta. right or wrong such activity is expected in a heightened time we are in right now. but when the tax breaks were given initially many already didn't like it. now that the *need* for them (recession, trying to get ALL airlines there to help keep employee jobs) has come to a conclusion the taxes were going away anyway.

everyone is caught up in the hype and don't actually review the real issue overall. gator did initially and while i don't totally agree with him on the symantec's, he is right that the core of the issue is the lt gov making it an issue about delta when it never was.

everyone seems to be of the mindset that this is JUST delta and ONLY BECAUSE of the nra crap.

all the other talk is just bullshit caught up in misconceptions so forgive me if i stray a bit while others around me do as well (hi jillian - you little insult machine you!) you only decide to call me out on it.

The Gov and Lt Gov were in favor of the tax exemption. You are correct that the exemption was for all airlines flying out of Atlanta.

But you are wrong that this was about anything but the issue between Delta and the NRA.
from: Georgia's lieutenant governor threatens to retaliate against Delta unless it reverses its decision on the NRA
"Georgia's lieutenant governor, Casey Cagle, said he would not support a bill that would give Delta a massive tax break unless the airline reversed its decision on Saturday to end its partnership with the National Rifle Association."

"In response, Casey Cagle, who is running for governor as a Republican this year, tweeted on Monday that he would block any legislation that includes tax benefits for Delta until the airline renewed the partnership."

So the tax exemption would have gone thru if Delta had renewed its relationship with the NRA. That pretty much shoots down the idea that it was about removing tax exemptions for corporations.
one of my co workers lives in atlanta. he's VERY familiar with the ENTIRE debate. he said most of the gov wanted to end them long before delta dropped their nra discounts.

so i can listen to someone i know and trust who lives there and understands the story from years of experience and perspectives, or someone i rarely see cause they're on ignore due to past bullshit they cite.

give me a minute, this is a tough call.

Could you ask your coworker if that is the case why it made it through the House with less than a day and a half for debate

Sent from my iPhone using
sure. and when you lob in words like "common sense gun control" you'd think that's what they were after.

now you see a full scale assault on semi-automatics in general. near as i can figure they're doing this now because they can't differentiate the "assault rifle" from a hunting rifle, mini 14 or anything else by actual characteristics other than "gosh that looks mean". and that is even MORE subjective than "common sense".

if you want to meet in the middle and figure this out - you simply cannot:

1) lie about green tipped ammo
2) get caught running guns to mexico illegally, as if there's a legal way
3) say things like "due process is killing us" (and yes trump pissed me off when he said they'd get around to it second)
4) can't define what it is you wish to ban so you keep making shit up
5) the media constantly lies about guns and what is happening and willfully portrays these guns in a much worse light originally not thought possible. i've seen an AR-15 "pulsing" on CNN. PULSING. they simply do not do that.
6) the media also adds pictures of grenade launchers to the shooters guns to lie and magnify

and now that trump is trying to fix background checks (biggest thing we can do now) what is the left doing? well, not taking a first positive step, no. they're going to war on gun owners.

which on it's own makes less sense than tits on a nun.

so instead of doing what we can, or talking about police substations in schools and looking to redesign them to better control access, they are now talking about bullet speeds and ballistics.

this from a group that doesn't realize magazines are re-usable and it took a good 8 years to realize the AR-15 was NOT fully automatic.

so what do we control when the left is out of control on what to do and how to define what they want, other than all guns taken away in the end OF WHICH they giggle when you tell them that's what they want?

meeting in the middle is getting over your hate for trump and working with him on what we can do to improve background checks and shared information about people. looking into drugs kids are given to "treat" the common symptoms of growing up. you know, looking at fixing the actual problem.

not looking to get rid of guns of which they deny.

you figure out how to work with that type of extreme mentality that stomps their feet and goes on useless protests when they don't get their way, let me know. til then trump is going to do what he feels is right and hey, at least he's trying to do something. obama never did.

If you want to blast the left for their lies in their efforts at gun control, I have no problem with it.

But the topic of this thread is the GA senate overstepping its bounds and using the tax system to punish a private company for a minor decision.
i'm amazed, to a point, people are still thinking GA did this ONLY because of delta's cave in to the left.

the lt gov did grandstand and dogged on delta. right or wrong such activity is expected in a heightened time we are in right now. but when the tax breaks were given initially many already didn't like it. now that the *need* for them (recession, trying to get ALL airlines there to help keep employee jobs) has come to a conclusion the taxes were going away anyway.

everyone is caught up in the hype and don't actually review the real issue overall. gator did initially and while i don't totally agree with him on the symantec's, he is right that the core of the issue is the lt gov making it an issue about delta when it never was.

everyone seems to be of the mindset that this is JUST delta and ONLY BECAUSE of the nra crap.

all the other talk is just bullshit caught up in misconceptions so forgive me if i stray a bit while others around me do as well (hi jillian - you little insult machine you!) you only decide to call me out on it.

The Gov and Lt Gov were in favor of the tax exemption. You are correct that the exemption was for all airlines flying out of Atlanta.

But you are wrong that this was about anything but the issue between Delta and the NRA.
from: Georgia's lieutenant governor threatens to retaliate against Delta unless it reverses its decision on the NRA
"Georgia's lieutenant governor, Casey Cagle, said he would not support a bill that would give Delta a massive tax break unless the airline reversed its decision on Saturday to end its partnership with the National Rifle Association."

"In response, Casey Cagle, who is running for governor as a Republican this year, tweeted on Monday that he would block any legislation that includes tax benefits for Delta until the airline renewed the partnership."

So the tax exemption would have gone thru if Delta had renewed its relationship with the NRA. That pretty much shoots down the idea that it was about removing tax exemptions for corporations.
one of my co workers lives in atlanta. he's VERY familiar with the ENTIRE debate. he said most of the gov wanted to end them long before delta dropped their nra discounts.

so i can listen to someone i know and trust who lives there and understands the story from years of experience and perspectives, or someone i rarely see cause they're on ignore due to past bullshit they cite.

give me a minute, this is a tough call.

Could you ask your coworker if that is the case why it made it through the House with less than a day and a half for debate

Sent from my iPhone using
from what he said it's because most didn't want it anyway and most of the discussion was already done. it was a PR stunt at the end the lt gov did that got all the attention.

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