Georgia Senate blocks mega tax cuts for Delta in response to Delta punishing law abiding NRA

Delta isn't going anywhere. Perhaps they could threaten to outsource some functions out of state but I haven't read anything to that affect. The question I have seen poised in magazines such as Fortune is whether Georgia just shot itself in the foot with regard to Atlanta's bid for Amazon HQ2?

Of course they are not going anywhere.

You are on the board of Delta. Your job is to keep prices down, make investors happy, and make your company competitive.

So what's cheaper, giving the NRA their stupid discounts back, or spending tens of millions of dollars moving your operation to another city or state?

Well if you decide on the latter, then expect your investors to sell their stock as fast as somebody will buy them.

They choose to tell the Ga Senate to fuck off, they will not be forced to give another private entity a discount no matter how hard statist like you want them to.

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It's called competition with other States, that's a good throw around the word "statist" to liberally and it's not in context

Your logic escapes me. Can you explain how the government of Georgia trying to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity is an example of competition with other states?

A statist is "advocate of a political system in which the state has substantial centralized control over social and economic affairs." I say that the the government of Georgia trying to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity is the a textbook example of state having (or trying to have) substantial control over economic affairs

Bull.... They probably gave Delta those tax breaks to bring or keep them there to begin with... ..States and local governments are always doing that it's, part of the competitive process between state and local governments

Wrong. They cut those tax exemptions in 2015. And the Gov and Lt Gov were bringing them back this year.

And Delta has been in Atlanta since 1941.

As for competition between states, how is punishing one of the biggest employers in your state competition with other states? Is the competition how to meddle in the affairs of private businesses?
Bull.... They probably gave Delta those tax breaks to bring or keep them there to begin with... ..States and local governments are always doing that it's, part of the competitive process between state and local governments

Yes, I understand why they gave them in the first place, but they took them away, according to the LtGov, specifically because Delta refused to give a financial discount to the NRA...thus the government of Georgia tried to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity
Bull.... They probably gave Delta those tax breaks to bring or keep them there to begin with... ..States and local governments are always doing that it's, part of the competitive process between state and local governments

Yes, I understand why they gave them in the first place, but they took them away, according to the LtGov, specifically because Delta refused to give a financial discount to the NRA...thus the government of Georgia tried to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity

The fuel tax exemption was originally given to Delta (and other airlines) long after Delta put its headquarters in Atlanta. Then it was rescinded in 2015. It was being brought back by the same people the NRA paid to have take it away for their business decision.
Of course they are not going anywhere.

You are on the board of Delta. Your job is to keep prices down, make investors happy, and make your company competitive.

So what's cheaper, giving the NRA their stupid discounts back, or spending tens of millions of dollars moving your operation to another city or state?

Well if you decide on the latter, then expect your investors to sell their stock as fast as somebody will buy them.

They choose to tell the Ga Senate to fuck off, they will not be forced to give another private entity a discount no matter how hard statist like you want them to.

Sent from my iPhone using

It's called competition with other States, that's a good throw around the word "statist" to liberally and it's not in context

Your logic escapes me. Can you explain how the government of Georgia trying to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity is an example of competition with other states?

A statist is "advocate of a political system in which the state has substantial centralized control over social and economic affairs." I say that the the government of Georgia trying to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity is the a textbook example of state having (or trying to have) substantial control over economic affairs

Bull.... They probably gave Delta those tax breaks to bring or keep them there to begin with... ..States and local governments are always doing that it's, part of the competitive process between state and local governments

Wrong. They cut those tax exemptions in 2015. And the Gov and Lt Gov were bringing them back this year.

And Delta has been in Atlanta since 1941.

As for competition between states, how is punishing one of the biggest employers in your state competition with other states? Is the competition how to meddle in the affairs of private businesses?

Some other state could lure them away then...States can do what they want. If Delta moved to another state then they do...Big business should stay out of these political issues or suffer the consequences..Delta is not a private business
They choose to tell the Ga Senate to fuck off, they will not be forced to give another private entity a discount no matter how hard statist like you want them to.

Sent from my iPhone using

It's called competition with other States, that's a good throw around the word "statist" to liberally and it's not in context

Your logic escapes me. Can you explain how the government of Georgia trying to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity is an example of competition with other states?

A statist is "advocate of a political system in which the state has substantial centralized control over social and economic affairs." I say that the the government of Georgia trying to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity is the a textbook example of state having (or trying to have) substantial control over economic affairs

Bull.... They probably gave Delta those tax breaks to bring or keep them there to begin with... ..States and local governments are always doing that it's, part of the competitive process between state and local governments

Wrong. They cut those tax exemptions in 2015. And the Gov and Lt Gov were bringing them back this year.

And Delta has been in Atlanta since 1941.

As for competition between states, how is punishing one of the biggest employers in your state competition with other states? Is the competition how to meddle in the affairs of private businesses?

Some other state could lure them away then...States can do what they want. If Delta moved to another state then they do...Big business should stay out of these political issues or suffer the consequences..Delta is not a private business

They are a private company in that they are not a government agency or owned by the government.

And the question still remains, why are you ok with the government of Georgia tried to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity
It's called competition with other States, that's a good throw around the word "statist" to liberally and it's not in context

Your logic escapes me. Can you explain how the government of Georgia trying to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity is an example of competition with other states?

A statist is "advocate of a political system in which the state has substantial centralized control over social and economic affairs." I say that the the government of Georgia trying to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity is the a textbook example of state having (or trying to have) substantial control over economic affairs

Bull.... They probably gave Delta those tax breaks to bring or keep them there to begin with... ..States and local governments are always doing that it's, part of the competitive process between state and local governments

Wrong. They cut those tax exemptions in 2015. And the Gov and Lt Gov were bringing them back this year.

And Delta has been in Atlanta since 1941.

As for competition between states, how is punishing one of the biggest employers in your state competition with other states? Is the competition how to meddle in the affairs of private businesses?

Some other state could lure them away then...States can do what they want. If Delta moved to another state then they do...Big business should stay out of these political issues or suffer the consequences..Delta is not a private business

They are a private company in that they are not a government agency or owned by the government.

And the question still remains, why are you ok with the government of Georgia tried to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity

Because when it comes to overbearing government, Republicans only have a problem with it when they're not in power.
They choose to tell the Ga Senate to fuck off, they will not be forced to give another private entity a discount no matter how hard statist like you want them to.

Sent from my iPhone using

It's called competition with other States, that's a good throw around the word "statist" to liberally and it's not in context

Your logic escapes me. Can you explain how the government of Georgia trying to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity is an example of competition with other states?

A statist is "advocate of a political system in which the state has substantial centralized control over social and economic affairs." I say that the the government of Georgia trying to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity is the a textbook example of state having (or trying to have) substantial control over economic affairs

Bull.... They probably gave Delta those tax breaks to bring or keep them there to begin with... ..States and local governments are always doing that it's, part of the competitive process between state and local governments

Wrong. They cut those tax exemptions in 2015. And the Gov and Lt Gov were bringing them back this year.

And Delta has been in Atlanta since 1941.

As for competition between states, how is punishing one of the biggest employers in your state competition with other states? Is the competition how to meddle in the affairs of private businesses?

Some other state could lure them away then...States can do what they want. If Delta moved to another state then they do...Big business should stay out of these political issues or suffer the consequences..Delta is not a private business

I am sure most states would LOVE to lure Delta away. They employ 33,000 people in GA and contribute $45 billion to the economy.

But the only way this is a competition is if the competition is to run your major employers away.

Yes, Delta is a publically traded corporation. But that still does not excuse the Georgia state gov't for punishing them for a business decision. As I said before, that is gov't meddling where it does not belong.

Which is also why I am ridiculing the (so called) conservatives for supporting the actions of the GA legislature. After years of calling for smaller, less intrusive gov't, this is what they support?
They choose to tell the Ga Senate to fuck off, they will not be forced to give another private entity a discount no matter how hard statist like you want them to.

Sent from my iPhone using

It's called competition with other States, that's a good throw around the word "statist" to liberally and it's not in context

Your logic escapes me. Can you explain how the government of Georgia trying to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity is an example of competition with other states?

A statist is "advocate of a political system in which the state has substantial centralized control over social and economic affairs." I say that the the government of Georgia trying to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity is the a textbook example of state having (or trying to have) substantial control over economic affairs

Bull.... They probably gave Delta those tax breaks to bring or keep them there to begin with... ..States and local governments are always doing that it's, part of the competitive process between state and local governments

Wrong. They cut those tax exemptions in 2015. And the Gov and Lt Gov were bringing them back this year.

And Delta has been in Atlanta since 1941.

As for competition between states, how is punishing one of the biggest employers in your state competition with other states? Is the competition how to meddle in the affairs of private businesses?

Some other state could lure them away then...States can do what they want. If Delta moved to another state then they do...Big business should stay out of these political issues or suffer the consequences..Delta is not a private business

Its funny, you want big businesses to stay out of these political issues, but are ok with gov't getting involved in private business?
It would cost billions of dollars and take years to move everything to a different airport. By the time the move was complete Delta would have joined TWA in the ash heap of history.
Nobody said anything about surrendering gates nor moving rolling stock...

The talk was about moving the Corporate Headquarters for Delta...

The Corporate Headquarters is irrelevant. The fuel is bought and needed where the planes are. You pay gasoline taxes based upon where you buy it, not based upon where your car is registered. As a Trucker, we filled up in Arizona before crossing into California, and it was a serious no no to buy fuel in California unless you were in danger of running out, a slightly bigger no no. The reason, the taxes were lower in Arizona, than in California.

Move the Corporate Headquartrs, and it won’t matter, because the planes will still be fueling up in Atlanta, and they’ll still be paying more in taxes.
Moving Corporate Headquarters would have deprived the State of Georgia of thousands of jobs, in retaliation for this arm-twisting by the State Senate.

Trouble is, since I wrote that, it has come to light (for me) that Delta will not move its headquarters, regardless of this attack by the State Senate.

They were based in the Mississippi "delta" in the 1920s and early 1930s, but moved to Atlanta in the 1930s, and have been there since.

For all intents and purposes, Atlanta is the only "home" that Corporate Headquarters has known within Living Memory, and, I'm sure, locally, they're branded that way.

Translation: it's in Delta's best interest to remain in Atlanta even though the State Senate attacked them for their severing of relations with the NRA.

An act of Corporate Heroism, followed soon thereafter by an act of Corporate Self-Interest bordering on political cowardice; but understandable, in any event.

Damned shame, that.

You are wrong on both parts. First, Delta's removal of the NRA discounts was not an act of Corporate Heroism, it was a business decision no different than the one they made last year when they pulled their funding from the play showing a violent murder of Pres Trump.

Delta has one and only on purpose and that is to make money. They are basically losing nothing by staying in Ga, every airline flying in and out of the state will pay the higher fuel tax so it is a wash, they will all just up their fares to make up for it.

There is no business reason to move their HQ and it would be grossly unfair to the people that would have to choose between staying with Delta and moving or leaving the company and staying in their homes.

Heroism?'s pandering to leftist nutjobs ..stay out of it,and fly airplanes
Nonsense. According to Pubs, corporations are people, too, and, therefore, have First Amendment rights, as well.

A state legislature spanking a corporation for exercising their First Amendments rights is wholly un-American and, quite possibly, un-Constitutional.
I never said I supported it, but it goes on all the time. Now it's the leftists who are complaining when it's their party that constantly does the same thing. When they control businesses via taxation it's fine and dandy. When a Republican does the same thing, now be concerned about government interference with business.

You never said it was wrong either and you said that Delta should cave. But you are right, the left/Dems do this sort of stuff all the time as it is a "left" thing to do. But now the right is joining and those on the right are cheering it happening. What that does is move the country to the left twice as fast than it it were just the left doing this sort of thing.

Let's be honest, you are only against what Delta did because they did it to the NRA. Had they done it to the BLM you would be fine with the standing up to the Govt.

It would have been better for his business, but then he would have to go against the creed of his religion. Apples and oranges really. Delta caved because of political pressure. They actually started this themselves.

It doesn't matter why the caved, they are a private business and you should be supporting their freedom to cave if they choose to. In this story Delta is not the biggest issue, the much bigger issue is that the Ga LtGov and Senate choose to do what they did, something you would have major issues with had it been NY and they were doing because someone took away a discount for 13 Planned parenthood members.

You are now comparing Black Lies Matter to Delta Air Lines?

Sure I would support any company against BLM. They are the group that was present at the last two riots. They are the group that was screaming WHAT DO WE WANT? DEAD COPS! WHEN DO WE WANT IT? NOW! What civilized person could actually support them?

The NRA is simply a gun group. They do everything legal, everything by the book, they advocate gun safety and promote our Constitutional right to bear arms. They had absolutely nothing to do with the school shooting. So why are they being punished? Because they are an organization hated by the left, so they dragged the NRA into this school shooting story somehow, and then Delta punishes them on top of it.

Punishes them? By removing a discount that very few even used? Really?

Besides, for the state gov't to punish Delta for a business decision is the state overstepping its bounds by a huge margin.

It was less a business decision than it was a political decision. Delta caved to political pressure which at that point, they became political.

Fed Ex and others are doing just fine, so if Delta's decision was pure business, it wasn't that great of a business decision.
So, I will ask you again. Would you approve if the Senate of Ohio and the LtGov of Ohio tried to force Marathon Petroleum to give financial discounts to the NAACP? Would you be ok with that?

You are changing the story all around and giving apples to oranges comparisons. It's not like Delta was sitting there minding their own business and GA said you better START giving discounts to NRA members or else. Those discounts were already in place and Delta decided to pull them because of political pressure from the commies.

The only reason I'm not hell bent on GA pressuring Delta is because I'm so sick and tired of these leftist control freaks. Again, the NRA had absolutely nothing to do with this school shooting or any other shooting for that matter. It's just they are an enemy of the left who are using this unfortunate tragedy to promote their political agenda.
So, I will ask you again. Would you approve if the Senate of Ohio and the LtGov of Ohio tried to force Marathon Petroleum to give financial discounts to the NAACP? Would you be ok with that?

You are changing the story all around and giving apples to oranges comparisons. It's not like Delta was sitting there minding their own business and GA said you better START giving discounts to NRA members or else. Those discounts were already in place and Delta decided to pull them because of political pressure from the commies.

The only reason I'm not hell bent on GA pressuring Delta is because I'm so sick and tired of these leftist control freaks. Again, the NRA had absolutely nothing to do with this school shooting or any other shooting for that matter. It's just they are an enemy of the left who are using this unfortunate tragedy to promote their political agenda.

Does being "sick and tired of these leftist control freaks" excuse excessive government intrusion into private business affairs, in your mind?

Wouldn't a better way to punish/push back against Delta be for private citizens and organizations to do something, such as a boycott?
So, I will ask you again. Would you approve if the Senate of Ohio and the LtGov of Ohio tried to force Marathon Petroleum to give financial discounts to the NAACP? Would you be ok with that?

You are changing the story all around and giving apples to oranges comparisons. It's not like Delta was sitting there minding their own business and GA said you better START giving discounts to NRA members or else. Those discounts were already in place and Delta decided to pull them because of political pressure from the commies.

The only reason I'm not hell bent on GA pressuring Delta is because I'm so sick and tired of these leftist control freaks. Again, the NRA had absolutely nothing to do with this school shooting or any other shooting for that matter. It's just they are an enemy of the left who are using this unfortunate tragedy to promote their political agenda.

Does being "sick and tired of these leftist control freaks" excuse excessive government intrusion into private business affairs, in your mind?

Wouldn't a better way to punish/push back against Delta be for private citizens and organizations to do something, such as a boycott?

I'm sure that's happening too. But here's the situation:

We have a leftist Sheriff who is shedding blame for the conduct of his officers.
We have an armed deputy Sheriff who just stood outside and listened to those kids get murdered one by one.
We have a government agency who didn't lift one finger to act on looking into this psycho.
We have the Promise Program that rewarded various government entities for not reporting crime which was started by the DumBama administration which may have led to the prevention of this shooting.
We had school security cameras that did not provide live feed to the police because it was on a half-hour delay.

Yet none of these protesters or critics are blaming various governments or the shooter. Instead, they are attacking the NRA and Delta supports them.
Yet none of these protesters or critics are blaming various governments or the shooter. Instead, they are attacking the NRA and Delta supports them.

So, they're stupid. People have a right to be stupid. And they have a right to shun those they disagree with. Government has no business interfering.
It's called competition with other States, that's a good throw around the word "statist" to liberally and it's not in context

Your logic escapes me. Can you explain how the government of Georgia trying to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity is an example of competition with other states?

A statist is "advocate of a political system in which the state has substantial centralized control over social and economic affairs." I say that the the government of Georgia trying to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity is the a textbook example of state having (or trying to have) substantial control over economic affairs

Bull.... They probably gave Delta those tax breaks to bring or keep them there to begin with... ..States and local governments are always doing that it's, part of the competitive process between state and local governments

Wrong. They cut those tax exemptions in 2015. And the Gov and Lt Gov were bringing them back this year.

And Delta has been in Atlanta since 1941.

As for competition between states, how is punishing one of the biggest employers in your state competition with other states? Is the competition how to meddle in the affairs of private businesses?

Some other state could lure them away then...States can do what they want. If Delta moved to another state then they do...Big business should stay out of these political issues or suffer the consequences..Delta is not a private business

They are a private company in that they are not a government agency or owned by the government.

And the question still remains, why are you ok with the government of Georgia tried to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity

it's not about a discount, it's about discriminating based on politics...that should be unacceptable to you or anyone else
It's called competition with other States, that's a good throw around the word "statist" to liberally and it's not in context

Your logic escapes me. Can you explain how the government of Georgia trying to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity is an example of competition with other states?

A statist is "advocate of a political system in which the state has substantial centralized control over social and economic affairs." I say that the the government of Georgia trying to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity is the a textbook example of state having (or trying to have) substantial control over economic affairs

Bull.... They probably gave Delta those tax breaks to bring or keep them there to begin with... ..States and local governments are always doing that it's, part of the competitive process between state and local governments

Wrong. They cut those tax exemptions in 2015. And the Gov and Lt Gov were bringing them back this year.

And Delta has been in Atlanta since 1941.

As for competition between states, how is punishing one of the biggest employers in your state competition with other states? Is the competition how to meddle in the affairs of private businesses?

Some other state could lure them away then...States can do what they want. If Delta moved to another state then they do...Big business should stay out of these political issues or suffer the consequences..Delta is not a private business

I am sure most states would LOVE to lure Delta away. They employ 33,000 people in GA and contribute $45 billion to the economy.

But the only way this is a competition is if the competition is to run your major employers away.

Yes, Delta is a publically traded corporation. But that still does not excuse the Georgia state gov't for punishing them for a business decision. As I said before, that is gov't meddling where it does not belong.

Which is also why I am ridiculing the (so called) conservatives for supporting the actions of the GA legislature. After years of calling for smaller, less intrusive gov't, this is what they support?

It wasn't a business decision, the decision ultimately was a political decision by company bureaucrats. The best 'business decision" would have been to stay out of it, and do their business...How many stock holders do you think are NRA members and gun owners ?
Your logic escapes me. Can you explain how the government of Georgia trying to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity is an example of competition with other states?

A statist is "advocate of a political system in which the state has substantial centralized control over social and economic affairs." I say that the the government of Georgia trying to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity is the a textbook example of state having (or trying to have) substantial control over economic affairs

Bull.... They probably gave Delta those tax breaks to bring or keep them there to begin with... ..States and local governments are always doing that it's, part of the competitive process between state and local governments

Wrong. They cut those tax exemptions in 2015. And the Gov and Lt Gov were bringing them back this year.

And Delta has been in Atlanta since 1941.

As for competition between states, how is punishing one of the biggest employers in your state competition with other states? Is the competition how to meddle in the affairs of private businesses?

Some other state could lure them away then...States can do what they want. If Delta moved to another state then they do...Big business should stay out of these political issues or suffer the consequences..Delta is not a private business

They are a private company in that they are not a government agency or owned by the government.

And the question still remains, why are you ok with the government of Georgia tried to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity

Because when it comes to overbearing government, Republicans only have a problem with it when they're not in power.

You don't comprehend whats over your head:eusa_wall:
Bull.... They probably gave Delta those tax breaks to bring or keep them there to begin with... ..States and local governments are always doing that it's, part of the competitive process between state and local governments

Wrong. They cut those tax exemptions in 2015. And the Gov and Lt Gov were bringing them back this year.

And Delta has been in Atlanta since 1941.

As for competition between states, how is punishing one of the biggest employers in your state competition with other states? Is the competition how to meddle in the affairs of private businesses?

Some other state could lure them away then...States can do what they want. If Delta moved to another state then they do...Big business should stay out of these political issues or suffer the consequences..Delta is not a private business

They are a private company in that they are not a government agency or owned by the government.

And the question still remains, why are you ok with the government of Georgia tried to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity

Because when it comes to overbearing government, Republicans only have a problem with it when they're not in power.

You don't comprehend whats over your head:eusa_wall:

Good answer! Good answer!
Your logic escapes me. Can you explain how the government of Georgia trying to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity is an example of competition with other states?

A statist is "advocate of a political system in which the state has substantial centralized control over social and economic affairs." I say that the the government of Georgia trying to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity is the a textbook example of state having (or trying to have) substantial control over economic affairs

Bull.... They probably gave Delta those tax breaks to bring or keep them there to begin with... ..States and local governments are always doing that it's, part of the competitive process between state and local governments

Wrong. They cut those tax exemptions in 2015. And the Gov and Lt Gov were bringing them back this year.

And Delta has been in Atlanta since 1941.

As for competition between states, how is punishing one of the biggest employers in your state competition with other states? Is the competition how to meddle in the affairs of private businesses?

Some other state could lure them away then...States can do what they want. If Delta moved to another state then they do...Big business should stay out of these political issues or suffer the consequences..Delta is not a private business

I am sure most states would LOVE to lure Delta away. They employ 33,000 people in GA and contribute $45 billion to the economy.

But the only way this is a competition is if the competition is to run your major employers away.

Yes, Delta is a publically traded corporation. But that still does not excuse the Georgia state gov't for punishing them for a business decision. As I said before, that is gov't meddling where it does not belong.

Which is also why I am ridiculing the (so called) conservatives for supporting the actions of the GA legislature. After years of calling for smaller, less intrusive gov't, this is what they support?

It wasn't a business decision, the decision ultimately was a political decision by company bureaucrats. The best 'business decision" would have been to stay out of it, and do their business...How many stock holders do you think are NRA members and gun owners ?

It was a business decision to divest themselves of perceived connections to an organization that is being held responsible, whether accurate or not. There is a large uproar over the NRA's influence over politicians. Delta had a minor connection with the NRA via a discount program that was all but ignored. They ended it. Considering how few discounts were used, the NRA apparently didn't think much of the program either. Until it was publicly removed.
Your logic escapes me. Can you explain how the government of Georgia trying to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity is an example of competition with other states?

A statist is "advocate of a political system in which the state has substantial centralized control over social and economic affairs." I say that the the government of Georgia trying to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity is the a textbook example of state having (or trying to have) substantial control over economic affairs

Bull.... They probably gave Delta those tax breaks to bring or keep them there to begin with... ..States and local governments are always doing that it's, part of the competitive process between state and local governments

Wrong. They cut those tax exemptions in 2015. And the Gov and Lt Gov were bringing them back this year.

And Delta has been in Atlanta since 1941.

As for competition between states, how is punishing one of the biggest employers in your state competition with other states? Is the competition how to meddle in the affairs of private businesses?

Some other state could lure them away then...States can do what they want. If Delta moved to another state then they do...Big business should stay out of these political issues or suffer the consequences..Delta is not a private business

They are a private company in that they are not a government agency or owned by the government.

And the question still remains, why are you ok with the government of Georgia tried to force one private entity to give a financial discount to another private entity

it's not about a discount, it's about discriminating based on politics...that should be unacceptable to you or anyone else

From what I have read, the NRA only used the discount 13 times last year. Apparently they didn't think much of the discount. But being denied publicly bothered them. So they sent their politicians after Delta for the perceived insult.

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