Geraldo Rivera is a disgrace for attacking Truckers' Freedom Convoy in Canada

geraldo will never live down the al capone vault fuckup... he could cure cancer now, doesn't matter, he will still be the feckless fucktard that shit his pants on live TV in 1986.

He makes Plugs look clever and quick-witted.... almost.

Check out how Geraldo attacks truckers’ freedom convoy in Canada:

Now, check out a video of our own 1970’s freedom convoy which eventually shut down Capitol Hill lunatics in Washington, D.C.

And check out the following flick:


Note the sign saying: I wish I was a puppy dog and Carter was a tree.

Does Geraldo now come to mind?

Geraldo Rivera is a disgrace to the Puerto Ricans, and Blacks I grew up with in the South Bronx and East Harlem during the 50's and late 60s


Let us not forget during the coming election what the Democrat Party Leadership has done to our businesses, our families and our children, when they ignored a commonsense approach to the Covid outbreak and instead, substituted irrational and unscientific iron fisted measures which may take a generation to overcome.

I agree with Geraldo. Those are not the USA among them, or are they. I'm sure there are proud boys and all kinds of right wing loons. She just a blond with a dumb head.
anything to get out of work.
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I agree with Geraldo.
Franklin was speaking about you pussy assed clowns when he wrote:

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.___ Benjamin Franklin, 1755
They are thugs who have bought themselves a shit load of legal problems that no go fund me is going to make go away. A lot of them will lose their commercial licenses, and their livelihoods. And then they'll be crying on FoxNews about how unfair the world is to them. Fuck all of them.
Nothing bad could come from that. The truth is they are much more important than the Prog paper pushers in high rises who smell their own shit and believe its perfume.
They are thugs who have bought themselves a shit load of legal problems that no go fund me is going to make go away. A lot of them will lose their commercial licenses, and their livelihoods. And then they'll be crying on FoxNews about how unfair the world is to them. Fuck all of them.

Nope, you're wrong and you must be called out for your lies.

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