Whose "Freedom" Are The Convoy "Freedom Fighters" Fighting For? Not Everyones.

I thought you Commies loved when the People rise up against oppressive government?
Yeah that’s the common line from the dopes who are actually scared to death of the idea of taking the vaccine that literally billions of people have gotten. It’s you dopes who are broken and maladjusted to life in modern society.
Says the jackbooted asshole who wants to physically force hypos in the arms of those who don't follow in your goosesteps.

Yeah, eat shit and die, fascist fuck.
Yeah that’s the common line from the dopes who are actually scared to death of the idea of taking the vaccine that literally billions of people have gotten. It’s you dopes who are broken and maladjusted to life in modern society.

LOL, do you find that deflection and reversal of a stated fact works well for you? You cower in your home, you take EVERY shot and "booster" they tell you to. You ear a mask where ever you go yet I'm the "coward"? You run with that kid, in the mean time stay out of my way and do not get in my way or try and make me do something I refuse to do.
Says the jackbooted asshole who wants to physically force hypos in the arms of those who don't follow in your goosesteps.

Yeah, eat shit and die, fascist fuck.
Keep pantshitting over a vaccine that old ladies and children take without a flinch, loser.
The freedom of making their own healthcare decisions.
The already did and they chose to get vaccinated!
The freedom to associate freely.
Meaningless until you come up with an explanation on who's telling somebody they can't associate with anybody else?
The freedom to worship freely.
Freedom to talk to sky fairies is allowed in Canada. Probably moreso because we have the right to talk to any sky fairy we choose, including none, the celestial teapot, or Allah and Buddha! Marx is my personal choice. (are you now, or have you ever been a member of ....................................?)
The freedom to live without a diaper on their faces. Isn't that enough for you?
Now you're just going right back to pissant silly and I've told you that we're not going to do that!
Anyway, your Xiden is the biggest mandater of all!
LOL, do you find that deflection and reversal of a stated fact works well for you? You cower in your home, you take EVERY shot and "booster" they tell you to. You ear a mask where ever you go yet I'm the "coward"? You run with that kid, in the mean time stay out of my way and do not get in my way or try and make me do something I refuse to do.
It’s not a reversal dope. It’s the way it’s always been. You dummies aren’t in the minority because you’re smart. You are scared to death of the vaccine because you aren’t up to the task of knowing any better.
The already did and they chose to get vaccinated!
Apparently they didn't like the government forcing them to do it. Please keep up.
Freedom to worship--quit lying duck. It made international news when your gestapo arrested clergy in the middle of a highway for holding services.
I've told you that we're not going to do that!
Fuck off and die, duck. This isn't your communist China, you can't tell anyone to do anything and be taken seriously. Run along now, we're tiring of your CCP lies.
Yeah that’s the common line from the dopes who are actually scared to death of the idea of taking the vaccine that literally billions of people have gotten. It’s you dopes who are broken and maladjusted to life in modern society.
Did Biden's mommy come and wipe your ass for you today?

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