Whose "Freedom" Are The Convoy "Freedom Fighters" Fighting For? Not Everyones.

The so-called “freedom convoy” has captured worldwide attention as a minority of truckers and their supporters have asserted their right to assemble and oppose COVID-19 protocols imposed by the federal, provincial and territorial governments. No problem there.

The problem lies in what’s not being said or acknowledged.

The one-word rallying cry — freedom — is the activist mantra. Who could be against freedom? But let’s take stock of the freedom that some have exercised during the ongoing rally:

In the tantrum for so-called freedom, the majority of participants have not denounced or condemned these reprehensible, well-documented behaviours which, notably, have gone mostly without consequence.

It’s worth noting that a freedom they’re demanding — the right to refuse COVID-19 vaccinations without curtailing their livelihood — poses immense risk not only to themselves but to everyone else, while also draining the health-care system and denying treatments for others.

Whose freedom? Not the overwhelming majority of Canada, that don't support these losers shitting in the streets.

Whose freedom is the ‘freedom convoy’ fighting for? Not everyone’s

These anti science losers don't have the support they think they do.
Well they could loot and burn down billions of dollars worth of private businesses like blm and antifa.
They could kill hundreds of cops and hurt thousands, like blm and antifa.
They could trap innocent people into a police station and try to burn it down with them in it. Like blm and antifa.
They could destroy a federal court building, like blm and antifa.
But instead most of the truckers will peacefully protest. You have no room to be outraged, hypocrite.
And so the real answer is very simple to understand. It's the reason the truckers had in the first place as they were on their way to Ottawa. But unfortunately their cause was hijacked out from under their twucks by America's mandate on the vax.

And so now they sit around like lost twerps as the extreme elements run their show for them.

While all they really needed to do is to just ask Mr. Covid to go away.

Bad, bad Mr. Covid is causing trouble and unrest right throughout the world!

Americans may have the only real answer to the problem.

Just plain deny that Mr. Covid exists!

Ya'all can't get any smartur then thet!
Or it might just be that the elite needed a way to poison a popular movement that had gained momentum by sending in agitators, using the media to focus on or exaggerate bad actors, and then of course play identity politics to discredit the movement.

The same thing happened to Occupy Wall Street.
The so-called “freedom convoy” has captured worldwide attention as a minority of truckers and their supporters have asserted their right to assemble and oppose COVID-19 protocols imposed by the federal, provincial and territorial governments. No problem there.

The problem lies in what’s not being said or acknowledged.

The one-word rallying cry — freedom — is the activist mantra. Who could be against freedom? But let’s take stock of the freedom that some have exercised during the ongoing rally:

In the tantrum for so-called freedom, the majority of participants have not denounced or condemned these reprehensible, well-documented behaviours which, notably, have gone mostly without consequence.

It’s worth noting that a freedom they’re demanding — the right to refuse COVID-19 vaccinations without curtailing their livelihood — poses immense risk not only to themselves but to everyone else, while also draining the health-care system and denying treatments for others.

Whose freedom? Not the overwhelming majority of Canada, that don't support these losers shitting in the streets.

Whose freedom is the ‘freedom convoy’ fighting for? Not everyone’s

These anti science losers don't have the support they think they do.
The so-called “freedom convoy” has captured worldwide attention as a minority of truckers and their supporters have asserted their right to assemble and oppose COVID-19 protocols imposed by the federal, provincial and territorial governments. No problem there.

The problem lies in what’s not being said or acknowledged.

The one-word rallying cry — freedom — is the activist mantra. Who could be against freedom? But let’s take stock of the freedom that some have exercised during the ongoing rally:

In the tantrum for so-called freedom, the majority of participants have not denounced or condemned these reprehensible, well-documented behaviours which, notably, have gone mostly without consequence.

It’s worth noting that a freedom they’re demanding — the right to refuse COVID-19 vaccinations without curtailing their livelihood — poses immense risk not only to themselves but to everyone else, while also draining the health-care system and denying treatments for others.

Whose freedom? Not the overwhelming majority of Canada, that don't support these losers shitting in the streets.

Whose freedom is the ‘freedom convoy’ fighting for? Not everyone’s

These anti science losers don't have the support they think they do.
Your times up
What's not being said is that they don't know what they're fighting for.

Canada stands at near the top of the list as being one of the top 2 or3 freest countries in the world.

It would be more accurate to say that the Canadian truckers know what they are fighting for but the same can't be said about blog trash like "raw story".

Did you ask them for their CDLs and truck registration to prove your claims that it's truckers doing these things?

If not...


Or it might just be that the elite needed a way to poison a popular movement that had gained momentum by sending in agitators, using the media to focus on or exaggerate bad actors, and then of course play identity politics to discredit the movement.

The same thing happened to Occupy Wall Street.
The popular movement being who? The truckers? That's a feasible debating point to make but then it begs the question on just 'what' was the truckers' issue?

Could it be said that they came for freedom? And if so then just 'what' freedom was on their minds.

I think you have finally moved this discussion on somewhat. Can you turn it into something real?

There's little doubt everybody wants a solid and well grounded talking point!
The popular movement being who? The truckers? That's a feasible debating point to make but then it begs the question on just 'what' was the truckers' issue?

Could it be said that they came for freedom? And if so then just 'what' freedom was on their minds.

I think you have finally moved this discussion on somewhat. Can you turn it into something real?

There's little doubt everybody wants a solid and well grounded talking point!
Many of the truckers were fighting to keep their jobs while not having to get the vaccine. That's the main point of the protests.
It would be more accurate to say that the Canadian truckers know what they are fighting for but the same can't be said about blog trash like "raw story".
What are they fighting for? Freedom? What freedom are they lacking?

Don't just blow fkng smoke my friend, show your buddies you're made of something more substantial than swiss cheese!
If they represent you that makes you in the minority and accomplishing nothing.

Only in your very own worthless opinion. We're what, 2 years in? No mask. No jabs. No obsessive hand washing. No Covid. You're a scared little man.
But unfortunately their cause was hijacked out from under their twucks by America's mandate on the vax.
Unlike you, duck, we keep up on current events. Turdeau's mandates have kept the borders closed for two years running. The US southern border is wide open--we are responding to Turdeau's ridiculous closure--not vice versa. BTW, you should really have that speech impediment looked at.
What are they fighting for? Freedom? What freedom are they lacking?
The freedom of making their own healthcare decisions. The freedom to associate freely. The freedom to worship freely. The freedom to live without a diaper on their faces. Isn't that enough for you?
Bullshit!! Over 90% are vaccinated and 100% had to be vaccinated before crossing the US border.
America said so!
Stop blowing smoke and face up to the facts!
Your commie lies aren't flying in your own country, duck. The trucking alliance has stated unequivocally that they are not anti-vax. They want their God-given right to make those decisions unrestricted by Turdeau's commie mandates. How many times do you have to read it before you get it through your thick skull.
Bullshit!! Over 90% are vaccinated and 100% had to be vaccinated before crossing the US border.
America said so!
Stop blowing smoke and face up to the facts!
The mandate for crossing the US border is relatively recent. It did complicate things for Canadian truckers, but the convoy applies largely to truckers that do domestic hauling in Canada. A lot of Canadian truckers don't actually cross the US border.

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