Whose "Freedom" Are The Convoy "Freedom Fighters" Fighting For? Not Everyones.

The mandate for crossing the US border is relatively recent. It did complicate things for Canadian truckers, but the convoy applies largely to truckers that do domestic hauling in Canada. A lot of Canadian truckers don't actually cross the US border.
You're still blowing smoke. The US mandate wasn't 'more' recent and you fkng well know it. And the truckers are 90% vaxxed unless they need to cross your border and then it's 100%.

SMOKE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You're still blowing smoke. The US mandate wasn't 'more' recent and you fkng well know it. And the truckers are 90% vaxxed unless they need to cross your border and then it's 100%.

SMOKE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Trump did not mandate the vaccine for truckers crossing our border, and Biden didn't push that forward until October.
The so-called “freedom convoy” has captured worldwide attention as a minority of truckers and their supporters have asserted their right to assemble and oppose COVID-19 protocols imposed by the federal, provincial and territorial governments. No problem there.

The problem lies in what’s not being said or acknowledged.

The one-word rallying cry — freedom — is the activist mantra. Who could be against freedom? But let’s take stock of the freedom that some have exercised during the ongoing rally:

In the tantrum for so-called freedom, the majority of participants have not denounced or condemned these reprehensible, well-documented behaviours which, notably, have gone mostly without consequence.

It’s worth noting that a freedom they’re demanding — the right to refuse COVID-19 vaccinations without curtailing their livelihood — poses immense risk not only to themselves but to everyone else, while also draining the health-care system and denying treatments for others.

Whose freedom? Not the overwhelming majority of Canada, that don't support these losers shitting in the streets.

Whose freedom is the ‘freedom convoy’ fighting for? Not everyone’s

These anti science losers don't have the support they think they do.
When you catch covid and die you too will be free.....now run along sonny.
The so-called “freedom convoy” has captured worldwide attention as a minority of truckers and their supporters have asserted their right to assemble and oppose COVID-19 protocols imposed by the federal, provincial and territorial governments. No problem there.

The problem lies in what’s not being said or acknowledged.

The one-word rallying cry — freedom — is the activist mantra. Who could be against freedom? But let’s take stock of the freedom that some have exercised during the ongoing rally:

In the tantrum for so-called freedom, the majority of participants have not denounced or condemned these reprehensible, well-documented behaviours which, notably, have gone mostly without consequence.

It’s worth noting that a freedom they’re demanding — the right to refuse COVID-19 vaccinations without curtailing their livelihood — poses immense risk not only to themselves but to everyone else, while also draining the health-care system and denying treatments for others.

Whose freedom? Not the overwhelming majority of Canada, that don't support these losers shitting in the streets.

Whose freedom is the ‘freedom convoy’ fighting for? Not everyone’s

These anti science losers don't have the support they think they do.
You ppl that want mandates can move to an island call it mandate island 🤣🤣
Why do these people not use public toilets ? They even took shits in the capitol to prove what patriots they were. Their parents must be ashamed.
Why do these people not use public toilets ? They even took shits in the capitol to prove what patriots they were. Their parents must be ashamed.
Have you seen San Francisco Chicago Baltimore New York City lol Is human feces everywhere lol
What's not being said is that they don't know what they're fighting for.

Canada stands at near the top of the list as being one of the top 2 or3 freest countries in the world.

I thought you Commies loved when the People rise up against oppressive government?
I thought you Commies loved when the People rise up against oppressive government?
We do, but we need to know what we're expected to rise up against.
Trudeau must be doing something bad to rise up against, but we're still waiting to find out what?

Show us what you're made of Frank, and you could become the smartest of all by giving us the missing cause.

Sort of reminds me of the missing WMD's!

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