German AFD: “New Germans? We'll make them ourselves"


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
The German United Socialist Party CDU-CSU-SPD-FDP-Greens-Lefts demands more immigration of IQ60 illiterate fundamentalist African Muslims to solve the demographic problem in Germany.
The increasing of births by indigenous was 'nazi', 'racist', 'bigot' and 'islamophobe' for united socialists.
The AFD as the only alternative to hard-core lefts of CDU-CSU-SPD-FDP-Greens-Lefts wants more births by Germans, but not by importing of Muslims ( 95 % depend on welfare, only 15 % are capable to perform low skilled works like toilets cleaning or selling of vegetables ).
Now representatives of CDU-CSU-SPD-FDP-Greens-Lefts condemn AFD as the New NSDAP, its leaders as new hitlers and demand to prohibit AFD.
What is here wrong to increase own population instead of importing IQ 60 illeterate Muslims?

Here is a model German Family for AFD


The model German Family according to the United Socialists of CDU-CSU-SPD-FDP-Greens-Lefts


I know only MSM Presstitutes started a lying company against her.
Therefore she is good, because DDR 2.0 hates and lie about her.
Merkel should know well how German socialism actually looks like...


Merkel is much worst, she is a insane communist.
Nothing is worse about this plant (Boxberg). It is a necessity. Europe´s or even the world´s largest lignite (or coal at all) plant.

"Cola and mineral water from Schwarze Pumpe, lamps and carp from Jänschwalde, model railways from Boxberg: in the GDR it was quite usual for large industrial combines to manufacture goods for the local population as well – indeed, their economic plan actually obliged them to produce consumer goods. Thus the Lübenau power plant was the sole manufacturer of foot-operated air pumps in the country.

But the plants were also concerned with the welfare of the workers and their children. They ran children’s holiday camps, holiday homes, restaurants, vocational colleges as well as residential accommodation, company housing, saunas and well-stocked libraries, workers’ homes, and even a large football stadium in Cottbus. All of these were financed from a special cultural and social fund.

Brigades of power workers and miners were deployed to create allotments and connect whole sections of roads in rural areas to the public drinking water supply. Almost every brigade acted as a patron to a school class or kindergarten group. That meant taking part in hiking days, and in return the children came to marvel at the works."

The power economy in the German Democratic Republic (GDR) | The history and heritage of Vattenfall

Tell me what´s bad about that.
The German United Socialist Party CDU-CSU-SPD-FDP-Greens-Lefts demands more immigration of IQ60 illiterate fundamentalist African Muslims to solve the demographic problem in Germany.
The increasing of births by indigenous was 'nazi', 'racist', 'bigot' and 'islamophobe' for united socialists.
The AFD as the only alternative to hard-core lefts of CDU-CSU-SPD-FDP-Greens-Lefts wants more births by Germans, but not by importing of Muslims ( 95 % depend on welfare, only 15 % are capable to perform low skilled works like toilets cleaning or selling of vegetables ).
Now representatives of CDU-CSU-SPD-FDP-Greens-Lefts condemn AFD as the New NSDAP, its leaders as new hitlers and demand to prohibit AFD.
What is here wrong to increase own population instead of importing IQ 60 illeterate Muslims?

Here is a model German Family for AFD


The model German Family according to the United Socialists of CDU-CSU-SPD-FDP-Greens-Lefts


College Coolies

We don't need skilled immigrants either. The shortage of skilled Americans is caused solely by college being an unmotivating work-without-pay. The Educationists prevent us from listening to that. Even those who won't study for that reason are intimidated into saying it's because they "don't like school," as if they do like the jobs they get instead. It is unnatural for an 18-year-old not to make an income from a full-time job. Unless he does, his maturity is stunted.
The DDR is dead so posting about its failed industry isn't helpful.

Weide is a lesbian and has faced difficulties because of that. Because she is open about it though, she has said on the topic of gay marriage "family is where the children are".

I think a great number of nazis don't know that AfD stands for Adof für Doofe.

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