German family that obeyed our immigration laws to be deported....while illegal aliens allowed to stay.

That is "misinformation" because while the US gov does not intend to deport, by revoking their asylum status, they can no longer be employed in the US.
They would have the status only of tourists.
They could not file US taxes.
They will have to leave or starve.
I showed proof that was not the case, where is your proof?
Germany isn't a dictatorship; Venezuela is. (Or at least it is when you guys want to whine about the evils of Socialism).

Oh, wait, they've been here since 2008. Now, doing some simple math, that was 15 years ago, which means any kids they wanted to Home School should have graduated by now.
Libs hate Christians and the German family offends them

So hey have to be deported
/---/ As a Libtard, aren't you supposed to support free will, do your own thang, tain't no big deal, who are you to judge?

Naw, I just leave professional things to professionals.

Home Schooling makes about as much sense as "home Surgery".

You need to go to school for at least 6 years to be a teacher, more with continuing education.

As opposed to Home Schooling, which is, "Quiet and read your textbook, Mommy is watching her shows!"
Naw, I just leave professional things to professionals.

Home Schooling makes about as much sense as "home Surgery".

You need to go to school for at least 6 years to be a teacher, more with continuing education.

As opposed to Home Schooling, which is, "Quiet and read your textbook, Mommy is watching her shows!"
/----/ And how is that working out for NYC schools? What options do poor parents have (you know, the ones you Libtards pretend to care about)?
BTW, my late wife, BIL, Uncle, niece, and cousin were all career teachers.
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The filthy Biden Administration hates White immigration.

They love Black and Brown immigration.

That is just the kind of racist assholes they are.

Also, they hate the fact that not all kids are not indoctrinated by the despicable Teacher's Union.
That is "misinformation" because while the US gov does not intend to deport, by revoking their asylum status, they can no longer be employed in the US.
They would have the status only of tourists.
They could not file US taxes.
They will have to leave or starve.
I showed proof that was not the case, where is your proof?
Libs hate Christians and the German family offends them

So hey have to be deported
Are you using a soap box try and project.
The filthy Biden Administration hates White immigration.

They love Black and Brown immigration.

That is just the kind of racist assholes they are.

Also, they hate the fact that not all kids are not indoctrinated by the despicable Teacher's Union.
Totally untrue, do you like being a liar?
Every second thread is about "unwanted" immigrants on Usmessageboard, that is why I decided to start my thread, just to ask, if you only want white immigrants? Majority did say they want the immigrant quotas and laws from hundred years ago. I think only whites were allowed to migrate to the USA in the 1920s.
We would have less crime if we limited immigration to certain people.
He also built the Autobahn, but I don't think we should dismantle our highways on that "reasoning".

We need to outlaw homeschooling in this country. It's more a cult than an education system.
There are some secular homeschooling programs that seem to do ok.
If Germany were really a democratic republic, then it would allow home schooling.
The fact Germany is a NATO ally, is a mark against Germany, since NATO is evil colonial imperialists.
Clearly Germany is oppressive in some ways.
So is the US.
Neither gthe US nor nato are colonalial imperialists
Venezuela is less of a dictatorship than the US, but it is very poor, due to illegal US economic sanctions.
Dictating arbitrary economic sanctions is proof the US is the worse dictatorship.

It is more of a dictacorship.

It is very poor due to socialism. The US has NO sanctions on venzuela
So you think everyone who applied for asylum (a legal process) should automaticly [sic] be granted it?

Certainly, anyone who made a good-faith attempt to come here legally ought to be given a much higher priority than any invading foreign criminal that tries to come here illegally.

It is absolutely unjustifiable to kick these people out, while, at the same time, allowing invading foreign criminals to enter and stay.
Certainly, anyone who made a good-faith attempt to come here legally ought to be given a much higher priority than any invading foreign criminal that tries to come here illegally.

It is absolutely unjustifiable to kick these people out, while, at the same time, allowing invading foreign criminals to enter and stay.

Well, first, it wasn't a "Good Faith" effort. These people outright lied about being politically persecuted in Germany.

Secondly, the people arriving at the Southern Border are following our laws as written. They are applying for asylum - legitimately because the governments they are fleeing are truly oppressive- and awaiting their hearings.

The problem is that we've made that process so slow it will take years to resolve them.
Certainly, anyone who made a good-faith attempt to come here legally ought to be given a much higher priority than any invading foreign criminal that tries to come here illegally.

It is absolutely unjustifiable to kick these people out, while, at the same time, allowing invading foreign criminals to enter and stay.
And what determines “good faith”…skin co,or? National origin?
Why did the system put so much time and energy appealing the asylum? Something ain't right. The ironic thing is if the family learned a little Spanish and went to Mexico they could cross the border and be home free.

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