German family that obeyed our immigration laws to be deported....while illegal aliens allowed to stay.

So, let's summarize.

A German family gets asylum on a completely bogus claim of oppression (coming from a democracy and an ally). Despite their claims being utter bullshit, they were still able to avoid deportation for well over a decade.

If you guys were serious about this, you'd fully fund the agencies processing asylum claims instead of letting people twist in the wind for years.
So, let's summarize.

A German family gets asylum on a completely bogus claim of oppression (coming from a democracy and an ally). Despite their claims being utter bullshit, they were still able to avoid deportation for well over a decade.

If you guys were serious about this, you'd fully fund the agencies processing asylum claims instead of letting people twist in the wind for years.
German schools are unsafe because of the criminal foreigner breed and the regime that protects them. Plus you learn nothing but how to accept the daily beating and spit in your food.
They are not going to get asylum. They won't show up for court dates. It's intentional 3rd world replacement of Americans of European ancestry.


It's called the Great Replacement.


It's called the Great Replacement.

Replacement indicates that Americans are being gotten rid of.

The real problem is that we aren't replacing ourselves. We aren't producing enough children to replace the people who are dying/retiring.

The only thing that keeps us in population growth IS immigration.
In Germany in 1938, Adolf Hitler outlawed homeschooling.

Source: Hitler’s Ghost Haunts German Parents | The Brussels Journal

Hitler said, “Give me a child when he’s seven and he’s mine forever.”

Source: Scinto: Hitler quote used to stress early education

Hitler’s ban on homeschooling is still in effect in the 21st century.

Source: Homeschooling: German Family Gets Political Asylum in U.S. - TIME

In 2006, Katharina Plett was arrested for homeschooling her own children. Her husband and their children fled the country.

Source: Germany Imprisons Mum. Dad and Kids Flee to Austria | The Brussels Journal

In 2008, Juergen and Rosemary Dudek were sentenced to 90 days in jail for homeschooling their own children.

Source: HSLDA Files Asylum Application for German Homeschool Family

Uwe and Hannelore Romeike and their homeschooled children fled Germany after the police showed up at their house to enforce Germany’s ban on homeschooling. They came to the United States in 2010 and were granted political asylum, which gave them legal permission to live in the U.S. as political refugees. However, in March 2013, the Obama administration argued in federal court in favor of deporting them and sending them back to Germany. This means that Obama did not consider them to be political refugees, and that he did not consider Germany’s policy of jailing homeschooling parents to be a form of persecution.

Source: Home-schooling family who fled to U.S. from Germany face deportation: Parents face charges and $9,000 fine for taking kids out school as Obama officials prepare to send them back

Now the Biden administration is trying to deport the Romeike family.

Source: Morristown family from Germany fears deportation after more than 15 years in the U.S.

Why is the Biden administration trying to deport official refugees who are fleeing a policy that was created by Hiter?

I don’t usually agree with people who label their political opponents as being Nazi supporters.

But in this case, I have posted proof that that’s exactly what Biden is.

The above sources prove that Biden is a Nazi supporter.

And the same thing applies to Obama.
Germany isn't a dictatorship; Venezuela is. (Or at least it is when you guys want to whine about the evils of Socialism).

Oh, wait, they've been here since 2008. Now, doing some simple math, that was 15 years ago, which means any kids they wanted to Home School should have graduated by now.

Venezuela is less of a dictatorship than the US, but it is very poor, due to illegal US economic sanctions.
Dictating arbitrary economic sanctions is proof the US is the worse dictatorship.
So you think everyone who applied for asylum (a legal process) should automaticly be granted it?


On Germany, with something slightly anarchistic like home schooling, and yes they should have been granted asylum.
PJ Media is misinformation.

That is "misinformation" because while the US gov does not intend to deport, by revoking their asylum status, they can no longer be employed in the US.
They would have the status only of tourists.
They could not file US taxes.
They will have to leave or starve.
So, let's summarize.

A German family gets asylum on a completely bogus claim of oppression (coming from a democracy and an ally). Despite their claims being utter bullshit, they were still able to avoid deportation for well over a decade.

If you guys were serious about this, you'd fully fund the agencies processing asylum claims instead of letting people twist in the wind for years.

If Germany were really a democratic republic, then it would allow home schooling.
The fact Germany is a NATO ally, is a mark against Germany, since NATO is evil colonial imperialists.
Clearly Germany is oppressive in some ways.
So is the US.
Germany isn't a dictatorship; Venezuela is. (Or at least it is when you guys want to whine about the evils of Socialism).

Oh, wait, they've been here since 2008. Now, doing some simple math, that was 15 years ago, which means any kids they wanted to Home School should have graduated by now.
right…. germany is no diktatur
Venezuela is less of a dictatorship than the US, but it is very poor, due to illegal US economic sanctions.
Dictating arbitrary economic sanctions is proof the US is the worse dictatorship.

No, Venezuela is a dictatorship in that Chavez and Maduro have pretty much dismantled democracy in the country. People are eating their fucking dogs, and these clowns can't get voted out.

On Germany, with something slightly anarchistic like home schooling, and yes they should have been granted asylum.
No, Asylum should be for real threats of oppression. Not, "Oh, they have a law that I don't like!"

The fact that it's taken 15 years to throw these people out on this bogus claim of asylum shows how broken our system is.

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