German family that obeyed our immigration laws to be deported....while illegal aliens allowed to stay.

Venezuela is less of a dictatorship than the US, but it is very poor, due to illegal US economic sanctions.
Dictating arbitrary economic sanctions is proof the US is the worse dictatorship.

Venezuela's problems are 100% self inflicted.

I wrote about it in this very long blog post, and I included links to sources to verify all of my claims:

Bob only wants "White and Delightsome" immigrants.

As usual, you only show everyone what a lying piece of shit you are, not that everyone doesn't already know.

Post a link to one post of mine, where I express any opinion to the effect that anyone should be treated any differently than anyone else, on the basis of race.

You cannot, if course, because I have never held any such opinion, and I have never expressed any such opinion, and you are lying, as you always do, when you try to project your own hateful racism on me.
And what determines “good faith”…skin co,or [sic]? National origin?

What determines good faith when withdrawing money from a bank: presenting valid credentials that identify you as the rightful owner of the account from which money is being withdrawn, or pointing a gun at the teller and demanding that the money be handed over?

Of course, being a treasonous piece of shit, you take the side of invading foreign criminals against that of your own country and your own fellow Americans, and even aga9inst legitimate immigrants who come here legally.
What determines good faith when withdrawing money from a bank: presenting valid credentials that identify you as the rightful owner of the account from which money is being withdrawn, or pointing a gun at the teller and demanding that the money be handed over?

Of course, being a treasonous piece of shit, you take the side of invading foreign criminals against that of your own country and your own fellow Americans, and even aga9inst legitimate immigrants who come here legally.
There are quite a few thoughts I have on this I have no horse in the race and i do not want the German Family to be deported just wondering are they different then the rest who applied for assylym but you call them ilegals I saw that in another thread where some users called assylym seekers ilegals it does seem to have something to do with racial and national origin whether one gets called ilegal
2.even if they were legally in the USA but a court revokes their status are they not ilegals then like someone who legitimately came on a visa but overstayed it if they do not leave are they not ilegals and criminals again it does seem Something to do with their origin that you call them legitimate
3.a general philosophical statement only but laws do not always need to be correct the USA allowed citizenship and Immigration only for whites that does seem racist to me eventhough it was coded in law back then just like a new law could grant anyone legal status again this seems mostly to be about someones origins to me
As usual, you only show everyone what a lying piece of shit you are, not that everyone doesn't already know.

Post a link to one post of mine, where I express any opinion to the effect that anyone should be treated any differently than anyone else, on the basis of race.

You cannot, if course, because I have never held any such opinion, and I have never expressed any such opinion, and you are lying, as you always do, when you try to project your own hateful racism on me.
I think you racism speaks for itself, Bob.

You only seem to show venom to people of color when they break laws.

What determines good faith when withdrawing money from a bank: presenting valid credentials that identify you as the rightful owner of the account from which money is being withdrawn, or pointing a gun at the teller and demanding that the money be handed over?

Dumb analogy... Someone coming here without papers takes nothing away from people who come here with papers.

And again, the Asylum Seekers have every right to apply under our laws, even though half of them will be denied.

Of course, being a treasonous piece of shit, you take the side of invading foreign criminals against that of your own country and your own fellow Americans, and even aga9inst legitimate immigrants who come here legally.

Uh, Bob, My father was an immigrant (from Germany) and my wife is an immigrant (From China). Again, undocumented immigrants take nothing away from citizens or legal immigrants, because they aren't doing the same jobs.
You only seem to show venom to people of color when they break laws.

Of the two of us, you're the only one who ever conflates race with criminality. I say something against crime (which applies equally regardless of what the race is of the subhuman piece of shit committing a crime) and it is you that jumps immediately into calling me a “racist” for it.

It is you who is assuming that crime is connected with race, therefore, it is you who is proving yourself to be a racist. Your false accusations against me of racism are nothing but projection of your own racism.
Of the two of us, you're the only one who ever conflates race with criminality. I say something against crime (which applies equally regardless of what the race is of the subhuman piece of shit committing a crime) and it is you that jumps immediately into calling me a “racist” for it.

Except I never see you scream about white criminals, especially the white collar ones... like Trump.

Trump defrauds people of millions of dollars, he's okay by you.
Some black kid steals a bag of chips and you want to shoot him.
Some black kid steals a bag of chips and you want to shoot him.

That's an absurd bit of hyperbole that you keep repeating, even though you know damn well that it is a lie.

Where have I ever said that anyone should be shot for stealing a bag of chips? Post a link to where I've said that, or admit that you're a subhuman lying piece of shit.

Where have I ever suggested that a black criminal should be treated any differently than a white criminal for the same crime? Post a link to where I've said that, or admit that you're a lying subhuman piece of shit.

Or don't bother. Everyone knows that you're a lying piece of subhuman shit.
What determines good faith when withdrawing money from a bank: presenting valid credentials that identify you as the rightful owner of the account from which money is being withdrawn, or pointing a gun at the teller and demanding that the money be handed over?

Of course, being a treasonous piece of shit, you take the side of invading foreign criminals against that of your own country and your own fellow Americans, and even aga9inst legitimate immigrants who come here legally.
What do you consider “good faith” for an immigrant seeking asylum?
What do you consider “good faith” for an immigrant seeking asylum?

Eagle1462010 gave about as good an answer as I could…

It sure as hell isnt [sic] hiring a Coyote and being smuggled in with Stolen ids now is it?

If you cannot acknowledge the distinction between an immigrant that comes her legally, and a foreign criminal that invades our country illegally, then there is no basis on which any rational person can even try to have a conversation with you on this topic.
Eagle1462010 gave about as good an answer as I could…

If you cannot acknowledge the distinction between an immigrant that comes her legally, and a foreign criminal that invades our country illegally, then there is no basis on which any rational person can even try to have a conversation with you on this topic.

You keep going off on tangents. You’ve told me what a person of good character ISN’T, but not much else.

How about some one who comes in legally and and claim asylum after they overstay their Visa?

Coyotes are middlemen. Why would using them matter in terms of a person’s character? Seems more an indication of desperation given the danger and the cost.

By our LAWS any who comes here to claim asylum is here legally until their case is adjudicated.
Where have I ever suggested that a black criminal should be treated any differently than a white criminal for the same crime?

The key thing being the same crime.

You seem to never be upset with people like Donald Trump or Elizabeth Holmes, who steal millions, but man, that kid who swipes a bag of chips, you have all sorts of vitriol for him.
You keep going off on tangents. You’ve told me what a person of good character ISN’T, but not much else.
How about some one who comes in legally and and claim asylum after they overstay their Visa?
Coyotes are middlemen. Why would using them matter in terms of a person’s character? Seems more an indication of desperation given the danger and the cost.
By our LAWS any who comes here to claim asylum is here legally until their case is adjudicated.

At this point, you're not even trying to have anything resembling an honest or rational conversation. Not that you ever normally do.

You're just trying to play stupid and dishonest semantic games, to dismiss the essential distinction between an immigrant to at least makes an honest attempt top come here legally, in accordance with the laws and policies that our country has in place regarding the admission of foreign nationals; and a foreign criminal that participates in an illegal invasion—an act of war against this country.

Your position to its very core, is that of a traitor. You openly take the side of enemies that are illegally invading this country, against the side of this country itself, and of your fellow Americans. There are no lies that you can tell, no semantic games that you can play, that will hide what you are. and what you stand for.
The key thing being the same crime.
You seem to never be upset with people like Donald Trump or Elizabeth Holmes, who steal millions, but man, that kid who swipes a bag of chips, you have all sorts of vitriol for him.

So, subhuman lying piece of shit it is, then.

Not that there has ever been any reason for anyone here to think you were anything other than that.
At this point, you're not even trying to have anything resembling an honest or rational conversation. Not that you ever normally do.

You're just trying to play stupid and dishonest semantic games, to dismiss the essential distinction between an immigrant to at least makes an honest attempt top come here legally, in accordance with the laws and policies that our country has in place regarding the admission of foreign nationals; and a foreign criminal that participates in an illegal invasion—an act of war against this country.

Your position to its very core, is that of a traitor. You openly take the side of enemies that are illegally invading this country, against the side of this country itself, and of your fellow Americans. There are no lies that you can tell, no semantic games that you can play, that will hide what you are. and what you stand for.
I’m the only one who actually IS having an honest and rational conversation. I’m sorry if it triggers you.

Good character in terms of asylum immigration should not depend on their ability to enter the country legally, too many don’t have the ability to do so. As far as I am concerned as long as they have not committed any violent crimes, want to work, and follow our laws, that is good character.
At this point, you're not even trying to have anything resembling an honest or rational conversation. Not that you ever normally do.

You're just trying to play stupid and dishonest semantic games, to dismiss the essential distinction between an immigrant to at least makes an honest attempt top come here legally, in accordance with the laws and policies that our country has in place regarding the admission of foreign nationals; and a foreign criminal that participates in an illegal invasion—an act of war against this country.

Except- asylum seekers are following the law. They come here, present themselves, and wait for their court dates. About 50% of them will be rejected.

So, subhuman lying piece of shit it is, then.

Not that there has ever been any reason for anyone here to think you were anything other than that.
Oh, Bob, I realize that your cult has brainwashed you into thinking your racism is okay. But until you scream about white rich criminals the way you scream about poor ones of color, your racism is obvious.
Oh, Bob, I realize that your cult has brainwashed you into thinking your racism is okay. But until you scream about white rich criminals the way you scream about poor ones of color, your racism is obvious.

More double standards from the libs:

The Biden Administration plans to deport a nice, law-abiding white Christian family who fled Germany while he allows, even encourages, brown Hispanic criminals to cut the border wires and take resources away from Americans.

(Just read that a NYC home for elderly will be turned into a migrant house, and now 90-year-olds who contributed to this country all their lives are scrambling for new places.)

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