German Nazi and Their American Helpers Among Us

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017
In 1942, Allen Dulles, a lawyer and friend of the Bush family, was forced to prevent this name from reaching the press - after it became known that "large parts of Prescott Sheldon Bush's business empire operated on behalf of Nazi Germany and made their significant contribution to the German military actions"

A year later, Allen Dalles became a head of intelligence services OSS (the predecessor of the CIA). He meets in Switzerland with Himmler's adjutant Carl Wolf. Together, they worked out three projects in order to secretly take prominent Nazis to the United States.

The first CIA project - the so-called Act of Displaced Persons, an immigration campaign, during which from 1948 to 1952 half a million of Eastern Europeans were taken out in the United States . Among them were 10,000 war criminals :
high-ranking officers of the Hungarian Iron Cross, the Bulgarian Legion, the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists Stefan Bandera, the Lithuanian Legion and the Belarusian Brigade. Most of them acted as part of the Waffen-SS divisions and were guilty of torture and sadistic murders of Communists, Jews and other civilians

During the war Hungarian Laszlo Pastor represented in Berlin the government of the Hungarian fascist Ferenc Shalasi.

In 1972, George G.V. Bush (the father of the current president), being at that time the chairman of the national council of the Republican Party, appointed him chairman of the Republican Council of Nationalities.

The Pastor opened the doors to other East European Nazi criminals. Such as Nikolai Nazarenko, Waffen-SS officer in Romania, a "specialist" in interrogation of political prisoners . Or Radi Slavov, the speaker of Ivan Dochev, the founder of the Nazi Bulgarian Legion. Or Florian Galdau, a priest from the Romanian Iron Guard, boasting that he took out thousands of Romanian war criminals in the United States.

Among them:

Walter Melyanovich represented the American Belorussian Association, glorifying the executioners of the Belarusian Brigade, the Waffen-SS unit .

Slavov - chairman of the group "Bulgarians for Bush", Galdau - the group "Romanians for Bush", Melyanovich - the group "Ukrainians for Bush".

(to be continued)


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